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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Penalty for quitters is still not in game


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This has been an issue for months.

Every time one of these threads pops up we hear their nonsense about "how bad their teammates are."


I have a new idea. If someone quits a WZ give them all the commendations they want. Give them free War Hero gear. Just get them out of the game. Listening to their complaining about how unfair it is to start 7v8 or how they hate huttball or how they hate gear differences or how they hate premades, or unfair classes is nauseating. Do they not realize there are a million people who deal with this too and its not that bad. Listening to them say they are entitled to ruin matches for their teammates because they shouldn't be "forced to do something they don't want to" makes no sense. They join a team with us, ditch us and say we cant force them to stay? WE DIDN'T FORCE THEM TO JOIN.


The quitters have thousands of excuses. In the end, they ruin it for others. Yes, often when these people leave their replacements are huge improvements and you can have an incredible comeback but often the time playing shorthanded is too much to overcome. The quitters are clinically delusional, they never lose because they quit every 1-0 game so they think they are good. Meanwhile they are generally the worst players serverwide.


So give them full war hero sets just get rid of them. Maybe if they are full war hero they will play less. This will make everyone happy. The quitters can have WH gear and continue thinking they are good, the real players don't get stuck playing short, aand Bioware gets to keep the subscription. Win, Win, Win.


Would you rather have them be forced to stay in game and run around in circles instead of being replaced by person who might potentially actually want to play?

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Pardon me if this has already been stated but a debuff won't always work.


While I don't like leaving myself even in a no win situation I have experienced network disconnects much more recently since 1.2. I try all I can to rectify the problem on my end but sometimes I still get the huge lag spikes that end up getting booted to the server screen. How will the debuff recognize who logged out and who unwillingly got disconnected? I would be royally pissed if this happened to me in a wz and got a huge debuff. I didn't want to disconnect but s*** happens.


I agree with something has to be done but you need to think of all the situations, this being one of them, it's not as easy as 1 + 2 = 3

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Would you rather have them be forced to stay in game and run around in circles instead of being replaced by person who might potentially actually want to play?


I'd rather they just play the game, instead of queuing up when they don't want to play, and ruining other peoples' game time.


Barring that, they can run around in circles and not get any real rewards if they want, I don't care. Or they can quit and I won't have to deal w/ them for 15 mins. Even if they aren't playing to win at that point, they'd be an extra target that isn't me, so that maybe I can actually acconplish objectives while they distract the enemy team.


Even undergeared people can still stop caps, cap doors, pass the huttball, call incs, disrupt healers, CC people, peel, taunt, and distract. That's a LOT more than I see many geared players doing in WZs, tbh.

Edited by Varicite
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Alot of you are getting off topic...this is not about pre made vs solo....


I'll use huttball cause 90% of the time that is what I get stuck with..


Que pop's....your pc loads.....you buff you team...match starts

Now lets say the other team gets the ball...and scores in less then 1 min...

MOST of the time...that just made 2 guys on my team quit....


REALLY omg they got the first score so they WILL WIN FOR SURE!!!!


The fact is with quitting not having ANY consequences this will KEEP GOING ON!

Just like I said be4 I think it should be MORE then just a DE BUFF....take away valor (small amount) AND keep track of wins / losses / quits AND on top of that give the debuff


If people stop quitting maybe they will TRY AND WIN, instead of running around doing what ever it is they do besides the OBJECTIVES.......


Also make a que that teleports to that open world pvp on Tatooine for the kids that just want to smash things.

All most no one ever goes their on my server so its just wasted space

Edited by bigsexee
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Quitters are cowards. There should be a debuff or some other penalty. I also like the suggestion someone made a few posts ago for rewards for those that don't quit. Quitters ruin the game for the other 7 members of their team. If you don't want to play the game the way it was meant to be played, queing into random warzones and playing as a team to win, then don't queue.
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Alot of you are getting off topic...this is not about pre made vs solo....


I'll use huttball cause 90% of the time that is what I get stuck with..


Que pop's....your pc loads.....you buff you team...match starts

Now lets say the other team gets the ball...and scores in less then 1 min...

MOST of the time...that just made 2 guys on my team quit....


REALLY omg they got the first score so they WILL WIN FOR SURE!!!!


The fact is with quitting not having ANY consequences this will KEEP GOING ON!

Just like I said be4 I think it should be MORE then just a DE BUFF....take away valor (small amount) AND keep track of wins / losses / quits AND on top of that give the debuff


If people stop quitting maybe they will TRY AND WIN, instead of running around doing what ever it is they do besides the OBJECTIVES.......


Also make a que that teleports to that open world pvp on Tatooine for the kids that just want to smash things.

All most no one ever goes their on my server so its just wasted space


Bioware already stated they do not intend to implement a leaver policy for non-rated warzones. This is a good thing. Rated warzones are going to have a leaver penalty. I believe it was a 15 minute debuff but I'm not positive. PTR forums are gone so we can't check it.

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Bioware already stated they do not intend to implement a leaver policy for non-rated warzones. This is a good thing. Rated warzones are going to have a leaver penalty. I believe it was a 15 minute debuff but I'm not positive. PTR forums are gone so we can't check it.


Well thats just SAD.....


Someone might want to let BW know the money from MMORPG comes from people paying every MONTH

Not buying the game...getting pissed off and quitting....I paid for 6 months....and i have not played all month cause ive been moving but from what ive been reading about 1.2 I might just quit all out.


Thies problems are COMMON sence


Edit:You have 85 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


They have 85 days to fix or im done....this is just SAD (its not JUST the pvp)

Edited by bigsexee
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Well thats just SAD.....


Someone might want to let BW know the money from MMORPG comes from people paying every MONTH

Not buying the game...getting pissed off and quitting....I paid for 6 months....and i have not played all month cause ive been moving but from what ive been reading about 1.2 I might just quit all out.


Thies problems are COMMON sence


Edit:You have 85 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


They have 85 days to fix or im done....this is just SAD (its not JUST the pvp)


Or, you know, you could just play rated warzones when they come out instead of pretending that you're going to quit if you don't get your way.

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there dose need to eb a penalty for leaving a WZ.


there also should be something that ask you if you want to join a in progress WZ. reason for this is there are times i have que'd into a WZ in progress. well sometimes by time i load in i am kicked right out cause the afk timer runs out.


other than that i believe there needs to be a 30min debuff to those you begin a WZ and choose to leave at first sight of a loss. these people should not be catered to by any means.


after reading all the post and seeing the aditude of the quitters that posted should give Bioware first hand knowlege of what is the mind set of these people. they have no respect for the other people playing the WZ with them. these are always the first people to start calling others out in Ops chat. they say things like "you all suck", "you all are a bunch of losers" so on and so on. then they quit after they first wasted 2 min in the chat telling everyone they suck while they did nothing but stand around and type. these people really need to stop blaming the other people and look in a mirror for the answer. they are the problem not anyone else.

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just an added note people that say they don't like huttball 9 times out of 10 simply are not good enough to pass the ball. they are unwilling to learn how to play so they choose to say they don't like it.


i bet it would be much different if the passing was much easier like say you throw to a targeted player in stead of an area.

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So if a penalty is put into the game, then you will probably piss off many PvPers...which is bad enough already. So what if someone quits...they get replaced, hopefully by someone better. I have seem three people leave on my team, from the start of Alderaan, and were replaced and we ended up winning. Penalties will only cause more people to quit this game. The que time is already bad enough on some servers.


It's unfortunate that people cry about these things. It's a game. Just shut up and play. Sure, I may not like it when I lose because of douche-tards that don't know how to PvP. So what! You won't win every game anyway. Just hope they learn or hope when you que next time, they are not in your group! :p


Anyway, with all the new games coming out this year, the last thing Bioware wants to do is lose more players over something stupid as this. Less QQ and more pew pew.

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just an added note people that say they don't like huttball 9 times out of 10 simply are not good enough to pass the ball. they are unwilling to learn how to play so they choose to say they don't like it.


i bet it would be much different if the passing was much easier like say you throw to a targeted player in stead of an area.


There are so many stuns, that you sometimes can't throw the ball by the time you are dead.

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there dose need to eb a penalty for leaving a WZ.


there also should be something that ask you if you want to join a in progress WZ. reason for this is there are times i have que'd into a WZ in progress. well sometimes by time i load in i am kicked right out cause the afk timer runs out.


other than that i believe there needs to be a 30min debuff to those you begin a WZ and choose to leave at first sight of a loss. these people should not be catered to by any means.


after reading all the post and seeing the aditude of the quitters that posted should give Bioware first hand knowlege of what is the mind set of these people. they have no respect for the other people playing the WZ with them. these are always the first people to start calling others out in Ops chat. they say things like "you all suck", "you all are a bunch of losers" so on and so on. then they quit after they first wasted 2 min in the chat telling everyone they suck while they did nothing but stand around and type. these people really need to stop blaming the other people and look in a mirror for the answer. they are the problem not anyone else.


I would rather have someone like that quit than listen to the BS for the entire match because they risk having a penalty timer put on. Usually, the ones that complain are the ones that don't know how to pvp. (They are too busy typing crap, how else are they going to fight?) Since this isn't cross server PvP, you will most likely see them again. Even with a debuff, doesn't matter...you will only keep them in your game being completely useless, rather than getting someone else who can play.

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So if a penalty is put into the game, then you will probably piss off many PvPers...which is bad enough already. So what if someone quits...they get replaced, hopefully by someone better. I have seem three people leave on my team, from the start of Alderaan, and were replaced and we ended up winning. Penalties will only cause more people to quit this game. The que time is already bad enough on some servers.


It's unfortunate that people cry about these things. It's a game. Just shut up and play. Sure, I may not like it when I lose because of douche-tards that don't know how to PvP. So what! You won't win every game anyway. Just hope they learn or hope when you que next time, they are not in your group! :p


Anyway, with all the new games coming out this year, the last thing Bioware wants to do is lose more players over something stupid as this. Less QQ and more pew pew.



let me guess you quit matches? there are way more people that want this put in than people like you. there are also way more people that would love to see these quitters just stop playing if they don't like the penalty. if you are a person that quits a game over a penalty for quitting a WZ. that basically make you a QUITTER in life to be honest. i would be happy to see each and everyone of these people leave the game for good.


for your que issue only thing i can say is reroll to a better server cause ques are no problem on a full server.

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Didnt read a damn word of this thread because I don't care what any of you have to say.


There is a problem with a game when they have to implement same faction WZs based on the fact of population imbalance.


This brings up another issue: constantly joining games that are undermanned while the opposing team of the same faction has all 8 players. This system doesn't work, cry in a corner, no one wants to hear it.

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Why should players be punished for getting stuck on a fail team? There shouldnt be a penalty its what ruins BGs in other MMOs.


you are wrong WoW implemented a penalty and it did not hurt one bit. i am pretty sure they still have one of the largest PvP player bases in all MMOs.

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Why should players be punished for getting stuck on a fail team? There shouldnt be a penalty its what ruins BGs in other MMOs.


Because if you leave the zone your just being lazy, your not helping your team or faction.

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There is a penalty in the game for quitters. They are guaranteed to get absolutely nothing for their effort and time.


this is hardly a penalty, get real. They should get a ban for 15-20 min for being cowards/sore losers. (ban from WZs that is). WoW did this, if you afked out (/afk) or left, you got a debuff and I really REALLY want this in this game. it is frustrating to be on the losing end and having people leave because of it. Sometimes I enjoy it, because people leave and then we win the match anyway and I can join point and laugh at the ppl that left ;)

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for all who dont understand what the penalty dose.


it forces people to learn to play with what they get or simply stop queing. those aditudes are not wanted or needed in a MMO. believe me i am not the only one that would love for all the quitters to just stop playing the game all together.

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Had an awesome Void wz last night!


The awesome queue logic hit us hard and we started 4 -vs- 8.


We got tossed around abit but fought well, then half the team just leaves.. yeah only 2 left now and the warzone shuts down.


2 -vs- 8 and random draw... WE WIN.


The quitters triggered a shut down and the remnants won. \o/

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Had an awesome Void wz last night!


The awesome queue logic hit us hard and we started 4 -vs- 8.


We got tossed around abit but fought well, then half the team just leaves.. yeah only 2 left now and the warzone shuts down.


2 -vs- 8 and random draw... WE WIN.


The quitters triggered a shut down and the remnants won. \o/


WOW. Thats really impressive considering they took out WZ's ending prematurely in 1.2.

From the patch notes "Warzones will no longer shutdown early due to population imbalance."


Cool made up story bro.

Edited by Tipkaee
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WOW. Thats really impressive considering they took out WZ's ending prematurely in 1.2.

From the patch notes "Warzones will no longer shutdown early due to population imbalance."


Cool made up story bro.


Yep it's made up. Warzones don't end early right now. They stated it's a bug. Before they decided to yank rated warzones from 1.2 they implemented that, but it was only supposed to impact rated warzones. It made it live even though rated warzones did not. It still hasn't been fixed. Today I fought a 3v8 void star at like 8am. I just quit out when I realized it wasn't going to end.

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