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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Penalty for quitters is still not in game


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This has been an issue for months.

Every time one of these threads pops up we hear their nonsense about "how bad their teammates are."


I have a new idea. If someone quits a WZ give them all the commendations they want. Give them free War Hero gear. Just get them out of the game. Listening to their complaining about how unfair it is to start 7v8 or how they hate huttball or how they hate gear differences or how they hate premades, or unfair classes is nauseating. Do they not realize there are a million people who deal with this too and its not that bad. Listening to them say they are entitled to ruin matches for their teammates because they shouldn't be "forced to do something they don't want to" makes no sense. They join a team with us, ditch us and say we cant force them to stay? WE DIDN'T FORCE THEM TO JOIN.


The quitters have thousands of excuses. In the end, they ruin it for others. Yes, often when these people leave their replacements are huge improvements and you can have an incredible comeback but often the time playing shorthanded is too much to overcome. The quitters are clinically delusional, they never lose because they quit every 1-0 game so they think they are good. Meanwhile they are generally the worst players serverwide.


So give them full war hero sets just get rid of them. Maybe if they are full war hero they will play less. This will make everyone happy. The quitters can have WH gear and continue thinking they are good, the real players don't get stuck playing short, aand Bioware gets to keep the subscription. Win, Win, Win.

Edited by richardya
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There is a penalty in the game for quitters. They are guaranteed to get absolutely nothing for their effort and time.


They benefit from this. If they quit every 1-0 game they will get more commendations because they will be on 100% winning teams. Obviously, that "penalty" doesn't work because most matches that you go down early in have quitters.None of them quit every 1-0 game but the principal is the same. You benefit from quitting a losing match. You just screw over your teammates.

Edited by richardya
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is not enough... give them a debuff for 24h and if they quite again it adds up... quitters think they are too good for everybody else so just debuff them till they are dirt and maybe will stop thinking they are the best
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They benefit from this. If they quit every 1-0 game they will get more commendations because they will be on 100% winning teams. Obviously, that "penalty" doesn't work because most matches that you go down early in have quitters.None of them quit every 1-0 game but the principal is the same. You benefit from quitting a losing match. You just screw over your teammates.


You're honestly having a hard time seeing why people might not want to play with you?


Hint: has nothing to do with winning or losing

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You're honestly having a hard time seeing why people might not want to play with you?


Hint: has nothing to do with winning or losing


I agree w/ what he said.




Quitting is selfish, and while I understand that people are selfish, it still screws over everyone else on your team.


There needs to be a deserter debuff. I don't even know how this is a discussion still.

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You're honestly having a hard time seeing why people might not want to play with you?


Hint: has nothing to do with winning or losing


I'll add that to the excuses list. Interestingly, no one ever seems to mind playing with me when we are ahead. It's very similiar to the crying babies and friends who get their hands chopped off and need to go to the hospital, only when down, never when up.


It's very clear how often people DC or have legitimate excuses, very clear and easily calculated. I would say 95% of the games I join in progress longer than 3 minutes in are losing matches, I have a hard time believing people only DC during loses.

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They benefit from this. If they quit every 1-0 game they will get more commendations because they will be on 100% winning teams. Obviously, that "penalty" doesn't work because most matches that you go down early in have quitters.None of them quit every 1-0 game but the principal is the same. You benefit from quitting a losing match. You just screw over your teammates.


You just stated why people quit right there, and you're still mad. We can get more comms on winning teams then carrying people like you. Sorry, I'm not going to waste 15 minutes of my day on a losing team so you can enjoy yourself, I play for me, not for you.


You're not my 'team mates' I didn't say "hey lets queue up a WZ together" We get dumped into a situation, most people will evaluate the situation and act correctly.


You need to stop being mad at people for not carrying you, and for not playing the way you want them to play. Its up to the individual on what his play style is going to be, grow up.


I agree w/ what he said.




Quitting is selfish, and while I understand that people are selfish, it still screws over everyone else on your team.


There needs to be a deserter debuff. I don't even know how this is a discussion still.


Why should there be a deserter debuff? Why are you asking bioware to hard code a rule that will force me to play with you, what if I don't want to play with you? You're going to make bioware make me do so? What the hell is that?


If I don't want to play with you, I won't and you can't make me so stop trying to get BW to socialize my playtime, as it's my playtime and I will use it however I see fit.

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YWe can get more comms on winning teams then carrying people like you. Sorry, I'm not going to waste 15 minutes of my day on a losing team so you can enjoy yourself, I play for me, not for you.


Translation - If I lose it's someone else's fault, when I win, it's because of me.

You didn't need to state the last seven words, that is quite clear.


You post is the best example of why we need a penalty. So I thank you.


You're not my 'team mates' I didn't say "hey lets queue up a WZ together" We get dumped into a situation, most people will evaluate the situation and act correctly.


No I said, hey I will join a random Que and get put on a team with 7 random people. This makes you a teammate of who you end up with. You on the other hand are joining a random Que and wanting to only win, if you lose you just blame your teammates.


Why are you asking bioware to hard code a rule that will force me to play with you, what if I don't want to play with you?


The rule is to get you to stop playing and ruining other peoples games.

You Qu'ed up, no one is forcing you to do anything, if you want to pick your teammates you have that option too, make a premade. You actually want to choose your random teammates? Seriously? You don't always get exactly what you want n life.


Very often people lose, I am no mathematician but I would say close to 50% of the people in matches lose. I would go so far as to say that roughly one in every two teams loses. Deal with it.

Edited by richardya
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This has been an issue for months.

Every time one of these threads pops up we hear their nonsense about "how bad their teammates are."


I have a new idea. If someone quits a WZ give them all the commendations they want. Give them free War Hero gear. Just get them out of the game. Listening to their complaining about how unfair it is to start 7v8 or how they hate huttball or how they hate gear differences or how they hate premades, or unfair classes is nauseating. Do they not realize there are a million people who deal with this too and its not that bad. Listening to them say they are entitled to ruin matches for their teammates because they shouldn't be "forced to do something they don't want to" makes no sense. They join a team with us, ditch us and say we cant force them to stay? WE DIDN'T FORCE THEM TO JOIN.


The quitters have thousands of excuses. In the end, they ruin it for others. Yes, often when these people leave their replacements are huge improvements and you can have an incredible comeback but often the time playing shorthanded is too much to overcome. The quitters are clinically delusional, they never lose because they quit every 1-0 game so they think they are good. Meanwhile they are generally the worst players serverwide.


So give them full war hero sets just get rid of them. Maybe if they are full war hero they will play less. This will make everyone happy. The quitters can have WH gear and continue thinking they are good, the real players don't get stuck playing short, aand Bioware gets to keep the subscription. Win, Win, Win.


How did I ruin it for you if I get queued into a huttball match that the Republic is losing 4-0 already? I will not be staying in that match... IF its a competitive (competitive meaning we can at least score a little) match I won't quit but if Republic is just getting dominated, which has been most of my experiences in huttball, then I'll leave. Huttball is really the only thing I will quit out of...

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Huttball is really the only thing I will quit out of...


Well, you quit Huttball, person B hates Alderan, person C hates playing premades, person D hates playing vs Battlemasters etc etc etc. In aggregate you quitters ruin the game.

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The rule is to get you to stop playing and ruining other peoples games.

You Qu'ed up, no one is forcing you to do anything, if you want to pick your teammates you have that option too, make a premade. You actually want to choose your random teammates? Seriously? You don't always get exactly what you want n life.


Very often people lose, I am no mathematician but I would say close to 50% of the people in matches lose. I would go so far as to say that roughly one in every two teams loses. Deal with it.


So you protect your game time by ruining other peopl3s game time? Awesome, sounds like a psychologically stable person to me.


I did queue up because I wanted to play how I wanted to play. Sometimes I can't always get a pre-made as my guildies get home later than me.


You're right, 50% of the matches probably lose, so if I want to do my daily, that's 6 matches by that logic, if I play them ALL it's an hour and a half of straight time, not including queue up time, if I pick and choose I can get it done in probably 50 minutes. I save myself forty minutes to do other stuff, do you understand?


Point is people quitting, doesn't hurt you at all, at worst you lose, well you were going to lose anyway, at best you quit yourself and save time. What's amazing is you're trying to control other peoples play time and play styles.


You do understand that if BW sets up a 2 hour penalty rule, all that's going to do is make queues that much longer because people will still quit, and then just do PVE dailies and queue back up. So there, you're hurting yourself. If you create an insane penalty, all that's going to do is stop people from joining at all. You are effectively cutting off your nose to spite your face, but you don't understand it.


I will never carry you, and you shouldn't expect people too. Worry about your own play time and stop trying to micro manage mine to improve yours.

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Why should there be a deserter debuff? Why are you asking bioware to hard code a rule that will force me to play with you, what if I don't want to play with you? You're going to make bioware make me do so? What the hell is that?


If I don't want to play with you, I won't and you can't make me so stop trying to get BW to socialize my playtime, as it's my playtime and I will use it however I see fit.


You did want to play w/ me. You chose to do so when you queued for the Warzone.


When you leave, you choose to randomly screw me over for whatever your arbitrary reason may be. There needs to be a deserter debuff to protect my playing time from being screwed over by people like you. It's really very simple: If you aren't prepared to play a 15 minute match, WIN OR LOSE, don't queue for WZs. Quit wasting my time.


No, you won't be "carrying" me through anything, so I don't want to hear it. I'll likely be the one carrying people like you, in all honesty.


And I never quit Warzones.

Edited by Varicite
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So you protect your game time by ruining other peopl3s game time? Awesome, sounds like a psychologically stable person to me..




I did queue up because I wanted to play how I wanted to play. Sometimes I can't always get a pre-made as my guildies get home later than me.


You joined a random Que and then complain about it being random.


You're right, 50% of the matches probably lose, so if I want to do my daily, that's 6 matches by that logic, if I play them ALL it's an hour and a half of straight time, not including queue up time, if I pick and choose I can get it done in probably 50 minutes. I save myself forty minutes to do other stuff, do you understand?


Completely understand, this is exactly the me me me logic that we need to stop with a penalty to stop selfish people from ruining other games. Do you not understand that if everyone thought this way every single match would end 1-0 if everyone quit as you do.


Point is people quitting, doesn't hurt you at all, at worst you lose, well you were going to lose anyway, at best you quit yourself and save time. What's amazing is you're trying to control other peoples play time and play styles.


Of course it hurts your 7 teammates when you leave. Are you joking? In Voidstar its horrible to be shorthanded when defending and very damaging when attacking, in Alderan it's difficult and in Hutball I can overcome one of you quitters but 2 of you quitters is tuff to overcome.


You do understand that if BW sets up a 2 hour penalty rule, all that's going to do is make queues that much longer because people will still quit, and then just do PVE dailies and queue back up. So there, you're hurting yourself. If you create an insane penalty, all that's going to do is stop people from joining at all. You are effectively cutting off your nose to spite your face, but you don't understand it.


No, most people aren't selfish. Most people don't quit. The problem is the minority forces the non selfish to play shorthanded. Some matches are very hard to win shorthanded. With a penalty, the selfish will quit and play much less or PvE, they will stop ruining the non-selfish people's games.


I will never carry you, and you shouldn't expect people too. Worry about your own play time and stop trying to micro manage mine to improve yours.


I am worried about my playtime and others playtime being ruined by the selfish minority. You can't steal my stuff and say I am selfish for wanting my stuff and not giving it you, so too, you can't ruin others time and say they are selfish for not allowing their time to be ruined. (Logic)

You don't carry anyone, you just call your teammates bad when you are losing, I know this, how, you call me bad in this thread to explain your losing. It's called a pattern. You have never seen me lpay but it justifies your selfish nature if I am bad so you call me bad.

Edited by richardya
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You did want to play w/ me. You chose to do so when you queued for the Warzone.


When you leave, you choose to randomly screw me over for whatever your arbitrary reason may be. There needs to be a deserter debuff to protect my playing time from being screwed over by people like you. It's really very simple: If you aren't prepared to play a 15 minute match, WIN OR LOSE, don't queue for WZs. Quit wasting my time.


No, you won't be "carrying" me through anything, so I don't want to hear it. I'll likely be the one carrying people like you, in all honesty.


And I never quit Warzones.


Wrong, I didn't choose to play with you, I decided to queue up to a warzone, being dumped on your team is incidental. And when I quit, I am doing so to save me time, but YOU see it as me hurting you in some way. I never get upset when people leave wz's, because it's not my place to as I do not control how they should play and I understand that.


I am ready to play for 15 minutes, but if 12 of those minutes are going to be wasted I'm not going to waste my time as my time spent on anything isn't done so ad-hoc.


See the difference is I only care about what I need to do, and I don't care about how anyone else plays. You, are so selfish and ego driven that you think you have the right to decide how I play.


Let me ask you this, if we're going to lose a Warzone, we go down 0 -2 in huttball with 12 minutes left why should I stay that 12 minutes? We've lost, I could queue up another WZ and win it in the exact same time, so why should I waste my 12 minutes? So you can play in the war zone? You're going to lose either way, so why do you care what I do?

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No, most people aren't selfish. Most people don't quit. The problem is the minority forces the non selfish to play shorthanded. Some matches are very hard to win shorthanded. With a penalty, the selfish will quit and play much less or PvE, they will stop ruining the non-selfish people's games.




I am worried about my playtime and others playtime being ruined by the selfish minority. .


If quitting was such a minor thing you wouldn't be crying on this thread now would you be? If it only happens a minority of the time, its no big deal then right? Oh wait, its because most people dont want to be on a losing wz for 15 minutes.


And if you're worried about your playtime worry about your playtime and stop worrying about mine. You have zero idea of what you're talking about.


No one wants to carry you through war zones, grow up and get over it.

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See the difference is I only care about what I need to do, and I don't care about how anyone else....... You, are so selfish and ego driven that you think you have the right to decide how I play.


HA hahahahahahahahahaha




Next we will be deciding you shouldn't walk up to people in the street and hit them with a bat. We are very selfish.

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HA hahahahahahahahahaha




Next we will be deciding you shouldn't walk up to people in the street and hit them with a bat. We are very selfish.


Sorry, since you dont understand I'll explain it to you.


I worry about what I need to do,I don't involve anyone else because it's not their problem on what my goals are in the game. So I am self sufficient in what i need to do.


You indeed are selfish because not only do you want to play but you want to dictate how other people play, to improve your play experience, when your play experience is dependent on YOU.


Your bat analogy fails so I think you're drunk.

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If quitting was such a minor thing you wouldn't be crying on this thread now would you be? If it only happens a minority of the time, its no big deal then right? Oh wait, its because most people dont want to be on a losing wz for 15 minutes.


No one wants to carry you through war zones, grow up and get over it.


Do you know what minority means? 49% is a minority. In reality, 1 in 8 is a minority at that would average out to every game.

Trust me, you don't carry anyone. You join winning teams only and say I need to be carried? lol

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Wrong, I didn't choose to play with you, I decided to queue up to a warzone, being dumped on your team is incidental. And when I quit, I am doing so to save me time, but YOU see it as me hurting you in some way. I never get upset when people leave wz's, because it's not my place to as I do not control how they should play and I understand that.


I am ready to play for 15 minutes, but if 12 of those minutes are going to be wasted I'm not going to waste my time as my time spent on anything isn't done so ad-hoc.


See the difference is I only care about what I need to do, and I don't care about how anyone else plays. You, are so selfish and ego driven that you think you have the right to decide how I play.


Let me ask you this, if we're going to lose a Warzone, we go down 0 -2 in huttball with 12 minutes left why should I stay that 12 minutes? We've lost, I could queue up another WZ and win it in the exact same time, so why should I waste my 12 minutes? So you can play in the war zone? You're going to lose either way, so why do you care what I do?


I can score 6 goals in less than 10 minutes of Huttball.


But for your question, no, you haven't lost. You're down by 2. But when YOU leave the WZ and someone sees you and also leaves the WZ, NOW I'm going to lose either way.


I care because I could have won, but now I can't, because I'm down 1-2 people on my team.


All because you decided to arbitrarily leave to save YOURSELF some time. You wouldn't be doing that w/ a 15 minute debuff, or if you did, I can count on not having you do it to me again for the next match.


The fact that you aren't even willing to fight for a victory unless it's a sure thing tells me that you are exactly the type of person that I have to carry every match. Because I was already going to win before you showed up.

Edited by Varicite
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Agree with the OP.


They're out there in the real world and they're in games. Selfish people, aka Douchebags, A***oles,... whatever you want to call them. They do not get that in any kind of environment where you are with other people -which is pretty much everywhere- you have to adapt in order for people to like you, in order to be a decent, nice person. And don't lie, everyone wants to fit in and have atleast someone that likes you. However, there are the kinds of people that simply do not get it and they're the kind that we despise, the selfish people with a far to high self-esteem. They only listen to one opinon: their own and everyone else is wrong You have to be a bit selfish to get something for yourself, but to much of something is never good. Speaking from experience, these kinds of people rarely change their behaviour.


Penalty will come, I'm quite sure of that, so no need to worry.

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