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Sith assassins OP since patch?


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Im not trying to be a whiner but i just think they do alot more damage in tank spec than they should. and dont say l2p Because i know how to play, im usually top dps.


A known issue that DPS geared sin tanks do too much damage for what they are meant to be. How long this goes on, who knows?

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Assasin's in general, Not at all.


Assasin tank's on the other hands, yes.


Easy fix for BW. Nerf there damage ALOT and increase there threat ALOT


Will they still be able too stand there for 5mins alive, probably... wont do much too you after that though...

while there at it, they can buff deception/madness survivability.

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Assasins have never been OP.

Not even in tank spec with dps gear,

Not even in tank spec with dps gear and a bazooka.

Not even in tank spec with dps gear and a bozooka and a rocketlauncher with 50m range.


It has ALWAYS been the player

A skilled player will make all classes seem op.

Now, stop keyboard turning and clicking, move instead of just stand there and let the dd hit on you...

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here is an idea for BW, increase the defence of our main DPS tree and people wouldnt have to trait it, waiting in stealth for the right target is not the best way to get high DPS on a shadow. the reason why they do so well is the survivability and the shortening of the cds. with the bonsues to guard the WZ medals are easily aquired. i think most people play this spec because they want to be in the fight, they dont want to sit back and be the play that only jumps in when they think they can get away. people want to play the game not watch it . i played tank spec before and after 1.2 there wasnt much difference that i noticed, im now playing in balance spec to check things out for a few weeks then ill go back to infiltration. the longs i stay traited is for sure in tank spec because of its utility and survivability... plus force pull is annoying to other players and easy kills to get people into fire, pools, then punt them off the edge etc.
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Im not trying to be a whiner but i just think they do alot more damage in tank spec than they should. and dont say l2p Because i know how to play, im usually top dps.


I cant say for sure how much a tank spec shadow does, but i havent met a shadow i couldnt beat on my jug, or sent within reason(gear comparison ect). I will say for a tank class shadow is probably by far the MOST ridiculously thought up class build ive seen in a mmorpg. Frankly i feel shadow should have been just a dps spec class.


Other then ANNOYING broken CC abuse, and lack sufficient protection against them, i dont think there is much of an op class out there. People complain about mara/sent b.c befor 1.2 they never needed to consider this kitable melee struggling class a threat due to mechanics. Now that they do, they are too lazy to effectively come up with a strat to kill them - just complain and chalk it up to being overbuffed,

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Sins are fine. That damage? It's non burst damage. It doesn't get kills. Sure it tops the scoreboard but it doesn't contribute NEARLY as much as a burst spec/class. As for those of you QQing about Maras/Sents...all they really did was give us more than 1 viable spec. Bads are still awful at Mara/Sent since it's not faceroll, it's only quality players that can make it OP. Edited by nschlan
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Assasins have never been OP.

Not even in tank spec with dps gear,

Not even in tank spec with dps gear and a bazooka.

Not even in tank spec with dps gear and a bozooka and a rocketlauncher with 50m range.


It has ALWAYS been the player

A skilled player will make all classes seem op.

Now, stop keyboard turning and clicking, move instead of just stand there and let the dd hit on you...


So what you're saying is more skilled pvpers picked Assassin than any other class? Gotcha.

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There's not as much skill envolved in tankashadows/assasins as a load of defensive abilities which you have to pick like and onion... with crying. When it takes three ranged DPSers to actually shut down one "light" armored tank, something is wrong.

But, at least they don't have that same DPS and mobility mars/sents have. So it's still OP, but in a more boring, repetitive kind of way.

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There's not as much skill envolved in tankashadows/assasins as a load of defensive abilities which you have to pick like and onion... with crying. When it takes three ranged DPSers to actually shut down one "light" armored tank, something is wrong.

But, at least they don't have that same DPS and mobility mars/sents have. So it's still OP, but in a more boring, repetitive kind of way.

A tank is a tank, they have to be tough, the light armour thing is of no importance, since the tank stance increases the armour. Shdow tanks with kinetic ward are good against ranged DPS, still not every shadow tank uses them, it's nothing all shadow tanks autmatically have. Not every class is good against each class, this should be known by now by every MMO player. If you think a shadow tank is OP, you just don'T have tried to figure out how to beat them, and it is possible.

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So what you're saying is more skilled pvpers picked Assassin than any other class? Gotcha.


No, what he is saying is that he plays an Assassin as tank spec and does well and as a result wants to think hes the greatest and most 'skilled' player in every warzone he enters, when in reality he is playing a spec that is clearly broken and performing better than intended.


I have played a Madness spec Assassin since launch, and do quite well with it. I have dabbled in the other two specs as well and i can assure you, tank spec in dps gear is absurdly overpowered. Having played it myself i have often and easily killed people 2v1 with it, something that just isnt possible with the other two specs.


Moreover as Madness spec, a non brain dead tank sin is just about the only class/spec i have virtually no chance against in a 1v1 fight. They do slightly less damage than i do(maybe about 20% less), yet have about 3 times the damage mitigation. Im all for a tank spec nerf. Also the claim they have 'no burst' is a flat out lie, just some non sense spoken by someone that doesnt want their overpowered spec nerfed.

Edited by Gidoru
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i got to ask, who is tankass op vs?

ANy class in good gear and a good player is op vs a beginner who just hit 50.

A equaly geared assassin vs any class who is equaly geared is a fair fight.

All classes in this game is good.

If you take the players that top the warzone charts/ killed you easy in a warzone.

you will see they will have a good and close fight.

I see a ( insert any class) do a awesome job healing/dps in warzones when played by skilled player.

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A tank is a tank, they have to be tough, the light armour thing is of no importance, since the tank stance increases the armour. Shdow tanks with kinetic ward are good against ranged DPS, still not every shadow tank uses them, it's nothing all shadow tanks autmatically have. Not every class is good against each class, this should be known by now by every MMO player. If you think a shadow tank is OP, you just don'T have tried to figure out how to beat them, and it is possible.

Stop the qq. You're class is OP. Deal with it :rolleyes:

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Im not trying to be a whiner but i just think they do alot more damage in tank spec than they should. and dont say l2p Because i know how to play, im usually top dps.


there is a certain tank/dps hyrbrid for assasins thats realy OP and it realy needs nerfing

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i got to ask, who is tankass op vs?

ANy class in good gear and a good player is op vs a beginner who just hit 50.

A equaly geared assassin vs any class who is equaly geared is a fair fight.

All classes in this game is good.

If you take the players that top the warzone charts/ killed you easy in a warzone.

you will see they will have a good and close fight.

I see a ( insert any class) do a awesome job healing/dps in warzones when played by skilled player.


Tank spec easily beats Assassins of the other 2 specs.

Tank spec easily beats Bounty Hunters of any spec, so badly is laughable in fact. You're terrible if you drop below 80%

Tank spec easily Sorc like they are nothing. You're terrible if you drop below 90%

Tank spec destroys Snipers with total ease


So what is tank spec OP against? Just about everything but healers.

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Assasins have never been OP.

Not even in tank spec with dps gear,

Not even in tank spec with dps gear and a bazooka.

Not even in tank spec with dps gear and a bozooka and a rocketlauncher with 50m range.


It has ALWAYS been the player

A skilled player will make all classes seem op.

Now, stop keyboard turning and clicking, move instead of just stand there and let the dd hit on you...


No. Just no. This is coming form someone who is very good.


Only bad players that don't compete in competitive warring think "every spec/class is equal". The fact is there is rarely equality. A good player can be decent on an underpowered class, and great on an op'd class. That is how it works.


Assasssins were borderline op'd prior to 1.2, and now that most other classes have been nerfed, assassin's ARE op'd.

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Would anyone care to explain how a class that was not modified in the last patch, is now OP? Considering that Marauders/Sentinels are clearly above everyone else in damage and survivability? Closely followed by Juggs/Guardians, yet Shadows are STILL considered the OP class?


Shadows get burst down just as fast as everyone else, these TANK assassins/shadows that your all calling OP are NOT tanks, they are DPS players using the utility from the tank tree, force pull, slow time, spinning kick etc... I do mediocre damage, I survive longer in warzones and do better than most because I'm not an Idiot. I don't stand in AOE, I use LOS, I understand resolve. I also do well on my other toons including my Recruit Geared sage, I've gone through warzone's with zero deaths, top damage + kills on a gimped class, because I play smart the same as I do on my shadow. Player skill has a massive bearing on how classes *can* look, but unfortunately it's the bad players, i.e. the one's who make no effort to kite me and face tank my damage while spamming force lighting that shout the loudest, the problem is Bioware are listening to these people, which is why 1.2 is such a horrible patch.

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Soon all the cries about Assassin/Shadow tank specs in DPS gear will be gone. If BW keeps the core elements of 1.2 intact they will be relegated to B team premades and duels. The way 1.2 is going a pigeonholed set-up will develop where full blown defensive spec tanks, in tanking gear, will fill out a team with glass cannon dps and mobile/kite healers. The tanks job will be to soak damage, cc, taunt and throw guard on the melee dps while leading the mdps assist train. There will be no room for a hybrid tank that sacrifices any defensive stat/gear/spec for damage, none.......cept maybe for Huttball (big maybe).


So without any viable open world pvp, where a dps tank can shine, the rated WZ's very well may be the end of these silly threads. Just my 2 cents based off every other pvp game where healing was minimized in relation to damage. But who knows with Bioware, they change direction with pvp more often than a weathervane in a hurricane.

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