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Penalty for leaving a warzone early.


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They have every right to quit if the game stops being fun.


not at all.


thats like saying its ok to quit a 16 man pve group half way through a boss because your not having fun. sure you have the right to i suppose, but i guarantee you will not be getting in another group with them again or would result in a guild kick/ban from pve guild runs.


when you enter a warzone you have a team, if you leave you hurt your team and force some other poor soul to take your spot.


the ONLY time its acceptable to leave a warzone is if real life priority comes up or you accidently screw up a group que.

whoever made it where you have to unclick auto reque every warzone failed. whoever made it where you have to remake your group every single time you exit a warzone FAILED hard.

the fact that both of these are still an issue is downright unbelievable.

/ranting off


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you cant punish someone for choosing life over the game when something comes up, so losing warzone comms wont work. if you make it where you cant que for 20 minutes or so if you leave a warzone then the people who rage quit get punished while the people who had real life interference should not be bothered because they do no need to instantly reque. (in this fantasy world they have fixed the ridiculous group que problems)

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not at all.


thats like saying its ok to quit a 16 man pve group half way through a boss because your not having fun. sure you have the right to i suppose, but i guarantee you will not be getting in another group with them again or would result in a guild kick/ban from pve guild runs.


when you enter a warzone you have a team, if you leave you hurt your team and force some other poor soul to take your spot.


the ONLY time its acceptable to leave a warzone is if real life priority comes up or you accidently screw up a group que.

whoever made it where you have to unclick auto reque every warzone failed. whoever made it where you have to remake your group every single time you exit a warzone FAILED hard.

the fact that both of these are still an issue is downright unbelievable.

/ranting off


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you cant punish someone for choosing life over the game when something comes up, so losing warzone comms wont work. if you make it where you cant que for 20 minutes or so if you leave a warzone then the people who rage quit get punished while the people who had real life interference should not be bothered because they do no need to instantly reque. (in this fantasy world they have fixed the ridiculous group que problems)


Rewarding people for staying works better than PUNISHING people for leaving. Case in point: Quitters during 1.1 were RARE because you had a reason to stay; now they're common. Whats the point of staying in a WZ where you get 20 commendations for losing? There's no point.

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Rewarding people for staying works better than PUNISHING people for leaving. Case in point: Quitters during 1.1 were RARE because you had a reason to stay; now they're common. Whats the point of staying in a WZ where you get 20 commendations for losing? There's no point.


The reward is not losing 500 wz coms for rage quitting a match.

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Rewarding people for staying works better than PUNISHING people for leaving. Case in point: Quitters during 1.1 were RARE because you had a reason to stay; now they're common. Whats the point of staying in a WZ where you get 20 commendations for losing? There's no point.


this is very true.

it doesnt have to be one or the other.

reward the people who finish the match and punish the people who quit on their team

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From my experience people leave matches early because they feel if they aren't on the winning side than the rewards aren't worth sticking around for. If you make leaving a warzone early counter productive (taking away warzone coms) then these people will either stick around and fight to the end or not queue at all (Unsub). Either way the serious pvpers aren't screwed by felines (if you catch my drift).


That's a nice thought but will never happen. What will happen is people will care even less about PvP, and even less about PvP gear and quit even more because the penalty will have caused that much more of a disparity than the one they are all already screaming about. Serious PvPers quit swtor already because the pvp in this game is broken. What's left are players hoping it gets better because they like other aspects of the game a lot and they are hoping the pvp part gets fixed too. The more broken it gets, the more disparity it creates, the less players will care about their toon, the more they will quit. And your system does nothing to punish those that have their gear already, what do they care if they loose tokens or valor. And a punishment system only harbors resentment, again causing the full circle of players not caring about their toons all the way till they unsubscribe and the game goes F2P and gets flooded by 13 year olds that are gods gift to video games and are so emo their grass cuts itself.

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Leaving a warzone before the match ends should cost 500 warzone commendations that gets distributed to the people you abandon in game. I don't care what the excuse is. I don't care how bad the match looks. When people leave warzones early it screws the people you leave behind as well as the people who end up back-filling the match you raged quit.


Deal with it.


Especially now that you can literally get zero creds, exp, valor, etc. If for whatever reason I'm not getting medals I am definitely going to quit. I'm not wasting my time to get jack squat for trying. Especial in an disorganized group because you never have enough people in one spot to avoid getting focused too fast to earn any attacker points. Having 5 people sitting around a defense point farming it isn't any better than quitting. Same result really.

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Leaving a warzone before the match ends should cost 500 warzone commendations that gets distributed to the people you abandon in game. I don't care what the excuse is. I don't care how bad the match looks. When people leave warzones early it screws the people you leave behind as well as the people who end up back-filling the match you raged quit.


So basically people should be forced to stay in an unbalanced situation to be fodder for the premades to farm. Sounds like a great idea to me! Let the harvesting begin! End transmission!

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LOL...there are so many baddies.....


Why should I be punished, have my game time wasted, because I get into a WZ that is losing at a phenominal rate?


It's a waste of my time. I'm sorry you're in WZs where ppl bail. The only consistent thing I see is an OP that's bad at PvP.

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The reason why you baddies are getting put into losing warzones is because people are rage quitting the moment they feel the match is a loss. Less people quitting means less losing warzones you get put in.
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tonight I kept on going up against the same premade groups every match so I just quit in my last game because it's a waste of my damn time...I can't complete my daily/weekly when I'm going up against premades and now since 1.2 my champion set is worse than ever, I'm trying to gear back up but it's a viscous cycle when you need to win to gear but you can't win unless your in a premade. My guild is generally pve oriented so I solo queue alot.
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I'd love to bump this 1000000 times, sick of seeing kids leave WZ's cause they are not winning... a simple solution of not allowing them (quitters) to join another WZ for at least 1/2 hour should do the trick. Its laughable when you see over 30 people on the score-sheet for a WZ with 10 of those at least having 0 input (damage or heals). C'mon Bioware, this is a simple PvP feature that is LONG overdue!!! Its getting worse and worse as the days tick by. :mad:
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If they upped the rewards from a loss instead of nerfing it we wouldn't have this issue...but as it stands the rewards in defeat are not worth your time. This is a gear = win game unfortunately and cuts in rewards accomplish nothing but encouraging players to leave. I wouldn't have a problem with this system but there are SO many premades running around that it's actually becoming frustrating for solo queuers. I know what some will say "well if you don't like it make your own premade" but I play inconsistently and usually off peak times making it not very easy to pull a group together.
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I'd love to bump this 1000000 times, sick of seeing kids leave WZ's cause they are not winning... a simple solution of not allowing them (quitters) to join another WZ for at least 1/2 hour should do the trick. Its laughable when you see over 30 people on the score-sheet for a WZ with 10 of those at least having 0 input (damage or heals). C'mon Bioware, this is a simple PvP feature that is LONG overdue!!! Its getting worse and worse as the days tick by. :mad:


Haha I think it's funny that you believe this solution would solve anything. Without fixing the underlying reasons, all that would happen is people wouldn't bother queuing up for warzones. When you'd finally get a warzone, people would leave and just accept the 30 minute or whatever warzone ban, and then try again since it'll take longer than that for a new warzone anyway. Then when they realize the same problems still exist, they'll stop queuing altogether, and warzones will pop maybe 3 times a day with whoever is left. Meanwhile everyone else either PVEs or just quits the game, making it a ghost town. Like most of the servers are.


Already there are less and less people queuing most of the time. I play on the biggest server for the game, we used to have instant queues, several warzones going on at once, and you usually would play with a very wide group of teammates and opponents. Now I only ever have 2 different opponents usually, depending on time of the day, and half the time both of the premades are in the same warzone too. Very rarely there's a PUG match, but usually one side won't even have the full team. It sucks now.


If I get my other 30 days I will just level my Mara alt just to get through the story. If I do eventually choose to PVP, at least it'll be with the only class worth PVPing with now I guess. I don't really want to level up again though, it's just too boring.

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Leaving a warzone before the match ends should cost 500 warzone commendations that gets distributed to the people you abandon in game. I don't care what the excuse is. I don't care how bad the match looks. When people leave warzones early it screws the people you leave behind as well as the people who end up back-filling the match you raged quit.


Well if the rewards for staying in a terrible losing match weren't absolute crap, I would agree with you.


Pre 1.2 we didn't have problems with afkers and people leaving early.


Now, very few stay behind.


The carrot approach will always beat the stick.

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After 1.2 i literaly gave up on warzones.


Its a set of things, im doing hard mode raids in pve, mercs are generaly very unsatisfying in 1v1, cant afford to respec, etc. before 1.2 even if i didnt do as well due to being completely locked out i could sometime enjoy blowing someone up and still getting 70+ comms for the lost game. This made me feel much better about the games that i played and made me want to join more.


Post 1.2 i played about 5 warzones all together, 2 of those times i joined a 0 - 4 losing huttball. Now at the end of those games i got 0 comms. 0. I almost never leave the games as it is rather useless coz i get no comms. Since i get no comms for a bad game anyway AND i am getting as frustrated as i can get in a pvp match, there is literaly no reason for me to stay. If i leave i will most likely not re-join a game straight away anyway because the lockouts and the frustration is too much to handle.


If what you auggest comes true and i lose 500 wz comms for leaving then i will not bother to join the games at all. Hell, i might aswell go to daily area and look for world pvp instead of being ****ed up the *** by the enemy team and then getting my comms i earned throu-out a day of getting ***** taken away from me.


So please, everyone, this is not arena. This is not something to be elitist about. This is a plain skilless warzone where everyone should have a fair level of fun. Stop with the nonsense. Dont try make Pvp in this game into something to be competitive about. There is nothing to achieve here. If you disagree, look at the gear progression changes in 1.2 in pvp. Its made for everyone to have a good time and everyone who puts a bit more time to have a bit better gear.

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Well if the rewards for staying in a terrible losing match weren't absolute crap, I would agree with you.


Pre 1.2 we didn't have problems with afkers and people leaving early.


Now, very few stay behind.


The carrot approach will always beat the stick.


People were leaving warzones pre 1.2. Post 1.2 the rage quitters have gotten completely out of hand though.

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After 1.2 i literaly gave up on warzones.


Its a set of things, im doing hard mode raids in pve, mercs are generaly very unsatisfying in 1v1, cant afford to respec, etc. before 1.2 even if i didnt do as well due to being completely locked out i could sometime enjoy blowing someone up and still getting 70+ comms for the lost game. This made me feel much better about the games that i played and made me want to join more.


Post 1.2 i played about 5 warzones all together, 2 of those times i joined a 0 - 4 losing huttball. Now at the end of those games i got 0 comms. 0. I almost never leave the games as it is rather useless coz i get no comms. Since i get no comms for a bad game anyway AND i am getting as frustrated as i can get in a pvp match, there is literaly no reason for me to stay. If i leave i will most likely not re-join a game straight away anyway because the lockouts and the frustration is too much to handle.


If what you auggest comes true and i lose 500 wz comms for leaving then i will not bother to join the games at all. Hell, i might aswell go to daily area and look for world pvp instead of being ****ed up the *** by the enemy team and then getting my comms i earned throu-out a day of getting ***** taken away from me.


So please, everyone, this is not arena. This is not something to be elitist about. This is a plain skilless warzone where everyone should have a fair level of fun. Stop with the nonsense. Dont try make Pvp in this game into something to be competitive about. There is nothing to achieve here. If you disagree, look at the gear progression changes in 1.2 in pvp. Its made for everyone to have a good time and everyone who puts a bit more time to have a bit better gear.


People wouldn't be so quick to leave a match early if they had to pay warzone coms to do so. Therefore it would cut down on the losing matches you get thrown into.

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IMHO, Heavy commendation penalties for leaving a warzone will not increase the pool of players entering warzones.


IMHO, the suggestion of a 500 commendation penalty for leaving was either posted to highlight the posters frustrations regarding quitters.


it was posted by someone who hacked the account and wanted to maximise damage to the PvP ingame.

Edited by Elkirin
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