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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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No, just that they deserve the respect that any human being deserves as a human being.


No, posting snide remarks and rude comments about them is the part that's "bashing" ... it's not enough for you to just hold the opinion that they as human beings have no value and that their goals and desires are meaningless. You actually have to post about it




Yeah, like people that don’t want to fight NPC's, and there is an enemy NPC blocking my path to complete that quest.


We should be demanding they remove all NPC's from the game cause I am not into the fighting aspect of the game. They are not letting me play the way I want to play.


( see now I am on your side, I will help you argue this )

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No, I pointed out how you were being disingenous... I gave 3 examples in fact (3rd one was edited in after the initial post).


Actually, until the last few posts in this thread I was 3rd, behind 2 people who are in favor of the event... wyhen I got up this morning I was 5th or 6th I think


Skolops is 10th and has less than half as many posts as the pro-event people above him (closer to 1/3 in one case).


I said "dissident". Pro-event people are not dissidents since they are in favor of the currently established policy.


Of the "dissidents", you and Skolops are the names I recognize. Admitted though, I did not read all of the 80 pages that have transpired since my last check-in the other day - I only read maybe 20 or so.


I already answered that question.


I'm not willing to log in to the game in it's current state; I'll log in with the event is done. Until then I can spend a fairly minimal amount of time posting on the forums.


If this is "fairly minimal", then what would "major investment" be like for you?


The number is a finite number, so by definition it's measurable... so infinitely smaller is false.


"Infinitely smaller" is a relative term. It's like trying to explain the 0.001% - it's so small that just saying "small" doesn't do it justice. "Infinitely smaller" does accurately depict the comparison of anti-event people to pro-event people in my mind, though.


A few loud voices does not make a majority - it just makes a lot of noise.

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No, just that they deserve the respect that any human being deserves as a human being.


No, posting snide remarks and rude comments about them is the part that's "bashing" ... it's not enough for you to just hold the opinion that they as human beings have no value and that their goals and desires are meaningless. You actually have to post about it


i never said 'they as human beings have no value' now your just making things up. i said nobody deserves respect for playing a video game, which was directed at someone insinuating pvpers deserve the upmost respect simply for pvping.

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Yeah I learned that when I was mistaken in my belief BioWare would actually like StarWars and hence would create the epic stories and backgrounds we were promised for years. When I watched trailers like HOPE I had goosebumps but now I only feel like vomitting because of all this NON-plausible zombie rubbish. Bah!


Rakghouls are a part of Star Wars, even Vader has encountered them, in their current incarnation they have been so since the frist KOTOR. As for "zombies", that categorisation doesn't fit, rakghouls are very much alive, they are mutations, not undead. If you don't like the stories BW has created that's your business, though I think you're completely wrong.

Edited by Runeshard
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this event was a wash, a watered down, sterile rip off of the WoW blood plague which was epic in that fact it was spontaneously generated by the players and became a roadmap for countering bio terrorism (I never played wow but have read up on this incident)


Am I the only one that reads posts like this and the "zombies don't belong in Star Wars" posts and hears:


"OMG Shakespere the Greeks totally did tragedies before you! Why are you ripping them off?!? Why can't you come up with something original?!?"



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It isn't an event that makes much sense when announcers suggest killing those infected and the infected can stand in the spawn area, without hindrance, infecting people. It just makes the realism of the game and the immersion die. I agree tards created this event without depth or thought of it's impact in the Star Wars Universe. Then 2000 creds for a vaccine that is not actually a vaccine at all since vaccines tend to work period, not have a time limit. Also I just started this game and I don't have 2000 credits to waste or friends yet to ask for help. I play Sith on a US server where most players have a clique and deuce on anyone new, even if they are polite. What is the actual point of standing in one spot exploding which is completely opposite of the announcer warning against the outbreak. Would not a real outbreak event cause players to work together to remedy it not spread it? It just seems really stupid at this time to irritate the new player who just bought the game and reward the trolls who been playing for a few months now and enjoy only seeing people QQ. I'm already starting to hate this game and it's lame teenage depth. I cancelled my sub less then a week into it hoping I find a reason to stay, but looking for something better. You programmers must be working for minimum wage. Get people addicted before annoying away the income. Fail event = fail mmo. :confused:
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It isn't an event that makes much sense when announcers suggest killing those infected and the infected can stand in the spawn area, without hindrance, infecting people. It just makes the realism of the game and the immersion die. I agree tards created this event without depth or thought of it's impact in the Star Wars Universe. Then 2000 creds for a vaccine that is not actually a vaccine at all since vaccines tend to work period, not have a time limit. Also I just started this game and I don't have 2000 credits to waste or friends yet to ask for help. I play Sith on a US server where most players have a clique and deuce on anyone new, even if they are polite. What is the actual point of standing in one spot exploding which is completely opposite of the announcer warning against the outbreak. Would not a real outbreak event cause players to work together to remedy it not spread it? It just seems really stupid at this time to irritate the new player who just bought the game and reward the trolls who been playing for a few months now and enjoy only seeing people QQ. I'm already starting to hate this game and it's lame teenage depth. I cancelled my sub less then a week into it hoping I find a reason to stay, but looking for something better. You programmers must be working for minimum wage. Get people addicted before annoying away the income. Fail event = fail mmo. :confused:


A very good post. Some excellent examples of how the event is flawed. Sorry you have unsubbed, but I do understand your reasonings.

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Short on creds? Run a space mission or two. Grab some fleet comms while youre at it (now that they've added an additional purchasable item for fleet comms, for those heavy crafters out there). Grab your vaccine and proceed with whatever you're doing.


If you happen to get infected en route to whatever destination it is that you're going to, you have about 20 minutes to grab a vaccine before it explodes you. This should be well more than enough time, especially in PvE, to grab a vaccine real quick and keep yourself clean for the next 6 hours of game time.


Mostly into PVP? Well, considering the connotations of the event, EVERY player is subject to this infection, and is at the same risk of infection and random stun/death as every other player. This playing field is now level.


If you are extremely unlucky though and you don't have enough time to disinfect, and you do happen to blow up (the only place I can see this is in PvE areas, or in the event of a PVP server, in an area where you aren't at risk of being ganked), then you are provided with a quick death, that doesn't do any damage to your armor (no repair bills), and 5 DNA Samples in your inventory that you can either collect for other items from the Jawa vendor on Tattooine, or at your earliest convenience, go to the fleet or a homeworld and sell them to other players. Standard pricing seems to be about 5K creds apiece. So that's 25,000 credits that you are basically given.


Whether or not you wish to participate, as it really turns out, is not up to the players. This is a rapidly spreading "pandemic" as it were. Remember folks, they are trying to add some more story immersion to it. I will agree with some of the posters, in that some of it doesn't entirely make sense, but this is the way the developers decided to proceed with this event. This is what the RPG portion of an MMORPG is all about. New things appearing out of nowhere to really put people on their toes and spend some time researching and exploring what these new fangled events, news reports, etc., are all about.


Bottom line for those playing? It's here until April 24th. Come to peace with it, and adapt. It's not game breaking. It does not prevent you from playing the game. It does not break the bank when credits are ridiculously easy to come by. And in the case of being unlucky enough not to avoid it and vaccinate in time, it gives you a recourse for additional credits and a lack of a repair bill.

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I don't have a ship yet and I don't pvp yet either. Pandemic? People wouldn't try to spread it if it were realistically a pandemic. I just started although I made this account back in Feb. I have a level 18 warrior. Made a couple other toons on an unpopulated European server to avoid this issue, also since I live in Europe I figured I would altogether avoid the bratty teens and immature adults in America. Edited by lonelyskys
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Yes...it's tragic. How ever shall we cope?




Sorry, but this is getting beyond silly. No offense to you personally but it really is getting beyond silly.

Agreed, and some people are descending into pure, nonsense statement making, foaming at the mouth hating. It's been close a few times but I'm still waiting for the first "Worst game ever!!!11!!1"

Edited by Runeshard
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Yeah, like people that don’t want to fight NPC's, and there is an enemy NPC blocking my path to complete that quest.


We should be demanding they remove all NPC's from the game cause I am not into the fighting aspect of the game. They are not letting me play the way I want to play.


( see now I am on your side, I will help you argue this )



Don't forget story elements in FPs. I don't like waiting on other players, so I want them to remove all story from FPs. I can't even enter a FP due to this! These players are being disrespectful to me.

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Agreed, and some people are descending into pure, nonsense statement making, foaming at the mouth hating. It's been close a few times but I'm still waiting for the first "Worst game ever!!!11!!1"


Pretty close


I'm already starting to hate this game and it's lame teenage depth
Edited by Lundli
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If you are unable to buy a vaccine, I would suggest that you simply ask in fleet. A quick "HEY! I am lvl 10, just got to the fleet, only have 1700 credits and want to level up, could someone please help me out with a few vaccines?"


I would expect you to be pleasantly suprised by the number of people that would give you some vaccine.

If you happen to be on Shii-Cho server then send a whisper to Tickdoff or Lisbeath and I will give you a bunch.


Or, just get the plague, die, and sell off the DNA that you get, then you will have some cash. Or, better yet, get the plague, die, get DNA, get the plague, die, get DNA, repeat as much as you want, sell the DNA and outfit your toon for a nice long time.

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I have completed almost no pve content in this game (short of quests for leveling) and almost strictly pvp. I am an operative healer who uses stealth (which the plague breaks)


I think the plague is a cool idea. I support any in-game events, ever, because they build a realistic community.


Ignore the QQers.

Edited by Bekkal
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Agreed, and some people are descending into pure, nonsense statement making, foaming at the mouth hating. It's been close a few times but I'm still waiting for the first "Worst game ever!!!11!!1"


I saw a post that said almost excatly that (WORST GAME EVA!!!!!111!!1) in the first version of this thread, within the first 10 pages or so.

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It isn't an event that makes much sense when announcers suggest killing those infected and the infected can stand in the spawn area, without hindrance, infecting people. It just makes the realism of the game and the immersion die. I agree tards created this event without depth or thought of it's impact in the Star Wars Universe. Then 2000 creds for a vaccine that is not actually a vaccine at all since vaccines tend to work period, not have a time limit. Also I just started this game and I don't have 2000 credits to waste or friends yet to ask for help. I play Sith on a US server where most players have a clique and deuce on anyone new, even if they are polite. What is the actual point of standing in one spot exploding which is completely opposite of the announcer warning against the outbreak. Would not a real outbreak event cause players to work together to remedy it not spread it? It just seems really stupid at this time to irritate the new player who just bought the game and reward the trolls who been playing for a few months now and enjoy only seeing people QQ. I'm already starting to hate this game and it's lame teenage depth. I cancelled my sub less then a week into it hoping I find a reason to stay, but looking for something better. You programmers must be working for minimum wage. Get people addicted before annoying away the income. Fail event = fail mmo. :confused:


This. Pretty much. It's a badly designed event. Guards (especially containment guards) should auto-aggro anybody infected. Especially the final stage infection. You should not be able to fleet pass/enter hangar/etc. while infected (or possibly just final stage infected) The "opt-out" vaccine should be free. And there shouldn't be any reward for what basically amounts to griefing. If anything, if you get infected their should be a reward for AVOIDING infecting others. Not for being a dick. I'm getting really tired of being infected while at the GTN, (maybe you should be immune at the GTN, like you are while talking to NPC's?) And then having to park my toon someplace isolated for 40 minutes or w/e to avoid being the kind of dick others are.


And heck, at least republic side, I've been part of the experiment to successfully create a vaccine by being infected and fighting it off with the aid of an older vaccine. I SHOULD ALREADY BE IMMUNE.

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It isn't an event that makes much sense when announcers suggest killing those infected and the infected can stand in the spawn area, without hindrance, infecting people. It just makes the realism of the game and the immersion die. I agree tards created this event without depth or thought of it's impact in the Star Wars Universe. Then 2000 creds for a vaccine that is not actually a vaccine at all since vaccines tend to work period, not have a time limit. Also I just started this game and I don't have 2000 credits to waste or friends yet to ask for help. I play Sith on a US server where most players have a clique and deuce on anyone new, even if they are polite. What is the actual point of standing in one spot exploding which is completely opposite of the announcer warning against the outbreak. Would not a real outbreak event cause players to work together to remedy it not spread it? It just seems really stupid at this time to irritate the new player who just bought the game and reward the trolls who been playing for a few months now and enjoy only seeing people QQ. I'm already starting to hate this game and it's lame teenage depth. I cancelled my sub less then a week into it hoping I find a reason to stay, but looking for something better. You programmers must be working for minimum wage. Get people addicted before annoying away the income. Fail event = fail mmo. :confused:




So, you're new, you unsubbed after a week, you think dynamic events are "fail" and you also think the MMO is "fail". Why should we care about what you have to say again? If you're new, you should be sitting around in the areas where you're highly exposed to the plague anyway. If you're out doing your class quest, you'd likely never even encounter someone with the plague. And if you're another one of those "all I like to do is PVP!" people, you can queue for PVP any where any time. No need to stand around on fleet.

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I don't have a ship yet and I don't pvp yet either. Pandemic? People wouldn't try to spread it if it were realistically a pandemic. I just started although I made this account back in Feb. I have a level 18 warrior. Made a couple other toons on an unpopulated European server to avoid this issue, also since I live in Europe I figured I would altogether avoid the bratty teens and immature adults in America.


Then go quest.


Contrary to what some posters have insinuated in this thread, the chance of getting infected out in the wilds of Dromand Kaas is extraordinarily low. Unless you are on Tatooine, doing quests outside the cities will put you far away from the typical person that would be infected.


Even if you do get infected, it's not a big deal. You get stunned two or three times over the course of 20 minutes and you glow an ugly green for awhile. You'll eventually die if you don't want to use an immunity stim but you won't take any damage on your armor and you'll gain 5 DNA samples to do what you want with. Either store them if you think you'll make it to Tatooine before the 24th or sell them to another player for credits.


Getting infected is not a big deal to someone just playing the game. I can see how some roleplayers/pvpers might get upset about it but it's not a permanent event. It has 5 more days left. Have some fun with it before it goes away.

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It 2000 credits, anyone with half a brain stem who plays an hour a week can make 2000 credits.


The money isn't an issue for me. It isn't an issue for you. I also got free vaccines by running the dailies. I imagine you did too. Good for us!


You might want to try to consider that there are a wide range of other types of players in game though. For instance, I've heard of people going to Tython and Korriban to infect lowbies; it's not reasonable to expect a lvl 1 char to have 2k credits, is it? What if that player literally just started the game; what impression do you think they'll have?

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What is fun about it. What can I do to enjoy this event? Stand still? I quest but I wouldn't mind questing without herpes debuff waiting to explode from the sphincter inside out. Also I dont want to waste 2000 creds or five mins dealing with swtor std's. Edited by lonelyskys
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The money isn't an issue for me. It isn't an issue for you. I also got free vaccines by running the dailies. I imagine you did too. Good for us!


You might want to try to consider that there are a wide range of other types of players in game though. For instance, I've heard of people going to Tython and Korriban to infect lowbies; it's not reasonable to expect a lvl 1 char to have 2k credits, is it? What if that player literally just started the game; what impression do you think they'll have?


Sure, there are a few bad apples that are trying to infect lowbies. It's not that big of a deal even at that. Lowbies on starter planets do not tend to congregate in large numbers like people on the Fleet do.


It's not something that is happening widespread. The event also only has 5 days left.

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Oh and I get that...the proposal is valid and I personally support it, make no mistake,....the comment you made that I responded too was not, and I made a valid point in response.


The "Hamstinging" bit was not meant to be specific to your solution (nor was that solution even included in the post i responded too) but to the concept that I was speaking to.... that players should all have the game the way they want it. If everyone got the game exactly as they wished there would most certainly be collisions....no? We can work toward that, but it seems to be the misconception that is fueling several folks in this thread.


My opinion

  1. solution: free stims (perhaps that last through death) = good job and go to it
  2. concept: everyone gets the game as they want it = not so realistic...leads to mules in the highway


Yours to take or leave sir.


Sounds very reasonable to me.


And I do agree that in the abstract, and in general, you can't make everyone happy, and can't really allow everyone to play the way they want. I only meant that everyone could get what they want in this specific instance, and even then only when speaking about a select few points of view. Even more specifically, I meant that people who like the event and people who want to opt-out could both be satisfied with a simple solution. That's very, very rarely the case though in general, and you're right to point that out. :D




I would add that it might not be amiss to offer different stims in different environments so that people can opt out in a fundamental way while others play the game a bit more <---half baked


It also might be cool to have a safe haven world where there has been some med breakthrough or when the military has complete control where those who want to opt out can go for a unique quest line all their own. Probaly not such a good idea as it would be a lot of work and would certainly lead to more hate....but thought i'd share for the heck of it. <-- not even in the oven


I dunno about this. I kind of like that this event is able to spread from world to world; that makes it more organic and less predictable, both of which are good things to me. It would be interesting to have a separate quest chain for research and development of a vaccine, or something like that, but I strongly suspect that the same people who already enjoy the event would also want to take part in the proposed new additions.


To flip this around though, if the vaccines "need" to cost 2k for some reason, then I'd propose preventing all infections on the starter and capital worlds (Tython/Coruscant, Korriban/Dromund Kaas). That way nobody could be exposed to the plague that shouldn't in theory be able to afford the cure. This isn't a perfect solution by any means, and would still leave players upset.

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This. Pretty much. It's a badly designed event. Guards (especially containment guards) should auto-aggro anybody infected. Especially the final stage infection. You should not be able to fleet pass/enter hangar/etc. while infected (or possibly just final stage infected) The "opt-out" vaccine should be free. And there shouldn't be any reward for what basically amounts to griefing. If anything, if you get infected their should be a reward for AVOIDING infecting others. Not for being a dick. I'm getting really tired of being infected while at the GTN, (maybe you should be immune at the GTN, like you are while talking to NPC's?) And then having to park my toon someplace isolated for 40 minutes or w/e to avoid being the kind of dick others are.


And heck, at least republic side, I've been part of the experiment to successfully create a vaccine by being infected and fighting it off with the aid of an older vaccine. I SHOULD ALREADY BE IMMUNE.



-Guards do attack infect players who try to board their ships. If guards on fleet attacked players, the guards would simply die non-stop. It wouldn't change a thing.


-The vaccine is really only necessarily if you spend all your time on fleet. I've encountered very few people on the home worlds or other planets while questing this past week. And the plague is so blatantly obvious, it's extremely easy to avoid even if you do run by someone.


-The even encourages you to infect others. I guess Bioware though that since the plague had almost no side effects (a 2 second stun a few times through out it's 30-45 minute duration) and since they give you free loot tokens for exploding, I don't think they realized that people would still QQ because they feel like they're being picked on.


-Again, there's a GTN on your home world. If you're no longer on your home world, then you have enough credits to afford the vaccine if you're really that miffed about the accumulative 4-6 seconds worth of stuns plus the burdenless death....



The way Bioware did this whole thing is brilliant. The rewards are bought with DNA tokens. You get these through dailies on Tatooine, or by exploding. If you're sub level 25, you can't do the dailies at all. But, since you can still explode and receive tokens, you still have the ability to rack up tokens and buy the pale Rakling pet or the companion skins. They literally made it to where EVERYONE in the game has an opportunity to buy some cool event only stuff. And yet people QQ.... It's all very mind boggling.



I hope the next even does offer you guys an opt out clause. With the stipulation that it be permanent over the course of the entire event. That way, when you see others gaining cool gear/pets/etc, you can come here and QQ about that as well.

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