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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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* Did not know it at the time; first day of exposure, and had not Logged to get OOC info for meta-gaming.


* I avoid dying as a rule, unless I need to catch the Med Transport back to base.


* Besides Bioware, nobody knows if this thing is finished; like the ideas of Datacron effect stripping, and DNA tracing for those that registered myself.


No idea what those are. :confused:

Edited by Goretzu
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Interesting, instead of countering my argument in any way, you just declare it silly and move on.


Bird flu is much less of a threat; inoculation against it was free.

measles, scarlet fever and polio are much less of a thread; inoculations against them are mandatory.


We're talking about a civilization ending disease that has 100% contagion, 100% lethality, and kills within an hour. The notion that the governments aren't going to make the vaccine both free and mandatory is laughable at best. It's one of those things you have to suspend disbelief about, because it simply makes no sense.


Yes, we know. That's the bit that we're saying is unrealistic.


I'm not disregarding anything...


It's called suspension of disbelief, after all were talking about a world where our characters are given a life saving and very handy med droid that none of the npc get, just an example. Also I think bringing something liek the bird flue into this is in pretty poor taste.


For what ever rp reasons the vaccine isn't distributed to all npcs in the game and it isn't free.

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I think they did consider those who wouldn't want to participate. Incubation takes time, and vaccines aren't hard to get. I can't see how these options and considerations aren't the "Opt Out" people were asking for. Sure they get hit once, but they should learn what's going on as a result right? Instead they seem to be refusing to learn that the guy with glowing eyes and green particle effects is someone who's going to blow up soon.


"But I'm busy looking at something else," they say. So what? Pay attention anyway. Listen for it and move away or use some other place to buy and sell. I've found a few GTN terminals that are linked to the main (Empire side at least) database, so.. it's not impossible to adapt.


It's simply a case of people being intolerant to a change. "I bought the game, and I pay for it, therefore it shouldn't change" seems to be the argument.


Well for me the big issue is getting the infection on the Fleet. If they had kept it confined to Tatoonie..I would have no issue at all with it. I would get a warning from the Fleet's PA for me to avoid traveling to Tatoonie. I still feel the whole scene of a bunch of players gathered on the Fleet exploding and infecting each other.......look totally out of line from a immersive point of view. And immersion in TOR is very important to me.

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No idea what those are. :confused:

He just argued that the next step or the next event could be major negative consequences for anyone who participated or got infected during this event. Such as having attributes gathered from datacrons taken away. In short things that'll never happen.

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Well for me the big issue is getting the infection on the Fleet. If they had kept it confined to Tatoonie..I would have no issue at all with it. I would get a warning from the Fleet's PA for me to avoid traveling to Tatoonie. I still feel the whole scene of a bunch of players gathered on the Fleet exploding and infecting each other.......look totally out of line from a immersive point of view. And immersion in TOR is very important to me.

Your issue is with the public then, not the event.

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No idea what those are. :confused:


Based soley on my own hyper-driven imagination, I like the ide that those that chose to die from the disease for profit may begin to see the effects of some/ any/ all of the Datacrons fade away. That, or the notion that both corrupt Govts are not the best place to have knowledge of the victims DNA; might be the BH speaking in me though, as I may need the work.



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Your issue is with the public then, not the event.


It was allowed to happen because BioWare designed it so it was not restricted. So it really is a issue I have with the design of the event. Players will do whatever they can to maximixe the credits they can ..esp when it is soooo easy for them. The players can only do what they are allowed to do by the developers.

Edited by Valkirus
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Based soley on my own hyper-driven imagination, I like the ide that those that chose to die from the disease for profit may begin to see the effects of some/ any/ all of the Datacrons fade away. That, or the notion that both corrupt Govts are not the best place to have knowledge of the victims DNA; might be the BH speaking in me though, as I may need the work.




In short, nothing you can bring up as a valid argument here.

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It was allowed to happen because BioWare designed it so it was not permitted. So it really is a issue I have with the design of the event. Players will do whatever they can to maximixe the credits they can ..esp when it is soooo easy for them. The players can only do what they are allowed to do by the developers.


Wait... so in one post you say that immersion is very important to you.... then in the next post you want the developers to limit what the players can do so that the virulent plague wont spread to the fleet?


To be honest, the idea that some people could be allowed to opt out of the event breaks immersion for me.

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It was allowed to happen because BioWare designed it so it was not restricted. So it really is a issue I have with the design of the event. Players will do whatever they can to maximixe the credits they can ..esp when it is soooo easy for them. The players can only do what they are allowed to do by the developers.


The question I'd put to you is "how restricted" should it be? Only on Tatooine? Then it wouldn't really be a large event would it?

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While you have every right to voice your opinion, none of us remotely have a right " to have the game the way they like it"...especially when it hamstrings the way others like it.


I'm going to stop you right there. :)


What I proposed is that the vaccine be free. Please explain how this "hamstrings the way others like it".

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Because they want people to participate.


Making the vaccine free would still allow people to participate. Or are you suggesting that they want some people to participate, even if those people don't want to participate?

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I hope BioWare learns something from this thread that not everyone will enjoy every aspect of any event and those who donot should be considered also when they design one.


Honestly friend, do you think they don't know and deeply consider that? Can you possibly imagine how difficult it is to plan for, balance and incorporate so many theoretical opinions in such a complex place?


Frankly I'm guessing that their own postmortem meetings are already talking about much of this without word one from anyone here. The fleet pileup i garontee you was not something they planned and while they probably talked about the price of the antifotes extensibly, they would of course discuss how well their choices when and if they would make changes.


There is absolutely no way in the galaxy that any world event will please everyone, and even more so for the FIRST world event. They are doing well if it pleases the majority in most ways.


That is not to say that opinions are unwelcome by BW or that we should not try to find some solutions that work for most and don't spoil the fun and put them forth...just might help get a win-win for future events. But it also might lead to the majority getting hosed because a few folks where hanging on to their jingles for dear life. it's why you are seeing some nastiness....not that I condone it. But I have to restrain myself frankly. Many folks seem really attached to their own patch and unable to look around and see the much bigger world.


And I'm a solo'er who did not appreciate getting slimed at first blush, til I figured out what it was all about. then I got over myself and recognize a nice play by BW in nodding to WOW and doing a good job mixing things up and being creative.


But honestly, this idea that if you are not pleased with what arguably is a small slice of content over a limited period of time, that somehow the devs have not considered you.....seems a little self absorbed perhaps?

Edited by ChakraFive
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Making the vaccine free would still allow people to participate. Or are you suggesting that they want some people to participate, even if those people don't want to participate?


It 2000 credits, anyone with half a brain stem who plays an hour a week can make 2000 credits.

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Most importantly, this is a change to respect the rights of players to have the game the way they like it. .


While you have every right to voice your opinion, none of us remotely have a right " to have the game the way they like it"...especially when it hamstrings the way others like it. this is a community. It's a shared experience. And it's on the Devs to weigh and find ballance, howfully while not ending up with a cop-out wet-fart.


What we have is the right to share our opinions and vote with our $ or our feet....


I'm going to stop you right there. :)


What I proposed is that the vaccine be free. Please explain how this "hamstrings the way others like it".


Oh and I get that...the proposal is valid and I personally support it, make no mistake,....the comment you made that I responded too was not, and I made a valid point in response.


The "Hamstinging" bit was not meant to be specific to your solution (nor was that solution even included in the post i responded too) but to the concept that I was speaking to.... that players should all have the game the way they want it. If everyone got the game exactly as they wished there would most certainly be collisions....no? We can work toward that, but it seems to be the misconception that is fueling several folks in this thread.


My opinion

  1. solution: free stims (perhaps that last through death) = good job and go to it
  2. concept: everyone gets the game as they want it = not so realistic...leads to mules in the highway


Yours to take or leave sir.




I would add that it might not be amiss to offer different stims in different environments so that people can opt out in a fundamental way while others play the game a bit more <---half baked


It also might be cool to have a safe haven world where there has been some med breakthrough or when the military has complete control where those who want to opt out can go for a unique quest line all their own. Probaly not such a good idea as it would be a lot of work and would certainly lead to more hate....but thought i'd share for the heck of it. <-- not even in the oven

Edited by ChakraFive
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It's comical that people have an issue with this. Their complaints are trivial at best.


I'm currently leveling a Consular. He's level 19 right now. I've been infected 3 times today as I leveled him up.




Nothing. When the time came, I died, I rezzed, I mailed the DNA samples to my level 50 Main and continued questing - the end. (and if you don't have a 50, sell them for more than the vaccine is worth)


BW did an awsome job adding a World Event that has no REAL impact on players who are not participating.


Honestly, I think some of the nay-sayers here just enjoy playing the devil's advocate.

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If I wanted other players to be able to kill me - or disease me - I would play on a PvP server. I don't.


Encouraging fellow members of my faction to infect me while i'm standing around minding my own business is just so <cannot think of a word that is both accurate and in compliance with forum rules>.

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If I wanted other players to be able to kill me - or disease me - I would play on a PvP server. I don't.


Encouraging fellow members of my faction to infect me while i'm standing around minding my own business is just so <cannot think of a word that is both accurate and in compliance with forum rules>.


What's stopping people from harassing you on your PvE server?

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If I wanted other players to be able to kill me - or disease me - I would play on a PvP server. I don't.


Encouraging fellow members of my faction to infect me while i'm standing around minding my own business is just so <cannot think of a word that is both accurate and in compliance with forum rules>.


I guess pretty much when they thought hey lets copy the WoW zombie event they didn't consider how much of a disaster it was and how many p***ed off customers they had.There is a reason why Blizzard has NEVER tried a event like that since then.


Edited to add I could care less one way or another about the event.But I can see why people are upset if they do not wanna partake in it and want to play the way they usually do they should have that option.I think that is most peoples gripe atm is they feel they are being forced into doing the event.

Edited by rznkain
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I guess pretty much when they thought hey lets copy the WoW zombie event they didn't consider how much of a disaster it was and how many p***ed off customers they had.There is a reason why Blizzard has NEVER tried a event like that since then.


Ya but there isn't that many people pissed about it here. There's a couple people who are mad but their reasons are trivial. The event on WoW got people pissed for GOOD reasons. This event is not the same in the least.

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I guess pretty much when they thought hey lets copy the WoW zombie event they didn't consider how much of a disaster it was and how many p***ed off customers they had.There is a reason why Blizzard has NEVER tried a event like that since then.


a repost of my earlier post:


04.16.2012 , 09:55 PM | #635

"Its not like WoW's pre wrath launch. If it was, they crying would be even more ferocious. You take no durability hit for dying. You retain your abilities until you infection-pop and you are rewarded with each death with 5 items that can be sold for credits. And not to a vendor, to OTHER PLAYERS for a substantial amount since the rewards are very desirable.


WoWs event made you take a durability loss, changed you into a ghoul until you died, effected NPC characters: including quest givers-flight path npcs and vendors and had no 6 hour immunity, and also infected you by a single attack. You also had your abilities replaced with ghoul like abilities. The similarities are only an infection spread upon death.


I LOVED THAT EVENT and dominated shattrath. I shambled my zombie over to the token vendors and battlemasters in lower city. It was such a blast. Seeing it spread to the other city hubs was pretty damn immersive. YOU COULD NOT AVOID IT. A great way to launch an expansion, imho."

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Making the vaccine free would still allow people to participate. Or are you suggesting that they want some people to participate, even if those people don't want to participate?


Nope. Not at all what I am saying.

I am saying by attaching a cost to the vaccine, it makes people consider if they want to participate or not.

A free vaccine on every corner, and a "world event" that is limited to one zone, makes it seem like the devs don't want people to participate. Throwing free cures around in everyone's face makes them believe that the event isn't worth participating in, if they are so eager for everyone to get an unlimited free cure that lasts the entire duration of the event.


It's like advertising a free meal.....and 4 people hand you tums and immodium before you get to the table. What would your impression be?

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