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Everything posted by daibakuha

  1. She becomes your padawan after the council assigns her to you after Coruscant.
  2. Just took this after I got the new event crystal. http://i.imgur.com/6twKT.jpg
  3. It 2000 credits, anyone with half a brain stem who plays an hour a week can make 2000 credits.
  4. On reddit, on the SWTOR subreddit the number opposed is something like 1-2% of the total subscribers to that subreddit. On a subreddit of nearly 30,000 people.
  5. agreed, this has happened in other games before, a small minority ruining the fun of the overwhelming majority.
  6. There is an opt out, you're just to lazy and selfish to use it.
  7. You should prbably use more conjecture, it might make you sound smarter
  8. Whats so bad about dying from the plague? You were the one who doesn't want to die, so you were the one who spent the credits. You could have just died and called it at that.
  9. It is an insignificant number, there are more than a million people playing this game. 2 dozen people is such a small portion it's not even worth caring about.
  10. compared to the amount of people playing this game 17 people might as well be 3 or 4. It really makes no difference even if there's several dozen of you complaining.
  11. there's a whole lot of [citation needed] in this post.
  12. Your definition of griefing is not the correct one, it's been pointed out, by MULTIPLE people, the correct definition of the word. Have fun complaining though, this is the last time I'll be replying to you, you seem to value yourself above everyone else and seem to think that the word "griefing" can be bent to fit any definition you want. Good day.
  13. Then the problem is you, if you don't like the event, or even the possibility of getting infected, then don't play until the 24th or 25th, you are in the minority here.
  14. I was talking about the cost of the stim, which can be paid for multiple times over by just being infected once. and secondly, even if that was the case 2 days ago, it's not the norm for most servers.
  15. It's highly unlikely that you would go an entire 20 minutes without dying in any warzone, regardless of how good you say you are.
  16. Being infected just once is enough to pay for that 4x over. Most people who are infected are not at the pvp terminal and it's very easy to avoid them.
  17. What do you lose from dying? Your armor doesn't take damage, literally all you are complaining about is a few seconds of wait time.
  18. It's not relative at all. You're seriously gonna complain for a 10 second wait? Really? If it continues to happen you've made more than enough money from the DNA samples to afford the stim 10x over.
  19. If you think wow invented MMO grinding you seriously have not played any MMO before wow.
  20. Blizzard did pretty much what he mentioned during the wrath launch event, which had players fighting giant elite skeleton dragons alongside faction leaders. They did another event at cata's launch which had giant elite level elementals invading every 2 hours or so, killing any lowbie who happened to wander by.
  21. This isn't true for every FPS game. Look at one of the most popular, CoD which has an RPG grind mechanic and levels. Or even a more hardcore shooter like Tribes: Ascend, which also has a grind mechanic to unlock weapons, classes, weapon upgrades, armor upgrades and even skins now. The difference is, is that people who play these games, find them fun to begin with, so the grinding doesn't seem like grinding. I feel the same way about SWTOR, I like the grind because it's: 1) not that big of a grind and 2) I like playing the game
  22. this arguement might actually mean something if there was a serious death penalty in this game, there is not. I've said it before: THERE IS NO LOSS FROM DYING.
  23. Exploding doesn't cost you anything, it doesn't damage your gear.
  24. I did the same thing on Coruscant the first time, just to see if I could.
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