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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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For what it's worth...I really don't care for the whole rakghoul plague event, as it brings back very bad memories of a disturbingly similar "plague" event in another game that was even worse.


That being said...the vaccines and their availability make the whole thing bearable for me, and I can certainly afford to vaccinate myself before going to the Fleet, so I think I can ride this one out till it ends, so long as it stays as it is, and things don't get worse - like Bioware deciding to remove the vaccine or something. As it stands, I can choose to participate in exactly the fashion I please, and avoid or protect myself from the bits I don't like.

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Normally I might agree with you but unfortunely I know of an instance that this could be used for griefing and it was.


A group of my friends was setting up a group to do a heroic and they specifically asked people joining them if they had been infected (they didn't want anyone exploding on this misson) and one person said he wasn't. Well they got the group together and got to the boss and he explode and stood there laughing and of course they were upset that he had deliberately did this when they asked specifically for non infected people.


So in a situation like this that could be considered griefing because he tricked and lied to them.

True, but listening to some people in this thread every single person taking part in this event is a griefer. There are a lot of game mechanics that can be used for griefing, like clicking a harvest node and then not taking the loot so that no one else can take it and so that it doesn't respawn. Just because a few bad apples decide to act like that doesn't mean the event is to be curtailed, trust me these people would find ways to act poorly regardless.

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This thread should just die. These guys are just border line trolls at this point. They are just trying to get a reaction out of us by calling us all griefers for playing as intended. We provided ample amount of logic and tried to explain to them what griefing actually is. They are going to continue to believe that their gameplay in an mmo should not be affected one tiny bit by others players. Bottom line is they are not being griefed and they are never going to accept this, just let the thread get buried.



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For what it's worth...I really don't care for the whole rakghoul plague event, as it brings back very bad memories of a disturbingly similar "plague" event in another game that was even worse.


That being said...the vaccines and their availability make the whole thing bearable for me, and I can certainly afford to vaccinate myself before going to the Fleet, so I think I can ride this one out till it ends, so long as it stays as it is, and things don't get worse - like Bioware deciding to remove the vaccine or something. As it stands, I can choose to participate in exactly the fashion I please, and avoid or protect myself from the bits I don't like.


Well said sir. Nice to see a voice of reason on the side of folks that don't care for the event.

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The sentiment remains incorrect ... I'm not asking for it's removal either.


I'm really clear how "doesn't like rakgouls and is thus not interested in any of the rewards of a rakgoul based event" = anti-social


and seriously... where have I QQ'd?

Well, when you said that 10 seconds of you time was too much to ask and you thereby felt that the event should be curtailed in some fashion, hang the majority. That right there would be a prime example.

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That being said...the vaccines and their availability make the whole thing bearable for me, and I can certainly afford to vaccinate myself before going to the Fleet...
You are wasting money then. Only use the vaccine when you get infected. I spend a lot of time on the fleet today (near the GTM terminals, a dangerous zone) and didn't get infected a single time.

Assuming you'll automatically get infected if you ever just set foot on the fleet is paranoia ;)

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I'm not sure how you'd get that... he said that they were infected AFTER the wipe.


he's claiming to have gotten infected after they wiped.


Yeah cause its so friggin hard to tell when someone has a large green/yellow swirly around their mid-section with Bright orange glowy eyes....


If it's that important to a guild that their players do not have the de-buff during a raid. I don't see how it's all that hard to eliminate it when putting the raid together. I've got three stacks of the stupid vaccine atm... someone in the raid has to have some too I'd think, or they'ed prepare for it at the very least.


If it wasn't important enough to prepare for. It's not a big enough deal to quit over plain and simple.

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Yeah cause its so friggin hard to tell when someone has a large green/yellow swirly around their mid-section with Bright orange glowy eyes....
It is pretty difficult, when you're loading in and have a load screen in front of your face...


If it's that important to a guild that their players do not have the de-buff during a raid. I don't see how it's all that hard to eliminate it when putting the raid together. I've got three stacks of the stupid vaccine atm... someone in the raid has to have some too I'd think, or they'ed prepare for it at the very least.
Really, they should prepare for people to be standing on the respawn point exploding when they zone in?


personally, I think that he's pretty justified in being upset if that's what was happening, and it's kind of absurd of you to pretend they're somehow at fault. Were they wearing a short skirt or something?


Well, when you said that 10 seconds of you time was too much to ask and you thereby felt that the event should be curtailed in some fashion, hang the majority. That right there would be a prime example.

Out of curiosity... where did I ask for the event to be curtailed in some fashion? Be sure to check the pages immediately before that post, since he was saying that I had done so repeatedly on the pages immediately before that. I mean, I can't find anything like what he's talking about. Edited by ferroz
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he's claiming to have gotten infected after they wiped.


So my guess: people clustered around the re spawn point for that op outside in fleet? I haven't bothered with ops yet, so I'm just assuming that wiping in an op works like it does in a flashpoint, with the respawn point outside in fleet.


He's claiming that this has happened so often that he and 19 other guild mates are so tired of it that they unsubbed, meaning that, while they find it annoying enough to unsubb over they couldn't actually be bothered to check people if they actually were infected. You find that likely?

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Out of curiosity... where did I ask for the event to be curtailed in some fashion?

Curtailed=(v. t.) To cut off the end or tail, or any part, of; to shorten; to abridge; to diminish; to reduce.

This is what you've been wanting all along. A, what most people participating in this event would see as, diminishing change to the event. Is your curiosity sated?


Or are you going to say that a dictionary is wrong again? Perhaps you'd like to accuse me of being a griefer again? That seems to be you standard line of defence.

Edited by Runeshard
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Sorry, but this story has to be made up. You can not only see the debuff on their bar, but the person also has glowing eyes in the phase before they explode. There's absolutely no way he could have tricked them.


I play solo, and find myself locjed in on the UI; nit the actual foes. So it is highly likely that supposed Friendlies would get by with something like this.


Events; not Griefing.

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He's claiming that this has happened so often that he and 19 other guild mates are so tired of it that they unsubbed,
Correct, that's his claim

meaning that, while they find it annoying enough to unsubb over
Also correct, that's part of his claim.

they couldn't actually be bothered to check people if they actually were infected.
Where are you drawing this statement from?


You find that likely?
If you're going to say he's lying, then don't mince words... just don't put words in his mouth and then call him a liar for the words you've added.


I find no reason to assume that he's lying; if you want to dig into it, do so. He might come back and respond (or might not if he's actually unsubbed over this).


Curtailed=(v. t.) To cut off the end or tail, or any part, of; to shorten; to abridge; to diminish; to reduce.

This is what you've been wanting all along. A, what most people participating in this event would see as, diminishing change to the event.

I'm familiar with the word... I'm asking where are you claiming that I said that? Can you quote it? I mean, I don't remember asking for it to be curtailed. In fact, I think I've repeatedly corrected people that made that assumption since the first iteration of this thread...

Is your curiosity sated?
Since you didn't actually answer my question, no.... it's not... Edited by ferroz
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I beta tested that game. I feel your pain.


Several people are using this word to refer to things that are not, technically, griefing. This is a liminal case; it's griefing sometimes and not griefing at other times. Griefing comes down to intent; if you don't have the intention of causing suffering in another then it's not griefing. So then the question is, if someone flies to a lowbie planet and infects players who might not be able to afford a vaccine... what is their intent? I strongly suspect that in many of these cases those people do intend to cause suffering, so it is griefing. But then I also have only heard about this happening in a couple of instances, and I truly and sincerely hope that this is very very rare overall.


If there's a quest to do something to another player, then doing that thing isn't griefing; it's simply playing as intended. It's only griefing if you go out of your way to affect players who normally wouldn't be involved - e.g. chasing someone down, or using the plague to force someone to flag for PvP then killing them.


The vast majority of what people are referring to as "griefing" in this event is not truly griefing. A tiny minority of people are using this event to grief others. Let's please not lump all the people harmlessly enjoying the event with a tiny number of bad apples.


I was in a Safe Zone of a PvE server; received no Invitation to join, and gave nobody permission; a violation per PvE rules. Plus they were in a crowd of folks at the Fleet Med Station, so I would have said intent was fairly clear anyway.

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Back when Wrath of the Lich King was about to drop, Blizzard had a number of lead-up events. First, came the necropolis invasions. These would pop up in various zones around the world, leading to players travelling there to stop them from doing whatever it was the Scourge was up to. Depending on your level would allow you to access different zones to make a difference. It was a fun mini-game, with cool (and even useful) rewards. This also had the occasional Scourge assault on the various capital cities, easily stoppable by the NPC guards, but players could participate as well, if they wished.


But then came the zombie invasion.


It started off innocently enough, with the "suspicious crates" and the plagued roaches, but if a player wasn't careful or paying attention, he or she could find themselves plagued and turned into a zombie when they died. It was easy enough to cure this plague, though, so no one thought too much about it. Until it became easier to get infected and harder to be cured. Towards the end of the event, it was almost impossible to cure the plauge, and it was a guarantee that the infected player and NPC would turn into a zombie, who could infect other players and NPCs. And something remarkable happened.


The players began to band together for mutual protection. As it became harder and harder to cure the plauge, more and more of Stormwind was abandoned to the zombies, and the players fell back. They all assembled in the Cathedral District and fortified it. Players stood guard at all the entrances to the district, inspecting everyone who attempted to enter. Any zombies who tried to get past were first attacked by the player guards, and then by the defenders within the district. No zombie was able to actually enter the Cathedral District, because the players there would make sure that enough overwhelming firepower was brought down to stop them from getting past the tunnels. Any player that was infected in the fight would remove themselves from the district, so that they wouldn't turn while amongst the low-level players. In the entire time of the zombie invasion, the Cathedral District never fell.


But as outstanding as this was, it got even better. Because there were lowbie players in other zones of the game. So parties of high level players would go out to the other starter zones and announce to the players there about the sanctuary (no pun intended) offered at the Cathedral. They would gather these lowbies together, and then they would escort them through every single zone to get them safely to Stormwind and the Cathedral.


It was, in short, amazing. Veterans to the game had never seen the community come together like that before, and new players to the game were shocked that the community would look after the lowbies like that. The game never felt more alive at that point for me.


But, then came the whining. And the complaining. And the threats to quit. And what happened? Blizzard caved. They announced that they would never again do an event like that. So, when Cataclysm was about to drop, Blizzard put in a lackluster Elemental Invasion. And all that happened was a bunch of elementals popping up and running around the city. Almost no one liked that event, because it was boring.


I keep reading threads about how this game is "too easy," "too boring," etc. And when Bioware puts in an event that's a fun distraction to the usual MMO quest/loot/carry on to the next equation, once again people complain about it. So, my message is simple:


Bioware. Don't you dare pull a Blizzard. While most people who like this event have no problem with some sort of opt-out for those who don't want to participate, don't quit making events like this. And for the love of God (or Whoever), don't get scared and put in the TOR equivalent of an elemental invasion.


For those of you complaining. Should Bioware pull a Blizzard, and make future events lackluster, I don't want to hear you complain about how easy this game is, or how boring it is.

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It is pretty difficult, when you're loading in and have a load screen in front of your face...


If the guild really cared about it, they would make their players get rid of the de-buff BEFORE the raid began.


Once again, Not that hard to tell and poor raid management.


On page 69.. I said this and it still holds true, I refuse to reply further to any of the people mentioned below, you included from now on.


If Skolops, Urael, Bulwyf, Ferroz and Elhanan would quit posting... I'd be happy. There's your MAJORITY of the MINORITYS negative posts in this thread.


It's a fun event, thousands of people have enjoyed it so far.


Sorry you have some personal hang up about it, that's not my problem though and I don't think it's Biowares problem either.


If you don't like all of the content you're being provided with for whatever reason. I suggest you get over it or unsub. This is an MMO (this event makes if feel more like one too) and whining about this event and its mechanics will get you no where when it's been a very positive in-game experience for the people actively participating in it.

Edited by Nakazia
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I was in a Safe Zone of a PvE server; received no Invitation to join, and gave nobody permission; a violation per PvE rules. Plus they were in a crowd of folks at the Fleet Med Station, so I would have said intent was fairly clear anyway.


Yes we heard you the last ~100 times, it's still not griefing.

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If Skolops, Urael, Bulwyf, Ferroz and Elhanan would quit posting... I'd be happy. There's your MAJORITY of the MINORITYS negative posts in this thread.


It's a fun event, thousands of people have enjoyed it so far.


Sorry you have some personal hang up about it, that's not my problem though and I don't think it's Biowares problem either.


If you don't like all of the content you're being provided with for whatever reason. I suggest you get over it or unsub. This is an MMO (this event makes if feel more like one too) and whining about this event and its mechanics will get you no where when it's been a very positive in-game experience for the people actively participating in it.


Sith Inquisitor - "Then it must be a bad day to be you."


Complaints on a complaint thread seems likely to me; rather expected behaviour.


It is our choice which threads to read, and while I can only speak for myself, I have avoided spamming the Player made pro-threads. May I suggest that those that do not wish to read of my woes go there.

Edited by Elhanan
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While most people who like this event have no problem with some sort of opt-out for those who don't want to participate, don't quit making events like this.
Interesting claim, since that's all most anyone's asking for... and people continue to argue against it.


For those of you complaining. Should Bioware pull a Blizzard, and make future events lackluster, I don't want to hear you complain about how easy this game is, or how boring it is.
... are you seriously saying that standing around in fleet afk is difficult and exciting? I really hope you're talking about something else.
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If the guild really cared about it, they would make their players get rid of the de-buff BEFORE the raid began.
What does getting rid of the buff before the raid begins have to do with getting infected after a wipe?
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Correct, that's his claim

Also correct, that's part of his claim.

Where are you drawing this statement from?


If you're going to say he's lying, then don't mince words... just don't put words in his mouth and then call him a liar for the words you've added.


I find no reason to assume that he's lying; if you want to dig into it, do so. He might come back and respond (or might not if he's actually unsubbed over this).


I'm familiar with the word... I'm asking where are you claiming that I said that? Can you quote it? I mean, I don't remember asking for it to be curtailed. In fact, I think I've repeatedly corrected people that made that assumption since the first iteration of this thread...

Since you didn't actually answer my question, no.... it's not...


Ferroz, please just stop this crap. You are dragging this pointless debate on for even more pointless reasons of what? Ego? Griefing? Just... Stop.

This event is amazing. Can't get enough of it and can't wait to see what else BioWare will give us.

There is 0 reason to carry this on.

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If Skolops, Urael, Bulwyf, Ferroz and Elhanan would quit posting... I'd be happy. .


What this reads as:


How dare other people have a dissenting opinion than my own and express it on the appropriate forum! My e-rage will quiet them down!

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You seriously want the guy that exploded on your little level 10 as you ran across the Fleet disciplined?


So I take it you reported him?


No; should have, but it took me by surprise to be attacked in the Cantina area of the Fleet. This is why I encourage others, esp those with better Tech skills to Report it, and submit docs.


The rules say that I should have been asked for permission (ie; playing PvE), and the attack occured in a Safe Zone (ie; no PvP is supposed to be allowed). This appears to be a double whammy for the Griefer in question, and I hope to see such actions banned.

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Are you roleplaying this?


If you aren't, you are making this plague event out to be 1000000% worse than it is. Have some fun with it instead.


How I play is up to me, I believe, and I choose to play solo on PvE; not figting infections and spending needed funds on RP serum.

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