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10 Good
  1. Mark Bazeley does pretty damn well as a LS Sith, too...my maurauder sounded so bloody relieved that Quinn was back. As as for my Male Imperial Agent - well, Bertie Carvel always delivers...and I've seen what else he's been doing in between, so it's not like he hasn't been busy. Great job, gentlemen, both of you!
  2. My launcher log. Here's hoping this helps get the problem fixed. Though I guess I've been lucky - this is the first time this sort of thing has happened to me.
  3. I'd like to know, Bioware...what happens with the Akk dog now that you've taken the Underworld Alliance pack off the market? Can it please return as some sort of straight Cartel sale like Treek was? Because I'm willing to bet not very many people got the dog - and even fewer will be able to afford the market prices for them now that it seems the license for the dog is no longer available through the crates.
  4. Yes - miniature sleens, please! I support this request.
  5. Because your JK is Republic and the Agent is an Imperial class, the Agent gets the Sith version of the same buff. It should show up as a little red fist icon when you apply your own buffs, if you're Imp-side.
  6. I play a Concealment Operative, PvE only. 1. How do you think your Operative spec is perceived by other classes? My guildmates are particularly tolerant of my quirks, but the public opinion of Concealment DPS is much like that of Beast Mastery hunters or Feral or Balance druids in vanilla WoW - spec healing or get out...or just get out, in the case of the Beast Masters. In other words, public opinion is that Concealment DPS is, for the most part, "useless" in PvE. Hopefully some changes to the AC would reverse this negative public opinion, but it will take a little time. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? I have decent fun, playing my Concealment Op...but that's the story, not the mechanics. There are things that I find rather annoying that I think might benefit from fixing. Difficulty in finding the "sweet spot" that enables rear attacks like Hidden Strike or Backstab , lack of a gap closer, and the feeling that I'm just not contributing as much to the damage as others are chief among them. I also don't like it that I know full well once I get my boy to 50, it'll be an uphill battle to find a pug Operation or Hard Mode Flashpoint, due to aforementioned public opinion.
  7. I had to do a lot of thinking as to why such an intelligent guy like Quinn would *do* something like that, after I played out the quest. Finally, it came to me. In the somewhat sad tradition of "suicide by cop," Quinn may well have been attempting "suicide by Sith." He knows you can kick his rear, he knows he owes Baras way, way too much to be able to just duck out on him, no matter how much he might want to. So when Baras orders him to kill you, the time he's spent with you and the admiration for you he's developed set the poor guy up into a no-win situation. From his point of view, he may well have thought that either he kills you, or Baras kills him for failing, or you kill him for trying to attack you and failing. He might have decided that you'd make his death a whole lot quicker than Baras would. Hence suicide by Sith. Which would explain his obvious surprise at being allowed to live afterwards, regardless of whether or not you chose to punish him for the action. Granted this is indeed, as an earlier poster said, one of those times when it would have been really helpful if Quinn had just come to you and said something before choosing this course of action - but I've never seen Quinn as being all that open with his emotions (though as I play a male warrior, it may be different for the ladies, I don't know).
  8. The voice acting and cut scenes in SWTOR have really made the game for me. Depending on which character I'm on, his alignment, and his general attitude at the time, I've heard commentary that ranges from heartbreaking to laugh-out-loud funny. I've really wished (quite often) that I could just email all the voice actors and let them know how much I've appreciated all their hard work on this game. In point of fact, when I log over onto my characters on The-Great-Behemoth-MMO-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, the three things I've found myself missing the most over there are bind points, AoE looting, and the voice acting cut scenes. So no...I don't think the voice acting was a waste of time and resources at all.
  9. I have a feeling when I finally get him there, this is going to deeply hurt my Operative, Alberic. He's extremely paranoid, due to his bad experiences with both the Empire and the Republic - doesn't really trust either side anymore. I'm not entirely certain how he'll react in the long run when the one person he's completely trusted all this time, Kaliyo, betrays him like that. He's mostly Light-sided at the moment...though far less pro-Empire than he was before Kaliyo taught him to ask clever questions and before his encounter with a certain chemical injection. He may tell her off as well...but he may also become distinctly less approachable. Which could be a bad thing for him, since I'm on an RP server (Lord Adrass) and in an RP guild. Playing someone who literally doesn't trust anyone at all really doesn't make for long conversations with guildmates. Guess I'll have to see what happens with him in the context of his story in the game at the time it happens.
  10. Having seen how a "plague" event could be a total fiasco in another game that shall not be named, I'll have to say that with the rakghoul plague, BW, you did just about everything right. With one or two exceptions, of course. I didn't like the fact that a flagged infected person of the opposite faction could "force-flag" an unflagged player by exploding on them, regardless of their desire desire to be flagged or not be flagged. Especially on a PvE or RP-PvE type server, that kind of thing is just not cool. I have a feeling a decent amount of world PvP would have gone on without this particular little "feature," that in most cases presented to the unwilling flagees as a nuisance and a detraction from their enjoyment of the event, especially if the victim was below 50, and got jumped, force-flagged, then ganked by a group of flagged opposition players. Second...a speeder point out near the crash site or Jawa vendor would have been nice. It would have cut down a little bit of the travel time to get from the outskirts of civilization to the crash site, and from the crash site to each faction's research center. I know for a mere week-long event, this kind of thing likely isn't terribly doable, but for an event any longer in duration, I'd hope you might consider this. On the whole, well done!
  11. For what it's worth...I really don't care for the whole rakghoul plague event, as it brings back very bad memories of a disturbingly similar "plague" event in another game that was even worse. That being said...the vaccines and their availability make the whole thing bearable for me, and I can certainly afford to vaccinate myself before going to the Fleet, so I think I can ride this one out till it ends, so long as it stays as it is, and things don't get worse - like Bioware deciding to remove the vaccine or something. As it stands, I can choose to participate in exactly the fashion I please, and avoid or protect myself from the bits I don't like.
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