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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Because the previous thread has exceeded our normal threshold for thread length, we've started this new thread for the community to discuss this topic.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things in mind when responding:


  2. No insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  3. Please stay on topic.
  4. Please express your opinion and thoughts in a constructive, respectful manner.
  5. If someone violates the Rules of Conduct, please flag it instead of replying to it.
  6. Keep in mind that everyone has different viewpoints. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're trolling. If you believe someone is trolling, please use the Flag function to report their post.


Thank you!

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Ferroz, regarding that list you posted at the very end of the previous iteration of this thread, where you said you'd gone through 1/3 of one thread as well as the main one about how long this even will last; you came up with 32 names opposed, to some degree, to this event. That's less than a name per page. Edited by Runeshard
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Thread number three!


Ferroz, you also forgot on your previous list, the only problem I personally had with the plague is the PvP flagging aspect if you hit or get hit by an exploder. Other than that, I'm fine with it, but like making suggestions for those who don't like the event. I'm still of the opinion that the fleets should be a "safe zone" from the plague. All the other planets, though, should be fair game.

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I've been having fun with this event. Great job Bioware.


To those that say they want an opt-out, is this your first MMO? First world event?


I mean, it doesn't even cause damage when you explode AND you get something for participating in the event.


The best part last night was sky diving off the VIP area into the mass of bodies below @ the medical droid. BOOOM!!! 10/10 daily people infected.

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Ferroz, regarding that list you posted at the very end of the previous iteration of this thread, where you said you'd gone through 1/3 of one thread as well as the main one about how long this even will last; you came up with 32 names opposed, to some degree, to this event. That's less than a name per page.


I would also like to add, Ferroz, that whilst I am in favour of having an "opt-out", I think that pouting about the way it is now especially with how easy it is to avoid, is downright silly.


Just to be clear.

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I've been having fun with this event. Great job Bioware.


To those that say they want an opt-out, is this your first MMO? First world event?


I mean, it doesn't even cause damage when you explode AND you get something for participating in the event.


The best part last night was sky diving off the VIP area into the mass of bodies below @ the medical droid. BOOOM!!! 10/10 daily people infected.


I know...right? I get so tired of people who don't want to actually PLAY the game. They're the collecters, who are just worried about getting their missions complete

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people standing around, at spawn in, to fleet for hours, on end,is just lame.


Au contraire, Sunshine! I have actually met a lot of nice people doing this. People I never would have encountered otherwise. Two of my lowbies now have a nice guild. My highest level has found some friends to work with through these last few levels and we have all had a lot of fun.

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not even 25% of ONE PAGE is against it. Let alone the whole thread.


That's a mathematically nonsensical statement. We need to consider the entire sample set, not just one arbitrary subset.


I can easily, for example, find a page consisting of posts primarily from myself, frozz, and Elhanan. That doesn't mean that the majority of people are opposed. It means that in that small sample set, a set which is statistically insignificant, we happened to get mostly people who were opposed.


However, the 650 posts from the first topic, or the 350+ that ferroz looked at, are statistically significant sample sizes and are larger cross sections of the overall community.

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On reddit, on the SWTOR subreddit the number opposed is something like 1-2% of the total subscribers to that subreddit. On a subreddit of nearly 30,000 people.


Sounds reasonable, wish we could have a poll here.

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Sounds reasonable, wish we could have a poll here.


I'm still curious about this. is there a poll, or are you judging simply from counts of people who have subscribed to threads, which is not really a meaningful statistic?

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Sounds reasonable, wish we could have a poll here.


Wouldn't mean much. The % of people who hit the forums is a very low one. Best way would to poll at login but why bother? They have their metrics on this event and I would bet a month's income that it's a hit.

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Thread 3, I still don't support any kind of opt out, and I still pray Bioware stands firm against a tiny minority of bored forum posters when there are no complains in game and the vast majority enjoys the event fully.


This. It's important that the game MAKES people do stuff. otherwise it isn't dynamic.

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Said it before, may as well say it again. The desease portion of the event is all kinds of bad design. Events that negatively affect gameplay, (constantly getting kicked off speeder, not to mention DIEING) should be opt in, not pay 2k to opt out for 6 hours. And seriously, rewarding players for griefing other players by infecting them? Edited by Meluna
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Good. I was mid-reply and lost my text out from under me! :)


Anyway, I like this event. I **want** disruption. I **want** to see NPC trainers and vendors fight for their lives in an invasion...and lose.


I **want** to see entire zones lost to a successful NPC invasion. I **want** to see it take an effort, even if it take weeks, to reclaim it.


Let those who don't go play on a "Boring"-flagged server.


Let those who don't slam a can of Spaghetti-Os and think themselves dining on fine French cuisine.


Get thee to a nunnery amd get away from me!

Edited by Gorgor
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Ferroz, regarding that list you posted at the very end of the previous iteration of this thread, where you said you'd gone through 1/3 of one thread as well as the main one about how long this even will last; you came up with 32 names opposed, to some degree, to this event. That's less than a name per page.
it was 7 pages here + 2 in the other thread. So it's about 3 names per page.


Some of those pages were basically nothing but you and skolops or Elhanan going back and forth hammer and tongs.


interestingly, the official thread talking about how long the even was going on seemed to have a higher rate of people posting against the event in general. I have a feeling that quite a few of the people who want some sort of opt out aren't posting here because the title is too extreme for them to bother, and that a number of people who post in favor the event all enraged do so because of the title (that's why so many of them get pruned)


I would also like to add, Ferroz, that whilst I am in favour of having an "opt-out", I think that pouting about the way it is now especially with how easy it is to avoid, is downright silly.


Just to be clear.

yeah, I thought about trying to categorize it like that, but it was going to take too long to get a good understanding of what everyone wanted. Edited by ferroz
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That's a mathematically nonsensical statement. We need to consider the entire sample set, not just one arbitrary subset.


I can easily, for example, find a page consisting of posts primarily from myself, frozz, and Elhanan. That doesn't mean that the majority of people are opposed. It means that in that small sample set, a set which is statistically insignificant, we happened to get mostly people who were opposed.


However, the 650 posts from the first topic, or the 350+ that ferroz looked at, are statistically significant sample sizes and are larger cross sections of the overall community.


You seemed to be stating that since you found some 20-30 names in the first 65 pages of the first thread opposed to this event, that that means that you'd continue to find roughly the same number of opposed if you kept going. By the looks of it, that isn't the case.


And I think you'd be hard pressed to find many pages where the number of unique names even hints at a majority for those opposed to this event in some way.


And from that statistically significant sample, ferroz, from his 350+ pages, he stated that he'd covered a 1/3 of one thread and the main one on how long this event will last, he got 32 names, less than a name per page. Perhaps far less depending on how many pages he covered in that other thread.

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Correct, but remember, this debate is about whether or not BW should have implemented their design in this way, and it is relevant because BW is desirous of tuning the game to suit the players' liking. If, therefore, some small difference in design could satisfy more players, it's relevant.


Ofcourse it's relevent. I didn't like the medpacs or consumption changes so I posted my thoughts in the appropriate thread. I lost that battle and moved on.

The thing is, there is no denying the fact that the debate has since changed course. It has turned into a name calling fest. One side is accusing the other of griefing for playing the game as intended. The other is being accused of whining for for expressing their dissatification with game mechanics. It's not even really a debate anymore.

Edited by Lugosi
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Good. I was mid-reply and lost my text out from under me! :)


Anyway, I like this event. I **want** disruption. I **want** to see NPC trainers and vendors fight for their lives in an invasion...and lose.


I **want** to see entire zones lost to a successful NPC invasion. I **want** to see it take an effort, even if it take weeks, to reclaim it.


Let those who don't go play on a "Boring"-flagged server.


Let hose who don't slam a can of Spaghetti-Os and think themselves dining on fine French cuisine.


Get thee to a nunnery amd get away from me!


The only problem with some of these suggestions is that you're looking at it from the standpoint of, at least it seems, a fully leveled player.


For example, if Hoth were "lost," as you put it, and required weeks' worth of effort to reclaim it, that shuts down the leveling process for everyone below level 40 or so. It means that a gigantic subset of players can't continue their gameplay until it's over. Even if they could continue to play by participating in the event, it is still problematic because it disrupts the storylines for that range of leveling.

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it was 7 pages here + 2 in the other thread. So it's about 3 names per page.


Some of those pages were basically nothing but you and skolops or Elhanan going back and forth hammer and tongs.


interestingly, the official thread talking about how long the even was going on seemed to have a higher rate of people posting against the event in general. I have a feeling that quite a few of the people who want some sort of opt out aren't posting here because the title is too extreme for them to bother.


yeah, I thought about trying to categorize it like that, but it was going to take too long to get a good understanding of what everyone wanted.

Really, then what was this about?

I looked at the latter 1/3 of the thread and the official one talking about how long the event is going to last.
Edited by Runeshard
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I'm still curious about this. is there a poll, or are you judging simply from counts of people who have subscribed to threads, which is not really a meaningful statistic?


I'm curious too, unfortunately the poster didn't include a link and I can't find it..


Wouldn't mean much. The % of people who hit the forums is a very low one. Best way would to poll at login but why bother? They have their metrics on this event and I would bet a month's income that it's a hit.


You are probably right, it would serve little purpose

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