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Most are leaving if servers aren't merged soon


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Most people I know are talking about not resubscribing if server merges aren't implemented like now. I am beginning to agree with them, at peak times, there's 100 people at fleet and maybe 25 people on a planet, and correct me if I am wrong here, but this is a what? A MMO? Wich is what? A massive multi-player online game? If you design a game as a MMO and allow the population of subs to be spread so thin across so many servers, simply because your PR staff isn't capable of stemming the bad press from "OMG SERVER MERGES SWTOR IS DEAD" retard posts on forums, its only going to prolong the bleeding effect of a dwindling population. I think this game is awesome and I want to continue playing it, but I can't do HM FP's by myself, I can't do ops by myself, and ffs I can't pvp by myself. Cross server que's isn't the answer either, that's a PR move to quiet the screams of players while still denying them the atmosphere of a mmo by forcing them to do any open world content in a virtualy single player mode. And making me pay to transfer to a server that isn't low population is FALSE ADVERTISEMENT AND PROMOTION of this product as a massively multi-player online game, I'm sure no court is going to agree with bioware that "massive multi-player" is defined by a population base that is the equiv of a "small business' work force staff". I paid to buy a mmo of starwars and i have continue to pay monthly in order to continue to use the product I purchased, yet I do not recieve what I was sold. Wasn't bioware accused by the BBB for the same thing with Mass effect 3? Falsely promoting a product and misleading the consumer? Every company does the word-play sales game, I am aware of that, and I am also aware of when I am not recieving even the basic foundation, enviroment and experience of a massive multi-player online game. Edited by sidiouswumpscut
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Should have been done a LONG time ago. The only reason bioware hasn't done it is because they are afraid to admit their game wasn't as popular as they expected.


My server is really bad. It was a FULL server at launch but now it has at most 35 people on fleet at peak times THIRTY-FIVE people...

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I wonder how many of these whiny, eh, "beings" are actually paying for the game, as opposed to mommy or daddy paying for it.


I'd wager a good majority of them.


If it were actually YOUR money you were spending, you'd actually go ahead and quit. Alas, 'tis not the way of the world.

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Should have been done a LONG time ago. The only reason bioware hasn't done it is because they are afraid to admit their game wasn't as popular as they expected.


My server is really bad. It was a FULL server at launch but now it has at most 35 people on fleet at peak times THIRTY-FIVE people...

Thing is they have thousands of super casual players. I see people all the time that admit to only playing 1-2 hours a time 2-3 days a week. So the servers may have a healthy population of players in some cases, but they are on very rarely. Though since 1.2 launched I have noticed that overall many servers have had a significant increase in how many players are playing.


One thing that needs to be implemented is a better LFG system. Most people don't want to stand around the fleet to do something. If you see hundreds of people in the fleet (like on fatman) then there are many many more players out there pvping and questing etc compared to that. If we had a proper LFG tool or even a Global LFG channel then those players could be reached wherever they are to do flashpoints and such.


I don't disagree with you that some servers seem to have very low populations but only bioware has the full metrics of whats actually going on.

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The problem is at launch all the stupid people were SCREAMING post after post to let them play in EA. LET US IN, there are enough servers blah blah blah. So Bioware finally added more servers to appease the masses when all of the people on healthy servers were saying DON'T ADD servers or you are gonna have ghost towns when the kiddies all quit. It has happened in every single MMO and even the vaunted WoW has server merge threads on a daily basis. For all future MMO's they just need to survive all the hate filled garbage at launch and things will be much better 6 months out. This is one thing you can't blame Bioware for but something you can blame on every idiot that bought EA and rage quit in the first 5 months.
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I wonder how many people would even notice the population if bioware hadn't included a counter on the chat box.


I agree with this. I am guessing at this point, most of the folks who had issues with the population have left or are currently letting their subs expire. The people left at this point really don't care how many are left. They are the solo casuals and dont group anyway, so if the server is a ghost town, they don't care. I wouldn't even bother arguing with them at this point.

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Don't forget to multiply by 1.5 for Republic players. Then add all the players up per server and your probably looking at just under 1000 active (2-3 times per week) players per server. Times that by servers and again by $15.


Bioware are making plenty.

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coming from the top raiding guild on my server there is no recruitment. last night 1 of the other 2 raiding guilds left and is going to GW1 or wow. because there is zero recruitment for anyone. we went from 50-70 players onfleet to 10-15 players on fleet
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There's something called priorities. Sure being on a light server isn't the greatest, especially once you get off the starter world, but we already know character transfers are coming (already here for Asia-Pacific), and from the looks of things, they will be free for a time. That should be the first step prior to shutting down underpopulated servers. However, before any of that, they need to make sure that the content and major bugs in the game are taken care of first - I think that's more of an issue with players than the light servers. I know it is with me - I would rather see the gameplay issues fixed before the server issue, and I play on a light server.



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You can attack me and the post all you want, you are only deflecting the argument and facts underlying my post and therebye prolonging this situation of under populated servers, doing a disservice to yourselves and this community as a whole. Childish "witty" comments are all that's abound in this thread. And ofcourse I am not going to list every person I have talked to that has expressed thier intentions to not resubscribe, you understand how foolish that rebutle is do you not?
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There's something called priorities. Sure being on a light server isn't the greatest, especially once you get off the starter world, but we already know character transfers are coming (already here for Asia-Pacific), and from the looks of things, they will be free for a time. That should be the first step prior to shutting down underpopulated servers. However, before any of that, they need to make sure that the content and major bugs in the game are taken care of first - I think that's more of an issue with players than the light servers. I know it is with me - I would rather see the gameplay issues fixed before the server issue, and I play on a light server.




They should have done that before the game was release and its clearly another showing that they hardly listen to what players value in games

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coming from the top raiding guild on my server there is no recruitment. last night 1 of the other 2 raiding guilds left and is going to GW1 or wow. because there is zero recruitment for anyone. we went from 50-70 players onfleet to 10-15 players on fleet


1.2 just came out, rakgoul dailies, and people flocking back.


But YOUR server is dying?


because of GW1 and/or WoW?


Please tell me this is a sarcasm post. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

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You can attack me and the post all you want, you are only deflecting the argument and facts underlying my post and therebye prolonging this situation of under populated servers, doing a disservice to yourselves and this community as a whole. Childish "witty" comments are all that's abound in this thread. And ofcourse I am not going to list every person I have talked to that has expressed thier intentions to not resubscribe, you understand how foolish that rebutle is do you not?

Why did I even bother taking the time to post a decent reply to you in the first place. I shoulda just called you a few names and told you to do this. :eek::wea_02:

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Baseless statements abound!!!!


This ^ many times over.. Since transfers are going on for the Pacific Based servers, transefers should not be far behind once they see how many people transfer, but then again this is just speculation on my part, /shrug

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1.2 just came out, rakgoul dailies, and people flocking back.


But YOUR server is dying?


because of GW1 and/or WoW?


Please tell me this is a sarcasm post. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


litterally we had player say **** this and leave our server yesterday full guilds are leaving. You try playing on a server where you're lucky to see 30 people on.

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You can attack me and the post all you want, you are only deflecting the argument and facts underlying my post and therebye prolonging this situation of under populated servers, doing a disservice to yourselves and this community as a whole. Childish "witty" comments are all that's abound in this thread. And ofcourse I am not going to list every person I have talked to that has expressed thier intentions to not resubscribe, you understand how foolish that rebutle is do you not?


Someone used a thesaurus!

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