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Everything posted by Slugkeg

  1. 5. People that are entertained making snarky comments on every whiny thread.
  2. 1. Just because you want server mergers "immediately" doesn't warrant an answer. The merges are coming. Be patient or stop playing. 2. See number one but substitute PvP for server merge and "instantly" for "immediately". 3. I honestly don't see this problem with raiding. My guild clears everything substituting everyone that wants to raid in two or three times a week.
  3. I never played Anarchy Online but I thought EQ2's housing/guild halls were amazing.
  4. I honestly don't give a crap. Every day is Star Wars day when you play SWTOR.
  5. Legacy has been a failure....In my opinion Thought I'd help you out a tad.
  6. He didn't troll. Maybe take up a crafting profession too?
  7. Exactly. I'm in one of the most casual, vile spewing, guild of heathens and goofballs around and we have the Infernal Title. Anyone that brags about clearing any of the Operations is akin to having a monkey crap in his hand and celebrating that he threw it the furthest. "Raiding" in this game is a joke.
  8. Here's a little hint for you, nobody gives a crap if you're in a raiding guild or not. It has nothing to do with the OP.
  9. I wasn't aware that purchasing Legacy perks was mandatory. My bad.
  10. After reading all of the sniveling about the Rakghoul event, I'm positive people would complain that the Party Bomb would be "griefing".
  11. As a guy that used to pop a medpak every chance I got during Operations, I haven't noticed one bit of difference since the change. /shrug
  12. Heaven forbid encounters take an actual team effort.
  13. You can play however you want to play. But now that a mechanic has been changed, you may want to suck it up and adapt.
  14. Aaaaaand the incoming calls of elitest, you live in your mom's basement, how dare you suggest I'm a loser will begin in 3...2...1...
  15. Perhaps communicate with each other to make sure that it doesn't happen to begin with?
  16. Have you been to Karraga's Palace? If so, are you saying that you have a player respec for each appropriate encounter?
  17. Fair enough. Rotating three toons through content every day and still dealing with lockouts takes up a ton of time. Either this guy plays non stop or you are exaggerating to make a point. Just sayin.
  18. So he has three level 50 players - that's a tank, a healer and a DPS. Why is he "forced" to respec again? That's exactly what I have and I'm not "forced" to do anything.
  19. I was under the impression that everyone played by the same rules. Can you please list all of these penalties being imposed on you that the rest of the community doesn't have to deal with?
  20. I honestly don't give a flying crap if it's implemented or not. I was simply stating that there is a feature already in place to alleviate the "woe is me" syndrome that is going around. Strawman arguments do not change that fact.
  21. Thank you for the mature, reasonable response. I absolutely understand what you are saying.
  22. It takes me 20 seconds to log out and log in with a toon that fills the role that I need in order to help any group. In my opinion, that's very easy and there is no frustration involved at all.
  23. So instead of messing up, dieing, and repairing what would you suggest?
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