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Bobo Fett Vs Batman


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Really...Batman....wth are you a bunch of comic book marks?


Hes a human with no powers and gadgets, unless somethings happened since i last read a Bats comic in 1989.


Yeah he is a human who goes up against super humans. He killed darksied. No one else could do that.

He can beat superman in a fight. He is always prepared for every fight. Boba gets killed by a blind smuggler.


Now Jango Fett vs Batman would be a good fight. Jango went toe to toe against Obi Wan and almost killed Mace

Edited by jarjarloves
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Yeah he is ahuman who goes up agaimst super humans. He kilked darksied. No one else could do that.

He can beat superman in a fight. He is always prepared for every fight. Boba gets killed by a blind smuggler.


Now Jango Fett vs Batman would be a good fight. Jango went toe to toe against Obi Wan and almost killed Mace


The one part we can agree on. Jango vs. Batman would be a helluva fight. :p

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Yeah he is a human who goes up against super humans. He killed darksied. No one else could do that.

He can beat superman in a fight. He is always prepared for every fight. Boba gets killed by a blind smuggler.


Now Jango Fett vs Batman would be a good fight. Jango went toe to toe against Obi Wan and almost killed Mace


Well then things have changed since i last read comics. In my day he had trouble with the Penguin FFS. I've not followed comics much since then but i have heard of the Gary Stu treatment they recived in the late 90's...just didnt think it was that absurd.


But if were going to pick a Batman that can defeat Superman of all ppl, i think we should at least match him up against Karen Traviss' Fett...just to make things fair. I was more imagining "The Worlds Greatest Detective" vs. "The Best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy" wich would be far more entertaining that 2 over powered super beings with plot armor on.

Edited by TKMaster
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I'm going to say the Batman because he's really just a bit crazy underneath it all. That and like the other guy said, the Bats has a plan and backups for plans. Hell, he had a plan to neutralize the other members of the Justice League, arguably the most powerful people on Earth.


Besides poor Boba Fett would never see Bats coming...


True- he didn't even see Han Solo slap his rocket pack, sending him down into the Sarlaac. Fett gets too much credit. Batman would win because he would be patient enough to wait until the advantage was his, then strike with ferocity.

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Well then things have changed since i last read comics. In my day he had trouble with the Penguin FFS. I've not followed comics much since then but i have heard of the Gary Stu treatment they recived in the late 90's...just didnt think it was that absurd.


But if were going to pick a Batman that can defeat Superman of all ppl, i think we should match him up against Karen Traviss' Fett...just to make things fair. I was more imagining "The Worlds Greatest Detective" vs. "The Best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy" wich would be far more entertaining that 2 over powered super beings with plot armor on.


Batman has been the complete bad*** of the DCU since Zero Hour, really. He even walked into Darkseid's bunker in Final Crisis #6 and shot him. He made a special exception to his "no guns" policy and fatally wounded Darkseid before being "killed" by the Omega Beams. Yeah, he had already grilled Scott Free (Mr. Miracle) on how to escape the Omega Sanction.


He's the guy who has a plan in place to take down EVERY Superhero just in case they go rogue. He plans for every contingency. Only two villains have ever fought him to a standstill. Thomas Blake and Slade Wilson.

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Batman has been the complete bad*** of the DCU since Zero Hour, really. He even walked into Darkseid's bunker in Final Crisis #6 and shot him. He made a special exception to his "no guns" policy and fatally wounded Darkseid before being "killed" by the Omega Beams. Yeah, he had already grilled Scott Free (Mr. Miracle) on how to escape the Omega Sanction.


He's the guy who has a plan in place to take down EVERY Superhero just in case they go rogue. He plans for every contingency. Only two villains have ever fought him to a standstill. Thomas Blake and Slade Wilson.


And you guys complain about Traviss' writing and Revan / Luke / Fett being Gary Stu's? Sounds like comics today are beyond the point of no return and are nothing but fan fiction....wich explains why thier not worth the paper thier printed on nowadays.

Edited by TKMaster
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And you guys complain about Traviss' writing and Revan / Luke / Fett being Gary Stu's? Sounds like comics today are beyond the point of no return and are nothing but fan fiction....wich explains why thier not worth the paper thier printed on nowadays.


The difference is, The Jedi are not superheroes. The Jedi are Jedi. Superheroes are superheroes. We expect different things from each universe/multiverse.

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Skill wise - Tie.


Gadget wise - Tie.


Martial Ability - Tie.


X-Factor - Beskar Armor, Lightsaber resistant and the hardest metal in the SW galaxy....bats has no counter.


Winner - Fett.


Fett never used Beskar armor until the Legacy of the Force series, if I'm remembering correctly. And that's Traviss Canon, and we all know that Traviss Canon is Double Heresy.


Besides, Batman is a shameless rip-off of Zoro anyway.

Edited by Aximand
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The difference is, The Jedi are not superheroes. The Jedi are Jedi. Superheroes are superheroes. We expect different things from each universe/multiverse.


i do agree with alot of your posts but this is kinda messed up. lifting ships out of a swamp with nothing more than the use of the mind,. firing lightening from their fingertips. using the force to jump 20 foot etc etc. these ppl are superheroes in everything but name

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His helmet was Beskar, you right the rest was durasteel.


No, I'm pretty damn sure everything was Durasteel until LotF, and then some Mandalorians went "You're not Mandalorian enough to be Mandalore of Mandalore, wear this Mandalorian Mandalorian Iron armor and be more Mandalorian" (paraphrased) which included a collar that, oh so conveniently, protected the flexible neck joint from Lightsaber blades.

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No, I'm pretty damn sure everything was Durasteel until LotF, and then some Mandalorians went "You're not Mandalorian enough to be Mandalore of Mandalore, wear this Mandalorian Mandalorian Iron armor and be more Mandalorian" (paraphrased) which included a collar that, oh so conveniently, protected the flexible neck joint from Lightsaber blades.


Calm down man, no need to get your panties in a bunch.


like most things about fett the info i found was contradictary, it's said to be Jango's helmet, or duraplast or durasteel before LotF.

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Calm down man, no need to get your panties in a bunch.


like most things about fett the info i found was contradictary, it's said to be Jango's helmet, or duraplast or durasteel before LotF.


I'm calm, that was me being sarcastic. But you're right about that, I think however it was the whole suit of armor that used to be Jango's just repainted.

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Fett never used Beskar armor until the Legacy of the Force series, if I'm remembering correctly. And that's Traviss Canon, and we all know that Traviss Canon is Double Heresy.


Besides, Batman is a shameless rip-off of Zoro anyway.


Noo, he's a shameless ripoff of Zorro AND Sherlock Holmes. Bob Kane even described him as such. :p


Ok, not described him as a ripoff. He said that his main influences in Batman's character were Sherlock Holmes and Zorro. His costume was a variation on Superman's costume, however.

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Well, Probably Boba Fett. Batman is all well and good, but he can't go up against flame throwers and Mandalorian armor with his relatively primitive tech. Here are some scenarios:


Scenario 1: Battle commences on a rooftop. Batman opens by throwing an exploding batarang. Fett jets out of the way and opens fire. Bolts hit Batman in stomach, mortally wounding him and sending him flying off building. Batman uses his grappling hook to latch on to roof, intended to swing through window. Fett jets by, activating his flamethrower as he goes. The line catches fire and burns to nothing. Batman falls to his doom several stories below. Joker throws party.


Scenario 2: Battle commences on the deck of a cruise liner. Batman opens up with a series of punches. Fett blocks them and uses his flamethrower at point blank range. Batman stumbles back in pain, then dives into the water to extinguish the fire. Now resembling Anakin after losing the duel to Kenobi, he slaps on his Oxygen Masknd catches his breath. He attempts to get away, but Fett throws a series of Thermal Detonators into the water after him. Though the flaming blast is nullified by the water, they leave concussive blasts that knocks Batman out. He falls to the bottom of the sea, eventually running out of air in his mask. Penguin throws a party.


Scenario 3: Aerial battle commences between the Batwing and Slave I. Batwing fires a series of blasts at Slave I. Fett retaliates by opening fire with his turbolasers. Blasts clip Batwing, and Batman's ship spins out of control. Fett then launches a Seismic Charge and detonates it in midair. The blast tears the Batwing apart, killing the Dark Knight in the process. Sorry Batman, but Mandalorians are one thing that you can't beat.

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Well, Probably Boba Fett. Batman is all well and good, but he can't go up against flame throwers and Mandalorian armor with his relatively primitive tech. Here are some scenarios:


Scenario 1: Battle commences on a rooftop. Batman opens by throwing an exploding batarang. Fett jets out of the way and opens fire. Bolts hit Batman in stomach, mortally wounding him and sending him flying off building. Batman uses his grappling hook to latch on to roof, intended to swing through window. Fett jets by, activating his flamethrower as he goes. The line catches fire and burns to nothing. Batman falls to his doom several stories below. Joker throws party.


Scenario 2: Battle commences on the deck of a cruise liner. Batman opens up with a series of punches. Fett blocks them and uses his flamethrower at point blank range. Batman stumbles back in pain, then dives into the water to extinguish the fire. Now resembling Anakin after losing the duel to Kenobi, he slaps on his Oxygen Masknd catches his breath. He attempts to get away, but Fett throws a series of Thermal Detonators into the water after him. Though the flaming blast is nullified by the water, they leave concussive blasts that knocks Batman out. He falls to the bottom of the sea, eventually running out of air in his mask. Penguin throws a party.


Scenario 3: Aerial battle commences between the Batwing and Slave I. Batwing fires a series of blasts at Slave I. Fett retaliates by opening fire with his turbolasers. Blasts clip Batwing, and Batman's ship spins out of control. Fett then launches a Seismic Charge and detonates it in midair. The blast tears the Batwing apart, killing the Dark Knight in the process. Sorry Batman, but Mandalorians are one thing that you can't beat.


But none of those three scenarios would happen . Batman wouldn't commence open combat with Boba Fett, He is smarter than this. Batman would study Fett and then attack when he, not Fett had the advantage. Fett's only advantage is that he has toys, but that's nothing new to the Caped Crusader. Bats has seen flamethrowers, grenades, biotoxins, swarms of hired henchmen, automatic weapons, vehicles and blades...and has vanquished all. Batman would win, easy.

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well like I said Boba gets killed by a Blind Smuggler. One shotted really. Batman however killed Darksied a guy who is more powerfull then superman.


When did Batman kill Darkseid? The only times Batman fought Darkseid was in the superman/batman movie(but he didn't die there) and in brave and the bold. But in brave and the bold, he wasn't killed The Question infiltrated Darkseid's castle and reversed the portal whatcha call it to suck back Darkseid in.

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When did Batman kill Darkseid? The only times Batman fought Darkseid was in the superman/batman movie(but he didn't die there) and in brave and the bold. But in brave and the bold, he wasn't killed The Question infiltrated Darkseid's castle and reversed the portal whatcha call it to suck back Darkseid in.


In Final Crisis. Batman fires the omega gun which mortally wounds Darksied. Darksied then uses his Omega Beams and actually sends Batman back in time. (this is where they did the whole Batman is Dead thing but it was actually a really amazing storyline by Grant Morison.)

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