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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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You donot want it changed so you can run up to anyone and infect them even if they donot want to be? And as far as our chars being all powerful heros and we could never be contained by guards...then why not remove all the Champion guards around the outposts?


"run up to anyone and infect them"... Have you ever had the infection? You can't time it, unless you're sad enough to time it the first time and then sit there with stopwatch.


The Champion Guards are a game mechanic to avoid camping, it's necessary, but you as a fan of realism must hate that.


Not too long ago you said you didn't want to change anything for everyone, what happened to that sentiment?

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I don't mean to pick on you specifically, but this argument is full of holes.


When Bioware makes a change that a person doesn't like, the person then complains " that Bioware is just caving in to the whiners." When Bioware doesn't make a change a person is looking for, then "they're ignoring what people want!"


So basically, if they make a change you like they're "responding to to what the players want". If they make a change you don't like "they're caving in to the QQers".


Good feedback is good feedback, and shouldn't be measured solely by the number of people who agree and disagree.




Very sound post. Good Job. It of course will be ignored and derided. ;)

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... and no "instant infect" or "instant kill" button.

Yeah, those people, if confronted to real griefing, would end in a psychiatric hospital most likely ;)

What would those people have done if they had played Ultima Online pre-Trammel???


Developed a permanent twitch above their left eye like I did? ;)


Yeah, that was something. I was not into PvP, in fact, I was as not-into-it as you could get. I was a crafter. I just kept stubbornly heading out of town to do my thing and know what? Eventually the Reds kind of adopted me. I guess they felt badly for splattering me all over so many times. This led to a group being my protector, so to speak and if any other reds smacked me, then it was ON.


It felt like a real world and despite my aversion for PvP, I really, really miss UO. It had things we've not seen since. :(

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So, you don't want the game to be changed so that people to have a way to actually opt out? Really?


So when does this Opt Out thing stop?

Should players be able to Opt Out of new content patches if they don't like it? How about expansions? Oh sure..you can not buy them...but then you have to see people who did buy it.

Where does it stop?

Because if BioWare caves once...I can promise you that the next time ANYTHING gets put into the game that someone doesn't like, the opt Out will be throw up and whining will continue until they get an Opt Out too.

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... and no "instant infect" or "instant kill" button.

Yeah, those people, if confronted to real griefing, would end in a psychiatric hospital most likely ;)

What would those people have done if they had played Ultima Online pre-Trammel???


Played it...from release until a year and half later. Had a Great Lord. Was in some ways..the best MMO ever. With a excellent dishonor/honorable system. We had ways to deal with grievers. But with this infection, what can a player do but put up with it.? Oh yeah..buy a 2 k stim ( which does not persist thru death )....or stay away from a major commerce and social center like the Fleet. :p

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So, you don't want the game to be changed so that people to have a way to actually opt out? Really?


For a minority that complain about such trivial matters, one of which has an overly sensitive definition of griefing and who constantly accuses others who like this event of being selfish etc? No. The down sides are few and insignificant. Your cry of "the cost 10 seconds is worth more to me than all the rewards" does not persuade me otherwise.

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Well enjoy this thread,

This continued mess will change nothing and on the 24th it will be done. To come here to try to make a small matter into a major **** storm has not and will not produce the desired results. The entertainment value of this thread played out a day ago. The point of this protest will out live this thread and continue to provide far more feedback then a minor few disgruntles who rail against it.:wea_01:

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My response to literally every argument anyone has against this event: What on God's green Earth is stopping you from taking a week out of the game and screwing around on an Xbox for a while? Seriously. All of you are either grown people or close enough to being adults. How 'bout we act like it?


Ah so your solution is for those that don't like this event to just not play a game we like otherwise for an entire week so YOU can have YOUR fun? I guess you will be paying our portion of our weeks subscription if we were to take your option and self exile from the game. Hmmmm that becomes irl griefing. Being forced to QUIT the game for a time so YOU can have YOUR fun.


Very selfish of you.

Edited by Urael
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So when does this Opt Out thing stop?
You're not actually making much sense.

Should players be able to Opt Out of new content patches if they don't like it?
Are you saying that future content patches will include ways for players to grief one another? if so, then yes: bioware should include a way to opt out of being griefed. Just like I'm suggesting that players should have a way to opt out of being griefed in this content patch.
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It's unchanged... where do you think he changed it?



Quote: Originally Posted by Calsetes View Post

The only downside to the whole thing I have with this event is when you're flagged for PvP, or someone else is flagged for PvP, and they explode and infect you. Not that it infects you, but that it flags you for PvP at that point unwillingly, which kinda sucks. It wouldn't be as big a problem if you would unflag just while playing, but if you're actively fighting even NPCs, you won't unflag. It sucks at times, because I got flagged by someone blowing up on mer on Tatooine and as a result of being flagged for PvP while doing the daily missions on my 27 Sage yesterday, I had three level 50 Imp players kill me.


After having a bad day and managing to somehow aggro every single sand person in a three-mile radius multiple times, it was extremely annoying to wait ten minutes to respawn.


If they take anything into consideration for future "infection events" like this, keep that in mind and please change it. Don't flag me for PvP because someone infected me. I caught their virus, not their lust for PvP combat. Thanks.



Edit: Idea for how to prevent popping on the Fleet - make it so that when you enter the Fleet, you're "scanned and placed into quarantine" or something, like at the planetside spaceports - the infection is purged from you and you're plague-free while there. Don't vaccinate against it, however - JUST remove the plague. Vaccination would be too much, considering there's a 2k stim for that.



You bring up some good points and also ones which point to how the way the plague is spread is flawed. Your suggestion about being placed into quarantine when being infected and arriving at the Fleet is actually a excellent one and is more realistic also.



Edited by Runeshard
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You're not actually making much sense.

Are you saying that future content patches will include ways for players to grief one another? if so, then yes: bioware should include a way to opt out of being griefed. Just like I'm suggesting that players should have a way to opt out of being griefed in this content patch.




But, then again if this would happen the griefers would QQ that they would have noone to grief. :rolleyes:

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"run up to anyone and infect them"... Have you ever had the infection? You can't time it, unless you're sad enough to time it the first time and then sit there with stopwatch.


The Champion Guards are a game mechanic to avoid camping, it's necessary, but you as a fan of realism must hate that.


Not too long ago you said you didn't want to change anything for everyone, what happened to that sentiment?


Huh? Guards are set up so as to not encourage "camping".....is'nt this what some are running into on the Fleet?

And I have allways in this thread advocated not doing away with the event or plague, but a adjustment so those who wish to not take part in it, can opt out.

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Ah so your solution is for those that don't like this event to just not play a game we like otherwise for an entire week so YOU can have YOUR fun? I guess you will be paying our portion of our weeks subscription if we were to take your option and self exile from the game. Hmmmm that becomes irl griefing. Being forced to QUIT the game for a time so YOU can have YOUR fun.


Very selfish of you.


He probably just wants you to avoid the people and places. Not the game.

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So much thread, so little popcorn.


I think the people that are so against it spend more time and energy avoiding it and complaining then if they just played along for the week.


Nope. I suspect like me, we post about this stupid plague becasue we are bored at work waiting to go home and play the game despite this "event".


I am glad it will be done on the 24th.

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It's a limited time event.. sure BW could have done some things different, like the stims persisting through death.

Hell, if it was a permanent thing, I'd want that changed or it would get annoying with time. But as it is it will soon be over and going after players doing their daily, and having some fun, calling it griefing seems so.. petty.


Dive bombing players from the lounge.. rofl, creative, but I doubt that is the norm.

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But, then again if this would happen the griefers would QQ that they would have noone to grief. :rolleyes:


Codswallop. :)


There are plenty of people who WANT to be infected. Plus there are very, very, very few actual "griefers". In fact I have not seen one. I have heard people threaten to go to starter planets and infect newbies and that's about as close to "griefing" as I can see this involving.

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Played it...from release until a year and half later. Had a Great Lord. Was in some ways..the best MMO ever. With a excellent dishonor/honorable system. We had ways to deal with grievers. But with this infection, what can a player do but put up with it.? Oh yeah..buy a 2 k stim ( which does not persist thru death )....or stay away from a major commerce and social center like the Fleet. :p
Put up with it like an adult would do about something in a video game that barely affects him a couple of times a day if he plays a lot, if he camps the fleet, and if he doesn't pay much attention to his surroundings... but yeah, that would negate an opportunity to whine on the forums, of course.
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He probably just wants you to avoid the people and places. Not the game.


My response to literally every argument anyone has against this event: What on God's green Earth is stopping you from taking a week out of the game and screwing around on an Xbox for a while? Seriously. All of you are either grown people or close enough to being adults. How 'bout we act like it?


No I think he was clear about us not playing at all. :rolleyes:

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I love this event, but this little quote got me thinking of making it even more fun.


Edit: Idea for how to prevent popping on the Fleet - make it so that when you enter the Fleet, you're "scanned and placed into quarantine" or something, like at the planetside spaceports - the infection is purged from you and you're plague-free while there. Don't vaccinate against it, however - JUST remove the plague. Vaccination would be too much, considering there's a 2k stim for that.


Better than quarantine would be that the security guards come and terminate you - with lethal force - if you travel onto fleet or a starter planet whilst infected. :D


After being shot, or bombed or sliced in half with a light sabre or set on fire you wake up in the medical centre, free of infection and alive once more, the droid moving on to patch up the next dead person.


After all, that is what the viewscreens are showing on Tatooine, terminate the infected person or call security who will assist.


It would be a wonderful hoot to arrive on Fleet and be surrounded by guards screaming at you to stop, finally taking a mortar rocket to the chest and being splattered over the bulkhead. :eek:

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