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Hi I just felt like chiming in to say that...


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Pre-30 Guardian is the worst experience I've ever had in an RPG, it is the most poorly balanced class I've ever played and it makes me sick to my stomache that I'm going to be paying for a game and playing a class that is released in this state.


No, I will not re-roll. I have not spent every single hour since the 14th thinking about this class and then playing it only to re-roll because you fail so miserably at your jobs, or work for people that do.


Guardian is the only class I've ever played or heard of where you feel like you'd rather be playing your own pet than your main character. This is the only MMORPG I've ever played where a single class is so far behind the rest that you can just barely get by in comparison.


I just wanted to get this out there, Bioware, **** you for as long as this post stays up. Never before have I nerdraged and punched a wall because of a quest, and never again. You were well aware of the problems yet you didn't bother to stop and fix them for the sake of milking out more christmas money out of your product, shame on you, shame on the suits that run this thing.



p.s. None of this applies to level 50 where I'm sure it's swell. Nor Hutball where it's fun no matter how **** it is because you can at least play for the Objective and win.

Edited by Sensational
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Very true.

I mean we do well in PvE, but i don´t care about that.

I am 34 now and 30+ gives access to some really important skill tree choices.

Before that its just a pain.

Force Push is the thing that keeps me playing.

Love that ability.


Sadly only the Defense tree seems viable to me.


Focus Tree Force Sweep Bombing is just not my way of fun.

Insane Damage there tho.

Vigilance sadly sucks so far.

Edited by Sabredance
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And in that whole rant you never listed a single, specific issue you had.


I've been leveling a JG and having a jolly good time of it.

I know, why bother?


Because they'll read what I have to say and implement my suggestions in the game? They don't even have enough people to answer the phones. No, this is just venting.

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I'm enjoying my Guardian too. I'm not doing PvP yet, since this is my first MMO, so maybe you're referring to the PvP aspect. But if you're referring to PvE, then I'll have to disagree entirely. This is the most fun I've had in a video game since the original KOTOR and the Baldur's Gate series before that.
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I know, why bother?


Because they'll read what I have to say and implement my suggestions in the game? They don't even have enough people to answer the phones. No, this is just venting.


If you don't bother giving specifics, don't expect us to give a damn about what you are saying.


L2P is all that comes to my mind following your posts.

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Heh somebody venting cause they suck with the class. Guardian is a fun and very powerful class to play but you have to learn to use ALL your skills in anything other then trash mobs. It's a lot about timing your stuns and interrupts. Once you have that figured out elites can't even get off their top damaging skills because you have them on lockdown.


The only downside to the Guardian is that they start you off as a tank at 14 and is a slow build till the early 20's. They should have started you out right at 10 and had the slow build through the teens.

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Heh somebody venting cause they suck with the class. Guardian is a fun and very powerful class to play but you have to learn to use ALL your skills in anything other then trash mobs. It's a lot about timing your stuns and interrupts. Once you have that figured out elites can't even get off their top damaging skills because you have them on lockdown.

Yeah, popping your 3/20 minute cooldowns and owning silver mobs is pretty beast compared to just facerolling the same content without using your CDs with any other class, pre-30 Guardians sure are powerful.

Edited by Sensational
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And in that whole rant you never listed a single, specific issue you had.


I've been leveling a JG and having a jolly good time of it.



While Guardian has his problems (I'm levelling as Defense), none are so great as to merit such a horrible outburst.


My main beef with the class is - the important skills are either too far up in the trees (*ALL* frakking tank CC is in tier 5 Defense - what's up with that?), or learned too darn late (Saber throw, Guardian Leap, among others).


Also, baseline CC is very disappointing. 3-second channeled stun at level 24 vs 4-second instant stun that everyone else gets before level 10 is just plain uncool. Push does rock, though. However, I want it to be trainable at a much earlier level.


Bottomline is - Guardian is a late-bloomer. And I'm partly thankful for that. As Luke said in Outcast, "If the way of the Jedi was easy, there were thousands of us instead of dozens". That's a fancy way of saying "good thing that the class turns away substandard players".

Edited by Helig
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I'll be honest and say I feel much the same way. Sith assassin felt so much stronger at an even level, both leveling as tank, than i do on my guardian now. I'm level 29 atm and really wondering whether I want to go any further with this, I do not think its balanced that I HAVE to use my 3 minute cooldowns on quest mobs just to survive.


While I'm complaining, I'd also say the tanking in this game feels very..unrefined. Maybe I'm just spoiled by the recent trend in WoW of making tanking so easy anyone can do it, but threat seems to be almost random some times. add that with the fact that enemies often have blasters and therefore are impossible to round up without using line of sight and often get in several hits on the healer before i can get my character to them all to try and tag them with something...just very frustrating experience overall so far with this class, and with tanking in general.


Also..I know rambling on a bit...the skill trees seem to be poorly designed, so many good defensive talents too deep in vigilance to get without ditching the top half of the defense tree.


To top it all off, Kira is bugged and if you make a single wrong choice, which isnt even an obvious wrong choice, it locks you out of every single companion quest and dialogue after that no matter how much you bump up affection.


That said, I tell myself its early, they will hopefully start doing balance passes and get some patches out fairly soon after launch, because I want to love this class, charging in, being the typical heavy armor melee ****** role..plus i dig the robes.

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I love my JK and partially agree with you.

Every single other class (except our brethren and enemy mirror) has a clear and outright advantage.


But this doesn't stop me playing, I'm not rerolling but I've played other classes up to 25+ and it's rediculous how much of an easy time they have it.


I have faith things will get better, but it's no lie we work harder.

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I'm just hoping it events out at 50.


I'm really getting annoyed by my inability to round up ranged mobs without ping ponging all over the place and having to stop agro generating on one to pick up another.


Does anyone know the exact mechanics for how taunt works? Does it actually build permanent agro? Or is it like WoW where the agro only lasts for a few seconds then drops back down if you don't generate more threat than somebody else has?

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I don't know, I've hit 23 as a Defense specced Guardians and I am loving it in PVP and PVE. I don't feel weak at all. I actually feel stronger in Defense than Vigilance, I think the DPS tree and forms don't offer much over the tank tree. Then again, the tank tree sucks at the top, reaaaaal bad. It is kind of sad that Vigilance has some better tank skills than Defense. I am pretty sure it will be changed though, I don't see how an MMO can't improve upon balance after release. They just need to redesign the trees and reconsider some of the levels we get abilities.
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Force leap is an important lead in "attack" for some initial focus. After many cutscenes you start already in melee range depriving you of that initial batch of focus.


Blade Storm: the stun is ONLY effective agains trash. It does have a slightly larger "range" to it at 10 meters instead of 4 like other melee skills. 12 sec CD


Soresu: 6% damage reduction.

60% armor

50% more threat

+20% chance to shield (for 20% less damage)

(From playing this damage reduciton seems to make no difference in survivability what- so-ever. I still die in the same number of hits from a mob)


Master strike: 3 second channeled attack. BUT ONLY trash are "stunned" for the duration of the attack. Super easily interupted or canceled. 30 sec CD.


Warding call and Saber ward both have 3 min CD's. In order to maintain any form of survival agains a silver mob or better one of these skills (or a medpack) MUST be used.


Sundering Strike 4.5 sec CD.





Blade Barrier and blade barricade come in moderatly early but dont really feel like they make the class any sturdier.


Saber Throw (ranged attack), hilt strike (stun) and Stasis (CC/stun) come WAY later in the leveling progressiosn as well as Doc (32 HEALING companion.)


Glancing rating > Defense rating > Shield rating

@23 I have yet to see any specific gear that adds to any of these stats.






As far as combat flow goes leading off with force leap (or combat focus if really necessary.)

On generating focus: Force leap (combat focus) / sundering strike > strike


On using focus: Riposte > Blade Storm / Force sweep (aoe) > Guardian Slash > Slash


I am well aware of the "combat rotatio/priority" but that still does not mean much.

Edited by EchoTwoOmega
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I have two main points on this.


Firstly, we do suck compared to other classes. Period. I have the damage output of a bamboo reed, and I am all decked out in blue/orange gear. PvP is a joke. I have a hard time keeping aggro at my level because every other class does that much more.


That being said.. I am having a lot of fun. Getting my first lightsaber was exciting, and T-7 is great. I find I didn't die as early with my Knight as I did with any other class.


I would like some improvements.. but they've got the spirit of the class down.

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I've been topping the damage charts in PvP, doing Heroic +2 with my companion and generally having an easy time of things.


It's all about stance dancing, knowing what skills work best in a rotation and all that jazz.


You know what makes your life a ton easier in PvP? When you pick up the vigilance talent that makes you immune to CC for 4 seconds after force leap!


You know what else helps? Dropping the horrible Shii-Cho stance from your combat bar so you only have Shien for offensive play and Soresu for defensive play!

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That being said.. I am having a lot of fun. Getting my first lightsaber was exciting, and T-7 is great. I find I didn't die as early with my Knight as I did with any other class.


I would like some improvements.. but they've got the spirit of the class down.

Yeah, I would never have kept playing if I didn't, I love the playstyle.



I've been topping the damage charts in PvP.

I'd like to see these screens of you consistently dropping 200k+ damage in bgs, do you have 2 pocket healers on you at all times or something? Are you the server first level 50?

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lvl 30 guardian here. Don't tell me you had a hard time on nar shadaa, Taris and/or Tatooine because if you did, then you're doing it wrong. The only time I had to pop saber ward in PVE was against elite (golden star) mobs. The damage gap between the vigilance and the defense tree becomes significant past lvl 25 or so.


As for tanking, yes it is hard to tank for us. In fact, I hate tanking because of that. However, you're not meant to tank 4 elites and 2 strong mobs. Your team do need to CC a few mobs. Nonetheless, BW will need to address PVE tanking for us. They could, for example, make all of our skills generate extra threat while in soresu form. The soresu form alone doesn't generate enough aggro in my opinion.


I agree with the lack of CCs at low lvl. They should also make hilt strike a baseline ability obtainable between lvl 1 and 10.


Anyway, I like playing a jedi guardian and I will not re-roll.

Edited by Darkshadz
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