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Silly PvEmo Rakghoul disease


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Alot of madbro in this post., jesus I would think you would realize that this game isn't just about PVP. :rolleyes:


Maybe you should play MW3 or something less "Lore"




This post is almost too trollish to respond to... but, I have no issue with any CONSENSUAL lore. I should not be forced to participate and/or PAY for lore I don't want. They wouldn't MAKE PvE players do Warzones if they didn't want to (not that we'd want them there in the first place).

Edited by OpenSorce
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Great. Awesome. Wonderful. Glad you don't mind. I do.


Now, if you don't mind I'd like to use the thread I created to express that and allow others to to express it to BioWare.


Feel free to go create a thread of your own. Maybe you could call it "We love the Rakghoul event!".


You should have added in the thread "you must agree with me or I will be a grade a dbag to you!"


Sounds like you were hoping for a ton of people to agree with you and have now found out people think your argument is weak and you are incredibly juvenile.


BTW...it's not your message board and you don't own the thread. I can post in here and so can anyone else. Deal with it.

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Dear BioWare,


Hi I'm a PvP'er who queues for warzones alone. I didn't killtrade in Ilum or play WZs 7 days a week prior to 1.2, so I started this patch wearing Champion gear. So, not only did you make the penalty for being in a pug having to operate at a loss most games, but now you're also extorting 2000 credits from me every 6 hours of play time for some vaccine or have to fight off mobs in every spaceport.


You.....do realize that the life blood of this game is PvP, right? So, why force this mandatory PvE nonsense down our throats on top of everything else? The average non-premade playing PvP'er is being made to feel like an unwanted disenfranchised commodity as it is. Why throw forcing us to PvE on top of it?


Do yourself a favor man and TALK TO PEOPLE!!!!!


Why are you playing an MMO to solo PvP? If thats the case go play COD?

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You should have added in the thread "you must agree with me or I will be a grade a dbag to you!"


Sounds like you were hoping for a ton of people to agree with you and have now found out people think your argument is weak and you are incredibly juvenile.


BTW...it's not your message board and you don't own the thread. I can post in here and so can anyone else. Deal with it.


A ton of people do agree. Just not a lot of players willing to be targets of trolls on forums. They probably learned that in WoW.

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Do yourself a favor man and TALK TO PEOPLE!!!!!


Why are you playing an MMO to solo PvP? If thats the case go play COD?


You obviously don't know me. As I have lead a guild for the last seven years, I do talk to people, quite a lot of them.

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Did she infect you with a virus too?


Thankfully no. One thing I thought was cool is with the news updates in Fleet made it feel like Night of the Living Dead, in space lol. Felt like I needed to run for my ship and start boarding up windows.

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Dear OP.


Thicker skin. You need some.


The theory that all you do is PvP 100% of the time is false because you had to pve 1-10 at least in order to be able to join any warzones.


Open your eyes. Broaden your horizons. Be THANKFUL that companies add in events and other 'fluff' content on ocassion else this game and any others that don't will become boring and stale really really fast.


As was already stated in a previous thread... Don't like it, go jump off into the chasm on Fleet. Die and then as soon as you respawn, go hide in your ship. Cut yourself off from all contact with any and all people unless you are in a Warzone.


There are many ways to RP. You can just RP a Hermit. Albet a Violent Hermet hellbent on destroying other people.


Whatever works.


Mainly though...


Thicker skin.


You need some.

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*sigh* I repeat, losing Warzones COST money and/or commendations.


No it doesn't.


You don't lose credits for a loss and you don't lose commendations either.


There are no repair costs associated with Warzones.


There is absolutely ZERO cost to pvp and you NEVER lose credits/commendations for losing.


What YOU believe is that the 'cost' is the purchase and use of Stims and other consumables that are wholly voluntary.


You 'lost' credits on those the instant you bought them from the GTN. Not because you died in a losing Warzone. Your account wasn't deducted at that point, it was the second you clicked buy.


This would also be apparent if you NEVER got another Warzone que (( just for arguments sake )). You lost the credits the instant you bought them and never used them since the que never popped again.


Again, there is ZERO cost to pvp. ZERO. Everything you use is voluntary and isn't a requirement to pvp.

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A ton of people do agree. Just not a lot of players willing to be targets of trolls on forums. They probably learned that in WoW.


Like the alleged silent majority that liked 1.2 pvp? Okay...


To an extent, TOR is a persistent world, which means if events like this occur around you, there's a chance it could effect you. If you decide to not go down to tatooine and do those missions, it'll barely effect you at all. As illustrated in this thread, the effect on those who aren't going to dive into the story behind the plague can either get the vaccine free simply by STANDING THERE waiting for their queues to infect others OR buy the vaccine from any med droid in the game.


Face it, it's not that big a deal whether you want to go down to tatooine or not.

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Like the alleged silent majority that liked 1.2 pvp? Okay...


Well, without character copies there was no max level testing. I hear it is pretty fun at level 10.



Face it, it's not that big a deal whether you want to go down to tatooine or not.


Awesome... great... glad you don't mind. I do.

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