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People who know SWTOR best, Top Guild in SWTOR, Leaves... why?


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I'm going to start by saying I despise BioWare for two reasons: they have very poor communication skills and rapport with their customers, and they play PR marketing games rather than being honest and open with their clients.


That being said, I am not a fanboi type, and I see many flaws and issues with SWTOR, but let's be honest, that's not what this post is about. This post is about people who only play the game one way who are angry and intolerant of a game that does not cater to their play-style: competitive end-game raiding and pvping.




This game, since years before launch, has been marketed as a casual story-driven game. There's famous quotes all over the forums from devs saying things like: if you only want to pvp you're not going to like our game, and that's tough because that's not what we're here for.


SWTOR was purposely set up to appeal to a casual player who takes their time leveling up, exploring the worlds around them to find lore and hidden or hard to get items, and people who want to fully enjoy all the content in a game. And by "content" I don't mean that you finished all the end game ops and "violated" all your opponents on a PvP war-zone.


People who are "the best" players in a game don't enjoy the story. They power-leveled their way through this game, space-barred through a huge amount of it, because they wanted to "beat" the game. They rushed through zones and didn't discover codex entries or items on their own, and why bother looking since they can just look it up on a guide later anyway rather than play the game as intended without outside guides and tutorials to skip through the real issue of playing the game: achieving something yourself, not just following a play-guide.


I'm not sorry to see this guild go. I'm not sorry about ANY PvP/End Game competitive jerk who has literally made my play time in this game miserable. They complain, they whine, they snivel, they harass other players. I have had other players follow me around in the PVE environment as I tootled along taking my time and actually harass me telling me how much I was a terrible loser person because I wasn't level 50 and I was too slow and they were better than me. We weren't grouped or anything, they simply had nothing better to do with their time because those poor widdle babies were bored. Tough bantha poodoo. They can get the heck outta Dodge as far as I'm concerned. Their aggressive nasty attitudes were nothing but negativity and annoyance and they surely won't be missed by a casual player like me.


Well congratulations, they beat the game. Please DO let the door smack them on the behinds nice and hard on way out. I surely don't want them here.


/AGREED 100% !!


These 'hardcore" raiding guilds will all be leaving soon, IMO. I also LOVE seeing the recruitment posts on General. "We are recruiting GEARED and EXPERIENCED so-and-so for Operations..." 1. A geared and experienced person WOULD ALREADY have a guild. 2. If you found a new 50 and helped them, they would be able to learn thus solving your problem and getting someone into the game.


But, these "hardcore" guilds don't care about anything but stats and looking good (and could give a rats balls about helping any kind of new player because heaven forbid someone make a mistake because they didn't know) and I am not sad to see them go at all.


Also, I asked everyone I knew in r/l (since they've all been playing since beta), and it seems even my hardcore friends have NEVER heard of them. Sorry to say, I don't think you can be the 'top' anything if your not even know by most of the population.


/rant? lol

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It is time to wake up and smell the casual roses.


They see the future of this game is bleak. The PvE content is a joke in terms of difficulty, and the competitive PvP content is nonexistent. What is left? Voice acting? Leveling alts? No need to pay $15 a month for that, so move on.


Hardcores won't be missed; all they do is whine.

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Can't believe this thread did not end at "Never heard of them / Don't care why."




I don't care who these guys were. There are tons of guilds just like them who raced to the end, then whine when there's nothing left for them to do. Then they all move on to the next game and the cycle repeats itself.

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I just dont get the stupid attitudes here on this blog. I have one thing to say about all of this. I never knew this guild but i wont say the stupid **** they never be missed or any of the other comments that were stated.


I think you all better care and stop the ****** attitudes because for every person that leaves this game will make it even harder to find a group for your end game stuff that you all think more of than other people.


i also have seen a lot of people that are ignorant or with a bad attitudes that cause trouble in game I believe that when this guild left this game they found a better community or just got tired of the horrible attitudes and the bragging that people do in game. I think you all need to start caring because it will be you all next that will have your trouble finding that group.

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I find it very interesting that I see so many people in this thread claiming "elitist douchebag" and "jerk" and going on about how they're ruining everyone else's experience...


I went to their website and looked instead of just making assumptions. They seem like a group of gamers that like playing games. They stated right on the website that they're sorry to leave but there is something else they want to play, and that they hope to come back sometime.


What I did not see was them whining about anything, or calling anyone any names. I did not see any attitude at all. I actually saw a video right on the main page showing you their strategy to kill a boss. To them that is a way to be helpful and give back to the community.


So my thought is for some of you that are complaining about the "pro gamer" philosophy on MMO games... you might want to take a step back and think about a few things. I have met plenty of "douchebag" casual players. And as far as them being elitist? If your main goal was to be the best at what you did, and you were in that pro category, would you not view everything differently? Let's take this for example... there's a level 50 on my server that quite a lot of people dislike for being so casual. I went with him for Black Talon social speed runs. (where you go through BT over and over accumulating social points as quickly as possible) This essentially is like time attack mode in old console gaming... try to get from point A to B as quickly as possible. So the first thing this guy does? He decides he wants to read everything and interact with the story. (Even though he has already admittedly been there many times) Now that's fine and good and all. I'm not saying that I do not understand his philosophy on this. But it hinders the rest of the group's progress. And we're about efficiency, progress. and speed. Yet I see so many people run head-first to the idea of "elitist" when that's not really the case most of the time.


Let's take this other case from my server in mind. I form a group for Hard Mode Black Talon (BT isn't the only thing I ever do lol, just the easiest) and I take a Mercenary dps into my group. I then look at him, and think to myself, "What the hell is going on here?" because he is wearing green items, some being lower level than 49 (all the way down to 35 for one of his relics, and it's green? I didn't know there were green relics that had basically no stats...) among many other issues with his gear. Now, yeah you know what.. my group "could" carry him through. And I do mean carry. But within 10 seconds I made a snap decision to say, "Sorry you're just not geared for this, and we have other people interested."


Now I don't consider myself a "Pro" gamer, but I do think I do well enough towards that goal. Do you know why I chose to make the decision I made here? Here's a hint... It had nothing to do with being an elitist douchebag pro gamer. It actually had to do with the idea of spending 3 other people's credits on repairs to try to carry one person through that we don't even know. Honestly I'll bend over backwards for friends at times, but... random guy? The VERY FIRST THING that you do at 50 is start into your dailies. Then you take the armorings and mods and all that junk, and you put it in orange pieces. This guy? He had one orange item. It had 1 level 50 mod in it, and 2 level 40s. And the 40s were blue. To me it looks like he's not even trying. So why would we spend our time helping?


Again, not being elitist. It falls into the category of "teach someone to mine for fish or give them fish." You have heard of that right? It's where you give someone fish and they can eat today. But if you teach them how to mine for fish they can sustain themselves... sustain.. themselves.. application to video gaming... gasp. Amazing idea right?


This exact same person starts sending me messages telling me what a bad person I am and welcome to my ignore list and all the usual QQ crap that you see when you do something someone else doesn't like. Why did this same person not just say, "Hey. Why did you remove me? I don't understand." This could have been an acceptable step which would enable myself to help them and initiate some kind of a dialogue where I could let them know of helpful ways to improve prior to attempting hard mode flashpoints, instead of seeing them as completely useless.... which is exactly what I see them as now after sending me "douchebag" messages. (See above eat fish/mine for fish)


What I'm saying to all of you who have had this problem is to instead look deeper within yourselves. It makes absolutely no sense to pass judgment on people that you do not know based on "this other person one time did this" theory. Every gamer is different. Treat them as such. Decide what factors are important TO YOU to base these on. If pro gamers were a race, I could call many people here a racist based on your own actions. It is just a quite terrible thing. You do not hold the torch for casual gaming, in the same way that I do not hold the torch for pro gaming.


In the StarCraft community for this kind of behavior you would be outed as BM (Bad Mannered) and the community as a whole (pro and casual alike) would literally come together to say, "Sorry there buddy. We like your shoes, but you're gonna need to get them a little dirty here on the way out the door. Here are some paper towels to help with that though, because we honestly do want to help. Come see us again when you want to be a nicer more well rounded person."


Communication is an action.

Think. Then act.


-Nallana, Imperial, Dreshdae Cantina (probably spelled wrong) :o

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I don't care who these guys were. There are tons of guilds just like them who raced to the end, then whine when there's nothing left for them to do. Then they all move on to the next game and the cycle repeats itself.


Guilds like this are in every mmo, race to the top for internet epeen then have nothing to do for months. I think its funny.

Edited by Sobur
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Actually, I think only two people were fair to this guild. Yeah, they left, but they had their reasons for leaving. :) I like Star Wars, so I'll continue playing this game. :) These Guildees are high class according to two people that went to their site. and one of them said they were even helping.


SWTOR is the best MMO I've played, so it's better than WoW and Guild Wars (I played GW beta, and I didn't enjoy the beta -- when I played the full game, I didn't enjoy the full game either. . . ). I think all of you are in need of an attitude change towards these guys. You are prejudging them -- or judging them without taking the time to inspect their fruits.

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Actually, I think only two people were fair to this guild. Yeah, they left, but they had their reasons for leaving. :) I like Star Wars, so I'll continue playing this game. :) These Guildees are high class according to two people that went to their site. and one of them said they were even helping.



Thanks for the kind words.


We tried to give back to the community as much as possible. We have had several members of the SWTOR community thank us for our strategy guides we produced. I will also point out that we provided the devs with a TON of feedback on pve encounters, class mechanics, open world design to name few. We had members spend hundreds of hours testing this game.


We never claimed to be the top SWTOR guild, that is a title bestowed by members of the community. So I am not sure where the vitriol from certain posters is coming from. We have a high standard of conduct for our members and we do not allow the type behavior that typical "elite" guilds exhibit.


We simply left this game because it does not cater to our play style. We hope bioware continues to build on its success and creates an awesome lasting game.

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I love how many people that have cleared HM EC on 16 man are sitting around saying the content is easy...oh wait. None of the people sitting around saying the content is easy have done that. Or at least not many. Not even Cali Killed Nox is done with it yet. A few guilds will clear it fast, such as Condemned, sure, and that happens, and that's fine. If they choose to stay, great, if not, great. But because 1 or 2 or maybe even a few more blew through it, doesn't make it easy. Don't call it easy if you haven't done it. Don't call yourself done until you're in full BiS. If you're not willing to work for that, then fine, you don't have to, but don't act like the game has no endgame content just because you're not willing to do what it takes play it.


The same thing happens in every MMO. It happened in WoW with the last expansion, a bunch of people who played in WotLK talked about how easy Cata was, or a bunch of old 60's sitting around talking about the "glory days" of Vanilla WoW, and how hard it was. But most of the people saying Cata was so easy never even did any of the heroic content in it, and not on 25. They straight up didn't play the game to it's fullest, yet ran 5 mans all day in gear 3 tiers over it's original entry into the game and said it was easy. (Not to mention the fact that most people that talk about the glory days forget that what made Vanilla WoW hard was a buggy game, a game where 40 people constantly crashed the servers, where you had a class imbalance not many MMO's have seen since those days, had things such as "out of combat rezzers" and had to deal with getting 40 people, most of whom were not even used to raiding to coordinate the simplest of mechanics. Then when you say that, they go "oh yeah, I did NAXX back in the day!" Congrats. 1 raid had 1 fight that was mechanically challenging. That doesn't mean BWL, Molten Core, or any of the rest of it was the same. These people are the people that talk so much about easy content. That's coming from someone who did all of that content at the time it was new. It was fun, yes. It wasn't easy, yes. But that doesn't make it SO much better than what WoW or any MMO has out today, and it doesn't mean everything else in comparison is "carebear". )


Hint guys: NMM isn't even out yet. Most people have trouble with Denova SM or HM and NMM isn't even here. Not to mention, it's the third raid, second tier. Sure the EV and KP weren't up to snuff, but that doesn't mean every raid after won't be either! SWTOR has done a hell of a lot better than WoW did at launch on raids, hell of a lot better than pretty much all MMO's have done. (In my opinion)


So we should wish Condemned good luck in their new ****** GW2 (just kidding :-), I played beta and as I was for GW1 am a GW2 hater) because they are a nice group of people who just happen to be really good at MMOs. There should be a law that prevents people from spewing whatever stereotypical bullcrap that pops into their heads into the forums for no reason.


Sidenote: If anyone from Condemned reads this, I've always been curious as to why Condemned never tried its hand in competitive raiding in WoW. It's my opinion that DREAM-Paragon, Method, or any of these guilds would simply *********** CRUSH condemned in a world race in what has established itself as THE best endgame PVE game on the market over the last 8 years, but there's no way to know since Condemned's never been there. Just seems that if you had, all your accomplishments in what are my opinion PVE-wise very inferior games wouldn't seem all that great anymore.

Edited by Craxim
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Not enough content for them most likely. You have groups of people that just play MMOs day in and day out...that's what they "do".


Unfortuntely, the way modern MMOs work these days, groups like that will always move on after a few months because there isn't enough end game raid content for them when a new MMO comes out.


I wouldn't let them leaving affect you unless you've done it all as well and are planning to go join them.

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Lol @ top guilds in TOR. BioWare has done an outstanding job ruling this MMO with an iron fist. Not only have they provided equal incentives for everyone but they have also eliminated all in-game competition. Bravo BioWare, bravo. Just the game I wanted to play! :)


The whole point of games is competition... All games.


Likely they felt that a 4 boss instance is called a Flashpoint and not a Raid... So they left.


Whether it be story driven or Raid/PvP driven, there still needs to be substantial content added regularly to justify this game being subscription based.


The EC raid is a small raid, yet there was no story driven content added in in patch 1.2 either. So either way one looks at it, there still needs to be content added to a sub based MMO, whatever the focus may be.

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If you consider server firsts to qualify a guild as "the best" or "the top," then I call into question your qualifications for what makes a guild actually good.


A great guild is compassionate. They care about the game, their guild mates, and their server. They want to see other guilds succeed, and their server to thrive, nourished in helpfulness and the sort of positivity that drives players to accomplish more. They're strong, loyal, and caring in all of the ways that matter, and members of the guild feel like they've made new gamer friends as soon as they walk through the door. No pressure, no lame, meaningless goals... just fun.


That's how I personally qualify a guild as good or not. Guilds like the one you're describing were a major driving factor for myself, and hundreds of thousands of other players, leaving other certain MMO's for other ones. Those sorts of guilds contribute literally nothing of value to a server or a game's community. They won't be missed by anyone.


Why they nerd-raged and /gamequit is beyond me. It's a new game. There are bugs, and they'll be sorted in due time, in an order that best suits the capabilities of the design, development, and QA teams at Bioware. The very idea of an MMO, at its core, is that it's never truly finished. Take a look at WoW. How many years has that game been out? And they're still releasing patches to fix bugs that have been around since launch. They're still introducing fresh content and new cheesy kung-fu panda expansion packs. SWTOR will be around long after WoW is gone, and I'll bet you whatever you'd like to bet that in three years, it will be the number one MMO title on the market. Feel free to hold me to that, too. I myself am a former game developer. I know quality when I see it.


Nice post =) ...From a long time guild leader =)

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Hardcores won't be missed; all they do is whine.


This is not true... Most hardcore gamers (PvE'ers anyway) are very quiet and are very helpful to the community and to games in general to make them better.


It's the hardcore wannabes that are the whiners.

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No game can do both PVE and PVP well. It's impossible to balance.


I think that vanilla wow was on a very good move.


You had raids that were often broadcasted in tv shows, quite funny if you can make a few bucks like that :) and you had the CTF pvp at Warsong that also was part of many competitions.


Unfortunately did Blizzard fail to add something like HL-TV for those Warsong games and by moving towards Arena they lost many loyal pvper´s. Just ask yourself, if you can play Unreal - then why play Arena? Arena is still a part of some tournaments but the real potential Blizz had with the BG´s like Warsong was wasted.


Too many games move towards fastfood gameplay, while I agree that its easier to watch - after all a 10 min arena game is faster than a 2 hour warsong, but it also bores the viewer much faster as just nothing happens besides a simple deathmatch.

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Who were these guy's? Oh right, another bunch of nobodies who think they're "1337 hAx0r!" because they got server/world firsts and blahblahblah and now realize that rushing to complete everything for the sake of E-peen value that they have jack diddly to do, sorry no sympathy from me, bye and please let the door smack you all on the way out. :jawa_evil:
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Sorry but.. my guild is actually SW:TOR's "Best, Top Guild". I, and all the other members can vouch for it.

I'll keep it anonymous since we are more than enough and we don't want new recruits - nor groupies to follow us around.


So yeah.. The Best, Top Guild will remain in SW:TOR. No need to panic, people!

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I love how many people that have cleared HM EC on 16 man are sitting around saying the content is easy...oh wait. None of the people sitting around saying the content is easy have done that. Or at least not many. Not even Cali Killed Nox is done with it yet. A few guilds will clear it fast, such as Condemned, sure, and that happens, and that's fine. If they choose to stay, great, if not, great. But because 1 or 2 or maybe even a few more blew through it, doesn't make it easy. Don't call it easy if you haven't done it. Don't call yourself done until you're in full BiS. If you're not willing to work for that, then fine, you don't have to, but don't act like the game has no endgame content just because you're not willing to do what it takes play it.


The same thing happens in every MMO. It happened in WoW with the last expansion, a bunch of people who played in WotLK talked about how easy Cata was, or a bunch of old 60's sitting around talking about the "glory days" of Vanilla WoW, and how hard it was. But most of the people saying Cata was so easy never even did any of the heroic content in it, and not on 25. They straight up didn't play the game to it's fullest, yet ran 5 mans all day in gear 3 tiers over it's original entry into the game and said it was easy. (Not to mention the fact that most people that talk about the glory days forget that what made Vanilla WoW hard was a buggy game, a game where 40 people constantly crashed the servers, where you had a class imbalance not many MMO's have seen since those days, had things such as "out of combat rezzers" and had to deal with getting 40 people, most of whom were not even used to raiding to coordinate the simplest of mechanics. Then when you say that, they go "oh yeah, I did NAXX back in the day!" Congrats. 1 raid had 1 fight that was mechanically challenging. That doesn't mean BWL, Molten Core, or any of the rest of it was the same. These people are the people that talk so much about easy content. That's coming from someone who did all of that content at the time it was new. It was fun, yes. It wasn't easy, yes. But that doesn't make it SO much better than what WoW or any MMO has out today, and it doesn't mean everything else in comparison is "carebear". )


Hint guys: NMM isn't even out yet. Most people have trouble with Denova SM or HM and NMM isn't even here. Not to mention, it's the third raid, second tier. Sure the EV and KP weren't up to snuff, but that doesn't mean every raid after won't be either! SWTOR has done a hell of a lot better than WoW did at launch on raids, hell of a lot better than pretty much all MMO's have done. (In my opinion)


So we should wish Condemned good luck in their new ****** GW2 (just kidding :-), I played beta and as I was for GW1 am a GW2 hater) because they are a nice group of people who just happen to be really good at MMOs. There should be a law that prevents people from spewing whatever stereotypical bullcrap that pops into their heads into the forums for no reason.


Sidenote: If anyone from Condemned reads this, I've always been curious as to why Condemned never tried its hand in competitive raiding in WoW. It's my opinion that DREAM-Paragon, Method, or any of these guilds would simply *********** CRUSH condemned in a world race in what has established itself as THE best endgame PVE game on the market over the last 8 years, but there's no way to know since Condemned's never been there. Just seems that if you had, all your accomplishments in what are my opinion PVE-wise very inferior games wouldn't seem all that great anymore.






I would like to point out that for true old school players there is only 1 difficulty....


when i killed ragnaros ragnaros is dead.... killing ragnaros on heroic is just a cheap(if not cheapest) trick in the world ''invented'' by lazy developers who though making same skin with more HP and hitting harder and extra 1-2 abillities will make a different encounter...


NO it was still old boring ragnaros....


So normal mode, heroic and nightmare is 1 RAID not 3...


keep that in mind....


Thats why Vanilla and TBC were ''glory'' days indeed.... i wasnt spending 100 hours a week in Molten Core normal then heroic.... I was spending 100 hours in Molten Core, AQ, AQ40, Onyxia, etc.....


Dont try to talk down the fact that this is easy cheap tricks by devs... and i will not buy them i want 10 different raids all in 1 mode only for everyone the same so i see some diversity...


Imagine you had 1 instance from 10-50 with SAME mobs/bosses inside just they would increase difficulty according to your lvl..... UBER CRAP....then at 50 you would have normal mode 50 flashpoint (1) then 1 heroic and 1 nightmare mode for uber gear


this is slacking not content!

Edited by Alcarinn
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What i have noticed about Tor is the high percentage of players who stop playing, especially at level 50. Our guild was in Star Wars Galaxies for 7 years and in the final few years had the guild cap of 500 active members and the turnover of players was extremely low. In Lord of The Rings Online our turnover of players is very low, though Lotro is F2P but most members get Vip package.


In Tor, although our guild is very active, with upto 50 members always on at peak times and about 200 members online in the last 48 hours, the turnover of players is extremely high. We are losing level 50's by the week as they stop playing (some now gone to Guild Wars 2 beta) but we have no issues with recruiting newer members. Losing the level 50 players then has a knock on effect as it makes ops etc harder to run and once at 50 alot then see gearing for ops and doing dailies as a chore and do it for a while but majority leave soon after as bored. This has a knock on effect of the moral of remaining officers in the guild and is a new exerience to us as never before in our 7 years have we encountered anything like this level of turnover and its got to the stage even a senior member of the guild is questioning if this game is right for us due to the lack of social features and the turnover of players.


personally, im having fun still, am level 48 now so have the dailies all to come but future is abit uncertain at the moment for us here in all honesty

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Those who deal in absolutes are absolutely mistaken.



It is possible. You just have to have your AI set up with the same powers and abilities of the players. FPS do it all the time now.


In Guild Wars AI can only use skills in game, save a few special monster skills. And I'm pretty sure it's the same in Guild Wars 2. Which was amazing, laziest weekend ever

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Nonsense, that is the whole point to some people not everyone.


lol if you eliminate all competition (and i mean all) so no lvls, no skills, no nothing and everyone is in exactly same items from start until game is over, and nothing ever drops and cash is obsolete and everything is pointless and all you do is go through story line like in swtor with voiceover i guarantee you the game wont even have 20.000 players 6 months from release.


and that is ''fact'' (soft one but we all know it is)


Competition and competitive players are all what drives the gaming industry.... and casuals is most what pays for it.


no competitive players = casuals wont stay for long either in the long run(few will but majority will not)


And giving this game for example... for the amount of servers we have anything below 2 million ACTIVE subs is a failure looking from amount of server perception.


If server community does not have 5.000 ACTIVE players, and by active i mean playing 8hours+ a week, then there is barely any server community.

Edited by Alcarinn
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never heard of this CVGS or whatever.... think they're just popping on with whatever is trending. and they set off my spyware alarm


CVG is the oldest gaming publication in the entire world. I don't always agree with them but they really do know what they are talking about.

And it sounds like your spyware alarm is broken.

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What i have noticed about Tor is the high percentage of players who stop playing, especially at level 50. Our guild was in Star Wars Galaxies for 7 years and in the final few years had the guild cap of 500 active members and the turnover of players was extremely low. In Lord of The Rings Online our turnover of players is very low, though Lotro is F2P but most members get Vip package.


In Tor, although our guild is very active, with upto 50 members always on at peak times and about 200 members online in the last 48 hours, the turnover of players is extremely high. We are losing level 50's by the week as they stop playing (some now gone to Guild Wars 2 beta) but we have no issues with recruiting newer members. Losing the level 50 players then has a knock on effect as it makes ops etc harder to run and once at 50 alot then see gearing for ops and doing dailies as a chore and do it for a while but majority leave soon after as bored. This has a knock on effect of the moral of remaining officers in the guild and is a new exerience to us as never before in our 7 years have we encountered anything like this level of turnover and its got to the stage even a senior member of the guild is questioning if this game is right for us due to the lack of social features and the turnover of players.


personally, im having fun still, am level 48 now so have the dailies all to come but future is abit uncertain at the moment for us here in all honesty


I know exactly what you mean. I didn't rush to 50 and have been playing since the end of January. I've had to hop to three different guilds since then because of senior members and other 50's no longer logging on. I enjoy the immersion of the story in these games very much. It's fun, but I seriously can't help but feel as though SWTOR as an MMO isn't doing so well. I don't understand why so many people have such a "Good, we didn't need them anyways. Let the door hit them on the way out" Mentality.


Those people are my friends who just aren't having fun with the content anymore. I stopped playing on my 50 because I'm bored of dailies, and because helping out other 40's get to 50 or gearing up fellow 50's is too time consuming for me now. I rerolled a new character on a more populated server and still find myself unable to do a lot of group quests. I am thoroughly enjoying the story of my new character and am finding myself wishing that this could just have been an amazing KOTOR 3. I'll be hopping ships once my time left expires, I took my time but I think I've gotten all I can get out of SWTOR at this point.

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