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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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How hard is it for you to understand that I don't want to participate in your little griefer party?


This is why I want more NPC's to simply jump on uninfected players, hump their legs, and infect them.


Bioware wants you to be at constant risk of being infected and dying from rakghoul plague. If they did not make other PC's a vector, you would find yourself being infected by other means- for example, there's corpses randomly scattered around Tatooine that will spawn a swarm of infectious rakghouls.


There will be more such things to come. Guaranteed. The plague is not a PvP event, it is not a PvE event, it is a world event. The world is sick. You will fight it or you will succumb to it, but it is part of the game we are all playing.


It's not griefing. Griefing is when I hear someone complain about something in a way I don't like and then I spend the rest of the day following them and killing every mob they're trying to farm before they can so much as touch it. Or camping their corpse such as to prevent them from doing anything save respawn-die-respawn.


They bent over backwards to give people other options, up to and including putting it in an area where players could reroute to two other planets and level up in peace and quiet...yet constantly, people go GRIIIEEEEEEEEEF!


There needs to be a word to describe something that goes beyond "carebear" for people like this.


Maybe "Teletubby".

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MMOs developers have to cater to what the majority of players want and I would guess that the majority of players are enjoying the event. In fact I know people who have come back to the game simply to check it out.


If you are so uptight about the plague then stay away from the fleet for a few days or just buy a few of the darn vaccines. If 2k is a lot to you then you're probably not playing the game seriously anyway so I assume all you're here to do is complain..

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This thought ( not directed at the Nymerias just that it sums up the pro event view) seems to be the prevailing sentiment for those that LIKE the event.


But its not how those of us that do not like the even feel.


The event should be OPT IN only and it should not cost in time or treasure to OPT OUT.


Why make us pay to opt out in time or treasure.


How about make you pay in time or treasure to OPT IN.


Like do a 10 hour quest series to OPT in. Yeah there would be QQing that that wasn't fair.


But hey we wouldn't have to OPT in now would we.


See how ridiculous that sounds? Well thats how this event feels for those of us that don't want to participate.


There's supposed to be an element of danger to these world events. Imagine needing to a 10 hour quest just to become susceptible to the zombie apocalypse.

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A month ago?


More like two months ago.


They removed that a bunch of patches ago.


So, no, absolutely not true.


When we first got word they were removing it, I said, "good, here's why I can't wait to see involuntary flagging go" and was told "no noob that's not what they're doing."


Never saw a word about removing involuntary flagging in any patch notes since then.


So, you'll forgive me if I simply don't believe you.

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Don't care about those things. I don't want to stop you from getting those things but, I don't want to have to OPT OUT to not be involved.


Unplanned time sink. And triggers collecting OCD bug in my brain. I stay away from those things.


I don't want to be invovled in world events I just hang with my friends that I know from other games and irl that is enough for me.


How selfish can one person be? The vast majority of the people are loving this event and are partaking in it. All you have to do to stay clear of it, is to acquire a stim or two and pop em every 5 game hours. If you don't want to spend that crazy amount of cash on a 2k stim, politely ask for one and you will likely be given one.


Instead, you would rather BioWare pull down the servers and change the mechanics of the event for you?

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Don't care about those things. I don't want to stop you from getting those things but, I don't want to have to OPT OUT to not be involved.


Unplanned time sink. And triggers collecting OCD bug in my brain. I stay away from those things.


I don't want to be invovled in world events I just hang with my friends that I know from other games and irl that is enough for me.


If you would rather hang out with people from another game and not be bothered by world events, then log out and and play the other game, or just log out. Are we invading your afk space or something?

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If you were a leveler, you'd be out there leveling, and not on the space station getting infected.

I almost wasted a tear here though.


There is this little thing called travel and sometimes you travel to places (when at the time you don't know to stay away) and get forced to participate.


Believe me I am planning to avoid tatooine and fleet for as long as this event is going on.


It just torques me off right now because the toon I was leveling was on tatooine and undergoing the leveling path that I am comfortable with. This FORCES me to do something else that I would rather not do at this time.


Why is this so hard for you people to understand? I don't care if they have these events for you all to participate in. I just DONT want to participate in the event and it should be a zero sum null effect for me for you to have them. It should take no time or treasure to OPT OUT. You all should have to OPT IN .. it can even be free for you to OPT IN.


I wish they had an option to be "immune" to world events. I would check that in a heart beat.

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And has been said many times, anyone who is so credit-poor that the can't afford a vaccine can just ask for one. Plenty of people would give them away, especially to a lower-level character. This is only griefing if you allow it to grief you.


It doesn't matter. It shouldn't be necessary in the first place. The event is on Tatooine, not on Fleet and not on any other planet. The event should be contained to where the event actually is, especially when it's a contagion event that any government in it's right mind would have the foresight to QUARANTINE the planet.


They warned you not to go there. Why should they shy away from keeping you there when you're infected?


Those who are infected should not be allowed to even enter their ship's docking bay. And security forces around the spaceport should be firing on anyone who even tries. Not only would this keep the event from spilling into areas where there are players that don't want to participate in it, it would make it even more realistic and fun.


I love the event. I think it's great. I just think that it should have been contained to the area where it is happening, like any plague actually would.



Edited by Blackavaar
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At least you're honest about wanting the game to only cater to you.


Why shouldn't I want that? I'm paying money.

Why on God's earth or any other shouldn't I demand what I want in return?

Edited by Eutoxis
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There is this little thing called travel and sometimes you travel to places (when at the time you don't know to stay away) and get forced to participate.


Believe me I am planning to avoid tatooine and fleet for as long as this event is going on.


It just torques me off right now because the toon I was leveling was on tatooine and undergoing the leveling path that I am comfortable with. This FORCES me to do something else that I would rather not do at this time.


Why is this so hard for you people to understand? I don't care if they have these events for you all to participate in. I just DONT want to participate in the event and it should be a zero sum null effect for me for you to have them. It should take no time or treasure to OPT OUT. You all should have to OPT IN .. it can even be free for you to OPT IN.


I wish they had an option to be "immune" to world events. I would check that in a heart beat.


Buying a 2k vaccine every 6 hours takes PRACTICALLY NO EFFORT. Are you really that lazy?

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There's supposed to be an element of danger to these world events. Imagine needing to a 10 hour quest just to become susceptible to the zombie apocalypse.


It was hyperbole to illustrate a point. I stated that it was ridiculous at the end and the reason for the hyperbole.



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When we first got word they were removing it, I said, "good, here's why I can't wait to see involuntary flagging go" and was told "no noob that's not what they're doing."


Never saw a word about removing involuntary flagging in any patch notes since then.


So, you'll forgive me if I simply don't believe you.


You dont even know if it happens or not, and you said it happens a few months ago and try to pawn it off as happening last night...so you'll forgive us if we don't believe you either.

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I actually cancelled my sub yesterday because of this.


I really hope you did. Not saying that as a bad thing either. If more people put their money where their mouth was because of this event, we wouldn't have to wade through the 4% entitlement posts that we did today and yesterday. And I would have gotten more work done today.


Oh well.

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What part of OPT IN ONLY is unclear?


Why on earth would I do a daily quest to get out of an event I never wanted to be part of in the first place?


You OPT IN when you pay your monthly fee. This is an MMO after all. I always hate when people say if you don't like it go play a single player game, but in your case this actually may be true.


I am a single player guy who likes to play MMO's. Im not really all that social with the exception of I enjoy PVP. That said even I don't mind the event and find it funny and kind of cool that Bioware would do something random like this

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Rakghouls in your basement?


Worry not! For a small fee, Hired Gun and Associates will cleanse this vile disease from your household. We'll kill off all your loved ones, so you don't have to later!


Call in the next Dromund Kaas cycle and we'll secure your surrounding countryside free of charge!

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Don't care about those things. I don't want to stop you from getting those things but, I don't want to have to OPT OUT to not be involved.


Unplanned time sink. And triggers collecting OCD bug in my brain. I stay away from those things.


I don't want to be invovled in world events I just hang with my friends that I know from other games and irl that is enough for me.


Considering the immunity stim is only 2k credits (which is to my Trooper like me having pennies in my pocket in real life), I have come to the conclusion that you are really just trolling in this thread.


The OPT OUT costs 2k or a few minutes doing one of the dailies. One single level 50 daily pays 7k.


At this point, even if the stims were 0 cost on the vendors, I'd expect you to reply saying something crazy like, "it's still unacceptable because I have to spend 5 minutes looking for the vendor".


Sorry buddy, it's a group oriented game. This event wont last forever - like other pandemics, I guess you'll have to quarantine yourself to your ship in the meantime, which is precisely what most of the playerbase would be doing if SWTOR were real and this rakghoul plague was actually happening.

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There is this little thing called travel and sometimes you travel to places (when at the time you don't know to stay away) and get forced to participate.


Believe me I am planning to avoid tatooine and fleet for as long as this event is going on.


It just torques me off right now because the toon I was leveling was on tatooine and undergoing the leveling path that I am comfortable with. This FORCES me to do something else that I would rather not do at this time.


Why is this so hard for you people to understand? I don't care if they have these events for you all to participate in. I just DONT want to participate in the event and it should be a zero sum null effect for me for you to have them. It should take no time or treasure to OPT OUT. You all should have to OPT IN .. it can even be free for you to OPT IN.


I wish they had an option to be "immune" to world events. I would check that in a heart beat.

There are plenty of single player games that work that way. If you can't handle the slightest unpredictability in a game stay away from multiplayer. This is a world event, not another optional side quest.

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...because what Bioware really needs right now is EVEN MORE unsubs.



Yes, they do if it's people like you.


If an MMO stakes out it's place by doing content many people like (attracting different players as a result in droves) and driving out people like yourself (in much smaller numbers), they end up with a net gain. Succumbing to the wrong kind of "complaints" will only result in a tapoica pudding MMO (aka "Hello Kitty Island").


Bioware doesn't win on pudding. Go big or go home. They lose 4% of old subscribers but end up 5% bigger from ones that want more exciting world events? The game that tries to appeal too hard to everyone ends up tasteless to most and falls by the wayside with the other WoW clones.

Edited by Noviru
borderline rude
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It just torques me off right now because the toon I was leveling was on tatooine and undergoing the leveling path that I am comfortable with. This FORCES me to do something else that I would rather not do at this time.



It's not forcing you to do anything but maybe die every 20 min, no repair cost, rez on the spot and go about your business.

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You dont even know if it happens or not, and you said it happens a few months ago and try to pawn it off as happening last night...so you'll forgive us if we don't believe you either.


I didn't say it happened last night.


Consider yourself ignored.

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