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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Don't give them credit, Old Hag - they are trying to make up stuff to try to get the event nerfed now.


Eh, I can relate to being frustrated by this game and I can also relate to having people tell me I'm a ______ (whatever) for expressing an opinion. So, I try to be polite about things.


I am pretty confident that this will be a success. SO many people are having a blast!

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They are actually neither zombie or undead. They are however a mutation...so your position from that point...is a bit off.


I know, but friends in the guild have said that the rakghoul heroics are like Left 4 Dead and to me the rakghoul's seem to be getting treated like zombies

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It forces me to stop what I am doing and interupts my plans.



Forbid that should ever happen, anywhere.


Seriously, world events that made everything crazy used to be something people raved about. Now it's all "wah, I can't check the GN and sit around the capital hub like I do the vast majority of the time between the rare world event."


The lack of an ability to embrace and adapt to the unexpected among players these days is disheartening.

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First, I think it's closer to 30%.


Second, every major company will spend millions to get that extra 4%, because it's worth hundreds of millions.


I'm sick of Bioware trying to appease the small minority.


To top it off this paticular issue is just ridiculous.


Now people are mad at fun content that makes the game more immersive?


I want this, I want that, it's not fair, gimme this too because Billy Bob got it!


The forum community isn't going to be happy with anything Bioware chooses to do as of recently, even if it's a positive thing a small minority of people will spin it in a bad light and QQ all over these obnoxious threads for attention.


I'm not usually one to say this but if you don't like it unsub. Don't make the majority suffer because you've got a hang up on a lil fun puking and exploding. It's not game breaking and it's not the end of the world. Get over it and if you can't, maybe an MMO isn't quite for you anymore.

Edited by Nakazia
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Wow, yeah, all I see are 2 or 3 people continuously posting their malcontent at the event and on these threads. Wish you guys would go away when Bioware does something that is actually fun and enjoyable rather than complain. The event was well done, well planned, and is actually rather fun. Go complain about real problems, like the horrible class balancing or PvP issues from 1.2.
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You do know it really does not affect you in any real way or slow down anything else you want to do.
No, several people have explained how it affects them in a real way, and how it slows down what they want to do... they've even mentioned some specific examples of what they'd like to see changed to remove the ability of players to grief other players using the event as an excuse. Edited by ferroz
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Hmm, so you go to Tat where the event is most prominent, then complain because of the event?


I grow weary of your arguments.


I am somewhat heartened by the QQ in this thread. Shows just how successful this event truly was considering it's only around 3-5 people complaining and 20-30 people supporting.


All other threads started seem to also support the event.




Sigh... I think half the problem is that people do not actually take the time to read and consider what those of us who do not like the plague are saying.


If you had, you would know that most of us, and certainly myself, have said repeatedly that everything about the event is fine or great except for the way the infection works. That is our problem. We largely support the event itself.

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Actually they are probably trying to complete the quest of infecting 10 enemy.
No, I'm pretty sure that they've never done a warzone or are being disingenuous. Whether they're trying to do a quest or not isn't really relevant to that point.
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I left zombifest WoW among many other things because I constantly got undead and zombies thrown into my face. And guess what happened now in ToR ?!


You went to Taris and realized SW did it first?


It's a Sith-made genetic mutation plague. Been around in TOR since the first KOTOR game. Heck, there's even Dark Horse SW comics where Vader ends up having to deal with them- and not all of them are crazed mutants (which they are- rakghouls aren't "dead" by any definition). Uncontrolled "spawn" are ravenous beasts, but deliberately created "ghouls" are intelligent, dangerous opponents unswervingly loyal to their creators. Heck, they can even breed more of their own kind and pass down memories from one generation to the next.



Needles in the Trooper questline makes his own "Nekghouls", a rakghoul line of deadly, smart servants- and the Murr Talisman in the undercity of Taris waits in-canon to be picked up again to create still more like it by Dark Side power rather than twisted science.


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I can't beleive ppl are whinging about bioware doing something awesome. Your arguments basically sum up to "I am slightly inconveinienced so I want it stopped for everyone!". For the original poster who said remove it or I quit, seriously, with your ridiculous sense of self entitlement, the community will be better off without you.
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Wow, yeah, all I see are 2 or 3 people continuously posting their malcontent at the event and on these threads. Wish you guys would go away when Bioware does something that is actually fun and enjoyable rather than complain. The event was well done, well planned, and is actually rather fun. Go complain about real problems, like the horrible class balancing or PvP issues from 1.2.


2 or 3 people? We see what we want to see at times. :cool:

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I can't beleive ppl are whinging about bioware doing something awesome.
Well... they haven't.


Your arguments basically sum up to "I am slightly inconveinienced so I want it stopped for everyone!".
No, it's "I'm inconvenienced to various degrees, I want it stopped for me."
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Forbid that should ever happen, anywhere.


Seriously, world events that made everything crazy used to be something people raved about. Now it's all "wah, I can't check the GN and sit around the capital hub like I do the vast majority of the time between the rare world event."


The lack of an ability to embrace and adapt to the unexpected among players these days is disheartening.




Why should I have to do something in a GAME that I don't want to do?


This is just failed WOW GHOUL PLAGUE event redone.


I didn't like it then and I do not like it now.


The only good thing the Wow plague did was to show how people are nothing but self serving jerks and how a patterns for pandemics would spread.

Edited by Urael
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Honestly, I have never seen so much whine and tears over a piddly little event.


My god, how did you people survive the days of experience loss and corpse runs...


Or were you not around for them? :p


Or wait lists for the FBSS in EverQuest... or red-flagged characters in UO, including corpse-looting... :)


Yesterday was the day that I had the most fun in the game since I started playing it. It was great seeing 100+ people in Tatooine(1) and 50+ people in Tatooine(2). The only part that got annoying was when people kept asking the same questions over and over when they were readily available on Google. But whatever, it was worth it.

Edited by jasonmicron
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I know, but friends in the guild have said that the rakghoul heroics are like Left 4 Dead and to me the rakghoul's seem to be getting treated like zombies


I would suggest trying it yourself. I understand abiding the words of friends. But, in this case you might be better served looking into it on your own.

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I'm sick of Bioware trying to appease the small minority.


To top it off this paticular issue is just ridiculous.


Now people are mad at fun content that makes the game more immersive?


I want this, I want that, it's not fair, gimme this too because Billy Bob got it!


The forum community isn't going to be happy with anything Bioware chooses to do as of recently, even if it's a positive thing a small minority of people will spin it in a bad light and QQ all over these obnoxious threads for attention.


I'm not usually one to say this but if you don't like it unsub. Don't make the majority suffer because you've got a hang up on a lil fun puking and exploding. It's not game breaking and it's not the end of the world. Get over it and if you can't, maybe an MMO isn't quite for you anymore.


You realize that if we unsub, as you want, the game gets that much closer to failure, correct?


I like the game - I really do. If I didn't, I wouldn't be so upset about something which is ruining it for me. I'm one of the most dedicated players there is, one of the players who helps make the server a place worth being by contributing to group efforts, the economy, by helping people out, and by answering questions. At least I try to be.


In any case, if that number is 10%, or 15%, or 20%, or even 30%, we are valued customers just as much as you are.

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Why would you go to an OP or FP infected? Better yet why would they allow you to? Sorry thats a bit more grasping.


But it can happen..right? Plus that was just couple examples of it affecting a player's game experences. There are others. :cool:

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The forum community isn't going to be happy with anything Bioware chooses to do ...


Well, that's what happens when you make choices which cause an increasing number of people to become contentious.


Many players are already pissed off and are prepared to vent their frustration at every opportunity.


The world event was a great concept but poorly executed. While infected players have been encouraged to explode/infect as many other players as possible, there should be a counter balance mechanic that let's us kill infected players trying to do so on places like fleet.

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