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The end of the arguement. Is SWTOR in decline? Can it be saved?


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This :csw_yoda:


Simply this.


I can laugh myself to sleep with all these forum trolls stating the game is dying.


Simply put this game is nowhere near dying, it has a very healthy population, they just need to consolidate it, Every Friday night in the EU you will have standard replace the light status on 50% of those 'light' servers, meaning a minimum of 350 people are playing on that server.


Dying, lol go try Warhammer Online and get back to me.

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Look at the screenshot on this website, its SWTOR will all servers full with a Q. The only thing thats dying is SWTOR and Joystiq's article because its obviously dated.


Yeah that is what I want. I want to get home from a day at work and get stuck in a queue. If the game does not have a queue, it MUST be failing right?


Oh wait, my server in WoW NEVER has a queue.


Again, people need to actually THINK. The servers were more active at launch because, guess what, it was the HOLIDAYS!! Nearly everybody was on break. How can it be such a shock that the servers are not always full anymore? Now that I am back at work, I do not play the game that much. Not because I do not like the game, but because after working I want to go out, or do something else. I do not always have to play this game RIGHT after I get done from work until I go to bed.

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This morning I spilled my hot cup of tea down my freshly pressed blouse and exclaimed, "Damn you, !@#$% BIOWARE!" Is there nothing these guys can't screw up? :rolleyes:


A pidgeon dropped his... euuurm.. droppings on me while I was going to work, so I had to go back home and change my blouse.


Obviously, it's BioWare's fault. DAMN U BIOWARE.

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UPDATE - EA has issued a statement on the matter, telling MCV "There are no lay-offs as such, we always have projects growing and morphing. At any given time there are new people coming in and others leaving. EA is growing and hiring and building teams to support the growing demand for digital games and services."
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UPDATE - EA has issued a statement on the matter, telling MCV "There are no lay-offs as such, we always have projects growing and morphing. At any given time there are new people coming in and others leaving. EA is growing and hiring and building teams to support the growing demand for digital games and services."



So they are letting people go from certain games and hire some for new games. So in effect SWTOR is losing some staff whilst new projects are taking people on.

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So they are letting people go from certain games and hire some for new games. So in effect SWTOR is losing some staff whilst new projects are taking people on.


Never said anything about TOR. People ASSUME it's TOR.


I can think of a number of EA games that could lose them money (FIFA, Madden, Fight Night, Need for Speed, and so on)

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Never said anything about TOR. People ASSUME it's TOR.


I can think of a number of EA games that could lose them money (FIFA, Madden, Fight Night, Need for Speed, and so on)


Even if it WAS swtor, it still wouldn't mean anything. When games launch they have a much higher number of staff working on it, then afterwards they cut back to the core. It doesn't take as many people to maintain a game as it does to launch a game.

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On Nadd's Sarc the other day, I used my fleet pass and zoned into so many people it took me a few seconds to run and be able to see my toon. Pretty much no less than 90 on the imperial fleet at any one time.


Seem to be a good amount of pubs I run into as well, and we are only a medium server. I will say that not a lot of people run FP's, but I actually think they are fun, if not just a little bit too long. I think that's the real turn off tbh.


EQ2 you could kind of choose a really short instance or a really long one based on what people had time for. I wouldn't consider any of the FP's I've been through truly short. Also, if they put in some rare rewards, like EQ2 did, that rarely dropped but were coveted you would see more people doing them.


EQ2 would put in the occassional BiS item that dropped rarely in a FP.


Our PvP q's are near instant, I would say reroll on another server if you have population problems.

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Even if it WAS swtor, it still wouldn't mean anything. When games launch they have a much higher number of staff working on it, then afterwards they cut back to the core. It doesn't take as many people to maintain a game as it does to launch a game.


Agreed. It just annoys me how EA losing money must mean TOR. The ONLY good games EA have these days are the ME franchise (Ending aside) Dead Space and well... This. IMO anyway. Maybe throw The Sims in there too.

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Never said anything about TOR. People ASSUME it's TOR.


I can think of a number of EA games that could lose them money (FIFA, Madden, Fight Night, Need for Speed, and so on)


They will not let many go from the sports franchise games they have. FIFA, Madden and others sell way too many across all major platforms to lose a lot of money. I still think that EA are disappointed that the subs have not taken off as they hopped so far.

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Lack of any concrete data, and the sales figures they used for Battlefield 3 are horribly wrong.


13 million in cash? That's how many units were sold as of March....



:rolleyes: I am no fan boy, but as an ex-analyst working for a major North American bank, I will wait until the next quarterly report comes out to comment.

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Oh wait, my server in WoW NEVER has a queue.



It did when it first launched. Now nobody really knows what the current pop there is and they had to do a bunch of server mergers over the years from having way too many servers. One can however anticipate SWTOR will merge some way down the road if necessary

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First of all, Kotaku is hardly reliable.


Secondly, wait until their next quarterly report.


Third of all, there is no concrete source for this.


Lastly, this is straight from EA. I too can spin quotes :rolleyes:


EA is growing and looking to hire hundreds of people for our digital, console, mobile and social games. Like all game companies, we make occasional adjustments to resize teams as projects are completed and new priorities are established. Overall, we expect that headcount will be up at the end of this year

Source: http://startupgrind.com/2012/04/exclusive-electronic-arts-set-to-lay-off-500-employees/

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cvg is always posting **** like that anyway i just ignore all thier storys these days they always spin storys in the worst possible way for ea/bioware look at previous storys they have posted and see if you can find one story at all where they praise ea or bioware at all.
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It did when it first launched. Now nobody really knows what the current pop there is and they had to do a bunch of server mergers over the years from having way too many servers. One can however anticipate SWTOR will merge some way down the road if necessary


WoW has never, ever, ever had a server merge or close. Ever.

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