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Rerolling away from mara post 1.2?


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I have loved marauder with all my heart since launch. Even though it took me about 3 weeks to learn how to properly use it (I'm still nowhere near great).


But will all the FOTM rerollers I have become ashamed of my caped crusader. It may be very strong now but I really feel like rerolling another class.


Has anyone else felt this way?

Edited by VexedForest
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I feel your pain, I really do. I haven't played a maurder yet, but with the inclusion of legacy races into Live, I had my heart set on rolling a Mirulaki (spelling? idk, the blind alien race) Maurader for my next main. After reading the patch notes and seeing the bombardedment of FoTM scrubs rolling mauraders, I am going to wait now until they're renerfed and a new flavor comes out.


If you're thinking of re-rolling, I'd suggest Sniper (my favorite) for a dps choice, or try one of the nerfed classes for a challenge (making a healer sorc for the laughs.)

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Yeah man, it's what I don't like about MMO's.


This happens all the time and I'm constantly rerolling. I joined a guild and there was like 5 marauders, not including me online at the moment when I joined. I'm like wow, how am I supposed to get into a raid group or even in PvP when rated warzones start?


This is like when a warzone had like 10 sorcs in it, now it's 10 marauders. It's sickening.

Edited by Electroflux
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This is like when a warzone had like 10 sorcs in it, now it's 10 marauders. It's sickening.



Yes and I am guessing you are talking pre-50 as the shock of a melee dps class that only has choices of DPS doing actual DPS that before was midly amusing if you were anything BUT a Anhil specced Mara.


The WZ I played in with my Mara pre 1.2 always loaded heavy healing and dps specced classes (without healing) we a rare sight. GEE I wonder why... I am guessng because most of the healing classes can and would pump out decent damage as well as shrug off DPS classes.


Give it time as they get higher level they will either love it or hate it... pre 50 Mara's are almost completely different in PVP than post 50, and just about every class can kick bootie below level 30.

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You can't make class choices on what others do. There is a large portion of the mmo community that keeps an eye out for what they consider an "op" class, and constantly reroll. It's just apart of mmo's. Most will quit when they find out they need more than 4 keybinds to be effective. Just play what you want, and don't worry what the scrubs are up to. They'll find a new class to roll in q few weeks, and the cycle will continue.
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I am totally with you OP. Played sentinel since beta, now war hero x. Since 1.2 and all the rerollers I just don't feel the same about him. I enjoyed the days when the common conception was how bad we were and sorcs were all the rage. Re rolled gunslinger and loving it. Will see how it goes.
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Oh I knew as SOON as i saw the leaked 1.2 notes that Mara would be a FoTM.


Which is funny becuase I had a mara on the shelf for months, and now he looks like a FoTM... oh well.


It'll change again eventually...such is the case with these games.

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Nope, I've played a warrior class since I picked up the game, played a warrior class in the last game I played because it's the playstyle I enjoy. What other people do isn't of concern to me, especially since the next flavor will hit and they will leave.
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I just hit 50 on my Marauder a few weeks ago and I could see it coming. I by no means regret it but there is a very good reason you are seeing tons of Marauders; Juggernaut rerolls.


In 1.2 the Marauder trumps the Juggernaut.

- Annihiliation and Carnage is better single target dps than Vengeance

- Shield / Heavy Armor dynamic is overrated (My full BM Rage Juggernaut is squishier than my Recruit set Mara).

- Immortal (tank spec) is a boring spec to play

- All 3 Marauder specs are not only viable, but fun

- Obsfucate off the GCD

- Guard does not work well with a class than has to stance dance for dps and has a 30m gap closer but has to be with 10m of targets. PT's and Assassins are far better at it.


and the biggest reason:


1.2 leveled the playing field for the Rage Spec, making it equal for Marauders. At least half of the pvp Juggs are Rage (probably more like 2/3) as it was the pvp spec. I dont know if Maras are better at Rage but so far I have seen 2 break 600k, and the best a Jugg has done is 450k. A ton of Juggs rerolled seeing there bread and butter pvp spec getting buffed in nother class.


Its not that Juggernauts are bad, but outside of Protection and Ball Carrying Marauders are just better and people wanted a change.


Marauders are a fun class to play with 3 viable specs, which is probably the only class right now (Assassins?) that can make that claim.


I still play my Jugg and feel alot more unique since there aren't many left on my server; it is awesome beating Marauders because I think many feel entitled that they should easily beat a Jugg.

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I see a lot of marauder toons on the starting planet, that's all. After that, as it goes higher and higher I see less and less.


I'm groups I hardly ever see another marauder. Sorcs still outnumber any other classes in groups by quite a bit.

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I've got both a Juggernaut and a Marauder, both pre-1.2. I love the Sith Warrior archetype, and I have no plans to change. I don't like to call people scrubs or anything like that, but I have seen a few more marauders / sentinels in the pre-50s WZ's as of late, most of which seem to struggle a lot. The ones that truly love the class will stick with it and improve, the ones who don't will move on.


I say, master your class, and you'll stand out from the guys looking for a flavor of the month.

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Damn, I made a Sentinel 3 days before the 1.2 patch and had no clue about the buffs it would get, but screw it, I like my double LS. I already had Level 50 Marauder since late December, so haters can suck it.
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Yes and I am guessing you are talking pre-50 as the shock of a melee dps class that only has choices of DPS doing actual DPS that before was midly amusing if you were anything BUT a Anhil specced Mara.


The WZ I played in with my Mara pre 1.2 always loaded heavy healing and dps specced classes (without healing) we a rare sight. GEE I wonder why... I am guessng because most of the healing classes can and would pump out decent damage as well as shrug off DPS classes.


Give it time as they get higher level they will either love it or hate it... pre 50 Mara's are almost completely different in PVP than post 50, and just about every class can kick bootie below level 30.


That's not true, I was Rage on my Mara pre-50, pre-1.2 and I did alright. The buff has just made it stronger.


@OP, I can't really say I've seen an increase in Maras on my server, there were alot to begin with... (Wound in the Force)

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I've got both a Juggernaut and a Marauder, both pre-1.2. I love the Sith Warrior archetype, and I have no plans to change. I don't like to call people scrubs or anything like that, but I have seen a few more marauders / sentinels in the pre-50s WZ's as of late, most of which seem to struggle a lot. The ones that truly love the class will stick with it and improve, the ones who don't will move on.


I say, master your class, and you'll stand out from the guys looking for a flavor of the month.


Good insight. This was my first thought after reading the OP. Those who can fill the marauder shoes will outshine those who can't, and those who can't will more than likely roll something else and move on (probably enjoying their new class more too).

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