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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best female VA?


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Since I'm planning on making one of each class, per AC, and each AC will be male or female, I'm about to start making some female chars, so I'm curious as to which VA for the female version of the class sounds the best? Note, I already have a female Bounty Hunter, and I figure Jennifer Hale as FemTrooper will be great, so I'm looking at the other ones. IA, SW/SI, etc, etc. Thoughts?
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1. Shepard... erm, I mean, Trooper. Need I say why?

2. Smuggler. Just the right amount of sexy, confident and crazy put into the voice.

3. Imperial Agent. I really think Inquisitor and Warrior are over the top and bombastic, but the Agent is just british enough to be cool.


Of the force user classes, my voice (heh) would probably go to Knight. Consular is too plain and boring (which I guess it should be, being the diplomat and all), while both sith are, as I said, over the top.

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Agent voice is pretty great. You mentioned trooper, so no need to go there, although the trooper male has Varric. I mean come on, the sexy dwarf! I personally enjoyed the female inquisitors voice, since it goes well with the cold, murderous, emotionless b'tch that you can be as a dark side. Some dislike it though so it's up to preference. Edited by Khaliras
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Yeah female BH has been great, female SI is rather badly done in comparison. Quite a disappointment really.


Female SI is expertly done. It's not obvious at first, give it time. I was very impressed.


Must have fem VA:

Sith Warrior, smuggler, trooper. I would add Jedi Cons to list cause I hated male VA.

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Since I'm planning on making one of each class, per AC, and each AC will be male or female, I'm about to start making some female chars, so I'm curious as to which VA for the female version of the class sounds the best? Note, I already have a female Bounty Hunter, and I figure Jennifer Hale as FemTrooper will be great, so I'm looking at the other ones. IA, SW/SI, etc, etc. Thoughts?


Knight. It may just be me - but I can't handle the male knight voice.

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Knight. It may just be me - but I can't handle the male knight voice.


I'm the same way.

My Jedi Knight was originally supposed to be male, as I wanted to see at least one romance story and figured it would be easiest with Kira, as you get her fairly early.



3 levels, and like 4 conversations, in and I had to reroll female. I couldn't stand that nasally voice anymore. Even though the female voice has this super happy cheerleader vibe to it.



Also, male IA I can't stand. Female IA is good.

Both male and female Sith Warrior are great, though.

BH is fine both male and female, as is Trooper(in fact, I think Varric from DA2 does this voice).

Male smuggler is pretty good.

SI male is eh, female is okay.

Consular female is okay, fits the character, imo. Male is meh.

Edited by Faolon
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Female Inquisitor and Agent are my favorites. Female Bounty Hunter is also pretty good (Grey DeLisle FTW!), as is Knight.


Trooper and Consular are a bit dry and flat, in my opinion.


And I hate hate haaaaate the FemSmuggler's voice. It's just... not okay.

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