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New 50 pvp is disheartening


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As a new 50 at pvp, it is really disheartening and really no point to playing.


Played three games, got 1 medal each game and no valor/commendations etc

Die in like 4 secs each time and the opponent's health doesnt go down when i hit them.


The winning team had people with 10+ medals each.


So...i cant even get any medals, no valor, no commendations, nada.

Cant see the fun/point in playing pvp.


My brother plays frequently his fresh 50 commando in recruit gear on Wz, and keep comming with 8+ medals every fight. Also he bought BM item yesterday for just playing that day and i can say with full confidence in him that he is a NOOB...


From my perspective - I was long ago centruion, with splashed champion gear, because i had terrible luck with old BM boxes (87 boxes with no BM comms in a row), and played in pugs agaitst 2x4 premades in full BMs... Yet we were winning.


Your utilities are your main weapons. Even fully armed war hero can die from a fire off hutball or falling from a bridge, and even hardest hitting commando/mercenary can be stoped by well placed cc.



Play in team, report inc, help other players, predict the outcome of your actions, be intuitive, improvise, learn other pug players - talk to them, check thier class (this is what i do before match i know which players reveal pvp or pve atitude, which are veterans - if you talk to them once or twice they will learn more "teamplay" with you)... those features help you win battles. Every good tactician will tell you that battles are won not only by sheer numbers.


Even when my server is heavy durring peek hours i still know 75% of all pvp players on my server - friend or foe. This makes groups even without TS much more effective.

I take a certain role each match and im filling it to the end. sometime that means getting less medals or fast death, just to distract or slow down enemy.


Hope i had helped

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As a new 50 at pvp, it is really disheartening and really no point to playing.


Played three games, got 1 medal each game and no valor/commendations etc

Die in like 4 secs each time and the opponent's health doesnt go down when i hit them.


The winning team had people with 10+ medals each.


So...i cant even get any medals, no valor, no commendations, nada.

Cant see the fun/point in playing pvp.


Not trying to troll but if all you can get is one medal then I think the problem is on your end.


defending a node alone gets you 2 medals. Can you heal? thats at least 2 medals? are U a tank? thats 2 medals.. Can you shoot a pistol or swing a saber? thats 2 medals..


I mean come on...What do you all want free 100 medals per match win or lose?


I could play a wz naked and get 3 medals and 40 coms in a loss...


I just dont understand some of you......

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1.2 hurts pvp by not rewarding participation in pvp, win or lose. The medal minimum can be hard or even impossible to reach, deopending on how one-sided a fight is, and even if you get medals the rewards for losing are so small you're better off bailing and re-entering another WZ.


BW needs to revert the rewards to pre-1.2 or many will stop pvping.


I actually agree. If you have, let's say 2 really bads on a team, there are some warzones like Novare Coast where you'll be LUCKY to get 3 medals.


Alderaan is the same way, but we all see that one less as it requires Republic players hahaha

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You can get like 4 battlemaster pieces in a day if you grind. How much more easy do you want it to get?


I havent checked comms in 50's yet, but in 10-49, the average for a loss in comms is about 35-40. Wins? If it's huttball, 70-80/ Others, in the 55-70 range.


Is 50 PvP different/more? I've been focused on finishing up by Warrior.

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Yes, you are doing it wrong. Very much so.


I have just dinged 50 on my Operative, heal-specced, a week before 1.2. I have zero PvP gear from that time, and I think everyone is well-aware that healing ops are not known for being a powerhouse in pvp, esp. not without gear.


Full recruits gear and a very unpracticed playstyle nets me between 4 and 8 medals almost any game. 4 is those extremely one-sided games where I cannot heal enough because I get wasted by fully BM marauders/sentinels. 8 being average games.


The important part is thinking. If you play like you used to in WoW, LotRO or other MMOs where running straight ahead mashing buttons will actually work to some degree (though not much), stop and think again. You are weak, because you are unpracticed, minimum-geared, and likely not very used to the dynamics of 50 PvP yet. Its a very different ballgame, because now the entire WZ has ALL their skills, and you dont compete with the mid-teen single-hotbar people.


Stay with people you can support, or who can support you. Fight around the objectives for one or two defense medals. Do NOT engage in 1-on-1 unless at a serious advantage (this one seems hard to do for so many people).

Attack others TOGETHER with teammates. You dont need much to get the 10 kills medal, and likely 75k damage.


You just have to stop playing bad

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You're basically saying "play medals instead of objectives"... don't you see something wrong here?


What's fun in pvp is close win/loss, which is hardly rewarded at all.


What's rewarded is steamrolling the ennemy team, which is not fun except for some stupid, selfish, sadistic people.


I thought that is why they changed what you get metals for, as for doing objectives.


Heck in huttball I got 19 metals and I was just around the ball holder the entire game and killing the other teams ball holder. Just like I normally do.


But I did find out in one match were I was harrassing a friend of mine I only got 9 metals so, yeah they reward you for doing objectives with metals

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I am not a fresh 50 and I have great gear, but since the new update and changes to the Warzones, I cant get very much awards if any at all. I love playing warzones but last night I played 12 warzone matches and every time ended up with absolutly nothing! Yea we lost every match but I was still getting kills and contributing and didnt get **** for my time and effort. Its just a simple fact that there are better people out there and there team is going to kick your ***, but come on I was *********** trying my hardest and didnt get anything!!!!!!!!!! At this rate my valor will never increase, is that what bio ware wants, because im about to say **** this game and go back to playing on the consoles. Please make warezones more fair thats all I am asking.
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You're basically saying "play medals instead of objectives"... don't you see something wrong here?


What's fun in pvp is close win/loss, which is hardly rewarded at all.


What's rewarded is steamrolling the ennemy team, which is not fun except for some stupid, selfish, sadistic people.


My goal in PvP is to crush, steamroll, and demoralize my enemy. I want the enemy to **** their pants when they see me and my team. Guess that makes us stupid, selfish, and sadistic.

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BW needs to revert the rewards to pre-1.2 or many will stop pvping.


I essentially have stopped PvPing except in a few cases (pre-mades at level 50 or OP class/build that will guarantee medals).


There's cases by nature of game, such as landing in the middle of a game, or the match dropping due to lack of players, that one cannot get medals at even low level. The load screens and time spent is just to taxing to make it worth one's while.


The sad thing is that I really enjoyed PvP before 1.2 and would play on all my toons (both level 50 and level 30 somethings).

Edited by Shockazilla
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everybody on here saying that "it's so easy" to get medals.


yeah, it is....except for certain circumstances.


when your team gets facerolled by the other team (in particular because of gear and population imbalances), you can easily end up with too few medals.


you can't get a defender medal when your team can't take an objective. you can get kill medals when your team can't kill the other side. you can't get 75k damage or heals when you get stunned and die in 3 seconds because you have fewer teammates who are always dead so you are perpetually outnumbered.


if it's "easy for you" to get a ton of medals, then you are not in that situation, but it really does happen.


ONE FINAL NOTE: even if you get 3 medals, that's USUALLY a non-zero reward, but it might as well be. 15-20 coms with zero credits might as well be zero. you are never going to get better gear that way. in fact, you can't even buy a warzone medpack for that.

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I keep saying people say this, but recruit gear is absolutely awful. If it's Bioware's intention to keep this massive gap they need to say so. Then people can move on to the next game and leave players like you in peace.


Recruit gear has more Expertise then my Champion gear, how is that awful exactly?

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PvP is all about expertise nowdays. I was in a mix of champion armor and PVE armor pre patch. I had around 550 expertise. As a healer I did really well. First hour of the patch, I was getting *** owned by everything. I replaced my two pieces of PVE gear with newly bought BM gear. As soon as I did that, I noticed a big difference in my ability to stay alive. As I get more BM gear, I notice my prime stat keeps going down but my expertise is improving by 50 points with each new piece. Sitting at about 1000 expertise now and most DPS classes won't kill me one on one because I can kite/CC them all day long.
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Recruit gear gives you < 13k hp, and about 200 less base stats, way less power/crit/surge. If you have bother to look at the gear, you will realize it's a lot worse than Champion in every way except for expertise.


You also can't change the mod in recruit gear.

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As a new 50 at pvp, it is really disheartening and really no point to playing.


Played three games, got 1 medal each game and no valor/commendations etc

Die in like 4 secs each time and the opponent's health doesnt go down when i hit them.


The winning team had people with 10+ medals each.


So...i cant even get any medals, no valor, no commendations, nada.

Cant see the fun/point in playing pvp.

Even in losing matches I've been clearing 4-12(!) medals, but I have full champion/BM gear.


Here is my question, Reeny. Are you saying that the blue PVP gear is insufficient against folks in BM gear?

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Not trying to troll but if all you can get is one medal then I think the problem is on your end.


defending a node alone gets you 2 medals. Can you heal? thats at least 2 medals? are U a tank? thats 2 medals.. Can you shoot a pistol or swing a saber? thats 2 medals..


I mean come on...What do you all want free 100 medals per match win or lose?


I could play a wz naked and get 3 medals and 40 coms in a loss...


I just dont understand some of you......


I suspect some people really don't know what exactly grants medals. Will someone post a link to a medal guide please. Or alternatively, is that information in-game?

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this deal of no pay outs is just rediculous, lol. I was just in a huttball game, no kidding 8 vs 3. they scored 3 times in about 30 secs. luckilly the game ended soon, anyone that joined quit and we were left with nothing to show for sticking it out for 4 minutes. that's not right.
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As a new 50 at pvp, it is really disheartening and really no point to playing.


Played three games, got 1 medal each game and no valor/commendations etc

Die in like 4 secs each time and the opponent's health doesnt go down when i hit them.


The winning team had people with 10+ medals each.


So...i cant even get any medals, no valor, no commendations, nada.

Cant see the fun/point in playing pvp.


Did you buy the Recruit set for fresh lvl 50s or did you just run in there with next to no expertise? Atleast now you have a chance to get some gear to get started compared to those of us that were 50 for the past couple of months.

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Did you buy the Recruit set for fresh lvl 50s or did you just run in there with next to no expertise? Atleast now you have a chance to get some gear to get started compared to those of us that were 50 for the past couple of months.

I've tried it both ways, and you'll get ROFLstomped faster in Recruit gear than you ever did before.

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I suspect some people really don't know what exactly grants medals. Will someone post a link to a medal guide please. Or alternatively, is that information in-game?


I think people know exactly what gives medals. But you see the same mentality applied to every wz. They think by scoring the most damage grants the most rewards. They will fight away from the nodes. Or fight I'n the middle I'n huttball.


Zerg mentality will net you less comms.


It has nothing really to do with gear. Yes if you are rocking recruit you will most likely die to a bm... But that doesn't stop you from doing your job.


I suspect these same people complaining would still get 0 rewards no matter what gear they were I'n.

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Essentially eliminating the rewards for the losing team (usually a pug and/or lesser geared), was one of the dumber ideas in a patch filled with dumb ideas. Those new people get discouraged, eventually quit, interest in pvp declines, ques get longer. Bioware introduces new gear for new 50's to catch up, while at the same time preventing those new 50's from taking their lumps and progressing gearwise.






And it ruined that real world thing for me. I tried the event and it was cool (i had quit but my mate said to try it). Well I just got owned cos my gear sucked. Cant gear up anymore unless you run premades. BWs plan is to give the best players/premade groups the best gear.


All I have to say to that is....LOL. Even the fanboys realise this is the worst move possible.

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