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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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If ya don't like it, don't participate. Simple as that. This is supposed to be a fun event and if you cant see even the smallest amount of fun with it, then world events obviously aren't for you.


I'm having a great deal of fun doing the dailies on Tatooine.


I despise having this blasted plague forced on me everywhere else, and there is absolutely no option "not to participate."

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I bought a vaccine and avoid big groups of green players and the event hasn't bothered me in the least.


Am I doing it wrong?


Yes. You have failed to undertake a single action in the game which may result in your death and the need to spend more money to avoid the plague.


You have also, apparently, failed to notice everything looking different everywhere.

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Or one spends the 2k because they may not wish to 'blow up', and spread the disease to others. Having an event placed on the server is fine; being forced into play is not.


Having a differing opinion; the horror.


Why would you spend the 2k to not spread the disease? Wouldn't spreading the disease give them DNA Samples that are an actual commodity? So as long as we are talking about perspective, there is a perspective where that would be very selfish.


Why would you not go to a corner where no one was and blow up if you were really trying to prevent the spreading (since we all know how short of a spread radius it has)...and then get the DNA samples for free credits?


I'm seriously curious. It seems almost willfully attempting to be indignant at that point.

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If ya don't like it, don't participate. Simple as that. This is supposed to be a fun event and if you cant see even the smallest amount of fun with it, then world events obviously aren't for you.


Not that simple when some terrorist wannabe chooses to detonate over the Med Station while your pricing supplies. Being forced into play; not that much fun.

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You have also, apparently, failed to notice everything looking different everywhere.

So.. are you under the impression that this is permanent or... are you just really fishing for a reason to be pissed off with SWTOR today?


Just be happy the server pops are peaking, stop whinging, get a helmet, and wait for everything to return to normal - then we can go back to complaining about a billion other things that we feel are wrong with the game and harping on about what "value" we're getting for our $15 a month.

Edited by Blistrich
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a lot of you people really need to lighten up in life and in game. ITS A FAKE IT EVENT!!! that 2k you spend is made back by killing 2 mobs.



really people stop crying cow boy up and play enjoy life. while you are here crying about how some video game makes you spend fake easy to get 2k credits some people in the world go with out food or shelter.




but go ahead make it seems like it matters. sadly to some it maybe true who dont have people to care for.







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No, I would not.

Because that would be one less daily and I wouldn't be able camp out in Tattooine with my husband, constantly exploding and infecting each other.


I say 10% is stretching it.


And the honest fact is, that no event, no in game item, nothing that BioWare does is EVER going to make everyone happy. Ever.

There will always be someone who is unhappy.


So you would'nt do it at all? Really?

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I'm having a great deal of fun doing the dailies on Tatooine.


I despise having this blasted plague forced on me everywhere else, and there is absolutely no option "not to participate."


2k stim



6 hours i keep a stack on me.




really its not hard.




brain power>all

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No, I would not.

Because that would be one less daily and I wouldn't be able camp out in Tattooine with my husband, constantly exploding and infecting each other.


I say 10% is stretching it.


And the honest fact is, that no event, no in game item, nothing that BioWare does is EVER going to make everyone happy. Ever.

There will always be someone who is unhappy.


The number is far more than 10%.


But the worst thing is that in this case, it wouldn't have to make anyone unhappy. I am certain it could have been designed in such a way to allow you to still have your infectious fun while allowing others to avoid it completely.


And in any case, what if this event was precisely the same, but that plague concept was never implemented, and you never heard of or thought about it. Would you not enjoy the whole rest of it?


If not, then I'd say that it's not the game you're enjoying, but the (what I'd consider childish) game of blowing up in goop.


If so, then why put this in at all, when everyone could enjoy everything else without causing anyone and unhappiness?

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I find it funny that there are people who have missed the point by such a long way that they say things like, "I don't mind the event. I just don't like the plague and getting infected on the fleet. Let people who want to participate go to Tatooine and keep that stuff off of the fleet."


If the plague weren't part of this then it wouldn't be an *event*. It would just be new dailies and a new world boss. You can't say you don't mind the event...you just hate the part of it that makes it an event.

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Why would you spend the 2k to not spread the disease? Wouldn't spreading the disease give them DNA Samples that are an actual commodity? So as long as we are talking about perspective, there is a perspective where that would be very selfish.


Why would you not go to a corner where no one was and blow up if you were really trying to prevent the spreading (since we all know how short of a spread radius it has)...and then get the DNA samples for free credits?


I'm seriously curious. It seems almost willfully attempting to be indignant at that point.


Because I had no such intel at the time. I did not log to discover there was some economical exploit being presented under the guise of Death; simply reacted to the guise and chose not to die. Please forgive me for not seeking and using OOC info to meta-game the situation.

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You are correct, last time I checked when a plague rolls around, little men with white uniforms and clipboards come around and ask if you would like to be infected prior to doing so.



This is adding immersion to the game for most of the players, You don't have to participate in the event, if you get infected just take your penalty-free death and make 50k (at least) by selling the DNA. If this is ruining your overall experience, stay glued to the forums for the post that reads "Rahghoul Plague Event, Now Over"

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Having an event placed on the server is fine; being forced into play is not.


Having a differing opinion; the horror.


Did you realize you're playing an MMO with other people? If you've seriously got your undies in a bunch this Monday morning because Bioware added fun new content that's making it finally FEEL like an MMO I think you need to re-evaluate if you want to play.


If you don't like you're really not being forced to do anything. Perhaps you need to pick up Skyrim or something.


I think it's great and my server is definitely down with the sickness.

Edited by Nakazia
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2k stim



6 hours i keep a stack on me.




really its not hard.




brain power>all


Or get infected, blowed up, sell dna samples and get 50k+ instead of spending 2k on a vaccine. Or save up dna's for shiney new lightsaber/gun crystals and pets lions and tigers oh my.



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So.. are you under the impression that this is permanent or... are you just really fishing for a reason to be pissed off with SWTOR today?


Just be happy the server pops are peaking, stop whinging, get a helmet, and wait for everything to return to normal - then we can go back to complaining about a billion other things that we feel are wrong with the game and harping on about what "value" we're getting for our $15 a month.


Ok, so, you've hit on one tremendously key aspect of my discontent.


I think this is going to last a month, maybe more. I think it's going to go to all the other planets - they fleet announcement is basically saying so at this point.


I liked this game the way it was. I was happy with it. I don't like this rakghoul stuff. I don't like the planets changing - at all. I know that many do. I am happy for them. I do not. So for others, it is great. For me, it's bearing it until it does change, but I fear that won't be for a very long time.

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I was trying to get infected yesterday.. because of the way timings are done you only end up getting infected half the time.. the rest of the time you are standing around waiting for someone to explode.




See, this is what I don't get, these people complaining actually have to work at getting infected, the infection doesn't explode for 20ish minutes and you can see when someone is about to explode (when they are just puking, their avatar bends over like someone puking, when exploding they look like they are getting electrocuted). It is like a 5m radius sooooo ...


To get infected a person would have to get within 5 meters of an infected person and then hangout until that person explodes OR be running at the obviously infected person that has the green cloud surrounding them, stop and let them explode (once someone starts the explosion process, it takes 5 seconds for them to explode) OR see someone in the throws of exploding (looking like they are being executed and purposely keep running towards them so they get infected ...



It is sooooo easy to avoid getting infected, it is not even funny, hell, when a character is puking or exploding, they can't even move, it will even dismount them if it begins and the timer is random so a person with the infection can't even grief you by running upto to explode since they don't know when they are going to and if they run upto you, move away from them !!

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You are correct, last time I checked when a plague rolls around, little men with white uniforms and clipboards come around and ask if you would like to be infected prior to doing so.



This is adding immersion to the game for most of the players, You don't have to participate in the event, if you get infected just take your penalty-free death and make 50k (at least) by selling the DNA. If this is ruining your overall experience, stay glued to the forums for the post that reads "Rahghoul Plague Event, Now Over"


If the immersion is Green Goo, I might agree. But an Invitation, note, or other warning before being splattered and costing me 2k for the serum might have been nice.

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If you've seriously got your undies in a bunch this Monday morning because Bioware added fun new content that's making it finally FEEL like an MMO I think you need to re-evaluate if you want to play.


If you don't like you're really not being forced to do anything. Perhaps you need to pick up Skyrim or something.

This. This. This. This.


Post of the day, sir. Well done.

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If you are bother by events and other players actions, go play some single player game. This is called MMO couse you are not playing it alone and MMO suppose to be live so ther eare events like plague and it's effecting everyone, you can't just be angry and yelling "i don't want to be part of it'.
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Ok, so, you've hit on one tremendously key aspect of my discontent.


I think this is going to last a month, maybe more. I think it's going to go to all the other planets - they fleet announcement is basically saying so at this point.


I liked this game the way it was. I was happy with it. I don't like this rakghoul stuff. I don't like the planets changing - at all. I know that many do. I am happy for them. I do not. So for others, it is great. For me, it's bearing it until it does change, but I fear that won't be for a very long time.


You prefer a static world? I didn't think I would ever hear that. You sir/maam are the minority.

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2k stim



6 hours i keep a stack on me.




really its not hard.




brain power>all


With mass PvP on Tatooine, I've already had to spend about 30k on these stupid things - and that will only go up. If I don't go to Tatooine, I'll go back to my warzones and need to spend even more. I'd much rather that money go elsewhere.


In any case, my personally being infected bugs me, but having to see everyone else infected too bugs me even more. It's ugly.

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