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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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And yet, all you had to do was jump off a railing and you'd have saved yourself the 2K- or taken the death 20 minutes later and had a zero-cost repair. The plague is part of the game world, and a relatively harmless (for you, the player) one at that. If it made you, RPing panic enough to blow a small amount of credits for the vaccine to cure it that way, then kudos! The game world is not always kind, and 2K is barely a dent in the money you make on Corsucant just doing missions. Trust me, I know.


And don't think it's just Tatooine. That's just the beginning. After all, we have no idea

who infected an entire starship with a rapid-acting version of the rakghoul plague..



Which happens, by the way

to be a weaponized version of the original



Experienced Troopers, you know what I'm thinking about if you clicked that spoiler.


No; what I would have had to do was Log, find out what was occuring, then re-Log to meta-game the event. What I did was play some forced moment, and am now waiting for my six hours of innoculated security to actually have value; not watching over my shoulder while other peeps wish to play terrorists.

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My gawd, the complaints about this are really ridiculous. I'm one of the most pro-pve, pro-solo person you'll ever meet, and to me this event is pretty awesome.


It's these sorts of events that I long for in more MMOs. Too bad some of you have to ruin the fun of playing in a dynamic world with hysterical overreactions that limit devs from doing this sort of thing.

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Welcome to tyranny of the majority.


Wrong dude. We are saying if you want to PvE and not deal with World Events, GO PVE! Play the game the way you want to play it, don't stand around fleet like a drone.
If you want to do pve, say: flashpoints, then hanging around in fleet is kind of mandatory...


No offense but I doubt BW wants a costumer like you anyway.
why, does he make offensive looking costumes or something?


No, the reason is that people insist in being douchebags to everyone without any consideration for them when given half-a-chance.


Fresh level 10s off their starter world can't afford the 2k for the serum.
Whether they can or not is irrelevant; they shouldn't have to, and setting up a situation whether they have spend credits to avoid the actions of other players is griefing... preventing opportunities for griefing is bioware's responsibility.


How many of you that are against this event are from SWG?


I think there's a trend.

Eh, the only trend I can see would seem to be age related; the attitude that it's ok to force something on someone else is pretty juvenile...


since SWG was around quite a while ago, SWG vets would be primarily older gamers... so you might see a trend of SWG vets being against the folks who think it's the bees' knees to stand around in fleet and infect other people...

Edited by ferroz
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It wasn't anything to do with the OP's complaint, it had everything to do with who I quoted. Did you read that part?
yes... I'm pointing out that it's off topic (as in: not related to the OP's complaint).
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I don't think that anybody hates the event... as someone who has complained, I actually really like the event, and I love the activity it has brought about.


At the same time, I think its a bit problematic in a number of ways that could have been avoided while maintaining all the good things about it.

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If you want to do pve, say: flashpoints, then hanging around in fleet is kind of mandatory...


...and if you're infected, is curable for the price of zero credits simply by jumping over a railing.


Zero cost for a vaccine, zero cost for repairs. It's that easy.


Not to mention dying from the plague costs you....nothing in repairs.


I suppose Bioware could have made it seem gentler by adding a "free kitten" buff to the plague, but some people are allergic to those.

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This thread has strangely become a massive support for the event and the plague. I think the OP should just change it`s title.



Agreed maybe we should start a poll, but I would guess that this event has been a huge success based on the buzz ingame and on the forums.


I look forward to more of this not necessarily a plague type theme, but random events that gets the community involved.

Edited by Hardwear
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Eh, the only trend I can see would seem to be age related; the attitude that it's ok to force something on someone else is pretty juvenile...


since SWG was around quite a while ago, SWG vets would be primarily older gamers... so you might see a trend of SWG vets being against the folks who think it's the bees' knees to stand around in fleet and infect other people...


Since when does age correlate with maturity in mmo's or their forums?


If people want 100% control over their gaming experience they should go play a single player game. It's that simple.

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Was not aware of time limits; my bad. wait; no it ain't.


If I want datrcons, I can use the option and seek them. If I want to play PvP, I can choose that option, too.


Today, someone else made my choices for me; not what I intended at all. It was not, and is not enjoyable for me. Sorry that I could care less if someone does not get my concern.


All you have to do is mouse over the debuff and *gasp* ZOMG!!! It says the duration and the effect!! Yeah, so totally your bad you didn't know about the time limit.


No oen made yoru choices for you. They played the game... you *chose* to play the game. You then chose to *cry* about the game. Hence why it's you QQ'ing. Nothign stopped you from going about your business.

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my ONLY problem with this event is that my character is only level 43 so i cant effectively participate in it.


otherwise i think its absolutely awesome. sure its a bit of a rip off of the WoW scourge event, but who cares? that event was awesome then. this one is awesome now.


I LOVE the holonet news. i hope they keep that up with other news reports.

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my ONLY problem with this event is that my character is only level 43 so i cant effectively participate in it.


otherwise i think its absolutely awesome. sure its a bit of a rip off of the WoW scourge event, but who cares? that event was awesome then. this one is awesome now.


I LOVE the holonet news. i hope they keep that up with other news reports.


Why couldn't you? The daily mobs for the event scale with you, other than World Bosses. Those are basically level 50 fodder anyway.


And ditto on the Holonet stuff. Machanima FTW, we could use more of it. The "ship droid" April Fool's joke stuff was hilarious and seeing the news reports really got me into wanting to go to Tatooine to explore ASAP.

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Yes, because all the level 50s trying to get the world bosses and dailies done without the other faction interuppting are just happy to take several hours to go protect a guy while he quests.


That is the purpose of a guild, to stand by your fellow guildies and help them when they need it. If you don't want to help lower level toons, don't add them to your guild.

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This is a fun and cool world event. Its not going to be in the game forever. Calm down. And you dont have to get the serum. Its not like dying is even an issue in this game.


This is actually an awesome world event. Reminds me of that debuff from WoW that caused a global pandemic. The only difference is that was more 'natural'. Meaning it wasnt a quest, just kinda happened.

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Eh, the only trend I can see would seem to be age related; the attitude that it's ok to force something on someone else is pretty juvenile...


This is the most ridiculous statement I've read with regard to a game in a long time. Do you complain whilst playing Monopoly when your opponent forces your properties into foreclosure? Do you cry in chess when your opponent forcefully takes one of your pieces? When you play a game of Poker, do you qq when your opponent forces you to loose a hand?


I have a hunch though that you don't play any competitive games at all...


since SWG was around quite a while ago, SWG vets would be primarily older gamers... so you might see a trend of SWG vets being against the folks who think it's the bees' knees to stand around in fleet and infect other people...


I'm an SWG Vet. We used to have nice things like Dev events in SWG too. I remember them. They stopped having them because qq'ers like you complained. Pretty sad. Damn sad really.

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That is the purpose of a guild, to stand by your fellow guildies and help them when they need it. If you don't want to help lower level toons, don't add them to your guild.


Well not everyone has a guild. I do, but many don't, and they deserve to be able to play the game, too.


In any case, the fact is that most guilds could not possibly handle, as was on my LIGHT server today, packs of literally 50 imperials going around gangking people.

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Since when does age correlate with maturity in mmo's or their forums?
since 1990 or so?


If people want 100% control over their gaming experience they should go play a single player game. It's that simple.
No, if people want to be able to totally avoid being griefed by other players, they should play on a pve server in any quality mmo...
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while 2k isn't a big deal,its that i have to go to tat, and some quest, to get it free, and there are a bunch of greifers purposely sitting at fleet spawn in, to give the rakghoul disease to you.


that is just inconsiderate, of Devs, to not think of that people,do greifing stuff like camping the fleet load in.


as for 2k, for some of you, credits,are easy, but we have been running ops, and hms, and repair costs, are draining my credits. Stop the credit sink repair costs, and i might be less inclined to care about a 2k stim.


the whole rakghoul thing is a crock,in my opinion, anyway. they had deathtroopers in swg, and it was just stupid. if i wanted to kill zombies, or vampires, or otther malignant creatures, i would play left4dead or some other zombie rip off

Edited by -Slaughterhouse-
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I personally love events like this! Keeps things interesting.


Keep doing these please Bioware.

Love it.


I agree dude. This is gonna keep us all on our toes wondering what's next, haha. I can only imagine that before every major patch, people are gonna post wondering and guessing what secret World Event they may have planned.

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This is the most ridiculous statement I've read with regard to a game in a long time.
Really? You must have missed all the posts that the mods just removed as they cleaned up...


Do you complain whilst playing Monopoly when your opponent forces your properties into foreclosure?
PvP game, so irrelevant


Do you cry in chess when your opponent forcefully takes one of your pieces?
Pvp game, so irrelevant


When you play a game of Poker, do you qq when your opponent forces you to loose a hand?
pvp game, so irrelevant


I have a hunch though that you don't play any competitive games at all...
no, I play lots of them.


I'm an SWG Vet. We used to have nice things like Dev events in SWG too. I remember them. They stopped having them because qq'ers like you complained. Pretty sad. Damn sad really.
Where did I QQ about the event? Edited by ferroz
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