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PvP now sucks in this game - no reason to play


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I pug pvp 85%+ of the time - solo queing. Believe it or not - most people do. So I'm sure I'm going to hear a lot of L2P and "que with a premade" but most people don't have that option.


If your solo queing and go against a premade you will lose 95% of the time. This was fine pre- 1.2 because you still got rewards, even though at a lower rate, you could still get gear.


Now if you lose most of the time you'll end with anywhere from zero to 20 commendations....


Tell me why I should continue playing in a losing game, why should I not leave. When the penalty for leaving is put in and it takes me 6 months to get the same gear premades are getting in a week - then tell me why I should even play the game at all?


Premades should only be able to que against other premades. Pugs and Premades should NEVER be in the same match. People who say otherwise are members of premades that get off on farming casual non-premade players.


It's the highest form of griefing - this game is not fun when it takes me 10-15 games to win 3

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I pug pvp 85%+ of the time - solo queing. Believe it or not - most people do. So I'm sure I'm going to hear a lot of L2P and "que with a premade" but most people don't have that option.

I'll correct you... we all have that option, some of us just don't want to do it.


I'm playing something which is said MMO, that's not to play with the same people each time.

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I pug pvp 85%+ of the time - solo queing. Believe it or not - most people do. So I'm sure I'm going to hear a lot of L2P and "que with a premade" but most people don't have that option.


If your solo queing and go against a premade you will lose 95% of the time. This was fine pre- 1.2 because you still got rewards, even though at a lower rate, you could still get gear.


Now if you lose most of the time you'll end with anywhere from zero to 20 commendations....


Tell me why I should continue playing in a losing game, why should I not leave. When the penalty for leaving is put in and it takes me 6 months to get the same gear premades are getting in a week - then tell me why I should even play the game at all?


Premades should only be able to que against other premades. Pugs and Premades should NEVER be in the same match. People who say otherwise are members of premades that get off on farming casual non-premade players.


It's the highest form of griefing - this game is not fun when it takes me 10-15 games to win 3


You're going to have to explain to me why you "don't have the option" to get better at the game and/or join a guild with a vent server and with players who like to queue premades.

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In my server, Imperial side pretty much has no premade and republic side is almost always premade. After the patch it became absolute nightmare for a couple of reasons:


1) We are going against premades all the time and ending up losing. I personally feel frustrated b/c although I am full BM, it is taking forever to pile up commendations now even if I do very well.


2) Population of servers are small. PVP Q's are taking forever. Sometimes 1 game in an hour, if that.


3) Everyone knows everyone else which was supposed to be a good thing (and in some cases yes) but it also means I personally almost always have 2-3 people on me, b/c I used to be able to 'hurt people' before 1.2 and they already know me.


All in all, PVP is much less fun!

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I think the rewards are too low in general relative to the goal of getting full War Hero, but that's undoubtedly intended. When they finally introduce ranked WZs, they aren't going to implement a new set of gear. They don't want us to get that gear very quickly.


Rewards are fine for getting full BM. If you're only getting 20 for a loss, you're doing a lot wrong. Lowest I've gotten has been 42 for a loss.

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What BW should do is punish quitters aka unable to join another wz in xx minutes or get 50% less reward from it.


Sadly, it looks like BW is trying to punish who dedicate to stay and try till the end and encourage ppl quit more than pre 1.2. If you stay, you get zero-minimum rewards and waste your time. If you quit, you get zero reward but you save your time. So why stay in a losing game if you have chance to get in a winning one?

Edited by utuwer
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just need to make it so premades vs premades when they switch over to cross server pvp and voila problem fixed


I don't think the game will make it that far.


I mean, you can't even roll a premade now! Try to queue an ops group of 8. Go ahead. The best you can do is a group of 4 and HOPE your other group gets in. They don't always.


The game is broken on so many levels it's actually pretty funny.


I wish I were one of the devs that conned Bioware into paying me $350k to work on this game. That's the REAL Jedi mind trick here.

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lets say you get 40 comms per match (which is actually on the high side for losses), and you play one full match per 30 minutes (playing + queuing)


it's 84k coms to get WH armor


that's 2100 matches at 40 coms/match.


that's 63k minutes, or more than 43 full 24-hour days of play time. or that's more than a year of playing 4 hours a night 5 days a week (playing 20 hours a week for a full year). that's only time spent doing nothing but pvping. add time if you want to, say, craft or go to the bathroom.


by that time, there will be multiple new, better sets so you won't be even in gear even after all that time.


and that's with a fairly high number of coms won from the losses.


and that's without having to get your BM gear first, which is a whole 'nother grind.


yes, you get some from dailies, and you win win from time to time when you get with a premade and against pugs...but come on....

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People attacking the OP need to remember one thing;


If nobody queues against you, you get zero commendations per hour....



I am all for premade PvP teams.


I am all against the game servers dying.



Reward people for joining warfronts, or increase the pool size you are drawing from.

Edited by Elkirin
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I pug pvp 85%+ of the time - solo queing. Believe it or not - most people do. So I'm sure I'm going to hear a lot of L2P and "que with a premade" but most people don't have that option.


If your solo queing and go against a premade you will lose 95% of the time. This was fine pre- 1.2 because you still got rewards, even though at a lower rate, you could still get gear.


Now if you lose most of the time you'll end with anywhere from zero to 20 commendations....


Tell me why I should continue playing in a losing game, why should I not leave. When the penalty for leaving is put in and it takes me 6 months to get the same gear premades are getting in a week - then tell me why I should even play the game at all?


Premades should only be able to que against other premades. Pugs and Premades should NEVER be in the same match. People who say otherwise are members of premades that get off on farming casual non-premade players.


It's the highest form of griefing - this game is not fun when it takes me 10-15 games to win 3


no one is getting war hero in a week.


Also, where is your guild? Do they not pvp? Sorry this is a multiplayer game, teamwork helps. Sorry winning gives you more rewards than losing too...odd how that works huh?



And just an FYI... pre-mades still have to deal with 4 other people that are NOT in there group..so its not really a real pre-made

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People attacking the OP need to remember one thing;


If nobody queues against you, you get zero commendations per hour....



I am all for premade PvP teams.


I am all against the game servers dying.



Reward people for joining warfronts, or increase the pool size you are drawing from.


That would require deploying patches that actually fix things.



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And just an FYI... pre-mades still have to deal with 4 other people that are NOT in there group..so its not really a real pre-made


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait ...


You're using the fact that you can't properly queue with a group of 8 people as an argument FOR the game?



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anyone who played that other game, knows what happened when premades got their own queue.


It went for well over an hour, so yes most people do in fact queue solo or at most as a duo

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I pug pvp 85%+ of the time - solo queing. Believe it or not - most people do. So I'm sure I'm going to hear a lot of L2P and "que with a premade" but most people don't have that option.


If your solo queing and go against a premade you will lose 95% of the time. This was fine pre- 1.2 because you still got rewards, even though at a lower rate, you could still get gear.


Now if you lose most of the time you'll end with anywhere from zero to 20 commendations....


Tell me why I should continue playing in a losing game, why should I not leave. When the penalty for leaving is put in and it takes me 6 months to get the same gear premades are getting in a week - then tell me why I should even play the game at all?


Premades should only be able to que against other premades. Pugs and Premades should NEVER be in the same match. People who say otherwise are members of premades that get off on farming casual non-premade players.


It's the highest form of griefing - this game is not fun when it takes me 10-15 games to win 3


You are right :(


What a shame, I was actually excited about the new WZ System and the new WZ - but BW managed to snatch PvP design defeat from the jaws of victory.

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You're going to have to explain to me why you "don't have the option" to get better at the game and/or join a guild with a vent server and with players who like to queue premades.


He will tell you that either he don't want to, or the game should spoon feed him everything.


Bads stay bad, and have more excuses.

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I pug pvp 85%+ of the time - solo queing. Believe it or not - most people do. So I'm sure I'm going to hear a lot of L2P and "que with a premade" but most people don't have that option.


If your solo queing and go against a premade you will lose 95% of the time. This was fine pre- 1.2 because you still got rewards, even though at a lower rate, you could still get gear.


Now if you lose most of the time you'll end with anywhere from zero to 20 commendations....


Tell me why I should continue playing in a losing game, why should I not leave. When the penalty for leaving is put in and it takes me 6 months to get the same gear premades are getting in a week - then tell me why I should even play the game at all?


Premades should only be able to que against other premades. Pugs and Premades should NEVER be in the same match. People who say otherwise are members of premades that get off on farming casual non-premade players.


It's the highest form of griefing - this game is not fun when it takes me 10-15 games to win 3


I play against plenty of premades and still win, even with full PUG groups. There's a simple solution to your problem: stop complaining, log off the forums and go play the game and get better.


Edit: Just so you don't come back and cry like a child at me: I'm not saying they premades aren't at an advantage. I'm just saying you can still win, just stop complaining about it and play.

Edited by Kerelic
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I play against plenty of premades and still win, even with full PUG groups. There's a simple solution to your problem: stop complaining, log off the forums and go play the game and get better.


Edit: Just so you don't come back and cry like a child at me: I'm not saying they premades aren't at an advantage. I'm just saying you can still win, just stop complaining about it and play.



your comment would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that you are only 1 of 8 players on a team, if there were no gear disparities, and if every match had the same number of players on each side.


because right now, you can be the best player in the world and get no rewards for it. which is the exact opposite of what defenders of this patch say they want (for skill and effort to be rewarded).

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What BW should do is punish quitters aka unable to join another wz in xx minutes or get 50% less reward from it.


Sadly, it looks like BW is trying to punish who dedicate to stay and try till the end and encourage ppl quit more than pre 1.2. If you stay, you get zero-minimum rewards and waste your time. If you quit, you get zero reward but you save your time. So why stay in a losing game if you have chance to get in a winning one?


50% of 0 is still 0.

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He will tell you that either he don't want to, or the game should spoon feed him everything.


Bads stay bad, and have more excuses.


What a stupid comment, you can't force everyone to go premade just because you do and just because they don't want to or can't for whatever reason, it doesn't make them a bad player :rolleyes:


I have done a mixture myself, more solo though and yet I never saw another Combat Medic or it's mirror heal near my pb in a WZ I was in, guess everyone is bad, solo players are bad afterall right :confused:


As it happens those I did do some premades with rarely log on at all now and with server transfers to aussies servers coming up, I wouldn't want to waste the time of a guild knowing I would be leaving shortly, both legit reasons why solo play has happened more often than not.


Fact is you can have the best class balance out of all mmo's, but if you allow premades with vent, teamwork and coordination etc to go up against pugs, then all that is for nothing.


Premades v pugs is a bigger difference than class balance ever would be ....

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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