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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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Ok, so we know you don't have experience with what people are talking about with Macros.


I've been reading the threads long enough to get the idea.


Actually, they're especially beneficial for those who really learn how to play their class.


You know what is more beneficial? Playing your class and figuring things out on your own.


Yeah, it's obvious, you don't know what people mean by Macro use. They want it to handle situations, not lock themselves into automatic responses.


Is that why so many people have been saying they want macros that do multiple things?

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My wife was complaining about the UI for over 6 months in beta. The UI is garbage, nobody in my family will touch this game. My son already spent the prepaid credit card that preordered this game on some other game, Origin will have fun collecting.


if the ui was so bad, as your wife said, with 6 months of testing, then why are you yourself feeding money to origin?

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I've been reading the threads long enough to get the idea.


No, you've been mislead. You really don't have a very good idea of what people want.


You know what is more beneficial? Playing your class and figuring things out on your own.


Different thing entirely, some people learn by experiment, some people learn by reading what others have to say. That's got nothing to do with Macros per se though. It exists wholly without them.


Is that why so many people have been saying they want macros that do multiple things?


Here's what they want to do...


Turn hitting button X into "Hit Alt-X/Ctrl-X/Shift-X/LC-X/RC-X" or the like, not what you mistakenly believe. Or they want mouse-over healing. Maybe a few want to add a buff or other enhancement they always use when available to a single button, but what they want is not in any way an automatic one-button does everything macro.


Your inexperience is telling.

Edited by Colobulous
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All they really need to add is scaling (for things like buff/debuff frames), anchoring, and some recolor options (could put color crystals in the UI for example to change its color, suggested many times).


Don't really need mods tbh, macros would be alright but again, not particularly necessary.

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I disagree with OP, i do not like the idea of mods. But combat txt would be cool. The game is wonderful as it is and i personally like the UI.


I also really like the UI for the most part. Sure there are gripes (like the AH) and it could use some customize options.


But WoW had so many you were playing a UI game watching UI mods all over the place, and you had to remind yourself that there was a game behind all of that crap.

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Part of what makes a game great, is the ability to adapt it to your play style. This is why mods in World of Warcraft were such a huge success.


In the long term, end game content and lack of mod support will have a direct impact on the success or failure of this game.


I'm not sure how the devs could have overlooked such a major thing. Often times, mods are what make or break the game. Look at the first person shooter genre. Team Fortress, Counterstrike, Capture the flag, were all a huge success because of the mod community.


Would World of Warcraft be as enjoyable to play if it weren't for mods?


Even Blizzard adapted popular mods into its own UI implementation, such as spell aura's, equipment manager, scrolling combat text etc.


If SWTOR isn't going to open up modding, then it should refine its UI to support the most popular functions that the MMORPG community is wanting.


SWTOR healing is terrible without mouse over support. Hardly anyone in our guild rolled a healer as their main because of it. Most are waiting for a change before getting into a healing class.


This is a poor business decision by Bioware. They made such a great game, but it won't last without the support of a strong community. Part of that community is the mod community, working to enhance the gaming experience.

Edited by allupnya
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A dps or healing meter does not show skill. I know you were manipulated by wow, but please understand fact´s.


You are not a good player if you cross heal in a raid because you must top the healing meter, but then are oom, force etc. when you are really needed.

You are not a good player if you stand in fire, take a horrible amount of damage but also need more healing than the tank or any other player in the group.


Umm... Are you from 2005?


If you go oom in a raid because you're being stupid with your heals, you will NOT be top heals. No way, no how. Without mana, there is no healing and the other healers will surpass you. This will be utterly obvious in the logs.


If you're a DPS that stands in fire and dies, you will NOT be top dps. If you are also a DPS that stands in fire, but lives due to heals, it is also likely (on hard content), healers will go oom and the raid will wipe.


NONE of this has any bearing whatsoever as to what is displayed or analyzed by having access to combat logs. NONE OF IT.

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Mods are a crutch period, people use them to evaluate other players performance and that is where the problems begin. The misuse out weighs the benefit. This isn't WoW so any comparison to OOM should really go out the window.


User Interface, the apperance and functionality of the buttons need some help, being able to move things around on the screen would help.


Anything that allows players outside access to this game should not be allowed. This is my opinion, people played for many years without mods that tell you instantly what everyones damage was or wasn't. It's really not needed here, they are tools for the elistest to wave their e-peen around.


I hope Bioware thinks long and hard about allowing people such a privledge. I disagree with the OP.

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Mods are a crutch period, people use them to evaluate other players performance and that is where the problems begin.


Oh my, another person declaring Mods are a crutch. Why are you trying to shame us by referring to mods as a crutch? Do you not appreciate the use of a crutch as a valuable tool? Do you have such disdain for people with physical impairments? Or for the use of tools in general?


And what is wrong with being evaluated by other players? Do you think it won't happen without meters? It will, but there will be no objective measurements, so it'll be worst.


The misuse out weighs the benefit. This isn't WoW so any comparison to OOM should really go out the window.


Yeah, it's so unlike WOW it's not got more than five or six dozen similarities.


User Interface, the apperance and functionality of the buttons need some help, being able to move things around on the screen would help.


And that's why people want mods.


Anything that allows players outside access to this game should not be allowed. This is my opinion, people played for many years without mods that tell you instantly what everyones damage was or wasn't. It's really not needed here, they are tools for the elistest to wave their e-peen around.


Mods aren't outside access to the game, the API is internal, and that is deliberate, but they also include a lot more than just meters.


I hope Bioware thinks long and hard about allowing people such a privledge. I disagree with the OP.


What privilege? Knowing how people do in their group? I don't see that as something you are entitled to hide. I see it as something you should share.

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Some people like to call mods and macros as crutches but that is wrong in my opinion. A crutch is there to help you with a disability such as a broken ankle.


I would say that addons and macros (if done correctly) are nothing more than variances of the tools already provided by the game, especially since neither macros or addons cant go beyond what the developers allows them to. And any loop holes can usually be hotfixed within a few hours should the need arise.


No addons or macros is like using a old fashion hammer to drive in nails, I prefer a modern hammer with a ergonomical grip though. That is what addons provides, a tailor made (ergonomic grip)ui just for me. A ui where you cant even change the location of your hotbars is not even an old fashion hammer, its like picking up a rock and trying to drive in a 6 inch galvanized nail with it.


In WoW currently I have target of target in the standard ui, I also have a secondary target called focus target. The focus target is whatever I want it to be, enemy or friend and I can switch it anytime I want. I can also see the target of my focus target in the standard ui. What I cant do however is a normal keybind to use spells or abilities on my focus target without macros. Macros provides advanced keybind options for me and as a result the bar of my gameplay is also raised.


I can now monitor and respond to the actions of two different targets at the same time. With addons I can make sure that any other necessary info is easily taken in by making sure that the indicators are around my character. I can also modify how these indicators look to make it easier or more pleasant for me. The human eye and mind can only focus on a small area at any given time, it can pretty much only register movements outside of this small focus point but not much more than that, not even colors.


With addons and macros I now I have a functional ui which not only works better with the limitations of human eyesight. I also added a actual functionality to some parts of the ui (keybinds specific for my focus target) which would otherwise have no practical use without them. This makes the entire game play and feel better. Addons and macros may not be an absolute necessity but they sure add a whole new layer of depth to a game.



My 2 cents.




Some typos.

Edited by Rakaz
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WOW wouldn't of done nearly as good as what it did if it wasn't for mods. To say otherwise is naive.


If the Dev's want this game to even compare to WOW in terms of enjoyability they must allow mods and macro's.


Mods and Macro's = more money for the Devs from people running multiple accounts

Mods and Macro's = more money for the Devs from people spending hours upon hours creating mods

Mods and Macro's = more money for the Devs from people continuing to sub to try out the latest mods



No Mods and Macro's = less money for the Devs as people will get bored/frustrated for lack of game function and go somewhere else.

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I personally want addons and macros. and HELL yes on the customizable UI and mouseover abilities.


In wow (yes, I realize some of you idiots will look down on me for that) the main macros I used were for different mounts, or in a few cases, use of an item/trinket before a cast. My shaman for instance, was an engineer, and thus, had an On Use ability he'd added to his gloves. This meant clicking the glove would give him a stat boost for a short bit. What I did was macro that to one of his abilities.


/use <whatever number counted as gloves, I'm not at home now>

/cast Lava Burst.


this kept me from having to add yet ANOTHER button on my bars for an item.


In this game, I'd be doing it with some of the relics I've seen. On use Alacrity or such.


Another thing my priest had, was


/cast @focus Pain Suppression


Pain suppression was an ability that reduced damage taken for a short period of time, on about a 2-3 minute CD. By doing @focus, I could have the main tank focused, and it didn't matter who I had targeted when that Oh crap moment came, I could hit that button and be sure to hit the right person, instead of trying to find the tank in the list of raid member.s


Its been since the end of vanilla since you could actually macro everything into one button. Originally, yes, a warrior could have ONE button on his bar and it'd go down the list, if something wasn't available, it'd hit the next one. Guess what. blizzard blocked that. And any sane Bioware dev would, as well. NOONE is asking for that. Hell, you don't even need a /castsequence ability, if you want to keep the one button macros gone. (In wrath, a paladin tank could macro his rotation to 2 buttons easily)


But, so far, I haven't seen any class with a ROTATION, its all priority based, with procs. This makes the 1 button macros break if you set up the API correctly.


Another great thing: Macro your CC button to say "CCing %target, marked with %mark". This way, if you have 2-3 ccs going off, you don't have two of them hit the same target and waste a CD.


As far as addons, I'd love Power Auras/dot timers. Getting into flashpoints with 2-3 sorcerors, its a PITA to figure out which one of the 2-3 Afflictions listed is mine. In fact, there is NO means of seeing such by the UI currently (or if so, i haven't found it). One of the things i had in WoW was a hud, that included the debuffs on my target, with mine in a larger size, so I actually had a means of seeing which ones were mine. Dot timers would do this just fine as well.


Currently as a Sorc, in any aoe situtation, you almost have to watch your bars/buffs constantly hoping for a Lightning storm proc. More than once I've looked back up to see how things were going, and when I looked back, I'd missed almost half of the buff time.


I also customized my UI. Sorry, I realize some of you like it as is. I don't. to me, its meh at the VERY best. I don't need to see my unit frame portrait, nor my enemies. Its one thing I removed in wow. I WOULD like the ability to move everything, resize some of it, etc. And yes, I'd prefer ADDONS than just Bioware options. Why? Because I've yet to see a game company come up with all the options fans want. Ever.


Damage meters, While yes, I'd like them, having them only show ME would be acceptable, or having the entire thing only viewable by OPS leaders.


Some people say "just do the flashpoint multiple times, with different rotations, see which works". But unless NOONE in your group got any upgrades, or changed THEIR rotation, this doesn't work. You can't tell which was YOUR dps changing it, or your teammates.


And to those who just say "just have fun". This IS fun. Customizing my UI, figuring out my priority list/rotation, etc, THAT is fun. Having to do extra clicks on things that make no sense...is just asking for carpal tunnel.


I did play in vanilla wow. You know why raids were hard then? Not because of encounter design. Because of ****** tools. So, people made addons, some of which completely trivialized content, but most of those were broken (the original decursive just required mousing over icons, no clicking required. that got broken. As did the healing mods that auto-chose the best heal.) Bioware can do much to learn from blizzard and block the stupid addons to begin with by limiting the API, while letting those that do no harm with no issue. Its always possible to block something else later, but limiting us to being unable to change things or actually ENJOY healing (I agree with so many posts about the mouseover bit), makes this game a lot less fun.


Sorry I'm not a masochist like some of you.

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Everyone needs to take it easy this is a first for Bio-Ware! They have been in development for over 4 years on this games structure alone. Graphics, story lines, and the fact that they haven't (knock on wood) suffered a major system failure due to lack of poor Network engineering speaks greatly in and of this company's commitment to the customers. Having the ability to have uninterrupted game play since launch speaks loudly for them. They have only just broken into the MMO field, so give them a break and be greatfull that they have such a rich display and story line in the game. As far as add on's they will come, but only if you as a player continue to speak loudly about them. They will address the big issues first and then as expansions and such come out they will address one or two of these smaller issues. Just give it time, and be patient. If its such a concern then you can all ways develop your own add on's for the game as well.:rolleyes:
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