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Everything posted by ablock

  1. Comparing a game that's been out for 7 years and has had endless changes and tweaks vs..A game less than a week old. Now THAT is funny.
  2. Already, the WoW players are screaming for ezmode crap. Ugh.
  3. Other than Ambush usually always kills on the first shot on weaker mobs. Using explosive probe wastes energy and a GCD and aggros mobs, and they start closing the gap between you and them. Stick to the rifle skills, not the tech ones as marksmanship.
  4. I was Armstech / Scavenger / Investigation. Then I realized how much money Splicing made, and I dropped Investigation for it.
  5. I'm marksman and I don't use explosive probe. It's nice that it knocks down lower lvl enemies, but you don't really need it. your snipe does more dmg for the same GCD essentially. Ambush and Sniper are your best abilities if you're marks. Frag Grenade is good for multiple enemies and that's really about it.
  6. Only cause I haven't figured out how to yet lol
  7. Game that is just over a day old doesn't have a totally customizable UI and awesome mods yet? GASSSPPP!
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