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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game badly needs mods and macros.


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Let me add that anything that makes the game more fluid and allows the player to focus more on the action is a good thing.


Anyone who thinks Mouseover is some kind of cheat or exploit is seriously deficient. It's an alternate targeting system. Maybe the genius you were posting will argue against F key targeting next. ROFL.


Bioware balanced combat based on the fact that a healer has to click on the person they want to heal and then click on the button to execute that heal... If they allow Mouseover healing then they will need to re-balance healing accordingly.... since healers will be able to heal a lot faster with a mouseover healing..

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This keeps getting brought up and NOTHING regarding this statement makes a bit of sense... whatsoever...


I don't get it either. It's like a weird knee jerk reaction form the people who froth at the mouth with any mention of WOW. Addons = WOW to them it seems. TBH the people most afraid of combat log addons aren't going to be in Raiding Guilds anyway. It's a PuG issue for them and who care about PuG's?

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This keeps getting brought up and NOTHING regarding this statement makes a bit of sense... whatsoever...


If you don't think adding macro's where you push one button and several actions occur as not being easy mode then your delusional...

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I don't get it either. It's like a weird knee jerk reaction form the people who froth at the mouth with any mention of WOW. Addons = WOW to them it seems. TBH the people most afraid of combat log addons aren't going to be in Raiding Guilds anyway. It's a PuG issue for them and who care about PuG's?


If you can't figure out the right rotation without a program telling you then you fail as a player... How did people survive playing MMO's without easy mode add-ons and macros... they must of just sat in game all day long doing nothing because with out them the game was impossible to play... :rolleyes:

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I suppose then, that those who come here and demand them, are the same sad sacks that ruined raiding in WoW with all the demands, and decided to migrate here, bringing their attitude problems with them, like a plague. Before moving on to yet another game to warp until it breaks.


Meanwhile, they post moronic crap like you just did, about how the opposition are just "baddies" (seriously, outside of gamers, only little children use the "you just suck at it" defense) because they don't need to play the game with a dozen different mods to hold your hand through every boss fight. Fights that you'll most assuredly be here complaining about to do being "too easy" and not hardcore enough, weeks later -after demanding that a mod be made to shoot fireworks into your face every time you need to get "out of the fire".






I just wish if you have your helm hidden, that your Jedi Robe's hood would ALSO be off.

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If you can't figure out the right rotation without a program telling you then you fail as a player... How did people survive playing MMO's without easy mode add-ons and macros... they must of just sat in game all day long doing nothing because with out them the game was impossible to play... :rolleyes:



Another genius chimes in. What are you babbling about?


There are two kinds of add ons....


1) UI add ons that allow the player to customize the look and feel of every aspect of the User Interface (Hot Bars, Unit Frames, Party/Raid Frames, Buffs/Debuffs, etc.) None of those has anything to do with using abilities.


2) Combat Log Addons. These use the combat log to display information in a fashion controlled by the player. They also allow logging of fights to parse exactly what happened when. It's not just about how much damage you did. Again these add ons can't perform any specific action for you. Some add ons allow the player to enter a priority list and display when those abilities are off CD. Is this the thing that's bugging you???


Macro's just save key presses. If I want to use a Relic ability that's off the GCD (or use any ability off the GCD for that matter) it saves Keybinds to be able to Macro that ability with a GCD triggering ability. Maybe you're just too sponge brained to make macros that work?

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Keep the mods and macros out of this game.


If the default UI sucks, at least we're all on the same even playing field with the UI.


Tired of these games where Captain Junior Programmer can roflstomp his competition because he sat in his parent's basement and taught himself how to program.

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If they make the UI more customizable/user friendly then I'm fine, but as it is something needs to be done about how clunky the UI and AH are.


I hope they either fix the UI to be fully customizable and scalable or open up the game for mods.

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If the default UI sucks, at least we're all on the same even playing field with the UI.


No, we're not. That's the point of customization, to level the actual field instead of creating a false inequality.


Tired of these games where Captain Junior Programmer can roflstomp his competition because he sat in his parent's basement and taught himself how to program.


It's impossible to avoid that at some levels, since a computer can do anything you can do in terms of interacting with another computer program.

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First off, you guys are right: the UI is hideous. I strongly dislike the fact that I can't chain three bars on the bottom of my screen.


However, the sentiment that the game is unplayable because of it is a little out there, and calls for a sense of perspective. Just because the UI is terrible doesn't break the game.


I've played through 33 very enjoyable levels on my Sage, and have noticed moments where the messy UI became a liability, but it was easy to adjust my playstyle for it.


AT THE TOP OF MY LIST here: Please, please, please make more than two bars available at the bottom of the screen! That there are only two rows makes it impossible for me to quickly get my skills off.

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Id prefer macros and mods not be implemented, such features simply dumb the game and and make it into a "push 2 maybe 3 keys + have popup messages telling you which one of those buttons you should push"


You want a baby game any 5 year old could play, go back to WoW and play a panda or whatever dumb thing they added.

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Id prefer macros and mods not be implemented, such features simply dumb the game and and make it into a "push 2 maybe 3 keys + have popup messages telling you which one of those buttons you should push"


You want a baby game any 5 year old could play, go back to WoW and play a panda or whatever dumb thing they added.


Archiving all of this for the day addons and macros are implemented.

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