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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game badly needs mods and macros.


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This game does NOT need mods. What it does need is some badly needed features from the dev team. I like the UI mostly resizing and replacing windows is needed, macros not so much.



Users are the best source for UI customization in any software app since they USE the product. Engineers and devs never get it right.


I'd prefer to not wait for Bioware to add something they should have had in at launch especially since it seems their UI team is the weak link in their group.


The player UI and the AH UI were both targeted during Beta weekends yet we got nothing. Bioware has NEVER had a good UI in any game they've had so pardon if many of us would prefer to have the player base handle it.

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I need macros in order to enjoy any MMO. I really figured with such a huge release like this, with all the time and money behind it, they wouldnt have overlooked such an ESSENTIAL part of MMO gaming for many of us. By lvl 25 I have about 20-25 abilities I need to hotkey, without macros this can be a total nightmare and hinder enjoyment of the game and fluid gaming.


For instance one way to save space on hotkeys for me as a healer would be to use a macro that would allow me to bind 2 skills to a hotkey and depending on whether the target was a friend or enemy it would select the proper skill. I would use a heal if it was a friend or an attack skill if it was an enemy, this saved many healers from frustrations in many mmos.


There are free MMO games out that even have solid macro systems in place, how can something like SWTOR not?




why make this game like all the others? people cry about the same boring clone MMOs but these same people also cry for the same exact features in all of them .. do people really want the same MMOs with different graphics?


Enough with the "easy mode" garbage already, please?

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If you prioritise the ability to min-max via the use of DPS and other meters, along with being able to make the game easier for yourself with macros then you are just not a good player full stop. The best guilds on MMOs worldwide look for players who above all else cares about moving correctly around bosses, knowing when to attack and what to attack, not standing in the fire, taunting correctly at the right time, and healing when and how to keep the group alive.


Having "leet deeps and gear" will only get you a one shot trial, the rest will get you booted out within seconds. Which is the sad thing about mods and macros; they dominate the game they are in, and make the good players harder to find.


The best guilds and players use all tools available to them to succeed, period. If a mod will help you can rest assured that the top guilds use the hell out of them, even going as far as to write their own mods as necessary...

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You do less and your character does more. Sure sounds like making it easier to me. If the effort to accomplishment ratio is not fun for the players, it's something that BioWare should adjust for everyone.


Doesn't matter what it sounds like to you because you are wrong.



The only thing a macro does is remove a few extra key presses that couldn't be streamlined dynamically by the stock UI.



If you feel less accomplished from downing a boss because your you combined two cool downs into one key press then I don't know what to tell you and am confident you don't have a lot of supporters in this poorly thought out opinion.


Maybe I'm just a real bad *** at this game, but I haven't really felt the need for mods even in lvl 35 content :/.


The people I see whining about the lack of mods seem to NEED them to function.


Maybe its time to drop the crutches little Timmy.

Edited by Robndahood
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Users are the best source for UI customization in any software app since they USE the product. Engineers and devs never get it right.


I'd prefer to not wait for Bioware to add something they should have had in at launch especially since it seems their UI team is the weak link in their group.


The player UI and the AH UI were both targeted during Beta weekends yet we got nothing. Bioware has NEVER had a good UI in any game they've had so pardon if many of us would prefer to have the player base handle it.


The problems isn't WHO makes the addons, but what kind of addons.

I am all for addons that modify the UI, but like many people I am against addons that perform actions or do data mining.

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The best guilds and players use all tools available to them to succeed, period. If a mod will help you can rest assured that the top guilds use the hell out of them, even going as far as to write their own mods as necessary...


Wrong, the best guilds and players only use the best tools available to them if those tools don't interfere with intelligent and good gameplay and value added to the group. If you have a guy who can max out DPS meters solidly because he has min-maxxed using DPS meters yet is causing other players to die or is dying often because he is a bad player then he will still get kicked, but he will have initially been chosen over players who would do better because of DPS meters.


Like I said, they start to dominate the game and it becomes all people focus on. There is absolute proof that meters completely overflow in a game, next people will be asking for ilevels so that they can choose the guys with the best gear, when those guys are probably the ones who were carried through raids which they got into because they look good on a dps meter for 20 seconds before they die and do nothing then get a lucky roll.

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It makes them play better, because they can just queue up a series of things to one click. Retarded playing for lazy people imo.


Because it was possible to create macros that operated this way in one game means that macros in general are bad? Wow macros don't allow this to occur and wow is far more popular than any other mmo that might have allowed this.

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It makes them play better, because they can just queue up a series of things to one click. Retarded playing for lazy people imo.


This^^ is the viewpoint of someone who doesn't understand macros, their limits and their downfalls.



WoW had limits on how much a macro could do for you. The macro's I used simply proc'd my on use trinkets with my class specific dps cooldown.


Still had dot timings, channel clips, orb stacks and boss mechanics to pay attention to, but yeah totally lazy :rolleyes:



What your posts sounds like to me is causal player making statements from a casual players perspective.

Edited by Robndahood
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Because it was possible to create macros that operated this way in one game means that macros in general are bad? Wow macros don't allow this to occur and wow is far more popular than any other mmo that might have allowed this.



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To be honest i'm really hoping that there are abilities which will give nearly the same output in regards to there overall effect but will cause small differences overall based on how a person wants to play.


I really really really don't want there to be a standard "rotation" that if you don't use it you're not good, it ruins the game and that way you might as well have macros because it stops being an immersive or varied experience.


I think Macros, meters, and community mods would dominate the experience and dilute the experience. I think if the company just increase variation and study stiles of play a lot more it will allow changes by BioWare which will improve the experience all round greatly.

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Wrong, the best guilds and players only use the best tools available to them if those tools don't interfere with intelligent and good gameplay and value added to the group. If you have a guy who can max out DPS meters solidly because he has min-maxxed using DPS meters yet is causing other players to die or is dying often because he is a bad player then he will still get kicked, but he will have initially been chosen over players who would do better because of DPS meters.


Like I said, they start to dominate the game and it becomes all people focus on. There is absolute proof that meters completely overflow in a game, next people will be asking for ilevels so that they can choose the guys with the best gear, when those guys are probably the ones who were carried through raids which they got into because they look good on a dps meter for 20 seconds before they die and do nothing then get a lucky roll.


You expanded your argument beyond simply increasing dps when you stated "along with being able to make the game easier for yourself with macros then you are just not a good player full stop"


This is absolutely false, good play and mods/macros aren't diametrically opposed. They can benefit people at all levels but top level guilds, including the best players in the world, require them and even write their own if nothing is available that will fit. Oddly, damage meters were not seen as a requirement though logs were most definitely scrutinized after raids.

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You do less and your character does more. Sure sounds like making it easier to me. If the effort to accomplishment ratio is not fun for the players, it's something that BioWare should adjust for everyone.


Yeah, it is game breaking having a macro that allows me to randomly pick a mount, or mouse over a target to heal it rather than have to individually click a bunch of targets. Seriously, go do some research and come back with an informed opinion.

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The problems isn't WHO makes the addons, but what kind of addons.

I am all for addons that modify the UI, but like many people I am against addons that perform actions or do data mining.


That's a dev choice. They write the API. WOW has the most extensive addons of any game and you cant make a mod that performs actions for you and an addon itself can't act as a Trojan. That's the stuff that people who don't know much about addons say to scare people.

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This is why ToR doesn't need addons:



#1 Even at 50 your group of USED powers wont be unmanageable with proper bindings.



#2 The raids aren't going to be based on rage timers like many fights are in WoW, requiring people to pump out as much dps as they can. Instead they will be based on AWARENESS, your ability to manage your cooldowns properly and your teams ability to target switch and focus numbers on the correct targets.



If you can't do those things without addons, you wont do them with addons.

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Yeah, it is game breaking having a macro that allows me to randomly pick a mount, or mouse over a target to heal it rather than have to individually click a bunch of targets. Seriously, go do some research and come back with an informed opinion.


Or you just use grid and clique like a pro healer.

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I like the UI.

Combat log is an archaic element left over from games which had no real animations and you couldn't tell what was going on. There's absolutely no need for a combat log in SWTOR. Look at the combat to see what's happening, not at some numbers.

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This is why ToR doesn't need addons:



#1 Even at 50 your group of USED powers wont be unmanageable with proper bindings.



#2 The raids aren't going to be based on rage timers like many fights are in WoW, requiring people to pump out as much dps as they can. Instead they will be based on AWARENESS, your ability to manage your cooldowns properly and your teams ability to target switch and focus numbers on the correct targets.



If you can't do those things without addons, you wont do them with addons.


The EV streams I saw all seemed to have "enrage" timers. Encounters need Enrage timers or else they are too easily cheesed. You might as well bring one Tank and 15 healers. It would take forever but it would impossible to fail.


...as far as number 1. I'm 25 and I'm already near the limit of what I find acceptable as far as Keybinds and Hot Bar space. I use a Naga and all 12 buttons are bound as well as another 10 on my keyboard. I still have like 5 more abilities to learn by 50 so I don't know what you're talking about.

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This is why ToR doesn't need addons:



#1 Even at 50 your group of USED powers wont be unmanageable with proper bindings.


I'm nowhere near 50, have a Razr Naga (which shouldn't be required) and find this to be quite humorous. Then again I also pvp and I don't mouse click anything if I don't have to. Mounts, stim packs, pet attack/retreat, everything is keybound.

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I am heavily against the implementation of macros and mods in this game.

Hyper mathematization in games generates less fun in the long run.


#1. "Hyper mathematization" = wut?


#2 Macro's are made up of equations that you should have learned in grade school and commands like "/use" "/cast".


If that is too hard for you than the 10key pad on your keyboard must be scary as hell.

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