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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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It is so pathetic how sad people have become. This UI is amazing compared to what you had in the early days of MMOs. This is a great standard UI for a game launch. You can't move windows? So what? Deal with it. There were games released with windows you couldn't move that literally took up 80% of your screen. The UI does exactly what it is supposed to do. It gives you functionality without getting in your way.


Would I like to be able to resize and move windows? Sure. That would be nice. Do I want there to be mods and add-ons? No I don't. The reason they didn't have them at launch is because they focused their talents in other places. Places that actually directly affected the game enjoyability and functionality. They had a good base UI and they stuck with it (with some minor polish passes along the way). That's not even the only reason why the UI is the way it is. It is designed to fit into the game and make you feel you are playing a Star Wars game. It does that very well. The UI looks like it belongs instead of feeling like a distraction from the world you are playing in.


The fact that people have become so spoiled by having UI mods and add-ons (*cough*WoW*cough*) that can literally tell them when to wipe their butt and when to click this button or that button does not mean that this UI is the piece of crap you little ****** are making it out to be. Grow a pair and quit being so damn whiny about everything. I weep for the future when your generation grows up and takes over - and that's even seeing what is happening now as a baseline.

Edited by theLast
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My wife was complaining about the UI for over 6 months in beta. The UI is garbage, nobody in my family will touch this game. My son already spent the prepaid credit card that preordered this game on some other game, Origin will have fun collecting.


Nobody will touch the game, yet you are still trolling the forums


So either you are a lier and do play, or you have absolutly no life and troll forums because you son is not important to you and you stil on the computer and ignore your kid and wife.



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Yeah the horrible UI design is my biggest problem with the game (second biggest problem is the lack of dynamic gameplay). I think the issue with the UI is that the lead UI "designer" isn't a designer at all--but rather a fine artist/illustrator. No thought was put into usability or interaction with the environment and other players. I've played the game for 3 days straight, and not once have I spoken with another player. This is mainly due to the fact that I do not know when someone is talking to me, nor is it self-evident how to talk to another person.


For the life of me, I just do not understand why there are NO chat bubbles. How could they leave something like that out? Are we just supposed to watch "Barrens Chat" in the upper left-hand window scroll by at 20 point type in the hopes that someone will mention my name in the 4 seconds it takes for a new message to scroll by? It's ridiculous.



I totally agree about the Chat system. I have no idea when someone is talking to me and THEY DO need chat bubbles. The Chat system is very poor.


Also, PLEASE DO NOT ADD MACROS. This will ruin the game because people are too lazy to push buttons and it will cause "Chinese Famers" to camp the servers.

Edited by The_Black_Baron
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It is so pathetic how sad people have become. This UI is amazing compared to what you had in the early days of MMOs. This is a great standard UI for a game launch. You can't move windows? So what? They put the windows in good places to begin with. The UI does exactly what it is supposed to do. It gives you functionality without getting in your way.


Would I like to be able to resize and move windows? Sure. That would be nice. Do I want there to be mods and add-ons? No I don't. The reason they didn't have them at launch is because they focused their talents in other places. Places that actually directly affected the game enjoyability and functionality. They had a good base UI and they stuck with it (with some minor polish passes along the way). That's not even the only reason why the UI is the way it is. It is designed to fit into the game and make you feel you are playing a Star Wars game. It does that very well. The UI looks like it belongs instead of feeling like a distraction from the world you are playing in.


The fact that people have become so spoiled by having UI mods and add-ons (*cough*WoW*cough*) that can literally tell them when to wipe their butt and when to click this button or that button does not mean that this UI is the piece of crap you little ****** are making it out to be. Grow a pair and quit being so damn whiny about everything. I weep for the future when your generation grows up and takes over - and that's even seeing what is happening now as a baseline.


Yeah, games should be brutal, primitive and unforgiving! How dare I want convenience and fun at my fingertips. I keep acting like this is some kind of game, but you're right. It's serious business people!

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I'm interested to hear about all these mods that play the game for people. I am an add-on freak in WOW and can't think of one add-on I use that comes any where near to that functionality.


The add ons I can't live without in WOW are...


Bartender - Customized Hot Bars.

Pitbull - Customized Unit Frames.

Grid - Customized Raid Frames.

Clique - Allows for Click Casting with my mouse to save key binds.


Funny but all of those are UI tweaks that don't so anything but make my interaction with the game client more comfortable for me. What a noob cheater I am. :rolleyes:

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I kind of like not having macros in the game. It's nice a change of pace watching other people play without having just two or three buttons to push. I wouldn't mind seeing some simple ones, maybe one or two abilities max.


The UI on the other hand, The game would go a long way if they just made more elements of the HUD movable. Play on eyefinity setup and the UI makes you loose your mind with the actions bars on the very left and right of the screen. Open your INV and pops out on the left screen, open your Char window and it's on the far right screen... argh! Open crew window right screen, open armor crafting screen far left! Gives your neck a workout for sure.


DMG meters, eh. I'll be a happy camper never seeing one in this game outside of warfronts :)

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All I want is mouse over healing. If they implement that into the game, I don't even need macros. Nor do I need mods.


Hey, let's just go ahead and let the game play by itself while we are at it with requests like this.


Sit, auto attack, loot, rinse, repeat. Why do people like you even bother buying and getting into a game like this if all you want the game to do is play for you.


How about this instead: Accept a challenge, do things manually for once in your life, and work at being a good player, not take the easy way out of everything you do.


As far as the UI goes, yes I can see moving whats already built into the game around on your screen and whatnot.

Edited by Amodin
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I agree, the UI is terrible as is. It needs to be much more customizable. At the very least I need to be able to move different elements around.


Just for the record, there are a total of 4 quickbars available, through the UI settings, for a total of 48 quick-bar buttons. The other 36 can be hot-keyed through the preferences. I've got mine set to Alt 1 to =, Shift 1 to =, and Shift + Crtl 1 to =.


Macro's would be awesome, but as I play with a Logitech G-13 I can live without them.


What is sorely missing from Group play is a way to view your group members companions health bars, and the opportunity to 'click on group members icons' healing. Namely I click on the health bar for my group member, then while still targeting an enemy, I cast a heal spell and it targets the 'highlighted' party member as opposed to defaulting to me. I can't tell you how much force I've wasted on my Imp Sorc and Jedi Sage healing myself because I forgot to actually target that party member. Nor can I tell you how much damage I didn't do because I was busy switching targets and forgot to re-target the enemy.


Please Bioware, if you can't or don't have the time to spend developing a proper and usable UI, then please, please, please give us the ability to do that for you. Not to bring up that other game, but, while the initial UI that came with WoW was tolerable, many of the features that it now has didn't exist initially. Initially there was a base UI, and the ability for people to use Mods. Then as Blizzard had time, they added different elements to their UI and changed it over the last several years, until they have the 'stock' UI they do now. Most people don't use a lot of mods anymore.


Please give this some though and make this change quickly.

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I dont think we need macros or heavily modded UI's. Also I can see the UI fine, my problem is its too big. I would like to resize and move around the UI is all. Changing the group UI to ops UI helps make it a bit smaller, but resizing the whole UI much better.
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It is so pathetic how sad people have become. This UI is amazing compared to what you had in the early days of MMOs. This is a great standard UI for a game launch. You can't move windows? So what? Deal with it. There were games released with windows you couldn't move that literally took up 80% of your screen. The UI does exactly what it is supposed to do. It gives you functionality without getting in your way.


Would I like to be able to resize and move windows? Sure. That would be nice. Do I want there to be mods and add-ons? No I don't. The reason they didn't have them at launch is because they focused their talents in other places. Places that actually directly affected the game enjoyability and functionality. They had a good base UI and they stuck with it (with some minor polish passes along the way). That's not even the only reason why the UI is the way it is. It is designed to fit into the game and make you feel you are playing a Star Wars game. It does that very well. The UI looks like it belongs instead of feeling like a distraction from the world you are playing in.


The fact that people have become so spoiled by having UI mods and add-ons (*cough*WoW*cough*) that can literally tell them when to wipe their butt and when to click this button or that button does not mean that this UI is the piece of crap you little ****** are making it out to be. Grow a pair and quit being so damn whiny about everything. I weep for the future when your generation grows up and takes over - and that's even seeing what is happening now as a baseline.


LOL nice hyperbole.


So if someone would prefer to be able to scale and move the Hot bars and have more than 2 at the bottom of the screen they're a whiny beyatch? LOL gotcha.


This is a modern MMO. Why should player put up with a sub standard (for the era) UI or a broken AH system in a game from 2012? You sound like some bitter old fart saying he remembers the Model T and how we should all be happy we don't need to crank the motor before driving. You're too much.

Edited by zootzoot
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Just two cents.


The UI is actually very nice for a default. But the argument of not implementing them so everyone has the same functions is silly when mods and addons are available to everyone.

If you do not wish to use them don't.


There are a lot of quality of life addons that if we are not allowed to develop ourselves should be implemented anyway.

Such as:

Click cast healing - This is just sensible when it comes to healing classes. Tabbing/selecting a target has always been an issue in general for games, and not something gamers should be forced to do. (This is much easier for melee and tanks)


DPS Meters - We need to see how we are performing (on paper) for end game content.


Bar placement and configuration - I like a clean screen, cleaner than what they have made. Though I do in fact think they did a great job, I don't need a portrait of my character and target on my screen, its wasted real-estate. I also don't need my buttons that large or in 1 row lines.


Honestly that's all quality of life changes, that if they cant find time to do then they should allow someone else to do.


I never understood why companies dont release their games with more customization, just having the ability to resize things at any level is a huge help.


EDIT: And the argument about "Lets just make the game play itself" with a lot of focus on things like click cast healing is just ludicrous. Targeting is painful and shouldnt be seen as a skillful thing. Warhammer introduced duel targets (Friendly and Enemy) and that was a big big step in the direction for making these games much more healing friendly. Its not breaking the game adding this feature, its actually making healers jobs much more dynamic and entertaining, so why be so hard pressed against it?

Edited by Nyokai
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The UI is based on the idea that you need to be fluid. I play a Merc, and at points i might need to toss a heal, the next second i may need to lay down some fire on a mob thats broken out of CC. Babies want everything to be the EXACT SAME way in everything they do if its not they cry. Change the way you play I played wow and I played Rift and to be honest everyone doing 1-3 button macros and having the same rotation is downright ignorant. I do like the idea of mouse over healing but that would be the only thing i would suggest. Past that change the way you play kids.
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I sorely underestimated just how poor the UI would turn out. It is so uncustomizable it isn't funny. Health bars, buffs, debuffs, and the power bar are all WAY too small. You can't move or resize anything, I HATE having the chat box up the top.


Not having a damage meter or even a freaking combat log is ridiculous. Why shouldn't we even know how much damage we're doing? I want to know what the best rotation is for my character and I have absolutely no way of working that out.


Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.


Totally disagree with the need for macros. Updated UI would be nice but that does not need to come from mods.

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Rift had an AWESOME UI right out of the gate. Being able to customize everything and make macros right from the start are awesome. I don't need something to play the game for me, but as an Operative having abilities that use Tactical Advantaged macroed to fire off whenever they are available would be awesomely convenient for someone who doesn't want to play finger ju-jitsu every 5 seconds.
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I agree and would like a customizable UI much like you see in Rift. But as far as mods/addons, I like the organic feel of the game, it stresses teamwork in the instances and not finger pointing as to who isnt supposedly pulling there weight. Adding macros/addons would only make the game feel dumbed down to me. Right now when you play, you feel you accomplished a task pve or in pvp because the player behind the keyboard got it done. Not some line of text you copy and pasted out of a site, or some addon that told you when to use an ability. Edited by Wookielol
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Also, PLEASE DO NOT ADD MACROS. This will ruin the game because people are too lazy to push buttons and it will cause "Chinese Famers" to camp the servers.

Wow. That is such an ignorant statement.


Macros are not about being lazy. They are about efficiency. I would love to see target of target functionality and macros so I can heal a tank without fumbling over clicking their portrait or hitting the correct F# key. Some of us don't have twitch reflexes anymore.


You really think there are Chinese farmers these days? That went away a long time ago. Most of the gold in the for profit gold sellers is from account compromise, not farming. Nobody farms anymore. It is too inefficient. It is better to prey on stupid people who click on things they shouldn't.

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