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How Will SWTOR BE Remembered 10 Years From Now?


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lol no way dude. This game wont be played in 10 years time. I doubt it will last 5.



AoC is almost at 4 years and it was terrible at release. "plagued by a vast number of bugs, missing zones, broken encounters and total lack of end-game content".

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It will be remembered as just another flash in the pan MMO that fell well short of the hype by the look of things. Hope I'm wrong but it doesn't look good. Other then the voice acting everything else is well below the standards and achievements of previous MMOs.
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From the current trend I would say, that people will remember it as the game that botched PvP with every major game update. 1.2 killed Ilum, 1.2 killed warzones, now I wonder what they will screw up in 1.3 (but they surely will find something, I was really surprised what terrible decisions they made so far).


It is hard to take PvPers seriously. This same crap has been said about every MMO that has ever had PvP in it ever (maybe not DAoC, which I never played, but everyone crows about having the best PvP ever).


Face it, PvPers are the whiniest segment of the MMO playerbase in every game that has it. I love PvP. I loathe PvPers. You do more to keep your segment of the MMO community miniscule and unimportant than a 1000 bad PvP games ever could.

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A more interesting number to see would be player activity, alot of people bought 3 and 6 months subs, but stopped playing, and they just gave a free month to pretty much everyone.


So there is really no telling how many active subscribers there is.


Subscribers are people who pay for subscriptions. Whether they play or not is irrelevant.

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It is hard to take PvPers seriously. This same crap has been said about every MMO that has ever had PvP in it ever (maybe not DAoC, which I never played, but everyone crows about having the best PvP ever).


Face it, PvPers are the whiniest segment of the MMO playerbase in every game that has it. I love PvP. I loathe PvPers. You do more to keep your segment of the MMO community miniscule and unimportant than a 1000 bad PvP games ever could.


DAOC PvP was pretty awesome. We get to take over Towers/castle and get bonus for PvE (from what I remember)


The epic battle actually MEAN something. I feel that Ilum PvP ground could have been better. The premise is pretty good except there isn't much of a draw (not to mention the lag)

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The prequel to whatever sequel SWTOR will have had out for a couple of years. Or, maybe whatever comes after is a prequel that takes place 4,000 years before the movies, or something. Or isn't a true prequel or sequel, and is a follow up that takes place 1,000 or so years after the movies. Edited by Agemnon
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SWTOR will be remembered (by me anyway) as the sort of game which had official forums that were filled with threads featuring questions like "How Will SWTOR BE Remembered 10 Years From Now?".




Apart from that, I'll remember the whining when BW didn't do certain things... and the even more whining when they did. I'll remember the swarms of 6 hour downtime ragequitters, the ranked warzone ragequitters, the event ragequitters, the "THEY GAVE US FREE TIME? SCREW THEM!" ragequitters...


But above all I'll remember that it was a fun little game.


Hell, I might still be playing it. :p

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It won't be remembered at all.


This is what will happen only us old farts will rember and well mainly rember how they stuffed it doing events for kids and not doing what the reall gamers wanted starwars will die and most wont cear they will just move to the next game and trash that i will rember what could have been and what it was speeking in past tence ofcouse

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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Whoever said/believes UO was the "first mmo" is obviously new to the game.


Major credits to whoever is old enough to remember the real first mmo...


Nobody cares. Not even on topic. He even said "modern MMO" ...

Edited by Kourage
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Nobody cares. Not even on topic.

It's actually quite important.


See, no one here remembers Meridian 59, but you can still play it, for free, and that game is a flawless example of how all this started... going in the wrong direction.


M59 spoiled us with fantastic, ruthless, rotten PvP. People from that time actually came to believe that all mmos were capable of that level of open free will - and since then we have seen a stream of games which have failed to live up to that early potential.


That isn't a bad thing, unless you come into every new mmo with expectations from the previous one. Like SWG players coming here and wondering why SWTOR isn't more like their old game.


It's the expectation that's the killer...


Mr. Grumpypants. :p

Edited by Blistrich
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