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are you enjoying guardian pvp?


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I don't really see the point of arguing over a in game description. But if we were to agree guards should do less dps then a sent then the lesser dps so called wall should have better overall defense cds. Which most would say we dont and i think thats what annoys dps guards. Now only if our taunts worked for ourselves too. Edited by Gearsofwarthree
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Just ignore all those MMOs and PNP games that have a leader/warlord buff support class with descriptions akin to "leaders on and off the battlefield".


Not that I think Guardians are nothing but support. But yeah, you're talking crap.


I lead my guilds pvp premades. I am the first into battle. I call the battle plan at the Wz gate. I execute the most dangerous opfor solo most of the times. I defend all our healers. I defend our dps, I attack into multiple BM and WH geared players solo and do appreciable damage and slowing before killed, allowing for strategic capping and Wz pwnage.


If that's not leading a Wz what is?


Vigilance Guardians got buffs

Focus Guardians got nerfs

(3v1 !!!! lol op much Focus spec?)




Guardian is super viable pvp wise.

I 2v1 just fine most classes (not heavy armor classes and no healing).


1v1 is almost a given but yea there are a few players on my server that trolop me

and that's great, means I still have stuff to learn.


You give me teammates that listen, I win warzones.

IMHO that's working as intended. OP maybe... ><


no offense guys but, Im kicking serious butt in half Champ, Half BM...

(Full On Vigilance spec)

maybe my server is less competitive due to low population thou...

however, you are as good as your opponents make you so Im only that

good also... those on larger servers will be better due to statical placement

of skilled players.


Pugs... are pugs... win some... lose lots. You can't carry an entire team of pugers against premades...


Also I don't expect to 3v1 other BM geared players but, hey maybe I just

have lower expectations... /shrug

If Im entering a fight at 3+ v 1 I expect to lose... slow as possible and focus defence helps alot in this situation, as does awe and aoe snare. Awesomesauce...


Also, being a good "GUARDIAN", means all the healers that are left still heal you, and we all know what happens if you give any guardian a heal or 2. PWNAGE.


team play > I solo 3v1 lololololololololololololol spec


p.s. Not trying to be rude, Im not lying about my performance, and you can do it too... will help any guardians willing to learn, adapt, overcome.

Edited by VoidJustice
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Good read m8 but let me tell you something, what you said here should be expected to happen with any class but sadly that's not the case.. a commando with its dps tree, makes more damage than a gunslinger which is a pure dps class. Gunslinger makes a quicker work of its opponents but at the end of a WZ both classes makes dps with a difference of 5% of each other and if this is a fact, it should be expected from each class when you select dps tree.


I agree 100%. For what it's worth, my comments were directed only at the implied and overt statement in above posts that if the Guardian does not do as much DPS as a Sentinel they are broken. Regarding those two ACs, it seems clear to me that the differences in descriptions and skills granted should prove that discrepancies between their DPS numbers are intended and are unlikely to be changed (nor should we expect them to). Efficiency goes beyond DPS numbers, and while defense strategies are not everyone's cup of tea in PvP, they are game changing abilities that the Guardian, spec'd in any tree, can shine in.


That said, I think such arguments should be made to address the discrepancies in other classes. By no means do I think this game doesn't need serious work in balance. This is just coming from someone whose experience in game has been mainly Guardian and Sentinel and am speaking about the differences between them both.

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You missed my point Void bud, I'm not personally saying that I think we're a support class just that the sentence "we lead on and off the battlefield" doesn't really change much given that warlords/leaders is a common class in RPG games and is almost always a support buff class.


I don't think we're support personally, just that the point he made doesn't really work.

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I have to say i am having hard time enjoying pvp with my guardian, its not because of the nerfing or anything but somehow i am always having hard time when i pug, most of the time multiple people are on me considering i am at the heat of the battle and it takes a lot of time for me to kill someone, unless there is a healer healing me I die before getting any medals...


btw i am decent at pvp and I also have a shadow and gunslinger and having tons of fun with them; I always wanted to have fun with my guardian but it is not the case atm; what you guys think?


If you're not having fun with the guardian then you're not having fun period. Nobodies opinion is going to really matter if you don't enjoy the class.

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If you're not having fun with the guardian then you're not having fun period. Nobodies opinion is going to really matter if you don't enjoy the class.


That's right It is my bad I said it wrong, I dont enjoy dps trees in guardian when I pvp:) I am having fun when i am tanking and supporting.. I think this is easier to understand, I wanna be able to enjoy all the trees in pvp but I can't.. I wouldn't be posting here if I didnt enjoy the class now would I?

Edited by croll
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  • 11 months later...

i enjoy my defence guardian..rolling an immortal at low levels i understand the gap with 50 WZ, because i struggle a lot in 1v1 and taking down the enemy, but when my calls are responded i always survive, even 3v1 with CD and with a couple of heals we make it.

without healers you are effective only with your CD

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I'm playing tank spec PvP guardian and for the most part it's fun.


The only downside is 99% of the time there is no healer, and without a healer it's hard to find a role other than defending nodes. You can try to defend your DPS but for the most part it feels like they dont care if you defend them or not, and don't help you out with it at all.


I rolled a healer also due to the huge lack of healers on republic side, but whenever I play it we end up with 4-5 healers on the team. I have no idea what's up with that.

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Me neither.


With old Focus, I used to be a force to be reckoned with and a powerful asset to any team. With highly optimized gear I could take on people 2v1 and sometimes even 3v.1 and come out on top. Overpowered? Possibly, but then again I did invest a lot to get where I was.


Now I just feel like a generic melee character that may...or may not beat another class depending on the situation. No redeeming qualities...average damage and boring play-style thanks to Vigilance. Lackluster cooldowns and over-priced abilities just make Guardian DPS feel underwhelming.


Karma hurts, doesn't it?

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For what it's worth, my comments were directed only at the implied and overt statement in above posts that if the Guardian does not do as much DPS as a Sentinel they are broken. Regarding those two ACs, it seems clear to me that the differences in descriptions and skills granted should prove that discrepancies between their DPS numbers are intended and are unlikely to be changed (nor should we expect them to). Efficiency goes beyond DPS numbers, and while defense strategies are not everyone's cup of tea in PvP, they are game changing abilities that the Guardian, spec'd in any tree, can shine in.


You don't get it.

Ok we are not supposed to do as much damage as mara/sent ,but the difference is HUUUGE.Specialy comparing combat and vigilance.I don't know why vigilance is so underpowered compared to combat having in mind that they are somewhat the same ,almost the same way both Focus trees are the same.Watchman is the tree which is the sentinel trademark and there should be its superb damage.Vigilance imo should do as much damage as Combat.


And now the biggest problem. - If we are supposed to do lower damage why is our survivability lower in our dps trees than sentinels which have both more dps and more survivability in all their dps trees.


I hope 2.0 fixes this(haven't played on pts), and saber reflect fixes the survivability problems of dps speced guardian and jugg.And i hope the dps buff to Vigilance/vengeance is really substantial.


/talking about pvp/

Edited by Kaedusz
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I have PvP tank and damage gear. I typically PvP with a blend: Defense spec, PvP DMG set bonuses and half the other pieces are tank. I hate being fragile but can still pull 150k+ dmg and protection individually (300k+ of those combinated is my goal during matches regardless of spec) in a good match.


Focus is one of the popular specs, but I don't find it that fun or rhythmic. With Defense and a decent pocket healer, playing CC\Defense (not actually trying to out right kill anyone) is a blast. 2v5 holding out for reinforcements, F YA! As DPS, I'll go Vigilance. To me it has a much better flow for DPS IMO. Plus is doesn't cause that much attention at once either.

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I enjoy PvP with my guardian a lot more than with my poor DPS-spec commando ;) It really does come down to how well the team plays together though (and ofc whether the enemy team are a full FotM OP pre-made from one of the 'good' PvP guilds, in which case it's just not fun whatever class you're playing if your team isn't similarly geared / skilled).


I play the soon-to-be extinct hybrid spec and I'm pretty good offense in Huttball (usually score 4+ of the 6 TDs unless the other team recognise me and shut me down hard), and great in node-protection in all the other games. Hypergates is probably the one where I'm least useful as that's all about dps and sneak-capping at the moment, but I can make it harder for the enemy team to dominate the bunker so long as there's a decent healer to protect.

Edited by Cybermeister
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hell yes I'm lovin it! I might now ALWAYS be top DPS, but I have lots and lots of fun with my Vig Guardian. For many reasons: I love my taunts, I know how the other classes play, what the big hitters are and the rotation to build up the big hitters, so I pop either a single target taunt or an AOE taunt their way to drop their damage down. I especially love doing to the smashers since they get in my face a lot :) my big defensive ability helps protect when I get a sticky from a merc, or see a sniper channel, etc... I love the leap to MS with unremitting, although people mess up and find a healer then leap>master strike then when most people will stun you right before ur 3strike hits and mess it up, so I saber throw>leap>PB>OS>force push>leap>MS>freezing force>blade storm sunder etc etc... Overall I LOVE to PVP as my Vig guard and I have loads of fun whether I'm guarding my healer and destroying someone Tryin to take him out, holding someone down to get pounded with force stasis or leap push leap killing people! If you know your class and everyone else's class, you can always have fun!!!! Edited by Tarurelm
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I love it... a good vig guardian will wreck havoc.... leap to an HEALER dps him down... g leap to the farthest friendly bc now ur a marked target take a moment recompose leap back into the fray pop aoe taunt ..awe.. dps down another gy... if get into trouble... pop soresu from combat focus enure pvp med pack and focused def....


and If I really need to saber ard.. and im back to normal..


pvp vig if played correct very very very good

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