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I've lost the will to PvP - cancelling my sub until this is fixed


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I have no choice but to pug, my guild are open world pvpers, from the 30ish core players on launch, theres about 3 left. No real pvp so most left. We are used to real mmos like pre cu swg sandbox. Not minigame themeparks.
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For all those that think this patch is fine and dandy.... Please share what you're smoking ......


They are smokin the PvP DPS leaf.


To them its all about DPS, and they whined until the DEVs agreed with them.


So tanks, healers, and all non-DPS are left out. And we have 5-15sec PvP matches, won by pre-mades at 5secs, and higher level geared PUGs against other PUGs in 15secs.


And the nerfs still effect PVE no matter what the devs say.....


So ur PVEers and non-DPSers are gonna be lookin elsewhere....


The DEVs have no one to blame but themselves.

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its funny, cause on the ptr forums, there were plenty of posts warning of what was coming. Someone did do the math for the comms, and pointed out how it would take about 3 months to get a full set of gear (assuming a MIX of wins and losses). Didn't win any? Well you'll get you gear in.....never.


Dont get me started on the Sorc nerf thread that had to be restarted 3 times because it kept reaching the limit on how bad healing was for sorcs now (and all healers). People posted how their tanks felt like paper in pvp (the few that got a character transferred over to 50, or the even fewer that leveled to 50).


The threads were there warning bioware this wasnt good. That pvp was becoming a joke. All you have to do is look at the questions in their dev talks and at PAX to see who they are listening to (seriously, people were asking about legacy, the devs told them that would be answered in another panel, until everyone kept asking so they just talked about it anyway!)


On another note, they did achieve something i thought they couldn't. They made resolve even MORE pointless. I don't even get to a full bar before I'm already dead.

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Dont get me started on the Sorc nerf thread that had to be restarted 3 times because it kept reaching the limit on how bad healing was for sorcs now


I think it was on its 6th iteration.


I play games to have fun, if I stop having fun then I stop playing the game. Dying 4s after i get out of respawn in voidstar because 2 dps are waiting at the bottom is not fun. Am rank 74 so I got full bm gear and am experienced in pvp, this patch has destroyed pvp for myself and some guildies (the sentinel and shadow guildies are still loving it though).

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That explains why my Sin Tank can't absorb alot of damage now.


Before 1.2, I can tank 1-2 DPS easily (Tank them, not kill them) and could hold my ground until helped arrived.


Now, my health drops faster then a [insert comparison here].


I thought it might have been my gear (I'm mostly in the level 40 PVP gear set) or it could of been me rusty with my spells then I read the forums. It all makes sense now :)


Edit: Not saying I'm the best player. Heck, I know I'm only a decent player.

Edited by Celwinn
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Adapt to what? Charge choke smash hey im dead because i was also hit by some random aoe. Pvp is a gib fest and anyone that doesnt think so is playing against terrible players. 2 top pvp guilds on the server fought over mid at the start of the novare coast tonight, 6v6 and the fight lasted about 30 secs with 2 of us on my team left standing, me the merc healer and our mara. Tanks dropping in seconds, sage/sorc healers dying through guard like they werent even there. Yes im sure all is fine and dandy in pug wz land where no one focus fires, but in organized games its pretty retarded and a far cry from the tactical battles happening in high rated WSGs over in wow.


The part I highlighted.... You must be less than level 50, or you must be facing terrible Rage/Focus specced knights/warriors.


The charge bonus adds a +10% damage on all other attacks for 5 seconds, so yeah. Stun the Jugg or knock him back after a Charge and then you live. They were nerfed also, so you shouldn't be getting killed unless you are undergeared.

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The issue is, as may have been mentioned already in this long thread, the disparity that expertise has created in two different ways.


First there is now a MUCH wider range of expertise available, meaning Recruit at low levels, left over Champion and Centurion gear which is also very low expertise compared to the new full BM sets, and then the BM and WH sets.


The second issue is that expertise now gives more to damage increase than it does for damage reduction, creating an even wider gap in an already difficult system.


So now you have full BM people doing +21% damage increase on folks wearing Centurion, who may have 15% damage increase but only 11% damage reduction. That's a 10% gap... pair that with some insane burst classes like Snipers, Marauders, Deception Sins -- and you get pure and simple carnage.


Poorly thought out, even less tested. :(

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Good for you. Most developers have come to realize healing in games like this takes away a significant amount of the fun, especially if they are nearly unkillable like they were prior to 1.2


The game was really fun at launch because there really weren't a lot of healers around, but then they nerfed surge and healers became OP, and immediate FOTM, and that alone chased away a lot of players.


Really good teams, and makeups could exploit the power of healers prior to 1.2, but now they don't have such a big advantage and that is GOOD for the game.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


So burn them down without any tactics is a good thing?


By that logic the new warzone could have been a large room with crates scattered around for cover. They already have the template for it with Mass Effect 2. Screw objectives-instakill is where it's at!

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So burn them down without any tactics is a good thing?


By that logic the new warzone could have been a large room with crates scattered around for cover. They already have the template for it with Mass Effect 2. Screw objectives-instakill is where it's at!


I'll take that Warzone any day :)


Wide-open-no-objectives-deathmatch sounds FUN! :)

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its funny, cause on the ptr forums, there were plenty of posts warning of what was coming. Someone did do the math for the comms, and pointed out how it would take about 3 months to get a full set of gear (assuming a MIX of wins and losses). Didn't win any? Well you'll get you gear in.....never.


Dont get me started on the Sorc nerf thread that had to be restarted 3 times because it kept reaching the limit on how bad healing was for sorcs now (and all healers). People posted how their tanks felt like paper in pvp (the few that got a character transferred over to 50, or the even fewer that leveled to 50).


The threads were there warning bioware this wasnt good. That pvp was becoming a joke. All you have to do is look at the questions in their dev talks and at PAX to see who they are listening to (seriously, people were asking about legacy, the devs told them that would be answered in another panel, until everyone kept asking so they just talked about it anyway!)


On another note, they did achieve something i thought they couldn't. They made resolve even MORE pointless. I don't even get to a full bar before I'm already dead.


All true. We all tested this and wrote about it. I even tried different specs for sorc healing on PTR and finally went with a corruption/lightning spec for improved force regen and non-reliance on Consumption on my live server after the patch... nothing works.


After spending about 3/4 million yesterday in changing out all the mods and enhancements, putting all alacrity back in, spending extra BM tokens for new expertise mods and enhancements... I have now retired my sorcerer.


This is the class I have tested and played since summer last year. I now cannot play it any longer. Even as dps they just have NO survivability, no defensive cool downs, no cleanse protection... as a healer, I won't even get into it, I already have numerous times. Thanks Bioware.


I still have a couple of months on my 6 month subscription but I'm not so entirely sure I'll be renewing it when it comes up.

Edited by Monterone
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How about not die in a 4 second stun with full BM gear, over and over and over and over and over... I think you get the picture.


I rekon you are one of those bad players who enjoy being op, the moment they take your advantage away and you realise how bad you are you quit lol.


I play vanguard and really have notice no real change, I kill as many as always and die as often as before. But then again I play the games to win not to kill 1000 enemies.


and trully if 3 ppl are targeting you doesnt matter what you are you should die quickly in a balanced logical game.


BTW If you wanna cancell the reality is crying here will not change anything, is up to you, is your money. Remeber, nobody cares too. Nobody buddy. Maybe BWcares as they want your money, so you should go and cry to them.


My 2c

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The changes to pvp is unacceptable. If the game started out this way and was this way in Beta that would be one thing. Then my statement would be hey that is the way it was designed.


However I will let my pocket book do the talking and just get a refund for the remainder of my time. This reminds me of SOE and their attitude and I am not going to endure another 6 plus years of that ever again. So essentially I will quit while I am ahead.


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The changes to pvp is unacceptable. If the game started out this way and was this way in Beta that would be one thing. Then my statement would be hey that is the way it was designed.


However I will let my pocket book do the talking and just get a refund for the remainder of my time. This reminds me of SOE and their attitude and I am not going to endure another 6 plus years of that ever again. So essentially I will quit while I am ahead.



lol 6years+...Yes u will endure this... Dont lie to yourself.

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There is just no pleasing everyone, thats a fact.


I fully realise and recognize the fact healers got quite squishy and subsequently discouraged from PvPing. I've witnessed it happen in my own guild, they just refuse to que nowadays when we used to run WZs all the time.


Then again I remember how it was when the major complaint was that you just couldnt do anything to them. A team with 3-4 healers in it and you couldn't kill nada. WZs were finishing with one side netting 40-50 kills and the other side 4-5. The other side of the "omg pvp is terribad now" coin people seem to forget about.


It's hard to get nerfed. And it's gonna be hard to accept support classes in WZs will require guarding and being actively looked after now, when they used to melt face off on their own in the past.


But let's not over dramatize shall we.




Having said that I think BW fracked up royally by fixing a lot of things that perhaps werent broke by forgoing the fine tuning approach in favor of the broadsword. I firmly believe ranked WZs were postponed due to these changes the results of which they had no way to predict given the fact there's so little testing of note done on the PTS.


For that at least I salute you BW. Pushing ranked out at the same time as these changes would have been insane. I'm glad there is at least some common sense amongst the devs.

Edited by aeterno
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I don't post much, and I usually don't complain about stuff.


I play to PvP. It's all I do. I heal.


PvP hasn't been fun for me in 1.2 so far. It's frustrating when I spend so much time running from the graveyard instead of healing. I heal for less now, which wouldn't be that bad except for the fact that I spend a lot of time running from the graveyard. I'd rather be running from my opponent, but I don't live long enough.


When you PvP so much, you get to know the other people who PvP a lot too. You even get to know of people from the opposite faction. It becomes a micro community, despite a lack of decent server forums. There are people I've never heard of who are facerolling me. I think they are new to PvP.


I've been online gaming for way too long back on Prodigy playing MUDs, MUSHs, and MOOs. I started gaming on a Vic 20. Never in this time has a patch made me want to quit MMOGs altogether more than this one.


Maybe we are getting to old. I feel the same way. Except i have cancelled.


I am hoping The secret world works out tbh. Anarchy Online was my my first mmporg (6+ years playing that) then Age of Conan a great game badly handled after the godfailure expansion and the grindfest it turned out to be, then it went FTP and runied it. Lets hope its third time luck with the secret world for funcom. At least with no classes and easy abilty changes PVP will end up being self policing, with everyone running the same builds i guess. I might give Tera a try but the elve pixie thing doesnt really do it for me.

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Healers ain't even needed lol, 2 full groups with DPS will eat everything, doesn't matter if the other faction has 1-3 healers, they will still eat it and die quick.


Rather have 8 DPS than 6 DPS and 2 healers, anyday of the week.

That's why i'm making a DPS instead of healing, i swear to GOD 2 groups with DPS... Lol, it's insain, and switch 1-2 dps with 1-2 tanks and you are golden.


It's not the silly nerf's i'm talking about, i still heal very good with my sage. But something has changed with 1.2 that i'm no longer needed in wz's at all, infact some people don't like healers joining, they would rather have the extra DPS, and that's why i'm making one :p


So yes, i am adapting.


Ya pretty much, because you can just melt healers with a couple dps that know how to interrupt and that healer won't have a chance at getting a heal off. Hell I seem to be easily taking down best sage healer on pub side on my champion geared Jugg. Gotta love how dps got ultra buffed and healers are just cannon fodder now.


Edit: btw my main is a Sorc healer BiS BM gear, I refuse to keep playing this game the way it is now.

Edited by ChrisLBC
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agree 110% but hey whiners will be whiners news flash ppl adapt and evolve or get left behind...


It seems you will be leaving behind a large portion of the community.


You could always PvP with yourself however, oh wait..

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There's a problem when even the people you just battled, from other classes, admit that it's ridiculous that they could take you down in 3 secs despite that you had full BM.


I havent played every class since the patch but for a sage/sorc I'd say that it's worse now than having to face full BM'es as a fresh 50. We have no high crits and we literally die in less than 5 seconds. The whole thing is just silly.


Any dps sages/sorcs out there enjoying themselves?

Edited by MidichIorian
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There is just no pleasing everyone, thats a fact.


I fully realise and recognize the fact healers got quite squishy and subsequently discouraged from PvPing. I've witnessed it happen in my own guild, they just refuse to que nowadays when we used to run WZs all the time.


Then again I remember how it was when the major complaint was that you just couldnt do anything to them. An team with 4 healers in them and you couldn't kill nada. WZs were finishing with one side netting 40-50 kills and the other side 4-5. The other side of the "omg pvp is terribad now" coin people seem to forget about.


It's hard to get nerfed. And it's gonna be hard to accept support classes in WZs will require guarding and being actively looked after now, when they used to melt face off on their own in the past.


But let's not over dramatize shall we.




Having said that I think BW fracked up royally by fixing a lot of things that perhaps werent broke by forgoing the fine tuning approach in favor of the broadsword. I firmly believe ranked WZs were postponed due to these changes the results of which they had no way to predict given the fact there's so little testing of note done on the PTS.


For that at least I salute you BW. Pushing ranked out at the same time as these changes would have been insane. I'm glad there is at least some common sense amongst the devs.




Well said brrother

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