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I've lost the will to PvP - cancelling my sub until this is fixed


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My own personal rant is about BM Assassin Gear. Why is the stalker set stacked to the gills with accuracy? WE DO NOT NEED ACCURACY. There is no surge on the set pieces AT ALL.


I'd love to use the tank set but... TANK STATS DON'T WORK WORTH CRAP IN PVP.



Hey there new to the game ? None of the BM dps sets have surge neither does healing jugg tanks might have some parts with surge in them if i remember correctly so buy them and strip the parts and insert into yours... surge in dps gear comes from implants and pve gear you might have obtained and the reason there isn´t surge probably is because the fights end too fast as it is add more surge/power people die faster hence the accuracy a wasted secondary stat that doesn´t make you kill people faster.

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Im playing a bm maurader, after 1.2 i tried carnage talents, for fun. I teared apart 2 17khp sage healers, and some tank ,who tried to protect them. This is completly wrong.

Before 1.2, i needed to play with that sage, waiting for some his mistake, and than use everythink i had to kill him,now, im just pressing 4 buttons and he is dying....

BW, srsly, *** is this? this is not some fps, for 1 bullet 1 kill. You definetly destroyed pvp. Yes, now few kids gonna like this, cuz its easier, but is this what you rly want?


BM Gear is a Huge gear difference between everyone else, its like 20% more damage/20% less damage taken.


Imperials have more BM gear then republic do.


PvP now Cators to the Elite, welcome to WoW.

Edited by Daecollo
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Hey there new to the game ? None of the BM dps sets have surge neither does healing jugg tanks might have some parts with surge in them if i remember correctly so buy them and strip the parts and insert into yours... surge in dps gear comes from implants and pve gear you might have obtained and the reason there isn´t surge probably is because the fights end too fast as it is add more surge/power people die faster hence the accuracy a wasted secondary stat that doesn´t make you kill people faster.


Periods can be used for more than ellipsis. They helps break paragraphs into something readable.

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games never felt better imo, fps have improved hugely and im enjoying pvp alot more with my sage since I have to react now instead of standing still nuking people with raidboss dps rotations


Go back to call of duty, I hear you die even faster in that game. You should like it, right?

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Yeah game is better than ever.


People just refuse to adapt, and even learn. If they don't have a specific guide to go by, they just whine. It's pretty sad.


This... Game is fine. You have to LOS and be strategic. Before on heavy armor I would just finished off my current target and not even care that people were shooting me. Then heal myself to full and faceroll on.

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I'm going to stay away from pvp untill this crap is fixed.

I tried out to pvp tank specced but got rolled without effort. got pissed off and specced dps spec in a attempt to be remotely usefull in this 1.2 nukefest, but ended up dying faster then faster then AION.

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This... Game is fine. You have to LOS and be strategic. Before on heavy armor I would just finished off my current target and not even care that people were shooting me. Then heal myself to full and faceroll on.


/agreed People are just overreacting, and its because the OP faceroll healers had been tanking 4dps and being able to keep the rest of the group alive.


Healers cant be ONE MAN ARMY...

It was a slow, boring and very frustrating way of pvp...

Now its more fast paced and trilled.

Healers had to actually move around, peel and stay close to team mates to be assisted. but i dont think they like the idea or know how to do so... :rolleyes:

Edited by DarthSianiz
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Yeah game is better than ever.


People just refuse to adapt, and even learn. If they don't have a specific guide to go by, they just whine. It's pretty sad.


Sorry. What game are you playing? I'm playing the one where I try to cast a spell and it gets interrupted over and over and than I get destroyed...

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/agreed People are just overreacting, and its because the OP faceroll healers had been tanking 4dps and being able to keep the rest of the group alive.


Healers cant be ONE MAN ARMY...

It was a slow, boring and very frustrating way of pvp...

Now its more fast paced and trilled.

Healers had to actually move around, peel and stay close to team mates to be assisted. but i dont think they like the idea or know how to do so... :rolleyes:


There is no point being a pure healer anymore outside of a premade, without guard and DPS focus firing those attacking you it's just pointless, experitise nerf has hit healers with a tripe whammy, less survivability, less healing, relatively more incoming DPS, far better off going hybrid for pugging now.

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Good for you. Most developers have come to realize healing in games like this takes away a significant amount of the fun, especially if they are nearly unkillable like they were prior to 1.2


The game was really fun at launch because there really weren't a lot of healers around, but then they nerfed surge and healers became OP, and immediate FOTM, and that alone chased away a lot of players.


Really good teams, and makeups could exploit the power of healers prior to 1.2, but now they don't have such a big advantage and that is GOOD for the game.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


You have to be joking... lol


The game is fun when healers are not around... ROFL


There is absolutely nothing right about this... nothing... a game that offers a class and then ask players not to use it in pro of the fun they have when they are not around its just wrong!!!!!!

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Yeah this needs fixed NEVER thought the pvp system could get worse but it has LOL no reward for losing not even 1 commendation just 0 exp 0 credits 0 comms 0 valor who thought that was a good idea!? No reward in playing it at all waste of time if your always on the losing side
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If 3 DPS are on you in any game what do you expect to happen? You should last 5 more seconds?


Well yeah!


Do you remember the phrase said by the devs in many opportunities? We want the player to feel heroic...


Whats heroic in dying in 4 seconds?


A lot of people are saying that healers prior to 1.2 were keeping everyone alive and unbalancing the game... i say they were making the pvp heroic and epic...


I remember being in a couple of warzones with some friends shouting "EPIC BATTLE"!!!! Why? Because both sides had healers doing their jobs, keeping everyone alive, so the fight for a turret lasted more than 10 minutes, and always in combat... That's what i call heroic combat... I was one of the healers and i was feeling truly heroic, do did my dps commando friend and my tank guardian friend.


Now you need a freaking miracle for the fight last more than 10 seconds... everybody dies so fast, even under my salvation healing spot and me spamming heals like a mad man....


And if you think about it, its a huge joke...


Sages got their healing output reduced, big heal now takes more than 2.3 seconds, aoe heals isn't as effective as it was... noble sacrifice with the effect of resplendence takes away your HP... we are more squishy that ever... we have the trauma debuff taking away 30% of our healing output...


It doesn't make any freaking sense...


I want my epic battles back... fights were we could be battling for a long time... needing everyone to be fully concentrated, cause the first mistake could mean you lost the objective...


Now healers need to disguise them self not to be targeted right away and dying in 2 seconds.

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I strictly heal on all my toons and I'll say this, it's not a good playing field out there. I still live quite well due to my survivorbility (I am litterally half dps and half heals tree). But it's a dog eat dog world out there. People are getting torn into much faster than before and I pvp ALL the time. PvP is about using the right skills and strategezing about how to take people down and working together with your team, not a mindless hack and slash fest. Mindless hacking and slashing doesn't keep people around, they stop and move on somewhere else.


BW should prob take the servers down IMO and revert a lot of pvp changes they made because there is NO incentive for healers. A lot of healers queued the first day of changes, so much actually that we had about 4-5 (this means we lose since no one on the other side died due to our lack of dps). It was useless to say the least. I will still pvp but it's just because I have nothing else to do, for now. Waiting on D3 however :)

Edited by Wickedjinx
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Yeah game is better than ever.


People just refuse to adapt, and even learn. If they don't have a specific guide to go by, they just whine. It's pretty sad.


You everything is fine guys are missing the point of ALL these posts, its definitely fne for a couple of DPS classes but there happens to be people that play other classes in this game.

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My sub runs out in 3 days. I cancelled when I saw the 4th or 5th iteration of the 1.2 patch notes for PvP. They simply don't have a clue.


Bioware sent me an email telling me they want to give me a free month, and a free pet.


They can keep 'em both.


Bring on D3. This game is dead.

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I thought PvP was incredibly enjoyable pre 1.2. It was A LOT of fun. There were a few minor things that needed to be adjusted, but this massive sweep of changes and screwing around with expertise just fubar'd the PvP experience.


You had a chance in pre 1.2 PvP. now you dont.


Making a lot of changes all at once has never gone over well with any MMO. Why BW felt the need for all these changes at once, baffles me and now we are seeing the problems they implemented.


Most people I have talked to, pre 1.2 was very fun PvP experience. Right now, its not enjoyable.

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It's always nice when people come to the forums telling people "everything is fine and dandy all you need to do is adapt" yet give absolutely no constructive feedback whatsoever...


Tell me, how do you adapt to dieing in literally 4 seconds flat if focused by 3 competent DPS? And I'm talking about fully BM geared players going up against other fully BM geared players.


There is no time for tactical game-play if up against competent teams, for them either. It's literally a case of who can burst down the other team the quickest. This isn't a FPS, gib-fests have have no place in an MMO. I don't have to hot-key 40+ ability's in a FPS...yet I feel like I'm playing a FPS because I don't get a chance to use them.


Trust me Bioware are fully aware of the situation, coming here acting like everything is OK isn't going to change that. However the more people who come here and voice their concerns the quicker something will be done about it.


Your mad cuz 3 good players killed you?



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