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I am a MAJOR supporter...


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You guys all know I am a major supporter of this game.


But what do you guys think it is that doesn't give swtor that "thing" that wow has. If you are one of those people. That "thing" that DAoC or EQ had. What do you think it could be? I have been trying to think about it for months upon months why some feel this way.


For alot...that special little "thing" isn't there. I can't put my finger on it, I really can't! I love this game A LOT and I have a spark and it's growing. Sometimes it goes down, but there is a draw. But to some there isn't just that....oomph and "HELL YEAH" feeling that is missing that people keep talking about. Really..this is driving me insane. What do you think it is? I'm trying to figure it out for some people..

Edited by Sarfux
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You guys all know I am a major supporter of this game.


But what do you guys think it is that doesn't give swtor that "thing" that wow has. That "thing" that DAoC or EQ had. What do you think it could be? I have been trying to think about it for months upon months.


For me...that special little "thing" isn't there. I can't put my finger on it, I really can't! I love this game A LOT. But there is just that....oomph and "HELL YEAH" feeling that is missing. Really..this is driving me insane. What do you think it is?


While I also like the game, for me it's the lack of a truly open world. There's so little actual game area...it really feels like the corridor worlds of ME just opened up for more players. There just isn't any sense of exploration or depth to the world. IMO immersion really suffers because of this.

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Elves? or is it that you can't put your finger on it because it's virtual, meaning it's fake, nonexistent in the physical realm which in a sense you can't touch it literally. Edited by Seravie
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I am really liking this game...a lot. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that the game really took off for me. That's when I found the guild I'm in now and the people in that guild have made the game even more fun.


From launch, I was searching and searching for the perfect group to run with. Never found it until a few weeks ago. I enjoy this game much more now because of them.


EDIT: Hell, I even done a little PvP, and I don't PvP because I'm really, REALLY bad at it, and had a ton of fun even though I suck at it.

Edited by CrazedScotsman
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I would have to say its the loading screens for me,, I feel trapped lol..OLD SWG was the best... here i feel like im in a box waiting to be shipped some place else..lol...I mean soemtimes when i que up for pvp I'm already behind due to the loading screens and have too actually hit space back to get out of the cut scenes..

But like i was telling friend we cannot really explore any where really without being bound by a loading screen are boundaries..


Swg had large maps and very limited travel no speeders and no mount for a few months,, so you actually had too think about how get point a point b without dieing..lol.. that in its self was fun for me... finding areas virtually where no one had been there yet


creature village and the blue temple of Dat... and the night sister encampment on dathimor


the next few months will be interesting to see how the game goes,,

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- Closed world. Very linear. Each level range has really only one "zone" to quest in. WoW and EQ were/are truly virtual WORLDS with seemingly infinate exploration opportunities. They also have multiple options for area's to quest in. For me, this is a very important aspect for any MMORPG.


- Little to no open world PvP. DAoC had RvR. Huge open area with multiple objectives to fight over. With benefits for the entire faction for owning the objectives.




The first game, with a proper budget, that combines the openness of WoW/EQ with the RvR of DAoC will be a gold mine capable of grabbing long term subscriptions from both the PvE and PvP crowd.


Warzones/scenarios/BG's are fun for a while but get boring fairly quickly for me. If I wanted to play against a set number of players in a small enclosed playground I'd still be playing FPS games like Quake and Halflife.



[edit] Despite the tone of my post, I do enjoy this game ..... to an extent. I am just disappointed in the industry for catering more to the I-want-it-now instant gratification crowd that tends to be the majority these days.

Edited by Xyrax
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- Closed world. Very linear. Each level range has really only one "zone" to quest in. WoW and EQ were/are truly virtual WORLDS with seemingly infinate exploration opportunities. They also have multiple options for area's to quest in. For me, this is a very important aspect for any MMORPG.


- Little to no open world PvP. DAoC had RvR. Huge open area with multiple objectives to fight over. With benefits for the entire faction for owning the objectives.




The first game, with a proper budget, that combines the openness of WoW/EQ with the RvR of DAoC will be a gold mine capable of grabbing long term subscriptions from both the PvE and PvP crowd.


Warzones/scenarios/BG's are fun for a while but get boring fairly quickly for me. If I wanted to play against a set number of players in a small enclosed playground I'd still be playing FPS games like Quake and Halflife.



[edit] Despite the tone of my post, I do enjoy this game ..... to an extent. I am just disappointed in the industry for catering more to the I-want-it-now instant gratification crowd that tends to be the majority these days.


great post man. I agree 100%.


between all the loading screens, orbital stations, story instances, group phases, etc. I feel very limited in what I can do and where I can go. I miss having options that are outside of 1 dark side choice, 1 light side choice, 1 pointless choice on a wheel for me. feels very single player.


truthfully, i miss user created cities and RvR and truly OPEN world pvp. its not like pve is any better in this game though. the stories are extremely linear regardless of alignment choices and every boss except 1-2 is a tank and spank in my book.


on top of that, id really like it if race meant something in this game. everyone is a humanoid and have identical powers (or lack thereof i should say). i feel like a cyborg should be different than a human which should be different from a chiss etc.


with the tauntaun pets coming in now, its even more obvious that this game is wow in space. there is nothing in this game (except legacy) that wow doesnt have - and does better in fact. legacy just doesnt cut it for me though, as im not an RPer or have 7 alts.


there is just nothing holding my attention at the moment. i force myself to log on to see the new changes but only get frustrated at them. i dont see myself staying even with the free month. unfortunate really as i was really excited to have an MMO that isnt fantasy medieval times.

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You guys all know I am a major supporter of this game.


But what do you guys think it is that doesn't give swtor that "thing" that wow has. That "thing" that DAoC or EQ had. What do you think it could be? I have been trying to think about it for months upon months.


For me...that special little "thing" isn't there. I can't put my finger on it, I really can't! I love this game A LOT. But there is just that....oomph and "HELL YEAH" feeling that is missing. Really..this is driving me insane. What do you think it is?


Don't know, can't speak for you but I'm honestly still having heaps of fun.


I do know that after a day of reading these forums I can start to feel a bit drained and bit down on the game, but then once I play it I'm happy again. I don't let other people tell me that a game is good or bad, I find out for myself. While it is clear this game is not for everyone, I do think it has that 'something', its just a matter of if that 'something' is the 'something' you are looking for.


And before anyone screams 'fanboi' or "get to 50" bla bla, I have multiple 50's, play several hours a day (I find that kinda sad lol but meh), do PvP and PvE content and I'm not 'over it'. I have tried to play several other games and always find my-self logging back into TOR because they don't excite me.


I will add though the fact that this is a si-fi MMO goes a LOOOOOONG way to my love of this game, I can excuse a lot based solely on that, I am sooooo over fantasy games. So as you should for every post or opinion, take it with a grain of salt ;p

Edited by Jaymanus
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Don't know, can't speak for you but I'm honestly still having heaps of fun.


I do know that after a day of reading these forums I can start to feel a bit drained and bit down on the game, but then once I play it I'm happy again. I don't let other people tell me that a game is good or bad, I find out for myself. While it is clear this game is not for everyone, I do think it has that 'something', its just a matter of if that 'something' is the 'something' you are looking for.


And before anyone screams 'fanboi' or "get to 50" bla bla, I have multiple 50's, play several hours a day (I find that kinda sad lol but meh), do PvP and PvE content and I'm not 'over it'. I have tried to play several other games and always find my-self logging back into TOR because they don't excite me.


I will add though the fact that this is a si-fi MMO goes a LOOOOOONG way to my love of this game, I can excuse a lot based solely on that, I am sooooo over fantasy games. So as you should for every post or opinion, take it with a grain of salt ;p


no no no. don't get me wrong I am having LOOOAADSSS of fun.. I am just trying to find out what that "something" is people talk about. Maybe I worded my post wrong :p

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Somehow the game lacks that true 'epic' feeling to me.. no giant buildings, no amazing creatures, no impressive special effects.. The larger planets are the ones that are basically giant plains (Tatooine, Hoth) and the smaller ones are basically corridors with a sky-like skybox
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I to have this same thing going on in my little head. I think its atmosphere, the game lacks atmosphere.

I remeber leveling my undead priest and the areas where all dark and scary with great music and a good scary feeling.

Rift was the same, gloamwoods was by far the best area. See most of us are playing with everthing turned off, no shadows because our GPU's crap them selves. The game looks flat, lifeless. The only planet I really do like is Taris, its dark and gloomy with so much junk about its great. Hoth has great snow storms which they could move across to tatoone with sand storms. (POD RACING *COFF*)

But I think these things will come, changing weather paterns maybe even day and night times all these things make the game abit more real time. Making a water planet like Kamino would also be a great idea with a full underwater area for exlporation...hmmm sub missions...ok now I'm off topic. :D

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Lack of Meta Game Stuff - As an example:


I'm a major worker of the Market Place- (Auction House) and yet in this game (on my server), people aren't buying the wares. They aren't buying my crafted gear, they aren't buying my found gear, they just don't need you. SURE I do sell things and I undercut whatnot, but truly the Market is broken in this game. (Besided the fact that it is so difficult to quickly scan and list items due to the filtered nature of the current UI).

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You guys all know I am a major supporter of this game.


But what do you guys think it is that doesn't give swtor that "thing" that wow has. That "thing" that DAoC or EQ had. What do you think it could be? I have been trying to think about it for months upon months.


For alot...that special little "thing" isn't there. I can't put my finger on it, I really can't! I love this game A LOT. But there is just that....oomph and "HELL YEAH" feeling that is missing. Really..this is driving me insane. What do you think it is? I'm trying to figure it out for some..


Responsive, tight controls with a fluid engine is the biggest thing.


But, BioWare's priority system sucks. WoW prioritizes on end game completely while BioWare continues to devide its devotion leaning towards things that frankly don't work in MMOs (Story, leveling perfection, voice overs).


Just imagine... and really imagine for a second. What if BioWare didn't do all those voice overs and did what WoW did in terms of voices here and there. Didn't focus on a stupid morality wheel and took all that money, time and energy and focused on gripping combat, innovative classes and challenging/organized end-game.



Its a no brainer. They were too green in the market and treated everyone who told them "WTH WHO CARES" like they didn't know anything. Besides, I have never been a favor of BioWare's player models. Even with WoW's "lesser" graphics, I feel more attached to my character. He is more 'crisp' and 'neat'. Its hard to explain, but if I had to put it into words that what my connection feels like.


Lets also not forget, while WoW doesn't have the most engaging character customization, you have full reign over your UI and it just makes the game feel more open. Competing against yourself and other via meters, studying encounters with combat logs, meticulously customizing your interface with cool custom artwork, farming old content for transmog... I can go on forever.


Its just a better all around experience... not game... experience. Its development, playing it, learning it, studying it, mastering it, farming it... everything down to customer service is a better experience.

Edited by Starglide
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this game feels like it should be a single player game on the xbox.i dont feel the sense of community like i did with WoW. there is no sense of exploration,zones all feel small and redundant.i remember before release,a dev said that each of tors worlds were the size of 2 or 3 WoW zones,that was a lie. this game dosent inspire me to play much,especially on a dead server.ill play out the 30 days,and if transfers arent around the corner,i may have to try somethin else. this game is good,but i feel it should have been great.
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this game feels like it should be a single player game on the xbox.i dont feel the sense of community like i did with WoW. there is no sense of exploration,zones all feel small and redundant.i remember before release,a dev said that each of tors worlds were the size of 2 or 3 WoW zones,that was a lie. this game dosent inspire me to play much,especially on a dead server.ill play out the 30 days,and if transfers arent around the corner,i may have to try somethin else. this game is good,but i feel it should have been great.


This as well.. I have said this many times. It feels like a console game with an option to co-op. When it should be an MMO with the option to solo.

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Summed up.....awesome single player game, meh mmo. Ton of reasons why, no need to rehash...just look up the previous posts. Not just the QQs but the legitimate, well thought out/written complaints. There are many.
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You guys all know I am a major supporter of this game.


But what do you guys think it is that doesn't give swtor that "thing" that wow has. That "thing" that DAoC or EQ had. What do you think it could be? I have been trying to think about it for months upon months.


For alot...that special little "thing" isn't there. I can't put my finger on it, I really can't! I love this game A LOT. But there is just that....oomph and "HELL YEAH" feeling that is missing. Really..this is driving me insane. What do you think it is? I'm trying to figure it out for some..


Not one of these tired, cliche posts again... :rolleyes:

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But what do you guys think it is that doesn't give swtor that "thing" that wow has. That "thing" that DAoC or EQ had. What do you think it could be? I have been trying to think about it for months upon months.


Really? You are honestly stumped by this question?


The answer is extremely obvious.


WoW was its own thing, it really defined MMO "questing" amoung other innovations, like casual play in MMOs.


EQ was its own thing, it basically invented much of what we accept as an MMO.


DAoC was its own thing, it didnt try to copy EQ, it went for an entirely realm vs realm based pvp and was fondly remembered because of it.


SWTOR, what is its own thing that relates to MMO play? nothing, no innovation at all. It basically copy and pasted everything directly from WoW. For this reason when you play SWTOR after having played WoW for years, you do not get that feeling that "thing" that you mention.


Guild Wars 2 will likely be the next big thing, huge amounts of innovation, no copy and pasting, it is a game that is all its own and is moving the MMO genre forward. You want that "thing" that you got from previous great MMOs that you listed? Then buy Guild Wars 2, you won't find that ever from SWTOR (WoW with lightsabers).

Edited by Fox_McCloud
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Guild Wars 2 will likely be the next big thing, huge amounts of innovation, no copy and pasting, it is a game that is all its own and is moving the MMO genre forward. You want that "thing" that you got from previous great MMOs that you listed? Then buy Guild Wars 2, you won't find that ever from SWTOR (WoW with lightsabers).



I'm also going to try GW2 because I like the look of some of it, but the exact same thing is going to happen there that has happened here. Way too many people are hedging all their bests on these games to be "THE game", wait until GW2 is released and then check the forums, I expect to see just as many "OMG *** GAME IS LOLSLAME" posts as there are here, happens when people put too much expectation/hype into a game. My point is don't get your hopes up because you are going to be let down if that's the way you approach it.


But hey, maybe you will like it and then when you defend it, people will just call you a fanboi and tell you how you are wrong because you don't hate it as much as you do. Just my 2c.

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Really? You are honestly stumped by this question?


The answer is extremely obvious.


WoW was its own thing, it really defined MMO "questing" amoung other innovations, like casual play in MMOs.


EQ was its own thing, it basically invented much of what we accept as an MMO.


DAoC was its own thing, it didnt try to copy EQ, it went for an entirely realm vs realm based pvp and was fondly remembered because of it.


SWTOR, what is its own thing that relates to MMO play? nothing, no innovation at all. It basically copy and pasted everything directly from WoW. For this reason when you play SWTOR after having played WoW for years, you do not get that feeling that "thing" that you mention.


Guild Wars 2 will likely be the next big thing, huge amounts of innovation, no copy and pasting, it is a game that is all its own and is moving the MMO genre forward. You want that "thing" that you got from previous great MMOs that you listed? Then buy Guild Wars 2, you won't find that ever from SWTOR (WoW with lightsabers).


SW:TOR is more innovative now than WoW was for merely copying Everquest and just making questing soloable. It's not SW:TOR's fault that you spacebar through all that innovation, ignore the Legacy system and expect it to walk on water after 4 months.


GW2 seems more like a WoW clone. I saw a trailer of those cat people with a bow and arrow shooting at mobs. It just seemed like a Tauren hunter on Barrens shooting at animals with nicer graphics. Same medieval setting doesn't help.

No matter how innovative things are, you would get bored of doing the same things over and over again with little content.


The majority of the people who leave for GW2 will be disappointed. It is just impossible for GW2 to release as much content at launch as WoW. That expectation is impossible.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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Right now it's content. The story is better then WoW but not MUCH better. The class story i have played is TOTALY forgetable which leave me with a game just like WoW but with less content.


I am enjoying the game but as a heavy PvPer they need more pvp content for me to give the thumbs up over WoW.

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SW:TOR is more innovative now than WoW was for merely copying Everquest and just making questing soloable. It's not SW:TOR's fault that you spacebar through all that innovation, ignore the Legacy system and expect it to walk on water after 4 months.


GW2 seems more like a WoW clone. I saw a trailer of those cat people with a bow and arrow shooting at mobs. It just seemed like a Tauren hunter on Barrens shooting at animals with nicer graphics. Same medieval setting doesn't help.

No matter how innovative things are, you would get bored of doing the same things over and over again with little content.


The majority of the people who leave for GW2 will be disappointed. It is just impossible for GW2 to release as much content at launch as WoW. That expectation is impossible.


No way.


In Eq you broke camps and killed mobs as the respawn one at a time for hours and hours and hours and hours in the same dam spot. WoW did alot to break away from that boring mess

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No way.


In Eq you broke camps and killed mobs as the respawn one at a time for hours and hours and hours and hours in the same dam spot. WoW did alot to break away from that boring mess


Yeah, so they just made questing soloable. How in the world is that more innovative?


Might as well say that SW:TOR is innovative because they changed group size from 5 to 4.

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Really? You are honestly stumped by this question?


The answer is extremely obvious.


WoW was its own thing, it really defined MMO "questing" amoung other innovations, like casual play in MMOs.


EQ was its own thing, it basically invented much of what we accept as an MMO.


DAoC was its own thing, it didnt try to copy EQ, it went for an entirely realm vs realm based pvp and was fondly remembered because of it.


SWTOR, what is its own thing that relates to MMO play? nothing, no innovation at all. It basically copy and pasted everything directly from WoW. For this reason when you play SWTOR after having played WoW for years, you do not get that feeling that "thing" that you mention.


Guild Wars 2 will likely be the next big thing, huge amounts of innovation, no copy and pasting, it is a game that is all its own and is moving the MMO genre forward. You want that "thing" that you got from previous great MMOs that you listed? Then buy Guild Wars 2, you won't find that ever from SWTOR (WoW with lightsabers).


While I never played WoW for any length of time (Read not more than an hour each time I sub'd), I did see the similiarities almost imediately. That being said, what's kept me in the game have been the various class storylines. At some point, I'll work my way through them all.


However, this isn't really an MMO... It's more like a semi-muliplayer form of KotoR. Or maybe, KotoR with a chat system in it.


I like playing the game, I enjoy it imensely, but I don't see myself staying with the game after I achieve my goals here.

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