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Lost Island, ***...

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Managed to beat it today. Wasn't horribly hard but we went in with no melee DPS. The problem is ya, my group in full rakata that was clearing NM could do it, but I guarentee the 95% of people that play the game casually will NEVER complete it. Most people are stuck on HM EV and KP. Bio explicitly stated the game was designed for casual players, well guess what, this sort of difficulty will never cater to them. I have several friends in other guilds that are just getting gutted right now before the 1.2 healing nerfs and the lack of any ability to progress. Yes, they are probably only averagely skilled at the game, but so are the overwhelming vast majority of players. The only thing 1.2 added for average players really is corelia... but that takes about an hr and a half a week and you're done. Fact of the matter is the game has begun to cater only to the 5% of hardcore players and this is not going to keep enough subscriptions. I like the game personally, but if it drops to the point where BW is losing money, it doesnt matter how much I like it, b/c they'll still shut it down.
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Managed to beat it today. Wasn't horribly hard but we went in with no melee DPS. The problem is ya, my group in full rakata that was clearing NM could do it, but I guarentee the 95% of people that play the game casually will NEVER complete it. Most people are stuck on HM EV and KP. Bio explicitly stated the game was designed for casual players, well guess what, this sort of difficulty will never cater to them. I have several friends in other guilds that are just getting gutted right now before the 1.2 healing nerfs and the lack of any ability to progress. Yes, they are probably only averagely skilled at the game, but so are the overwhelming vast majority of players. The only thing 1.2 added for average players really is corelia... but that takes about an hr and a half a week and you're done. Fact of the matter is the game has begun to cater only to the 5% of hardcore players and this is not going to keep enough subscriptions. I like the game personally, but if it drops to the point where BW is losing money, it doesnt matter how much I like it, b/c they'll still shut it down.


I honestly welcome the challenge and I am a a mix between hardcore and casual. Hard content promotes you to work at it and be better. I did NM and it was damn hard. I was happy. I may start using that for getting some good op gear. Don't act like it is so impossible to do, it just takes time and effort.



Next off, games and communities will adapt and work to the highest possible variable. Therefore, if you increase the challenge, more people will rise to meet it and work at it.


You don't create a better community (or anything by that matter) by keeping the incline flat as a plateau.

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Next off, games and communities will adapt and work to the highest possible variable. Therefore, if you increase the challenge, more people will rise to meet it and work at it.


Or they log out and unsub because they don't find the challenge to be fun....

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The fight is far too punishing for melee characters, especially considering the paltry rewards they provide. The droid is a difficult fight, yes, and that's good..


But the difficulty shouldn't just up and vanish when you swap to a ranged group, which it does. That's poor design. Introduce mechanics to either **** up range or cut it with the ones that make melee miserable, Bioware.

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Yeah ok it's hard and a total pain the the ***.



I was on my commando healer and I ended up giving up with it. An hour later I went on my jug tank and found a group that only needed a tank so I thought "why not". After 4 attempts on the Droid we finally took him down and smote his carcass upon the mountain side.


(10 points to griffindor to anyone who can tell me what book series I referenced there)


Tolkien <3

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The fight is far too punishing for melee characters, especially considering the paltry rewards they provide. The droid is a difficult fight, yes, and that's good..


But the difficulty shouldn't just up and vanish when you swap to a ranged group, which it does. That's poor design. Introduce mechanics to either **** up range or cut it with the ones that make melee miserable, Bioware.


Actually, they have tried to introduce mechanics that disadvantage ranged in 1.2; the stomp on Project Sovrak, and rail shot in the last boss encounter in Denova. To be fair, these are quite easily avoided by simply moving in the right direction, but when you think about it isn't that really the same idea for melee on the Droid boss in HM Lost Island?

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Im not really impressed with the new FP. Its harder than any other flashpoint right now but what incentive is there to actually put up with ..... hahaha ..... "progression attempts" on a flashpoint?


Im in full rakata and after several wipes on the droid I called no joy. I could see continuing if any of the mobs in there dropped worthwhile loot for the challenge of the instance, but running that gauntlet isnt worth the payoff imo.


Im playing at full max settings and I dont see any graphical note as to when the lava is going to erupt.


For the difficulty the last boss had better be dropping some next tier gear. Since he doesnt, yeah, **** that nonsense.


Im not really getting warm and fuzzies after the multitude of buggy/overtuned/weird/glitchy encounters in ev and kp. Now this. Im getting the impression bioware is more reactive than proactive in respect to how they create encounters. They will nerf the difficulty of this instance in a few weeks, count on it.

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They still have lot of other, easier flashpoints. No one is forcing anyone to do hard ones.


YES, this. BW have even removed the lockouts from Hard Mode FPs, so even more so there is plenty of content to keep one occupied. I enjoy, immensely, that they've given us 'hardcore' players some trickier FP content to do - my guild group wiped no less than 15 times on the droid boss before downing it, and it actually felt like an achievement when we did.


1.2 has only been out for two days; it would've been disappointing if everyone had the new content on farm already

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They can't really do that (award Black Hole commendations) though, since HM flash points are now repeatable on the same day; the people complaining about casual players being disadvantaged by the level of difficulty will have even more to complain about. I do agree that more Rakata drops would be nice, but really, if it's gearing up for Story Mode Denova that's the issue, the new op is definitely doable with a columi-geared group of decent players (as experienced first hand)
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It is sad that in full Rakkata you struggled in this instance. What is worse you posted you did struggle in the best gear in the game? Why do people just qq for anything now a days.

By the way we beat it in Columni gear mostly and some Tionese gear. Just got to think how to beat it. Keep coming up with the more difficult fights BW. We love them.

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We've done it after wiping like 20 times on first boss and few times on other bosses. I agree with people who say it's a poorly designed flashpoint. It's too hard for people wearing Tionese or even Columni to finish this flashpoint on hardmode, and from loot, i'm guessing they were the target here.


All in all, it's a cool and challanging flashpoint and we had lots of fun doing it and felt really good about our abilities once we finished it, but loot tables should be changed because hardmode would be far too much a tionese party can handle.


If you'd ask for tactics, we were 2 guardians and 2 troopers. I was the tank so i had to move around a little. Starting from middle square, moving slowny from lightning bubbles AND INFORMING my healer constantly, i'm moving so he wouldn't loose range (similar as Karaga). The most important thing here, i guess, are interrupts. You absolutely HAVE TO interrupt incineration as soon as he starts to cast it,because it's a DOT skill and will hit you more if you wait with interrupts, and it will 2 hit you once it's done casting. other than that, let dps interrupt arcane something (the other skill) and just dps as much as possible. adds are easy so dps should just nuke them with aoe. The bigges difficulty, however, was.. THE CAMERA! Because of confine space we were fighting in, it was verry hard to spot lightning bubbles and almost impossible to see adds.


we took down all bosses but at the end of the fight we all had less than 10% of hp left.


this flashpoint is properly tough, although, i have a feeling, once you know all the tactics, it's as easy as all other ones. it's like maelstrom's daksh, he was a big problem when we didn't know we had to kite him when he was shooting lasers from his eye, but now he's EZ :)

Edited by Carousel_t
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I don't get it - first, everyone complains about flashpoints and operations being too easy. Now the healers got nerfed so we have a harder content and everyone complains about that...can some people ever be happy??


We tried Lost Island in hardmode and we had quite fun because finaly there was some stuff we had to watch out.

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I don't get it - first, everyone complains about flashpoints and operations being too easy. Now the healers got nerfed so we have a harder content and everyone complains about that...can some people ever be happy??


We tried Lost Island in hardmode and we had quite fun because finaly there was some stuff we had to watch out.


I love the difficulty. Its extraordinarily hard. First boss took my group (3 guildies, 1 pug) about 10 pulls to kill. A lot of that was getting used to the mechanics - and the fact that he is VERY unfriendly to a melee dps in the group.


2nd boss took 3 pulls to get the mechanics down, no sweat.


3rd boss (bonus boss) took 2pulls, was cake.


Last boss was horrifically difficult for us. I don't know if we just were missing a mechanic or what, but we wiped a good 20 times before FINALLY downing him. I was tanking as Jugg and my health was just getting crushed. Interrupting his Flurry of Bolts is tough when your interrupt is on 12seconds and he casts it every 8 while you are also trying to avoid all his poison as a melee. The rest of the fight up until the burn phase was fine - but we wiped twice during the final burn phase (im guessing thanks to us not being prepared for the mechanic of the blowbacks and stuns.) Whatever.


The first and last boss would be fine if they both gave Rakata. The difficulty involved in both of them is easily equall to if not more than Soa on HM/NiM. Since the last boss gave T3 Chest, I have no qualms with that. But the first boss? Dropping a Columi token? Nobody who NEEDS Tionese and/or Columi tokens will EVER kill that boss on hardmode.


I love hard content, but I want to also be rewarded for it. The HM version of this is so overtuned that the only people who CAN do it will likely be people who only need the drop from the last boss, which doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


Overall - super thumbs up on the difficulty and enjoyment of the fights. I wish I had more hands, so I could give the itemization 4 thumbs down. (other than the final boss.)

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It's refreshing to finally have some challenging content. I think a lot of the problems groups are having is they're not fully understanding the mechanics and how to avoid damage that is unneeded. Each boss has a mechanic that can cause a high amount of damage if not countered properly.


Our group make up was: Guardian/tank, Vanguard/dps (usually a tank but swapped to dps), Gunslinger/Dps, Sage/healer(me,usually dps, but swapped)


1st boss: Interrupting incinerate is top priority, our tank handled that by himself, we ignored his plasma arc for the most part, not sure if one of the dps interrupted it at all. Tank stayed in the middle the entire time. The gunslinger and myself moved together around the outside. To negate the floor vents, you can stand on the outside as long as the tank moves around the outer edge of middle platform to stay in range of heals, with proper placement of the electric clouds you can time the floor vents to move to next safe area on outside of room.


The boss uses an ability like hail of bullets/suppressive fire (can't remember the exact name of the ability), he'll put a large yellow retical on the person he targets with it and will do damage to anyone in that cone. No one should be in the area of the person targeted to negate unneeded damage.


2nd boss: Fairly straight forward fight. You get a nice big warning when he is about to do his smash. Everyone, including tank, need to run directly under him to avoid being knocked off platform, then immediately spread back out after to avoid unneeded splash damage for his spit or what ever it is. Assign terminals to tank/dps to click when he jumps up top, healer stays in middle to get anyone being hit by his spit. Rinse and repeat.


Bonus boss: Pretty much a tank and spank, except for him smashing the ceiling on you, and again you get a big warning on your screen when this happens. Do not wait for something to fall, as soon as you see the warning start moving and do not follow someone else in the group, stay spread as much as possible.


Final boss: He has 3 phases.


1st phase: he will drop poison clouds that puts a stacking dot and ramps up the more stacks you get. The dots will stay the whole fight. To help counter this some you can time when he does them. Roughly every 6-7 secs before he goes into one of the tanks. You can start moving around 5 secs to get a jump on when they drop. When he goes into the tank, nuke the tank and add fast.


2nd Phase: he will randomly jump to someone while stunning the group and use Ravage, this needs to be interrupted as soon as you come out of stun. There will also be add that are slow moving and on fire, leaving a trail behind them. Just kite the best you can to avoid them and the fire.


3rd Phase: He will turn into a full Rakghoul(sp). This phase is your enrage timer, as he will continuously explode putting a stacking buff/debuff on entire group. The debuff will do scaling damage, but also increases your damage done to him by a lot. Everyone including the healer will need to blow cd's to drop him fast before his damage ramps up to much to keep people alive. Our group waited till we have a few stacks of the buff before using cds. The amount of time you have to kill him will vary depending on how many stacks of the poison clouds you got from phase 1. If someone has to many they will die pretty quick in phase 3.


tl;dr : Each boss does damage that can be negated. If you don't minimize this damage you will have a very rough time. Learn the mechanics, keep your head up, and you will feel great when you clear the fp.


Hope this helps those having a hard time.

Edited by Riplin
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I don't get it - first, everyone complains about flashpoints and operations being too easy. Now the healers got nerfed so we have a harder content and everyone complains about that...can some people ever be happy??


We tried Lost Island in hardmode and we had quite fun because finaly there was some stuff we had to watch out.


I like a challenge, no doubt about that. However there is a big difference in making a dungeon challenging by design, instead of making it challenging and irritating by letting Bosses spam a certain ability that does big damage.

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I like a challenge (Although this is currently beyond my skill level. And gear level). And if this had been called "Nightmare Mode", I'd be quite happy with it. I just feel the difficulty spike, compared to other Hard Modes, is too severe, especially considering the paltry rewards you get.


The solution? Make the current difficulty (Or even tune it up a bit) Nightmare Mode, and make an easier version that only drops the Columi Mainhand the new Hard Mode (Probably moving the Black Hole comms rewards to the Nightmare mode version).

Edited by KorinHyvek
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It's quite sad seeing people complain about how this place is way too hard. Challenging content is what keeps people playing and I cleared this with a pug yesterday and it being my first time there. Me (MM Snipe), Leth/Eng Sniper, Op heals and Jugg tank. The also other reason why it's so hard is that the last boss drops Rak Chest, I really would feel disappointed of they just handed that out as the only other raid to get that from is HM Ev Soa which can be quite difficult. People have to learn to stop Qqing, learn mechanics from fights and enjoy hard content while it lasts. Also we cleared the place is 2 and a half hours and all Colum/Rak gear and only one other fully Rak gear. So yes it does take some skill and gear reqs to clear the place. But the end boss/Black hole comms for weekly is what its mostly there for.
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