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Gratz Devs on killing PvP (AGAIN).


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Take Hutt Ball for example. If your team doesn't score you only get XP. No matter how many medals you get you get nothing if your team doesn't score. I lost in a tight 1-0 game and just got XP at the end. Pretty much a waste of time.



Thats *********** retarded.

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Gonna come as a surprise to everyone.....but people are still out there PvPing thier proverbial butts off. People are also still having fun playing the game. It is only here, on these very boards that pain and despair are the order of the day. LOL





This. WZ's still going on now. Just browsing the forums for the crying game in between them. Still gaining xp, level 29 on my newest alt and already have enough for two pieces of BM gear. Life is good.

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This. WZ's still going on now. Just browsing the forums for the crying game in between them. Still gaining xp, level 29 on my newest alt and already have enough for two pieces of BM gear. Life is good.



there's people that have stayed with every single game ever made that had been changed for the worse by devs.


how the heck is that some sort of argument that the changes here were good?

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Warzones are a team effort, rewards are individual. If and individual perform well but as a whole, the team fails, individual receives no reward.


Is it that difficult for an individual to go into any of the avaliable warzones and put forth enough effort to be able to be awarded 3 badges?


Pre 1.2 if you lost and got your 4 badges you recieved what between 35-45 WZ comms?


I went into multiple warzones last night in part Recruit part PvE gear and got my butt haned to me multiple times, I still managed to earn between 8-11 badges and 40-45 warzone commendations.


The rewards pre 1.2 and the rewards now seem to be about the same.........only difference is you actually have to work to get them.

HOLY COW did I just say that :eek:. You actualy have to work for your rewards?


I personally am not in any way what would be considered a hardcore PvPer, hell casuall players wouldn't even call me casuall.


Like I said in an earlier/different post what I personally have noticed is with the new PvP system players are actually working together to achieve the objectives, because unlike pre 1.2 if they don't do squat they don't get squat.


I also PvP'd on an alt, who did have a full rested xp bar and won quite a few matches with him, and got him from lvl 17 to lvl 19 rather quickly, again able to put forth enough effort and "work with" the other people on the ops team to achieve the objectives, get enough badges to meet the minimum requirement to receive a reward at the end of the match..


Oh and the matches I lost on him(see above).


The pre 1.2 days when you would get something for nothing are gone, now people actually have to............. wait for it........................................earn thier rewards, so instead of coming here and pissin and moaning about how you didn't get notin, get your butt back into a warzone and try to actually put forth enough effort to earn something.

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there's people that have stayed with every single game ever made that had been changed for the worse by devs.


how the heck is that some sort of argument that the changes here were good?


Because whiners say they aren't good they must not be good. I forgot that the opinions of criers are gospel truth and beyond contestation.

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You may want to speak in English on the English forums.


No wait.... I like where this is going.


*Google translator*

So, then I let my frustration also time out. I am currently on the PvP-server "Brianna - Enjoy" and I am frankly more than disappointed of SW:TOR and more from the patch 1.2 . How to get there please on such an idea, to make war zones, the nothing. Endless Hours of gameplay in different BG's and what did I do that? Total 4,000 ,- credits, and a few crushed awards and i am 4 defeats richer. WOW!


The funny thing about the whole story is, how should I finance my raids, if I not daily 5 hours must be from the PC to crouch to create the daily? How will I afford anything when all the prices have been pushed to the top? Funding of repairs or "companions posibility" and ... and ... and ... ?


Nice and Good season 30 days but for what, now, more than the half the abandonment? Also what are important questions are, what will I do on a PvP Server if i around the clock farms have to go to keep me on water? As I come to do this, as Republik-Spieler , that there is more there are Imperium-Spieler this by its quantity and better equipped.



If there is a "yellow" so please I want to answer my questions, because if it continues, I see no sense in this game more ...


Edited by Vaipyr
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Gonna come as a surprise to everyone.....but people are still out there PvPing thier proverbial butts off. People are also still having fun playing the game. It is only here, on these very boards that pain and despair are the order of the day. LOL


They probably aren't paying attention to their rewards when they lose.


Not everyone reads forums or have any idea about the big patch and what it entails. I came into a loseing Voidstar with 3mins and some change left. I pretty much told them that I was quiting and why. Nobody knew what I was talking about. Then I get a bunch of tells asking what changed.


I didn't notice alot of the changes at first myself. Sorry, but I don't see why I should be punished because somebody else sucks at PvP and can't guard a post or move forward for a pass. Or after waiting in queue only to get put into a situation where my rewards are crap since the team is losing and I wasn't there from the start.

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I didn't notice alot of the changes at first myself. Sorry, but I don't see why I should be punished because somebody else sucks at PvP and can't guard a post or move forward for a pass. Or after waiting in queue only to get put into a situation where my rewards are crap since the team is losing and I wasn't there from the start.


Maybe it isnt everyone else that sucks?

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Maybe it isnt everyone else that sucks?


it's pretty disgusting how you and others immediately attack the ability of anybody who doesn't like changes made in the patch.


if that's how you have to respond, that probably means you cannot come up with a decent argument for your own viewpoint.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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A lot of skilled Veteran players have returned to the game for 1.2 expecting Ranked WZs. As they did before, they are teaming with their friends in premades and making players like the OP cry a river.


Rather than QQ, I have a suggestion. Build your own azz kicking premade team and go make the skilled Vets cry.


The actual PvP in 1.2 is still very good. Granted, Healers must be protected now since they can't turtle 2-3 DPS players beating on them anymore. But that's a good thing imo.

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it's pretty disgusting how you and others immediately attack the ability of anybody who doesn't like changes made in the patch.


Hmmm, just like the way that the people who complain attack the people that defend the game.



The actual PvP in 1.2 is still very good. Granted, Healers must be protected now since they can't turtle 2-3 DPS players beating on them anymore. But that's a good thing imo.



Also, this

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A lot of skilled Veteran players have returned to the game for 1.2 expecting Ranked WZs. As they did before, they are teaming with their friends in premades and making players like the OP cry a river.


Rather than QQ, I have a suggestion. Build your own azz kicking premade team and go make the skilled Vets cry.


The actual PvP in 1.2 is still very good. Granted, Healers must be protected now since they can't turtle 2-3 DPS players beating on them anymore. But that's a good thing imo.


No, hes actually quite correct about a few of his statements. Class imbalance is now worse then it ever was, and the losing side of a wz is an absolute joke for what you get out of it.


I run in a premade most of the time, but when othera arent on i que solo, que'ing solo tonight i have lost almost every match, and the rewards are terrible. I completely agree with the winning side getting more, but ffs to cut people off at the knees for running into a premade or just having better players on the other side is extremely unfair.

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No, hes actually quite correct about a few of his statements. Class imbalance is now worse then it ever was, and the losing side of a wz is an absolute joke for what you get out of it.


I run in a premade most of the time, but when othera arent on i que solo, que'ing solo tonight i have lost almost every match, and the rewards are terrible. I completely agree with the winning side getting more, but ffs to cut people off at the knees for running into a premade or just having better players on the other side is extremely unfair.


according to many on these forums, that just means you need to L2P.

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I have been playing with the best, the creme de la creme of my faction and because healers are epicly nerfed, and such we lose often, I don't mind losing or dying but I do mind the fact that staying in a game where you lose has NO use at all, you better just quit right away and hope for a different match with different players.


That's the thing that bothers me. it's either win or quit the game :/


The medal gain is also stupid IMO.

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