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New gen of gamers


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There are no more "gamers" today. Gaming is so thoroughly mainstream that it's not possible to classify someone as a "gamer."


It's like going around telling people "Hey, I'm a movie watcher. I'm awesome."



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I don't like this high horse attitude some "older gamers" think they are entitled to when they complain about the "young generation" complaining about problems. Why didn't you see more complaining in your time?


Most of us didn't have access to the Internet to vent, and Nintendo Power was actually available in the public library as one of the few sources of gaming news.


Do I feel unsatisfied with the way some companies are trying to make a buck now with questionable methods like day one DLCs and what not? Of course I am. But it's not like the olden days are any better. Game developers used to release broken games because they can get away with it much easier than now.


Despite what some perceive as whining, I think it's good that forums like this at least hold video game companies accountable to some extent since there's dialogue between gamers and with the companies.

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First off, I truly feel gaming has gone downhill. These new breed of gamers nolonger enjoy the game. They feel compelled to run thru it to end game as fast as possible then complain and ask for dlc/new content. I remember a time back when you played a game to escape reality to get into the world. Back when no one knew what a "dlc" was. When you could play a single game for months/years.


2nd I never understood why people who constantly state they are bored just don't simply do something else instead of sit idle and moan how they feel. Or the ones that aren't truly into a series like Star Wars. Given the time it took for this game to be released and all the times it got pushed back. To truly say you covered everything the star wars universe has to offer takes time. Gamers are nolonger patient.


3rd there is no need to compare games as diff as SWOTR vs WoW. To me it would be like comparing zombies at emy neighbors to resident evil. Is it not ok to like multiple games without feeling the need to outright say this one is superior. Everyone has an opinion. But this new gen of gamers scares me full of trolls and firstfaqs.


Bring back the original gamers, the ones that lived to explore, to play, to live diff worlds diff experiences!!!


Have you ever considered that most new games are mostly cash grabbing titles that offer no substance? Or maybe not well designed in terms of how to keep players interested in the long term? A company releases content, there are players who will consume it fast, and players that will consume it slower. For those who consumed the content fast what else there is to keep their interest coming back? This game offers nothing exciting to get the players hooked long term.


This is coming from a person who has to work for a living, has a wife and kid. I am not a hardcore player and even as a casual player this game at its current state is boring. There are people who really love this game and I respect that, however I personally don't see myself playing this game 6 months down the road.

Edited by hypnosys
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I think it's more that people are never satisfied and demand a game company make a game JUST FOR THEM.

They want the impossible, and thus are never happy with the end result.

Just look at the forums.


I want soul crushing hard modes

I want casual friendly games

I want more PvP

I want no PvP

I want fluff

I want no fluff, it's for scrubs

I want I want I want.


And no matter what game companies, do..it's never enough.

They want a dev in their home...listening to what they want and doing exactly that.

They have the best idea ever, that no one has ever thought of before. And if the game company would just listen to them..everyone would be happy.


It's entitlement, pure and simple.

People are being raised to think they are the most special person to have ever existed, and their opinion is the most important thing EVER. And when no one listens, they get angry. After all, their teachers, their parents, everyone has told them how special, smart and amazing they are. Surely everyone else must see it too!


Entitlement is what is killing a lot of things.

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The problem is lack of choice and that is a product of commercialisation.


Game companies are no longer happy with 500,000 subscribers they want many millions, as a result they turn out generic games that are all the same to try and please the majority.


If games were not so commercial then they could produce different games and let people gravitate to what style they prefer.

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I blame my generation (GenX) for everything. It wasn't this younger generations fault that we started giving them diplomas for getting out of kindergarten and trophies for "participation".


ohh, man, right there I so much wanted a "like" button to facebook...

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BTW I completely agree with the OP.


Gamers today are way too self entitled. They always think they deserve more than they are getting. You guys mock him for bringing up the "old days" where people were actually decent.


Then again most people actually had a real life outside of gaming too, so I guess that can cause the difference.


Anyway, the fact that people mock this guy for saying what he said proves how disgusting gamers have become. I blame the ability to hide behind the internet like lil' cockroaches hiding from the light. :) :)

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Why back in my day we had to hand crank our computers just to get them to start and 'online' was what we said the birds were doing sitting out on the telephone wires. *curses young people under breath*


Now we have Guinea Pigs in a rowboat...

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There are no more "gamers" today. Gaming is so thoroughly mainstream that it's not possible to classify someone as a "gamer."


It's like going around telling people "Hey, I'm a movie watcher. I'm awesome."




? Ermmm no. There are gamers today. This is a ridiculous statement. Shame on you.

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I blame the ability to hide behind the internet like lil' cockroaches hiding from the light. :) :)


About 87% of the people playing games online would get their *** kicked if they pulled the same stuff off in an arcade back in the 80s. :p

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Well It depends what generation of gamers your from. I remember as a kid when my friends and I would play Rampage or Turtles in time for the game, not to show off how many characters we had or having the best equipment, and for that very fact I do not have a lvl 50 I'm enjoying the game like I did those old Nes, Sega, N64 titles because to me games are as you said to escape reality and enjoy with my friends. This will never change for me. Therefore I isolate myself from the brag fest, live for the game attitude. Its sad really that games have taken this turn... but this is also why we see these money grabbing titles coming out frequently because a new gen gamers hunger is never satisfied, you want an example. Call of duty, Battlefield etc. Its very easy to shut shut out the constantly decomposing social world, I do it all the time. Edited by ShredderStatus
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For better or for worse, it is not happening. Time will continue and the world will change. If gamers and (by extension) society are in decay, then little else can be done unless it turns around and tries to be for the better.


This can easily spiral into a philosophical discussion. For what it's worth, I weep for the future of humanity...

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If you guys think this is bad, go ahead and log on to a WoW server these days. Talk about your bunch of entitled, elitist *****s and boring, uninspired content.


I can't stand playing that game anymore. After 6 years, I've become jaded and aside from a few nostalgic moments every time I visit a specific area, The game does not feel the same. It's evolved and transformed so much over the years I hardly recognize it. I've enjoyed the majority of new content, fixes, additions and updates the game has seen along the way but with every patch, people have become increasingly aggressive and unforgiving towards newer players. With things like the raid finder and group finder options, the game feels more like a soulless dungeon grind anymore and far less personal. Gone are the days where you could immerse yourself in the world itself and get lost in quests or exploring with friends for several hours. It used to be enough to find some isolated beach out in the middle of nowhere and raise your fishing skills. These days it's all about efficiency, quickness and straightforwardness. I can only imagine this is designed to cater to the impatient and unimaginative.


This game is fairly new and it would be a shame to see such a promising, enjoyable experience to be cut short because of a philosophy and attitude that has leaked over to it from other games.

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The thing is that in the 90's and prior to that there were GAMERS. Not people that are looking to spend their time because they are bored. People who played video games (and gamers were always playing on pc) did that because they LOVED playing games and all of their aspects. The more work and intelligence it required to achieve something the better. Nowadays kids are more used to fast living. They play cod and they quit any other game that they get bored with in 2 months after they have spent half of their time qqing in forums.


And thankfully swtor is ALL about the STORY. Sad thing is younger "gamers" dont care about the story. They care abour fast REWARDS. Same thing happened to wow... New generation started playing it and now its panda pokemon. They cant enjoy the experience of exploring it self.


I usually quit a game after i reach the highest level because it has nothing more to give to me. I enjoy the leveling more than anything and after i clear some of the basic high end content i find no joy in just grinding for the heck of it. Also thank fully Swtor has predicted this too by giving awesome class stories :)


I think that if this game was made in the late 90s people would still play it even with the graphics of that time. Great game that is addressed to the wrong generation :p


You cant really blame the younger ones though as the world it self has become like this and they just keep up with the advertisements and trends that are being given to them.


Anyway i will stop here before i take this too far but +1 to the OP.

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Sorry but you're pretty much full of crap. EQ, UO, DAOC, they all had the same responses to problems. DAOC had no itemization past level 30 at release and the forum trolls let Mythic have it day after day. There was no generalized 'patience' by everyone in the community, the flame wars against the devs of those games in forums were just as livid back then as they are now. You're wearing rose colored glasses if you remember otherwise.


Or how 'bout the PKs vs. Carebears in UO?


That wasn't vicious at all, nope. ;)

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Then again most people actually had a real life outside of gaming too, so I guess that can cause the difference.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, we were also computer gamers (ie. neeeerds) who came from MUD backgrounds, understood what coding was, and had a clear idea of what was actually involved in creating and operating an mmo. We hadn't been spoon-fed "THIS IS THE GREATEST MMO OF ALL TIME!", not by a long shot. And frankly, we were happy with what we got... because no one had ever gotten it before.


We were blown away by simple things like DAoC's RvR system, which was really just a bunch of people taking a world objective and loling about it. Christ, Meridian 59 got me hooked right away because I could actually kill other people (omg... wut?). It was novel... new... nothing like it... "This is so cool".


Now everyone expects the greatest experience of their lives because that is how games are packaged - the latest, the greatest, and the big letdowns ensue. But not for us old timers... just the new guys who can't understand why it isn't all working perfected from the start.

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Consumerism and consumption have triumphed. Corporations have succeeded in training everyone to be the first to buy something and then use it up as quickly as possible. This makes them ready for the next "new thing" on store shelves.
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Gamers think that just because they can post on forums, they've got direct access and influence on development decisions and when they realize their voices get drowned out by the quire of other players, they think the only way to be heard is to get louder and louder. You can go to the majority of gaming forums and watch the same Jerry Springer show over and over.


There are a few hidden gems out there, where the community polices themselves and where moderators stike down on idiocy swift and hard.

Edited by TOURDallas
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