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PVP Math 101, Thanks FireSomething!


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Past the lack of Bioware rep acknowledgement does this mean my dreams of killing people with my healer have been dashed since it was all a bug? :(


No there was still a reduction in overall healing. Its just not a killfest where everyone burns in seconds.


I also think there was no post since all the craziness with the servers happened.

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Which is quite understandable, I mean right now the servers are down. Everyone is focusing on that. If they admit to a bug what purpose would it serve if they've already corrected it and it wasnt live for more than 12 hours?
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Same reason we don't have server forums. It would require too many moderators to make a post and reply to it.


Really? There are dozens of threads consisting of thousands move posts complaining about the same issues with 1.2 (i.e., low TTK, Diminished/Zero Rewards for losing WZs, etc), and BioWare can’t spare one CommunityRep to take 15 minutes of time to sticky a post at the top of the PvP forum explaining 1.2’s PvP implementation? Instead, we have to speculate, to the point that people are posting math equations? Having your PvP community in meltdown mode and the ill will that engenders makes more sense than keeping them in the loop and diffusing the situation?


I'm sorry guys, but from a pure CS perspective that just doesn't fly.

Edited by Torcer
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One CS rep wouldn't be able to explain the implementation, if anyone was going to do it. The lead PVP designer would have to be the person, and I'm sure they have plenty going on right now. Who knows they may be working on it now, and with that you could see some type of post or thread about it later tonight when the servers come up.
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So, just to be clear, people are thinking the OP's math is basically correct and that was the experience of people who played this morning?


And the experience of people who played in the hours after 1.2 was first available were experiencing some kind of bug?


I played several WZs yesterday in full BM gear. And I play a marauder which I think gives me an interesting perspective, because I could see that I was doing more damage faster and in particular that it was not too difficult to solo healers even good ones. But I could also see that I was much, much squishier. It was unnerving actually, like going back to being an undergeared fresh 50 with not even centurion stuff.


I used to solo guard turrets in Alde and doors in Voidstar while the enemy were concentrating on the other one. I knew I could survive in time for reinforcements to arrive if two or even three guys attacked, unless they were two of the best rep players on my server. After yesterday I was thinking my role had been substantially redefined and it would no longer be tactically sound to have less than two people guard a node/door ever.


But most people are agreeing with the OP that the balance between damage and DR should be more or less where it was pre-1.2?


I hope that's right!

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So then my gear is bugged and the expertise wasn't working yesterday.


Today it seems fine and the "time" needed to kill me is the same.


Yesterday the "time" needed to kill me was drastically increased. Full BM except for relics, which are champion.


Makes sense of why yesterday I was melting and this morning everything seemed normal.


Its really not the "healing" that is the problem, its the instant melting not able to get any worthwhile heals off that is the problem.


Where does the math show there was a bug yesterday? I'm not seeing this. Thanks.

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One CS rep wouldn't be able to explain the implementation, if anyone was going to do it. The lead PVP designer would have to be the person, and I'm sure they have plenty going on right now. Who knows they may be working on it now, and with that you could see some type of post or thread about it later tonight when the servers come up.


It’s really not that hard, or time consuming, that’s why you keep PR people on the payroll. In the absence of an explanation that it’s a bug, it’s reasonable to conclude that BioWare intended the faster TTK experienced yesterday and something is wrong, or missing from the math. If it was a bug, then BW should expressly say so and stop this *****trom.

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Even if this maths is correct, this is not what i was seeing yesterday, at all. I have PvPd more than enough in this game to know exactly how hard i should hit and be hit.


We all saw it, something was most definitely up with damage. Id go as far to estimate the time to kill was down by as much as 1/3.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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You know that Maths means = Theory, but I think a lot of people who have been doing PvP since day 1 know the difference in what they are seeing.


I fight similar teams all the time and it is rather obvious that people are being killed a LOT faster, even with the same gear, this is due to more damage output and less damage reduction on how Exp now works. Fights are now just a DPS race, tanking/healing doesn't mean as much.

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The math isnt showing there was a bug yesterday. Thats not the point, but people are claiming certain things when the actual numbers dont support there claim. Meaning there can be only one answer, there was some type of bug yesterday as those same people reported that earlier today it wasn't prevalent anymore.
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Where does the math show there was a bug yesterday? I'm not seeing this. Thanks.


It's definitely possible. I had a patch downloaded and applied today and the servers aren't up yet, though i logged in late and didn't get to play at all.


Not saying that's what happened (a bugfix this morning I mean, we won't know until the servers are back online) but it's a possibility.

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Even if this maths is correct, this is not what i was seeing yesterday, at all. I have PvPd more than enough in this game to know exactly how hard i should hit and be hit.


Something was most definitely up with damage.


Yep, theories all point in 1 direction but actual combat experience tells you the truth.


I'm a tank with over 1200 Exp and yet I know I can not survive in PvP like I did before. Bw made a big deal about fights not being over quickly and how their PvP battles would be better for slower kills etc, yet we are now at a stage where DPS is the key in battle, whereas you could counter DPS with good tanking/healing before.


I really don't know what clowns are working at BW, but they need to play their own game once in a while.


DPS stats at the end of a WZ are down A LOT, but that is because healing/tanking is doing nothing, and only so much damage can be awarded per person, groups melt like butter now.

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The math isnt showing there was a bug yesterday. Thats not the point, but people are claiming certain things when the actual numbers dont support there claim. Meaning there can be only one answer, there was some type of bug yesterday as those same people reported that earlier today it wasn't prevalent anymore.


Bug must have been server or user specific. Seemed ok to me.

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Where does the math show there was a bug yesterday? I'm not seeing this. Thanks.


So its kind of like driving a car. Car is rated for x horsepower, but you can't feel it, you know from your perception that something is wrong...although you go back to the manufacturer and say this isn't performing well...manufacturer comes back and says, well its rated for x horsepower so your feelings must be off.


Experience and feel go a long way on knowing if something is right or wrong without any concrete evidence.


Example: I've played up to Rank 72 before the patch. That's a lot of pvp and a lot scenarios, wins, losses, stomps, being stomped, and not ONCE, in those games did I ever felt that I just got burned down in seconds without the ability to feel like I did something in that interaction.


Insert 1.2 and now all the sudden the time to kill me has increased beyond what I have ever experienced, in some cases, I would be back to back stunned (stunned, pop energy shield, stunned) I would come out of the stun and be able to get an instant cast off on myself. Now, I don't make it through the 2nd stun w/ my bubble up.


These are the situations where "feel of the game" comes in to play.


Now take this morning, my time to kill was extended back to how I remembered it. Or if you will, bringing my character back in line with what the original poster was describing.


Now one thing to note is that not everyone's battlemaster gear was updated with the patch. Maybe this had something to do with the "feel" of the game as well.

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Think your right about it being a patch bug, and the amount of crying over it and people making false accusations is downright puke lol.


The amount of people calling other players bad for not understanding this is a bug is just as bad. Quit acting like you are an amazing player. FV is garbage.

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Do you have a screenshot of this? Or can anyone else confirm that a PT with Full Recruit + BM bracers should only have 13k EHP? If you can prove it, or anyone else can I'll believe you.


Here's a screenshot. 13,315 HP *with* Hunter's Boon up (12,800 without). 908 expertise, all recruit gear except for the BM bracers.

Edited by Rakiv
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I think what most people are experiencing is some kind of bug w/ the old pre 1.2 gear not being buffed or not applying its actual mitigation.


I agree, although I don't believe it was entirely a bug. Some players swapped mods on their BM gear and never restored them prior to the Patch. They therefore lost all of the +Expertise they would have received on the mods otherwise.


BW Devs are really responsible for this. While the Devs did state this would occur in the Patch notes it wasn't exactly common knowledge prior to 1.2, especially for anyone that doesn't visit the Forums.


I was able to get my mods swapped back into their original configurations one day before the Patch. However, many of my Guildmates did not have the opportunity to do so and are now having to reacquire BM pieces again to get their +Expertise back.

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Someone sticky this for the love of god, that way baddies can learn something and people can stop crying!!!


So because codign was screwed up and classes were doing way more damage then they should have and peopel were dieing in 3 globals makes them baddies.


Based on you comment you mus have played a frost mage or Blood DK in WoW then came to SWtOR as a Shadow tank in DPS gear and think the world is balanced.

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