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For the love of all thats holy, take the credit cost away from pulling mods!


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Looking good is not a requirement to do all those "fun stuff".


You want to rip out mods to look good in your favourite orange gear? Pay for it like everyone else. Or buy new ones on the GTN in case they are cheaper.


Yea, except that doesnt change the fact that its poorly designed.

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Learning to save would solve this problem.


I'm not that familiar with the game, but seems like 33k mods are high quality purple mods. That's means you are an end-game player and should have access to good income.


You cannot have your cake and eat it too. You want ultimate power? It's gonna cost you.


So if you're not familiar with the game then you have no clue what you're talking about and shouldn't of said anything. 33k per mod adds up VERY fast and its not like they don't already have enough credit sinks as it is.

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Yea, except that doesnt change the fact that its poorly designed.


How is it poorly designed? Making it free would be akin to removing BoP restrictions, where if you use an item, you can still trade it or sell it on the GTN. There would be no need to make stuff, because people can just reuse things over and over again.


You want to compare it with WoW? Pretty sure you cannot even take out jewels once you have put them into sockets. You have to buy new ones to replace them. And everytime you get new gear, you have to re-socket them.


Imagine never having to pay for mods because you can freely move them around with no cost. Them giving you the option to take out mods is already good enough.


The only poor design is free or welfare handouts.

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So if you're not familiar with the game then you have no clue what you're talking about and shouldn't of said anything. 33k per mod adds up VERY fast and its not like they don't already have enough credit sinks as it is.


this. I wouldnt mind the credit sinks if they took into accountt he people who dont have time to credit grind. Clearly this patch is an ignorance of these types of people, which I'm willing to bet is the majority.

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Learning to save would solve this problem.


I'm not that familiar with the game, but seems like 33k mods are high quality purple mods. That's means you are an end-game player and should have access to good income.


You cannot have your cake and eat it too. You want ultimate power? It's gonna cost you.


You're right. You're not that familiar with the game.


Sure, at endgame, in between HM FPs and OPs (if you're not bored to tears with farming both by now, as my guild is), you can do dailies. Did I say do? I meant grind. WHAT FUN! So, if you have the time and inclination to do so, yeah, you can pull in 200k+ daily. Nothing some buggy runs in EV, HM EV, KP, HM KP won't quickly gobble up in repair costs (repair costs are to be expected, but frequent wipes due to bugged bosses that should have been fixed ages ago are annoying and costly.). I do dailies almost daily, just to have repair creds kicking around.


That said, there should be costs asociated with removing mods, but something more reasonable. And all the new legacy "perks" that cost between 200k and several mil? I'll be playing Tera soon, rather than get further into grind-mode with this game. Not even going to bother with the mailbox, repair bot, NEUTRAL (seriously???) GTN, etc. It's not just the screw-ups with 1.2, things happen with patches. It's the content that was announced, then pulled, the realization AFTER the fact that Legacy was going to cost as much as it does, the ongoing, unresolved bugs in FPs, OPs, daily missions, and the substandard customer service.


Peopel are entitled to keep playing, and many no doubt will. I see SWTOR going F2P in less than 2 years, easy. I have standards though, and SWTOR isn't currently meeting them. As I had been looking forward to this game since 2008, I'm disappointed, and likely to leave after the novelty of the minimal 1.2 content has worn off.

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How do I have 10 million credits and still growing even with the costs? I used GTN, Especcially Cross faction thanks to the Hutt space.


Good luck read up on some marketing strategies, capitalism is great, exploit it like a third world nation.


On ajunta Pall no one uses cross faction so my sales are outragous and someone, somewhere is buying my stock because I'm one of the few who actually uses it.


You must be my long lost bounty hunter brother.

Similar story on "the constant."


Pub side sells dark diplo missions for 10k, and light for 25k.

Imp sde sells light diplo missions for 10k and dark for 25k.


Buy, swap, resell. ~250% profit on each, and every sale.


People whine and whine about being broke.. meanwhile a L50 toon does "dailies" and gets ~100k a day, plus credz from pvp and selling stuff, so at the end of the month you could have 3 million credz or more!

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Yes, currently its not carrying over, and I just know they are going to stay something stupid like, "oh we meant set bonus' from post 1.2 gear. I thought that would have been common knowledge LOL sorry"


Unfortunately you cant fire someone that doesnt work for your company. They outsource their art. Probably to a company that has no experience in art or design.


No, their only experience in art design is with MMOs. THATS the problem with the sets, it looks like the garbage you get in WoW - except that even WoW has some nicely done tier sets.

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So if you're not familiar with the game then you have no clue what you're talking about and shouldn't of said anything. 33k per mod adds up VERY fast and its not like they don't already have enough credit sinks as it is.


Waaay to take one line out of context. It doesn't change the fact that 33k mods are purple mods, and if you are a hardcore raider swimming in purple mods, you should be able enough to farm for credits. You are EXPECTED to work to sustain your raiding.


Farming, whether it be for money for repair bills, or mats for flasks and pots, is very common in WoW, so I have no idea, how these people come in here expecting welfare. This is expected from a raider. To hear one complaining about costs to remove mods is just bizarre.


What next? Free repair bills? You want to make ops even easier? Wasn't the original complaint that ops were too easy?

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How is it poorly designed? Making it free would be akin to removing BoP restrictions, where if you use an item, you can still trade it or sell it on the GTN. There would be no need to make stuff, because people can just reuse things over and over again.


You want to compare it with WoW? Pretty sure you cannot even take out jewels once you have put them into sockets. You have to buy new ones to replace them. And everytime you get new gear, you have to re-socket them.


Imagine never having to pay for mods because you can freely move them around with no cost. Them giving you the option to take out mods is already good enough.


The only poor design is free or welfare handouts.


It doesnt have to be free. My assertion is that they dont take into account the people that dont have a lot of credits. Which I'm willing to bet is majority. For me, I get to play 3-4 nights a week and as stated before its to do fun things like raiding, HM Flashpoints, datacrons, world bosses, etc.. these activities do not have a lot fo credits associated with them. Actually they are credit sinks! I have to pay 100K ish after a night of raiding. Making us grnd credits instead of doing fun things is just that, not fun. Someone said "just use the GTN LMAO!" My server happens to be dead, and the only thing I get fromt he GTN is mail telling the the items havent sold. Credits are not fun in this game.

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what are u guys talking about,, its the same as say "*** now u get 3times the more valor in WZ then before patch 1.1,, i have fighted SO hard to be BM, now all can get it so easy,, i want credit for the time i have wasted in WZ",, how does that sound,, pretty stupid, right
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Completely takee out the cost of changing mods. It's simply completely in conflict with the idea of customizing the look of your toon. Paying 500k credits for that is just insane and without any logic.


What concerns me the most though is that this again is something BW should have seen coming. Just crazy how little they think ahead... :confused:


Edit: Wait I change that. Leave the cost for removing mods, but finally get away from the concept of using orange items also for changing looks. Just make the looks transferable or make cosmetic slots. Would solve it all. Keep costs for mod changing and ensure crafters still have a market left and finally give everyone a way of customizing their looks.


Lord of the Rings online had the cosmetic slot system and it was brilliant. There even where cosmetic items just for looks without stats...


Then even the social items would instantly make sense. It would solve everything.


Edit again: I do not like the mod system anyway... in theory a nice thing, but it takes away many things.

Edited by Mandavar
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For people who are complaining about the expense. Guess what "YOU DON'T HAVE TO GET IT TODAY/THIS WEEK/THIS MONTH!" Get them little by little. Work on your headpiece this week, chest next and so fourth...



Also, if you are a "casual" 3-4 night/week gamer and are racking up 100k repairs on "Raiding" your group makeup is either wrong and/or under geared and you guys should be running HM Taral V and MP every night for a week before you even wonder into EV ok KP normal!

Edited by MakuBenjami
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For people who are complaining about the expense. Guess what "YOU DON'T HAVE TO GET IT TODAY/THIS WEEK/THIS MONTH!" Get them little by little. Work on your headpiece this week, chest next and so fourth...



Also, if you are a "casual" 3-4 night/week gamer and are racking up 100k repairs on "Raiding" your group makeup is either wrong and/or under geared and you guys should be running HM Taral V and MP every night for a week before you even wonder into EV ok KP normal!


Thanks for telling us what we should be doing to have fun! Anyway, for the sake of argument, I play casually with a guild made of IRL friends. They may not be the greatest at the game, I may not be the greatest at the game, but we are there having fun. Yes, we rack up a lot of wipes BECAUSE we are casual.


Also, 3-4 nights a week doesnt mean 8-10 hour clips. We long on mostly 3 hours to raid or do whatever. What you dont understand is that we will never make millions, we unforunately chose a dead server to play on. We are constantly low on credits because the fun things in this game are credit sinks.


Hense my assertion that this is poorly desgned. Penalizing fun things is not good.

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We long on mostly 3 hours to raid or do whatever. What you dont understand is that we will never make millions, we unforunately chose a dead server to play on. We are constantly low on credits because the fun things in this game are credit sinks.


Hense my assertion that this is poorly desgned. Penalizing fun things is not good.



No you will make that million you need to get what you want though it's just not now, not this week nor this month.


Guess what, if you're having fun then it's OK. Though the fact that you started a thread about your displeasure about the mod pullout cost is saying that you are not having "fun" because vanity costs too much says it all.


You are not really penalized, the goal is just farther for you since your time investment is less than people who reach said goal faster.


Anyways, these sinks are not mandatory, nobody said I needed to have 2 White +41's, a K-Baron, a CE tauntaun + re-moding an entire republic dancers set for a companion into full Columi, etc . It's optional and again can be done little by little depending on your time investment.



Can't have everything now else what are you gonna do after? BW is placing controls so that people will stick around and continue their subscription by introducing goals that actually require time played.

Edited by MakuBenjami
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