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10 Good

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  1. as a soloplayer game 6/10 but as a MMO game 2/10
  2. what are u guys talking about,, its the same as say "*** now u get 3times the more valor in WZ then before patch 1.1,, i have fighted SO hard to be BM, now all can get it so easy,, i want credit for the time i have wasted in WZ",, how does that sound,, pretty stupid, right
  3. they can atleast start to merge servers, so not all servers are ghost ships in a empty galaxy far far away
  4. LOL well can in some point agree with server thing,, ohhhh,, they can actual cut down price with 80% then,, ITS GHOST SERVERS anyway,,, and for Dev team,, in our country you will have been without job for sleeping that much on work
  5. yeah,, and try to have them to admit it,,, they just give a s-hit about players on low pop servers,, they just want our mony
  6. just wonder why NOONE at all from BW stand out and reply on this thread When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?" but for sure they will probley close this thread fast
  7. cant agree mre,, a server merge is realy needed now,, or do BioWare just give a **** about customers there,, i think they are, i play Republic on server Speter of Ragnoros,, talk about a dead server there,, we are about 9-20 on fleet in prime time,, and we cant do anything there,, and no, i dont fell that start all over again is an option for me, have just spend to much time on my carr there. Like many other allready have done there before me, my account will stay inactive until there will be server merge or transfer, biggist problem is like many other says, the WZ,, we can on our server thinking of start to join wz 1½ hour after reset, then we have about a 2-3 hours window to do our dailys ,, else too bad, course server is dead completely after that,, and OPS, there is only ONE rep guild on that server that is able to run OPS,, and all bioware is saying , "we are keeping an eye on things" lol yeah right
  8. yeah,, my end in 5 dayes,, and there its gonna be,, this is fking insane ,, its like they just spit EU players in thir face (
  9. there are ALOT of fiasco in this game tbh,, just take Ilum,, know ilum are dead now,, but BioWare did let it live like that too long,, and now they AGAIN reward those ppl that is on server with HUGE faction difference,, now u can fight you own faction in ALL wz,, so the fact that bioware is give a **** about the faction that suffer big time on servers is my reason to have my account stay cancled this time,, call it what u want,, but fact is that im playing on server "Scepter Of Ragnos" as republic,, our guild is dying,, like ALL other guild there, if we need a DPS for a OPS its imposible to find any,, there isnt just not any to find and no,, there is noone to recuite
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