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Legacy Banks ( Shared Character Bank )


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I think its a great idea.

I'm still waiting for the day I can switch over a Columi pattern over to someone else on my family tree.


If that recipe is not BOP you can mail it to that alt now. If that recipe is BOP and bound to one of your characters, then what the OP is suggesting would not help you at all. If I understand correctly, the OP is suggesting that only non-bound items, or BOL items could be placed in the legacy bank. This is the way a legacy bank should work. A legacy bank should not be able to bypass any bound to character restrictions.

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I just assumed it would be this way and was surprised to find that it isn't. While not MMOs the other games I've played recently that have multiple characters and a "stash" (Diablo 3 and PoE) it is account wide.


I'm not an MMO guy, in fact I swore never to play them (my most recent KOTOR/KOTOR 2 playthroughs convinced me to go in on this) after a weeklong stint with FFXI when it first came out. Is this normal for MMORPGs to not have this feature? I hate all the item binding too........though I know why its there. I would rather bound stuff be bound to your legacy or account instead of a specific character though.

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but since I just dropped a bunch of credits and Cartel Coins setting my bank alt up with enough cargo space to hold everything that isn't nailed down from across my whole Legacy, I have a sneaking suspicion that BW will render that expense obsolete by introducing a Legacy hold/bank soon.


That's just my luck. :(

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Even just something for crafting materials alone would be a nice feature. (Let's be honest, just being able to free up some space from several individual characters' cargo holds would give you a lot more room to store other things anyway. I know I can end up taking up 1-2 whole bays just for crafting materials on each of my crafting characters.)


They could add a series of unlocks in with the ship unlocks in legacy (ship vendor droid, ship GTN, etc.) with names like Legacy Archaeology Bank, Legacy Slicing Bank, Legacy Investigation Bank, etc. (one to correspond with each non-crafting crew skill, and maybe also one for the rare end-game stuff that you have to find or buy) for something like 100k credits or 500 cartel coins each (or whatever pricing seems more appropriate) and set them up as a series of small boxes scattered around the cargo area of the ship.


I'm thinking that we could click on a box to access a list like the currency tab with spots for every material obtainable by that skill, and it would include buttons to pull stacks out of the bank into your inventory. (Full stacks of 99, or everything if you have less than 99 in there. Also, just right click on a stack in inventory to dump it into the bank.) Crafting skills would still require the materials in inventory or the character's cargo hold to be able to craft anything though. They would not check or draw from the legacy stockpiles.


For placement of these banks on the fleet, I would think that they could take a spot in with the cargo and guild banks on fleet to set up a display case a little bigger than the cargo hold terminal and they would line up the small boxes on the shelves.


Something less fractured than this would of course be much nicer. (One Legacy Bank able to store the full list of all crafting materials all in one place, plus a common storage for some credits too.) But this is what I could picture them implementing into the game. It would look like the currency page, not a regular inventory, and they'd cap each material at something like 500 units.


Hmm.... I suppose money storage in the legacy bank is tricky since they'd probably want to limit that pretty severely so it's not too much of a workaround for free and preferred to bypass the credit limit and escrow.

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Even just something for crafting materials alone would be a nice feature.


For placement of these banks on the fleet, I would think that they could take a spot in with the cargo and guild banks on fleet to set up a display case a little bigger than the cargo hold terminal and they would line up the small boxes on the shelves.


Hmm.... I suppose money storage in the legacy bank is tricky since they'd probably want to limit that pretty severely so it's not too much of a workaround for free and preferred to bypass the credit limit and escrow.


On these three points...


1. Yes, even just crafting would really help. I love how you can craft with mats that are in your cargo hold - it would be awesome if you could do this with items in a Legacy bank.


2. For Fleet placement, with the guild banks and cargo hold would be nice or, especially if this was for crafting, there is a big unused space in Crew Skills lower level where the Cartel used to be.


3. For money, an easy answer would be that you can store money there (and hence transfer it between toons), but each toon can only withdraw up to their limit for F2P and Pref and you can't spend credits directly out of legacy bank. Or just disable credit storage for pref and F2P completely.

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Just spent over an hour last night consolidating all my credits and equipment to dole out to new alts I'm making...


Going through 12 chars worth of banks isn't fun :( Most of the time was spent waiting for the damn game to load while switching characters. Would really love this.

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I have had my own Legacy Bank for about 1½ year now, However, In order to have this bank, I has to create my own guild where all my characters were in, and noone else, meaning when I'm online on these character to access my Legacy bank, then I cannot see my real guildies.


I strongly support implementing a legacy bank, which each character of your Legacy can access.


In my opinion this bank should have the same features as the a guild bank;

- Storing slots for items, and pay credits to unlock more tabs.

- Acces to deposit and withdraw credits from every character

- A log, so you can see, which character you took out that MGGS for datacron hunting

- A bonus feature of depositing and withdrawing commendations. Since you always have some character which could benefit some 69, 72 or 78 gear, but you only have 14, 15, 22 and 42 comms on different character.


There are several benefits for SWTOR for implementing this Legacy bank. It would help the players, aswell as adding a Unique feature, which I haven't seen in any other MMO. They would also be able to cut down inflation, since (i think) every single person would buy it, and thereby setting out a huge ammount of credits on each server.

Edited by NYaard
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OK, here is the Idea for the Legacy system.


Shared Character Bank

So how many times a day do you switch Char to find that one freakin mat you need to make that piece for your friend/guild-mate.


What if you had one bank for your toons, that you can pull mats and shared Items from.




you buy a tab in your bank that is a "Shared Character Tab" that you can put tradable items in, Like Mats, BOE armor, weapons and such. This could be a legacy perk. Kinda like a personal guild bank. Maybe on top of that a Shared Money pool.


You won't have to create an alt just for a guild bank any more.


What do you all think?


A new and completely original idea!


Tip: At the top of this page is a search box. In it, type "Legacy Bank". 114 threads will come back on this topic.

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I think it would just be easier to mail yourself the items you need. It does getting when you forget sending something but unless the Legacy Bank did something special, like trading BoP items between character, I wouldn't see it being greatly needed other than another bay to store stuff.


Yeah but what do you do when your mail glitches and doesn't send? I've lost mats and expensive craftables this way before and it takes customer service weeks to get back to me sometimes to fix the problem. I'm all for a legacy guild bank!

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I have had my own Legacy Bank for about 1½ year now, However, In order to have this bank, I has to create my own guild where all my characters were in, and noone else, meaning when I'm online on these character to access my Legacy bank, then I cannot see my real guildies.


I strongly support implementing a legacy bank, which each character of your Legacy can access.


In my opinion this bank should have the same features as the a guild bank;

- Storing slots for items, and pay credits to unlock more tabs.

- Acces to deposit and withdraw credits from every character

- A log, so you can see, which character you took out that MGGS for datacron hunting

- A bonus feature of depositing and withdrawing commendations. Since you always have some character which could benefit some 69, 72 or 78 gear, but you only have 14, 15, 22 and 42 comms on different character.


There are several benefits for SWTOR for implementing this Legacy bank. It would help the players, aswell as adding a Unique feature, which I haven't seen in any other MMO. They would also be able to cut down inflation, since (i think) every single person would buy it, and thereby setting out a huge ammount of credits on each server.


IMO, if they implement a legacy bank, it should NOT bypass any binding restrictions, in any way.


Players should not be able to put any bound items in the legacy bank, as they are bound to a specific character. The same goes for commendations. Commendations are bound to specific characters and should not be able to be placed into a legacy bank.

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LOTRO has this system, individual character vaults and a shared vault accessible to all characters on that server. I love it. I have all of my character vaults and my shared vault maxed out over there it is the main thing that I've spent my TP (LOTRO CC) on.
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Here is a fix to that in the time being, until Bioware gets off their A$S and impliments this:


Step 1: Choose what side you want your legacy bank to be on (Empire or Republic).


Step 2: On that side /gquit and start a guild with all toons in that faction.


Step 3: Get someone to help you form a guild for your faction's toons.


Step 4: Move all of your toons in that guild and kindly remove everyone else.


Step 5: have at least 12 alts in that "Legacy" guild so you can purchase a bank.


Step 6: Pay 1 mil credits to have legacy bank.


Step 7: make all Alts Officers so they have withdrawl rights.


Step 8: have fun with your Legacy bank.


This is what i do and i house my extra materials, BoE armor/weapons, credits, Stims, Medpacs. All of my imperial toons are in 2 guilds, one for raiding and the other for PvP and we have a mumble server so if we swap to republic toons i can still group up with them on that faction.


I would support the idea of a legacy bank to house my extra BoL items but i rarely send those...


I know where all of my items are and i dont need to swap between 11 toons to scrounge credits i just hop on a republic toon > go to my "legacy (guild) bank" and take money/mats/stims/etc... out and mail to my atls on the Imperial side... I try to suggest this in game but people are too closed minded to my idea and they like having a "big-boy guild" as they put, yet they want a legacy bank....which i have lol

Edited by Jamalzero
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@the above.


yes, that works... but it has so... many... drawbacks.


can't see guild chat of the guild you are supposed to be part of. so you either have to sit in voice chat at all time, convince an entire guild of people to create and use global chat channel for your sole convenience instead of existing guild chat, or miss out on spontaneous guild stuff


can't get full reputation gain bonus/xp bonus for some its a bonus. but for many its a drawback


works only for one side, not entire legacy


requires very significant monetary investment for relatively little shared space.


cannot craft directly from the bank


just becasue there are ways to get around something doesn't make it an actual solution, stopping any future development.


and yes, I've done vanity guilds, complete with guild vault use for just this sharing purpose in multiple games. its a stopgap at best.

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Yeah a quick fix isn't an actual solution. I merely suggested a way to aid your search for a legacy bank, I do understand what works for me may not work for others but I play mostly imp so my 13 imperial toons are spread between 3 guilds and I have fun and I managed to get legend with just them doing dailies.


Since reputation is server wide I do all my rep gaining on the side that has 300+ members and my solo play on the pub side. Since I don't play pub side that much I made that side my legacy bank side.


Yes, I have to stay in voice chat but don't all raiding/PvP guilds use voice chat??? It would be silly if they didn't... Take my advice or don't, I'm just giving you a way to get what you want and still beable to enjoy the game the only real sacrafice youre making is isolating a couple of your toons on one faction but you still have a bank that you can house credits in AND if you only have 10k credits on that toon and your repairs exceed that your legacy bank can cover the cost if you stock extra credits, materials if you ran out on one toon, armor for a new toon, etc... And yes you have to pull from the bank to craft but at least you have 10 tabs(including the 5 from your cargo hold) to flip through to put mats.


So, in the end you could keep complaining about not having a legacy bank or you could just do what I did and create a "make-shift" legacy bank and use it with the 5% exp bonus and rep bonus. You're all grown men and women or at the least old enough to know what makes sense...Im not gonna tell you what to do or how to play the game Im just trying to help and at the end of the day youre gonna say what i posted is either a good idea and you'll do it or say my idea is stupid....but at least i have a legacy bank until bioware actually makes one lol

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Yeah a quick fix isn't an actual solution. I merely suggested a way to aid your search for a legacy bank, I do understand what works for me may not work for others but I play mostly imp so my 13 imperial toons are spread between 3 guilds and I have fun and I managed to get legend with just them doing dailies.


Since reputation is server wide I do all my rep gaining on the side that has 300+ members and my solo play on the pub side. Since I don't play pub side that much I made that side my legacy bank side.


Yes, I have to stay in voice chat but don't all raiding/PvP guilds use voice chat??? It would be silly if they didn't... Take my advice or don't, I'm just giving you a way to get what you want and still beable to enjoy the game the only real sacrafice youre making is isolating a couple of your toons on one faction but you still have a bank that you can house credits in AND if you only have 10k credits on that toon and your repairs exceed that your legacy bank can cover the cost if you stock extra credits, materials if you ran out on one toon, armor for a new toon, etc... And yes you have to pull from the bank to craft but at least you have 10 tabs(including the 5 from your cargo hold) to flip through to put mats.


So, in the end you could keep complaining about not having a legacy bank or you could just do what I did and create a "make-shift" legacy bank and use it with the 5% exp bonus and rep bonus. You're all grown men and women or at the least old enough to know what makes sense...Im not gonna tell you what to do or how to play the game Im just trying to help and at the end of the day you're gonna say what i posted is either a good idea and you'll do it or say my idea is stupid....but at least i have a legacy bank until bioware actually makes one lol


yes, guilds use voice chat for raiding. but its hit or miss for everything else. not everyone hangs out in it all the time. not everyone wants to.


moreover, what use is guild bank if my most played characters are not in that guild, becasue I'm keeping them in a guild I actualy play with? in order to have direct access to all those tabs? I'd have to leave the guild I'm in. and if I don't have direct access? I still have to hop alts and consolidate materials and figure out who has what, and whenever I get something that multiples can use - I have to figure out if I want to keep in on that character or add it to vanity guild, knowing that chances are, I'd have to mail it back at some point. and I most certainly have no access to repair funds.


all it really is - is extra storage. that's it. its not a legacy bank. not even remotely, as the only characters that benefit directly are the characters IN that guild, ON that side. it only works, sorta if you are a solo player. honestly, I wouldn't even call it a short term fix.

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moreover, what use is guild bank if my most played characters are not in that guild, becasue I'm keeping them in a guild I actualy play with?


When i suggested the quick fix, I did say choose the faction…not all your characters. I don't play on the republic side much and I have 22 characters, SO the characters i hardly ever use (republic) they are all in their own guild by them selfs.


in order to have direct access to all those tabs I'd have to leave the guild I'm in and if I don't have direct access I still have to hop alts and consolidate materials and figure out who has what.


Why wouldn't you have direct access I said to make them all officers lol


Also when you're done with mats just pop them back in your legacy bank thus no need to swap between toons to get materials…duh lol



and I most certainly have no access to repair funds.


Dude I don't think you read my post at all…when you have a vanity (legacy) bank you stock it yourself, or are you the mooching type? i know its not much but by myself on the republic side (the side i never play on) I have 5 tabs in my guild (legacy) bank and I have 8 mil sitting in there…I have the means to do repairs just like a real guild i just would rather have a legacy one in ONE FACTION not isolating all of my characters just the pub side ones…



all it really is - is extra storage. that's it. its not a legacy bank. not even remotely, as the only characters that benefit directly are the characters IN that guild, ON that side. it only works, sorta if you are a solo player. honestly, I wouldn't even call it a short term fix.


don't see how its not a short fix, Im getting what i want, which is a way to have a "legacy bank" for my alts. All my stuff thats not BoP is in that bank and I store credits that no one can touch but me thats more than you can say about your cargo hold.


Besides I have a raiding guild and a PvP guild on the Empire side the ones that go to the republic side i hardly ever see but everyone is always in mumble because we are all friendly even the one 10 yr old and his dad come in mumble to play every now and then. When we decide to go to the republic side and they want me to come along they know to do a character search , WHO <ADT Home Security> Right-mouse click the name of my alt and invite to group.




AND AGAIN I'm not telling you how to play and i understand what works for me may not work for everyone but no need to shoot down my idea of a quick fix, if you don't like having a bank to store your own crap and credits thats fine…I have one and I'm happy that i do lol

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I don't think you are understanding what I'm trying to explain.


you say, you have legacy bank in pubside, right? when you play your imperial characters... how do you access it? oh. right, you switch to one of your pub characters and mail stuff to your imperial character.


if you are playing your imperial and gather some materials, or want to have something crafted... how do you get it to your other imperial characters, or your pubside toons? right. mail box again. say you are raiding on that character... do you get your repairs out of your "legacy bank" , as in click that guild repairs button? not really. not unless you log out, log onto the character that has access, withdraw some cash, send it to your raiding imperial which is no different then sending money around from designated credit holding character.


are you starting to see where i'm going with this?








your characters


in a guild with people in it AND have unobstructed access to your so called legacy bank. you STILL have to log out, mail, log back in. so essentially? its glorified extra space. space that I for one don't need, as half my characters are sitting on empty tabs anyways (thank you account wide cargo bay unlocks, sold cheaply on GTN)


my vanity guild in Neverwinter for instance? all my characters have a rank of guild master. each and every one has equal access. and i get extra space. what i DON'T get is actual community of people to play with. it doesn't bother me in Neverwinter, as I either play it alone or with my husband. but in TOR? I have 2 raiding guilds i'm playing with - one per faction, I have a real life guild of friends with both imp and pub sister guilds. my raiding pub guild technically has a global channel. except no one is using it. whatever spur of the moment communication is done? its STILL done in guild chat. in order for your solution to work for someone like me? I'd have to give up being in touch with one or more of my guilds on at least some of my characters. I have a single character that I basically don't play, becasue he was rolled for the luls. setting up a vanity bank with him? will fix absolutely nothing. I'll still have to mail items and materials around, log out, log back in.


vanity or one person guild does NOT work as a replacement for legacy bank, unless you play solo, preferably for a single faction and can have all your characters in it.


do you understand what people ask for when they ask for legacy bank? in case you still don't - ability to access shared bank space from any character in a legacy WITHOUT having to switch characters, REGARDLESS of the faction and without having to quit their actual guild. it doesn't need to be extra space. it just needs to be SHARED space.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Yeah, guild bank as a legacy bank substitute is pretty limited unless you have all your toons in it and then don't play in an actual guild.


And what do you do when you want to add an alt to your guild? Invite someone else and hope they don't raid your bank?? Play two computers and two accounts so you can add someone in? It's all super awkward.


BW just need to give us a legacy bank.

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I understand what you're saying but I have 500k on each toon so for raiding I'm ok on repairs.


For the mats thing i house everything in my bank and send stuff over from pub side to whatever imp toon i need them on BUT i don't have to swap to a specific toon like the most of you.


I see this is something that only works for me so w/e I'm happy with my "make-shift-legacy-bank" for the time being.

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I think it would just be easier to mail yourself the items you need. It does getting when you forget sending something but unless the Legacy Bank did something special, like trading BoP items between character, I wouldn't see it being greatly needed other than another bay to store stuff.


Easier? Think before you type.


Mailing mats back and forth is a pita. A shared bank would make crewskills on multiple toons way easier. I log back and forth between my cybertech and armormech chars way too often to see if one has a mat the other is out of. If I could dump all my scavenged materials into a shared bank life would be sweet.

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