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Legacy Banks ( Shared Character Bank )


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This would be great to have, but if the Petabee see this I ask that it not be a huge money sink (to start). Not all people start leveling alts only when their first gets to max level. I'd love to access to that now, and my highest level is 31. So if credits are involved in unlocking, sure, great. But please make it minimal for the first tier of it. (That's right, tiers! Legacy Cargo Hold with tiers! Oh I can dream...!)
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I think it would just be easier to mail yourself the items you need. It does getting when you forget sending something but unless the Legacy Bank did something special, like trading BoP items between character, I wouldn't see it being greatly needed other than another bay to store stuff.



I disagree. You could put any and all orange and blue armor you find in there on your way to 50 and then the alts you create could rummage through as you level them. It would be very helpful, IMO.

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Out of all the things you have to pay money for in the legacy system, paying for this capability would make me feel like it was money well spent. Well ... as long as it wasn't ridiculously expensive. Say 100-500k like similar abilities.
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Great idea.

There could be a limit to the size at start based on Legacy levels and/or cost...so each character can have up to five slots at the start and add on by either legacy levels and/or credits.


Speaking of cargo holds, would be nice to have tabs for items (mats, armor. mods. gifts, weaons etc)

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They have shared storage in LOTRO (though it is something you have to purchase extra) and I think it is one of the most simple but brilliant ideas ever put in an MMO and it boggles my mind that any MMO worth their salt has not yet copied the idea for their own games.
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  • 4 weeks later...

the idea is great just hope it isnt like 1 mil to get it or some crazy legacy lvl lol i not a rich player and i like 2 lvl up chars when i got time and one of the things i would like 2 try out still is crafting but dont cuz its 2 much work and i cant trade from my sith to my rep. so i just gave up on crafting and i tryed the mailing thing in another game it is so not usefull lol


mailing should be something u do with friends not your own chars! :p

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Many players are interested in account-sharing features for banks. Lead Game Designer Daniel Erickson answered a question about such a feature in one of our Weekly Q&As:


jalapena: Does BioWare think that item and money sharing between characters at least on the same faction is a bit cumbersome? My question really stems from my frustration of always having to email myself money and items. Here is an annoying scenario that drives this question. I log in to character A and start a companion to craft or go on a mission for materials for character B. I log over to character B to play while the mission or crafting takes place, it would be nice if the item just showed up in my 'account bank' and can get it without logging in and out three times to get the said resources to my second character. I think email might be a comfortable and familiar way, but with a game that clearly encourages alternate characters, maybe a new way of sharing resources like money and materials is needed.


Daniel: No argument here. The first steps towards this goal were loosening up the rules on moving items and credits between Legacy characters. Our long term goal is to make more of the progression systems Legacy-wide.


We hope this gives a little insight into the matter. Thank you for your feedback!


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This is an amazing idea! As long as they allow us to put bound items into the Legacy banks so I can use my outdated PvE gear and BoP schematics from raids for alts, otherwise the concept is almost unnecessary.


The reason I say this is because say you're in an operation or hard mode. You just downed a boss. One of the drops is an end game schematic, piece of gear or token to trade for gear.


If nobody else needed it, you think "Oh my alt could really use that!" But then you realize it binds on pickup, so even if you win the roll on it, there's no way to give it to your alt. So instead it just ends up as vendor trash and you receive a handful of credits. End of story...Whoo... :/


Add in the Legacy Bank feature, suddenly that schematic or gear can actually be put to good use!


On a similar note, players already use legacy gear to transport bound mods to their alts, so why not just cut out the middleman and let us give the actual gear pieces to alts? This would actually save us thousands upon thousands of credits for the initial ripping of the mods out of the original shell to put into the legacy gear.


It's not like we're selling them on the GTN and making a fortune. We're just giving them to our alts to make gearing up a little easier.


Please consider this feature, Bioware.

Edited by Big_Loom
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It's a great idea, but I was thinking going a little further. Instead of a legacy bank, give us access to all of our characters inventories, regardless of which we are logged onto. I frequently switch alts to move weapons, mats and money between them, especially new alts for legacy perks. It would make it so much easier if I could just go to my legacy menu, and take items from their inventory. As for the money, I was thinking just lump it into one pool that all characters in a legacy have access to. Edited by KepavEgi
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