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Look Customization much to expensive!!!


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Hello Bioware,


I was looking forward to update 1.2 for several reasons. One of them being that finally I would be able to change the look of my lvl 50 Bountyhunter through he orange items and transferable set bonuses.


Now 1.2 comes and I (fully excited) run to my bank where I have a whole tab full of orange itmes waiting and take my favourite pieces out to change the mods from my PvE gear into them and...


"It will cost you 36000 Credits to remove this mod. Do you want to proceed?"


W T F?


That's roughly 100k per item and a total of 500k if I want to change the whole armor.


500k for changing your look??? I have a total of 470k credits on my level 50 character. What do you expect me to do? Grind money in the little time I have for gaming after work to be able to change my look once every month?




I don't like your new way of making everything more and more expensive. Do you expect people to play more because it takes longer to grind the stuff together? If so, you are terribly wrong.



Btw thanks for the 30 extra days of gaming. Otherwise I would have been gone 30 days earlier... -_-



To all those, who will now give me hints and tips on how to get money quick or how they re so rich and I so stupid:

Get lost. I already have a job and don't want to grind money in a game that I PAY for.

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Well, running the daily missions you can make money pretty dang quick.


Though I agree that there should be a fee on removing mods from an item, I do feel that the prices are a little too high, especially if you couple them with repair costs. Leave repair costs where they are, but drop the cost of removing mods, armoring, etc. The credit sink still needs to be in place.

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Here we go... first hint on how to make money.


I do not have time for farming. I pay money to play the game. I won't waste my time with grinding.


Money sinks are needed. True... but it is a very bad idea, to put a money sink where players normaly would get fun out. You destroy the fun and people go away.


I was looking forward to this alot... now I can basically forget about it. One aspect of 1.2 that would have possible kept me as a paying customer went down the money sink...




I do not play a little each evening... I have a job, a wife, a child, a house, a car, friends etc... how do you expect me to play EVERY evening??? O.o


Still easily doable?

Edited by Mandavar
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Worst part about all of it is, if you would have taken those mods out you would have soon discovered that those set bonuses wouldn't have transferred into your gear. Unfortunately, only NEW gear has the option of doing that. So yes, you /could/ look however you want, but it's not beneficial. Such a shame.
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Yep, absolutely true. I blew about 300k or so before I posted on the forums only to find that out. They made a mistake in the patch wording. Just like a lot of 1.2 that got hyped, it didn't live up to expectations.
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I was annoyed by the costs too, but I'm not too worried about it, I'll save up for my ship droid so I could get C2-N2 to have a + underworld trading and armormech crit eventually. The 1 million does cover all characters though, right?


I just wish my http://www.torhead.com/item/fQNsBmO/rd-05a-spider-jacket , boots, and leggings were craftable so I could crit them. Oh well, I have a Drelliad jacket with an augment slot sitting in storage.

Edited by Agemnon
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Yes, the cost covers all toons, however, the bonus is a +5 and since there's really no reason to be on your ship for extended periods of time, just seems like another waste. Wish I could get a refund :(
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I do not play a little each evening... I have a job, a wife, a child, a house, a car, friends etc... how do you expect me to play EVERY evening??? O.o


Still easily doable?


The house and car aren't really relevant here. Just saying.

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Oh damn... this is getting even better. Now to even start to cahnge my look, I first need a full set of the new gear? :D




If what you say is normal in any MMO and only in Blizzards World of Warcraft as I would like it, why then does Lord of the Rings online, Aion, Tera, Guild Wars and many many other MMO's have a almost completely free way of changing your look to what you want it to be? :eek:

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Oh damn... this is getting even better. Now to even start to cahnge my look, I first need a full set of the new gear? :D:


Correct, only the new War Hero/Campaign gear will transfer set bonuses. It's a sad let down.

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The house and car aren't really relevant here. Just saying.


They are not? Do you have a self paying, self cleaning house that does not cause you additional work? If so, I want one too! :D Or does your car not require any attention? Just last weekend I spent 3 hours on the sidewalk, changing winter tires to summer. Guess that's not really relevant. Wouldn't have played SWTOR anyway... just saying. ^^

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Hello Bioware,


I was looking forward to update 1.2 for several reasons. One of them being that finally I would be able to change the look of my lvl 50 Bountyhunter through he orange items and transferable set bonuses.


Now 1.2 comes and I (fully excited) run to my bank where I have a whole tab full of orange itmes waiting and take my favourite pieces out to change the mods from my PvE gear into them and...


"It will cost you 36000 Credits to remove this mod. Do you want to proceed?"


W T F?


That's roughly 100k per item and a total of 500k if I want to change the whole armor.


500k for changing your look??? I have a total of 470k credits on my level 50 character. What do you expect me to do? Grind money in the little time I have for gaming after work to be able to change my look once every month?




I don't like your new way of making everything more and more expensive. Do you expect people to play more because it takes longer to grind the stuff together? If so, you are terribly wrong.



Btw thanks for the 30 extra days of gaming. Otherwise I would have been gone 30 days earlier... -_-



To all those, who will now give me hints and tips on how to get money quick or how they re so rich and I so stupid:

Get lost. I already have a job and don't want to grind money in a game that I PAY for.



Gotta Love those money sinks :D

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WHAT? Is this true??? Omg...


This just adds to my fury. I thought that was the whole point! ***!!! Bioware. So now adding to the OP's 500K argument to change the look you can't even retain the benefits.:mad:

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omg don't tell me that you actually have to work for stuff in a persistent virtual world.. say it isn't so.. I thought all games were like Blizzard where I could just go buy it in the store.


Working for does not equal grinding for. Most of us accept some work must be done. I do dailies, well, daily for the creds (and cause honestly, I'm out of stuff to do atm). But that doesn't change the fact that the cost to remove mods is ridiculous, as are the costs of the Legacy items. I'd get 500k-1mil for stuff, if the game had been around a year, and players (casual and hardcore alike), had time to accumulate multiple millions, but we're not there yet.


So this constant rebuttle to valid arguments about the VERY bad pricing choices BioWare has made, of 'Well, just GRIND more", is silly.


I agree with the OP, and add that EA/BW is doing more, all the time, to alienate their subscribers. "Customer Service". Need I say more?

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Gotta Love those money sinks :D


Those are not all just money sinks...


Bioware wants us to have to grind so we play more, so we have to stay and pay. The economy is fine. Prices on the GTN have been rether stable from the beginning on and did not change a lot. If there was a huge inflation, we'd need money sinks, but there isn't. Most of my Level 50 friends are even more broke than me ingame. Most have around 100k credits on teh bank and sometimes have trouble paying repair bills.


Now the next guy will come telling, me, that they are doing something wrong and that it's so easy to get money. Again, that's not what it's about. The reality counts. People do not want to farm for fun little things. Changing your look does not change your performance...


There should just be cosmetic slots like in Lotro.... -_-

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Yep, absolutely true. I blew about 300k or so before I posted on the forums only to find that out. They made a mistake in the patch wording. Just like a lot of 1.2 that got hyped, it didn't live up to expectations.
In all fairness, they told us this repeatedly before the patch went live.
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Hello Bioware,


I was looking forward to update 1.2 for several reasons. One of them being that finally I would be able to change the look of my lvl 50 Bountyhunter through he orange items and transferable set bonuses.


Now 1.2 comes and I (fully excited) run to my bank where I have a whole tab full of orange itmes waiting and take my favourite pieces out to change the mods from my PvE gear into them and...


"It will cost you 36000 Credits to remove this mod. Do you want to proceed?"


W T F?


That's roughly 100k per item and a total of 500k if I want to change the whole armor.


500k for changing your look??? I have a total of 470k credits on my level 50 character. What do you expect me to do? Grind money in the little time I have for gaming after work to be able to change my look once every month?




I don't like your new way of making everything more and more expensive. Do you expect people to play more because it takes longer to grind the stuff together? If so, you are terribly wrong.



Btw thanks for the 30 extra days of gaming. Otherwise I would have been gone 30 days earlier... -_-



To all those, who will now give me hints and tips on how to get money quick or how they re so rich and I so stupid:

Get lost. I already have a job and don't want to grind money in a game that I PAY for.


You totally have a point OP.


Costs are a little out of control in regards to what I would call "day to day" costs.


In the following 4 areas:


Training Costs

Crew Skill Training Costs

Modification Removal



Quite literally, they can effect the way you play, which removes much of the enjoyment from this game.


On my toons, I have pretty much held off on crafting, because if I pursued it, I wouldn't have the 40k credits needed for speeder training, and once that is done, you start getting into 10k per training skill, and you find yourself cutting corners as much as possible to save every single dime.


I think a reduction for these costs is in order, and I would suggest the following:


Training Costs: 40% Reduction

Crew Skill Training Costs: 10-20% Reduction

Modification Removal: 80-90% Reduction

Medpacs: 20% Reduction

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