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Server Maintenance


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That's it I think we've passed the line.


One hundred pages of whining, hatred, complaining, "BIOWARE DOESN'T CARE FOR EUROPE" "WHAT, WHY THE DOWNTIME", and other whining.


Can we stop this thread now? It's gotten to a point where discussion is just beyond stupid at this point.


Hello friend - sorry that you need to be told, but NOBODY FORCES YOU TO READ IT!"

Edited by Spytrx
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Servers are going to be down for upto 8 hrs could be longer.





During last night's maintenance, some areas of the game were reverted to pre-Game Update 1.2 status. Some areas were 'missing' and characters that were in those areas would be unavailable. We took the live servers offline at approx 9:30AM CDT (Austin time).


Our server and deployment teams are now working to rebuild assets for the live servers, but this is unfortunately not a quick process. We currently estimate that our downtime could be up to eight hours, but that time may be extended.


We are expecting the servers to be available again at 6:00PM CDT (US: 4:00PM PDT, 7:00PM EDT. Europe: April 14th, 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST. AU: 9:00AM AEST. NZ: 11:00AM NZST). We'll update you with information in this thread when we have it.


We sincerely apologize for the unexpected downtime today. We’ll update you with more details later.


Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.


Can this Be shorter??

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well said, couldnt agree more, wow has had 10 years to iron out its problems, i can still remember ALL WOW SERVERS CRASHING when AQ40 was released, it happens in every game, the trolls need to chill out, were only a few months into the game, things take time, just like wow took 10 years to get where it is today


This is not an excuse. It's not like Bioware is some upstart sc****** by with a skeleton crew working on their labor of love. They have massive funding, and developers who have years of experience in game design in general, as well as the team from Mythic apparently, who were once the developers of a pretty successful MMO for it's time.


If selling out to EA wasn't sufficient to enable them to handle a game like this, they shouldn't have done it. They know what the community expects of them, they have team members with experience working with previous MMOs, and they have enough money to hire all the talent they needed to get it done. Either they didn't bother, and are unable to handle the needs of maintaining an MMO properly, or they're up against the wall with deadlines imposed by EA (which seems to be EA's MO in regards to companies they've swallowed). Either way, this is on Bioware in the end, and they'll end up paying the price for it if this game blows up in their face.


Partnering with EA has never been a beneficial relationship for any company, at least in terms of producing quality games, this type of thing is just another symptom.

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It is a shame.


Forums in MMO's are pretty much allways a place where little constructive happens. It would be interesting to see how many players actually poste here, versus the number of active subscribers.


BW runs a business, and therefore wouldnt do anything to upset their customers on purpose. Not because they like their customers, or to be nice - NO BECAUSE THE ARE HERE TO MAKE MONEY.


Therefore, try to relax a little, BW are more than likely working their butt off:)




Disclaimer: English is my 3rd language, so be patient with spelling and grammar errors.

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We are sorry for taking servers down on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. But as many players in the community stated, we have a right to because World of Warcraft also did it 8 years ago. It is our standard to accomplish what World of Warcraft have also done, including the bugs and mistakes. We are not trying to improve ourselves by providing a better and more accomplished MMO. Therefore just suck it up and move on.


This. :D

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Its not the money, it's the principle. If I am paying for a service, I expect to receive that service. I could care less about the money. I had planned to spend my day off playing SWTOR. 50 cents I can let go of, but bioware cannot replace my time, or undo my loss of faith in them.


Also, if they roll back the server what about everything I've done since? I lose that investment of time I put into the game too? The three heroic 4 quests I've done, and my two crafting criticals were for nothing? Can i get those 6-8 hours back too? No. I can't. So yes. I'm angry.


Name one service we pay for that doesn't have some downtime. There are problems with every single service or product we spend our money on.......Im not happy about it either, but all this whining is utterly pathetic.

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We are sorry for taking servers down on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. But as many players in the community stated, we have a right to because World of Warcraft also did it 8 years ago. It is our standard to accomplish what World of Warcraft have also done, including the bugs and mistakes. We are not trying to improve ourselves by providing a better and more accomplished MMO. Therefore just suck it up and move on.


Troll. You're doing it right.:D

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This, for the most part. I know you guys are working your butts off getting this stuff together, and I just want you to know that there's at least one more person who genuinely appreciates the amount of time you guys are putting in on a Friday to get this squared away for us. Wish I could buy a round for all of you.

I agree, these guys gotta be running around crazy getting yelled at, and freakin out. There are some of us out here who appreciate the hard work your doing. Cant say im not disapointed that i dont get to play today. Had the day with no wife or kid, nothing but peace and quite to level my BH. but hey i guess ill go out and mow the lawn.

Edited by Warblaster
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Sorry for the inconvenience.


We appreciate that you wish to play but we are experiencing technical problems beyond our control at this time.


A former employee that has been relieved from his position due to his incompetence with a bottle of soda and breakfast food mishandling has admitted blame.


To exacerbate the problem during an attempt to rectify this problem unbeknownst to us, the Aforementioned former employee, smeared bacon grease ( bacon Mcdouble ) on a vital component which caused a severe sever roll back on all servers.


Windex and Bounty double duty towels are being liberally applied as we speak (no expense is to great for OUR customer base)


Once again we apologize and look forward to your next monthly fee


Your frustration fuels me..


You missed an o for "too"

Also... You're full of garbage (aka: yourself)

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Name one service we pay for that doesn't have some downtime. There are problems with every single service or product we spend our money on.......Im not happy about it either, but all this whining is utterly pathetic.


Only one eh? How about a ******? I can pay for that service and have it how I want it, when I want it. Try again.

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Simply put, this morning's patch broke a ton of things. Guild banks disappeared, Zoist shadow reverted, black hole disappeared (kind ironic on this one), etc.


They need to fix everything and hopefully restore all items in guild banks and such. as stated above, no ETA on when it'll be up, i'm just hoping it will be by the time i'm off of work.


Ha! Black Hole disappeared......... I gotta remember THIS one:p I just fell of my chair 'cause of pure laughing:D

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Yet I spent time playing it? Funny how that works. I invested my time, into building my character. Not a bad troll, but please, try again.


YOU CHOSE to spend x amount of time to a useless non profitable activity. So to sit there and complain about your "investmest" in a non productive activity is ludacrous. Investing by terms means to provide with the hopes of a return.. you aren't and will never get that from a mmo..

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Its not the money, it's the principle. If I am paying for a service, I expect to receive that service. I could care less about the money. I had planned to spend my day off playing SWTOR. 50 cents I can let go of, but bioware cannot replace my time, or undo my loss of faith in them.


Also, if they roll back the server what about everything I've done since? I lose that investment of time I put into the game too? The three heroic 4 quests I've done, and my two crafting criticals were for nothing? Can i get those 6-8 hours back too? No. I can't. So yes. I'm angry.


Being an IT professional I have an understanding of what may have happened.


- Data was lost during the maintenance and now they are in a recovery phase to reload everyones data back to the way it was. Something like this probably happened.


You know what? It happens all the time. This notion that every service should and will be available 100% of the time whether you are paying for it or not is an ignorant and arrogant assumption. Even with this outage, and previous planned outages, this game has been availble to us all for over 99% of the time. Dont believe me? Do the math.


There hasnt been a service that I have subscribed to that has always worked 100% of the time, and I dont expect it to because I have realistic expectations. Quit crying and try to understand that most of these guys trying to restore the data are operating on no, to little sleep all so everyone can play Star Wars.

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spoiled, over previleged... i'm so glad i'll be dead in about 20 years...


It is now spoiled and over "privileged" to state the truth. We can't complain ever! Nope. No business of ours. Just keep supplying those 15$ a month without questions and become simply-minded fan-boys!

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I have never seen an MMO accidentally roll back their servers to a previous a patch. Come on fanboi this is one of the biggest screw ups in MMO history, you can sugar coat this. This isn't some unseen bug or glitch, this is flat out incompetence.


Not only did they roll back the servers 'accidentally', but they needed their players to tell them about the issue. Not one dev could be bothered to log in after the patch was deployed but before the servers went back to being visible to the public? It should have taken just one dev five minutes (and I'm being generous here) to figure out something went majorly wrong with the patch.


The devs are in way over their heads. Some of the issues in this game are things you expect from CompSci undergrads (example: diplomacy bug...not understanding how floats work). Lucky for them they have an army of loyal fanboys/fangirls who'll argue that "every MMO is like this" and "Vanilla WoW had issues too". Apparently, MMO development is the one field where it's acceptable to never learn from any mistakes, whether they be your own or ones made by other games seven years ago. Forget that in that time there have been some big advances in development and testing paradigms that when used properly could have prevented many, many of the issues we've seen.

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Anyone know why the server is going into maintenance again? It said they were going to do maint from 6 to 10 cdt, but it was just available, but now they are going down again. And does anyone know when they will be up again, I dont see anything on the forums? Thanks!



Because Bioware has their head up the @@@.:mad:

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