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500k To Remove BM Mods with No Set Bonuses!


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from what i understand, and i don't really pay attention to pvp related threads at all. was only the NEW sets added in 1.2 would have set bonus transfer. and i remeber reading that over a month ago.
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Bioware has been pretty bad about getting information out on the fine details of new systems. I understand it's their first MMO and we don't have up-to-the-second updates and guides from MMO-Champion (sorry, DarthHater barely compares), but come on Bioware. Get it together on information propagation.
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That is your GM's Fault it clearly says that it is a NEUTRAL GTN. If he doesn't know what a neutral gtn is then thats not biowares fault.


It is a Neutral GTN? The fuk is the point.People interested in spending such hefty sum to have GTN on ship are the traders using and browsing GTN frequently. Traders might be interested of the actual GNT rather than the one nobody uses. I would begin to think BW is just trolling people if that hadn't been evident ever since trying to rebind Ctrl-A.

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Bioware has been pretty bad about getting information out on the fine details of new systems. I understand it's their first MMO and we don't have up-to-the-second updates and guides from MMO-Champion (sorry, DarthHater barely compares), but come on Bioware. Get it together on information propagation.
Yeah. For such a large and active developer presence, there's very little in useful, actionable information compared to that other dev team.
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Set bonuses aren't stats. The issue is that the set bonuses aren't transferring over for champ or BM gear. Stats are fine.


Bad choice of words. The benifits of the set bonuses were showing up on the powers that they affected on mine yesterday. Is it possible I only checked the 2 slot one and not the 4, yes. Cant log into verify it now though

Edited by HelinCarnate
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You are kidding me. I spent 500k plus schematics and I cant even get my set bonus to transfer? Why even make the item mods removable on the older gear? This is a tremendous lack of over site. Making your 50 player base this outraged is not a good idea, especially since they are your meat and potatoes.



I am guessing you didn't bother to read anything that has been posted by both players on the test realm, the devs or the numerous player posts on the general forums for the last several weeks that said the set bonuses are linked to the 61+ armoring mods which BW/Rakata are not (they are 58) .

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Bad choice of words. The benifits of the set bonuses were showing up on the powers that they affected on mine yesterday.
Then my question is this---are the set bonuses showing up on your character sheet? And how do you know they are working if they aren't?


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out of all the problems this new patch implemented, no being able to carry over your set bonus is a real kick to the nuts, im pretty pissed about this
I'm just disappointed. It means we're stuck in the crappy-looking BM gear until we earn WH stuff. Which is a colossal regular WZ grind, since rated WZs aren't going in yet.


Customization exists in 1.2, yes. Except for everyone but the most hardcore grinders.

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The problem is it is another 500k to move them back in. I wonder how many thousands of people are going to lose 1 million credits from this garbage?


It is a new patch.. Why wouldn't you test something like that before moving all of the mods, armor and ench pieces? Guess common sense isn't common.

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400K+ creds here too. Lame.


Seriously Bioware, you want us all to stay clones in PVP until we can grind out a whole other tier of gear? What a joke.


An appearance tab would've been better. How about armor dyes? EQ had that 10+ years ago.


I bought another BM head and gloves, to keep my 2 piece, living with the rest. I'm tired of looking like a homeless bum.

Edited by RGMetal
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Also, it is wrong. If you bought a BM piece after 1.2, its armoring's set bonus did carry over.


But thanks for your contribution.

Wow, that's not confusing at all.


So pre-1.2 BM gear is crap for customization, and post-1.2 BM gear is golden.


Wow. Crazy. How would most players know this?

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Then my question is this---are the set bonuses showing up on your character sheet? And how do you know they are working if they aren't?



One of the bonuses was to lower the recharge time on one of my powers. That time reflected in the tool tips after I changed. Had a ninja edit after your quote. It is posible that I only noticed the one that requires 2 slots and not 4 as I really did not care so much for the 4 slot bonus in my case and I only changed 2 pieces of gear.


After the other posts I am begining to think that is the case and now really want to get back to check. First I think Ill get this damn foot out of my mouth.

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Here is one thing a lot of people are missing.


The players that post and lurk on the forums are the most informed players. Even we, as the most informed players around, keep getting information wrong. Ok, that is our fault for not reading everything.


BUT, the majority of the players never see these forums. These players are running around with, at most, just the patch notes to go by. Those poor suckers are at the true disadvantage.


Bioware really needs to get their act together and start writing better patch notes and opening up a clear line of communication for the players that do not live on the forums like many of us posters do.


In game warnings, in game splash screen tips, etc. Major issues should always be communicated clearly for players on the web site and in game.

Edited by illgot
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One of the bonuses was to lower the recharge time on one of my powers. That time reflected in the tool tips after I changed. Had a ninja edit after your quote. It is posible that I only noticed the one that requires 2 slots and not 4 as I really did not care so much for the 4 slot bonus in my case and I only changed 2 pieces of gear.


After the other posts I am begining to think that is the case and now really want to get back to check. First I think Ill get this damn foot out of my mouth.

I'm not faulting you for the confusion, man. This is BW's fault for their poor communication.


How are we supposed to plan our goals without accurate info?

Edited by RolyartNala
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You are kidding me. I spent 500k plus schematics and I cant even get my set bonus to transfer? Why even make the item mods removable on the older gear? This is a tremendous lack of over site. Making your 50 player base this outraged is not a good idea, especially since they are your meat and potatoes.


What i see is someone who randomly.removed mods thinking it would work. The same place that said mods would carry over to gear for the new set is the same place that said the old set bonuses are still tied to the shell. Your mistake.

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Same for me.


Half a million to lose my set bonuses.


C'mon how about a "WARNING, SET BONUSES WILL NOT CARRY OVER" before I pay a huge sum to pull out my mods?


Oh well.


And hey what about a "WARNING, This is worthless!" warning before you buy that 5million credit ship auction house thing. My guild master got burned thinking it was a normal auction house. It was not.


Bioware if you read this, put in a toggle. Let the ship AH be either a normal, or a black market auction house. Problem solved.


How about you learn how to read before you start writing. This was talked over for a MONTH both here and on PTS as well as in Developer Blog

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