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Patch 1.2.0a is BROKEN! Rerolled to pre-1.2


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Have you ever made an MMO before?


Didn't think so.


^^This. This right here, people.


In a rational world, this would destroy this thread. But we don't like in a rational world, sadly. In fact, this is the internet, the most irrational place in this irrational world.

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You're honestly not comparing this game with WOW are you? I've been playing WOW since US beta and there's a reason for it.


Sure, WOW has had it's downs but what this game has to offer breaks every record. Let's see if I can summarize my point of view:


I have 2 level 50 characters abandoned on an empty server with no way to move them to a more populated server. Only solution: reroll somewhere else.


I wanted to reroll on another server this week because it's easter holiday and I have the time. But...


Wednesday: oops, sorry. we made a mistake. please download 11 gig client again.

Thursday: we are applying patch 1.2 smack in the middle of the day (europe). Please check back in 8 hours.

Friday: we are applying a patch to patch the patch smack in the middle of the day. Please check back in 4 hours.

Friday (bonus): we screwed up the patch to patch the patch. Please check back in 8 hours.


Do you honestly think this is worth 15€ per month? Do you honestly think that I have no right to form a complaint because this is an MMO and these kind of things happen with MMO's?


Maybe I would take this crap if SWTOR actually was an MMO. But with 10 players in fleet at peek times on my server it hardly qualifies.


But I'm a whiner that has never played MMO's and should do something else during downtime. Well, I have for the last 3 days. I've played WOW and had fun. Thanks BW, but no thanks.


Even though you've got a free 30 days coming up?


Enjoy your *ahem* Pandas...

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Betcha if you gave the hobo enough booze he wouldn't have messed up this hard.


Good point. If you put enough monkeys in a room together, eventually they will make art.



There is honestly no excuse for this. It isn't "Growing pains." It isn't "The game is new, of course it needs a lot of down time!"


Plain and simple, it's me staring at the server status page for 20 hours a week because Bioware can't make a product that works. Quite frankly, I would have prefered it if more time had been spent in developement and Beta, rather then release this piece of trash they call an MMO, and try to sell it off to us as a working product, which it clearly isn't.

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Not all us Americans get that bribe either. The other requirement is that you have to have a level 50 character.


I get to reinstall the client as the patcher is FUBAR on my system due to today's update... Rollback, or whatever the hell it is.


i'm in UK, i got it. so its not just an american bribe

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The guild bank was a ruse to get rid of world items. Since nobody would give up all the crap they were hoarding and which was bogging down the database, they decided to offer a place to put said items... then they deleted them.
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If people who have to wait to play this game and have lost maybe a few million credits think they are getting a raw deal in this whole thing, they should stop to consider the devs who worked their butts off on 1.2 only to have it backfire like this. The ungrateful attitude of many raging members of the community likely didn't make the sting any less painful.


Makes me kind of afraid that I'm actually trying to get into the game designing business...


One can have empathy with the people that worked on TOR and still be critical of how the game was deployed.


The game should not have launched in December. This isn't to say that the game is not fun. I think it is, all things considered. But, from a game design perspective, there were just so many obvious omissions from launch. This mainly includes a somewhat simplistic UI, bad performance issues, lack of various common features (like a LFG tool) and so on. Other than the performance issues, I can attest that fixing things the UI does not take a long time. It doesn't take months to make a LFG tool. It really doesn't.


Thus, the game was pushed out for financial reasons -- to capitalize on the Christmas buying season. While I don't know the exact finances, both EA, Lucas and Bioware have enough money that they could have spent an additional month or two polishing the game. There are consequences for launching so early and what is happening right now is a good example of that.


Another thing to note is that about 700 people worked on the DEVELOPMENT of TOR (not counting voice acting, legal, business, etc). This is out of control. Everquest, for example, had about 35 people that worked on it. And EQ was bigger than TOR, more bleeding edge and did not benefit from the numerous middle-ware programs that exist today.


When you have so many people working on a game, you have so many different visions, require a ton of useless and unproductive meetings and you generally have mediocre game design unless there is very strong leadership and vision from the top. You also push the costs up which increases pressure to release early.


So, yes, you can feel empathy for the developers and yet still believe that, from a business and design perspective, mistakes were made.

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The guild bank was a ruse to get rid of world items. Since nobody would give up all the crap they were hoarding and which was bogging down the database, they decided to offer a place to put said items... then they deleted them.


Jesse Ventura for President!

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The guild bank was a ruse to get rid of world items. Since nobody would give up all the crap they were hoarding and which was bogging down the database, they decided to offer a place to put said items... then they deleted them.

That's a pretty complicated plan, when it'd be much simpler to just delete the item ID off the database, thus removing the item.


You seem to be of the impression that items in your inventory are actually "in your inventory" as physical items.

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It seems like they are breaking new ground in the field of screw ups.


I didn't even know it was possible to roll back select portions of the game to a pre update status individually. Much less that it was so trivial, which ever intern applied today's patch managed to do it so easily.


The 1.2.0a patch had like 2 minor points on it.


So my question is how do you even manage something this destructive from such a tiny change?

Edited by savagepotato
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