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I agree it is a complete outrage that Sent/Maras get an ability that consistenly hits for 3-6k, if you stay in range for all 3 seconds, if you don't KB or Mez or escape or cc, if it doesnt misfire doing zero damage while you effectively stun yourself for 3 seconds while the annimation finishes. That has a 30 second CD.


Instead I think we should have an ability that does about 2400, with the same 3 second set up, but no CD at all, that we could do from about 30 meters away, over and over again, that also buffs some of our other attacks... Cause nobody has anything like that do they?



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i think the real point of this post is no other class in the game can take a player from 100% hp to roughly 25-40% with one unstoppable skill.


A. No one is bringing you from 100% to 25% with one Master Strike/Ravage, stop exaggerating.


B. Try rolling up on a turret with a single gunslinger/sniper guarding it.

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I am not one of the better Sentinals in this game. That being said I do PVP alot. And I do notice Master Strike is more powerfull now. But when I go up to a skilled player any class, I better do everything right because if they back up a little, heal a little then stun me, the fight is on. The players that just stand there and take it or who I sneak up on and catch them concentrating on another player they get a pounding. Theres a lot of time when I have to Force Camo and run with my tail between my legs because I didn't go through my rotation properly. Or someone else is hitting me from behind and I'm just gonna die. My biggest complaint is I pug most of the time and when premades see me I get ganked by the whole crew throughout the game. Stun, damage, stun, damage, stun damage if Camo is on CD, I'm dead and waiting behind the screen. But then I can't wait to get out and try to split them up. Wow that's sounds like fun, think I go queue up!
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Apparently no one read the ridiculous difference as to how expertise effects +dmg over +dmg reduction...and heals

So many posts about 1 class when the issue is expertise change.. if you even PLAY a wz now you should realise how fast you are dying even if no sent/marauder is around


Still 1 shot?

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I am not one of the better Sentinals in this game. That being said I do PVP alot. And I do notice Master Strike is more powerfull now. But when I go up to a skilled player any class, I better do everything right because if they back up a little, heal a little then stun me, the fight is on. The players that just stand there and take it or who I sneak up on and catch them concentrating on another player they get a pounding. Theres a lot of time when I have to Force Camo and run with my tail between my legs because I didn't go through my rotation properly. Or someone else is hitting me from behind and I'm just gonna die. My biggest complaint is I pug most of the time and when premades see me I get ganked by the whole crew throughout the game. Stun, damage, stun, damage, stun damage if Camo is on CD, I'm dead and waiting behind the screen. But then I can't wait to get out and try to split them up. Wow that's sounds like fun, think I go queue up!


+1 bro.

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The problem is ****NOT**** masterstrike/ravage. The problem is the myriad of "you can't hurt me" cds they can chain together. masterstrike/ravage is EASY to avoid, honestly, walking away from it is a fix. They can't move while they channel it. If you want to complain about mara/sent - complain about the RIGHT thing.
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I'm not going to read through all of the posts because my reply is simply to the OP: I agree.


I don't know the mara or sent class all that well. I have no interest in learning the mechanics of the class in full.


I play a healing role scoundrel.


This is the one class that utterly destroys me.


They'll pop an AoE to get me out of disappearing act if I try to dip out on the fight and usually 9 times out of 10 I don't even try that tactic with one on me because it's futile in the first place. With marauders I have to burn my screen (absorb) and dodge (no getting hit by weapons...which is of no real use anyhow).


The marauder/sent damage absorption (whatever that ability is), and the ability to disappear and get healed (which not even I can do as a scoundrel) is to me completely OP.


BW/EA: If you've got your primary stealth classes using an escape method, why don't we have a damage reduction? Why don't we get to heal through it? Oh wait...that's right. Force users are all powerful, and the tech guys are just scrubs, right? I mean...the point was to have all saber wielding sith and jedi, not the supporting guys in the story. I see that now.


On a side note...most of the problem itself (based on experience with other games) is the over use of CCs. No game have I played to date does a game have so many blatant (and on short timers) AoE CCs than this one. To give AoE CC to an obvious DPS class is in itself a brutal devolution of previous tried and true formulas from past MMOs.

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I don't know the mara or sent class all that well. I have no interest in learning the mechanics of the class in full.


I play a healing role scoundrel.


This is the one class that utterly destroys me.


If you don't take the time to learn other classes mechanics you deserve to be schooled. If you're a healing scoundrel and dying to one marauder,.... you shouldn't be. You really shouldn't be.

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If you don't take the time to learn other classes mechanics you deserve to be schooled. If you're a healing scoundrel and dying to one marauder,.... you shouldn't be. You really shouldn't be.


So you're telling me I should read everything and know EVERYTHING about that class, other than visually what I see, countering it with groin kicks, etc. and doing just fine against every other class?


Me thinks you're a mara lover that doesn't want to get nerfed and/or you have far too much time on your hands to know every single classes abilities by name. I know VERY FEW people that have that much time to learn every mechanic of every single class.


Let's be realistic here. Also, I'm not bad, I score in the 300k+ healing range just fine almost every game I've played, and my viewpoint is on the class Marauder. Do you play a scoundrel or op? Do you realize the CDs of our abilities? Awfully quick to judge me for getting schooled by a class that is clearly the chainsaw to my paper, and not just a pair of scissors.


EDIT: Oh wait, I just checked your sig with the 50 sentinel attached. I get it now.

Edited by Darkrite
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Cry more noobs. You can still knockback Mara ravage. Just because you are bad don't blame the class you get pwned by. Change your tactics if you suck.


That was creative.


Master strike isnt OP, Rebuke combined with saber ward combined with guarded by the force combined with force cloak combined with their #1 DPS is just unwise. They have too much DPS to allow such survivability.


And people complain about Shadows 3s tech/force immunity. Rebuke lasts 30 seconds and makes them a tank.

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So you're telling me I should read everything and know EVERYTHING about that class, other than visually what I see, countering it with groin kicks, etc. and doing just fine against every other class?


Me thinks you're a mara lover that doesn't want to get nerfed and/or you have far too much time on your hands to know every single classes abilities by name. I know VERY FEW people that have that much time to learn every mechanic of every single class.


Let's be realistic here. Also, I'm not bad, I score in the 300k+ healing range just fine almost every game I've played, and my viewpoint is on the class Marauder. Do you play a scoundrel or op? Do you realize the CDs of our abilities? Awfully quick to judge me for getting schooled by a class that is clearly the chainsaw to my paper, and not just a pair of scissors.


You said "it's the only class that destroys you" so yes, if you're worth anything as a "not bad" pvper, I would expect you to learn as much as you can to counter them. I don't personally know every build, skill or strategy in the game but if I get outplayed in some way I for damn sure figure out what I could have done differently to avoid it happening again and or weaknesses of that said class I can potentially use to my advantage. When you're not fighting scripted bosses or mindless npcs, this is what seperates you from the rest.

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If you don't take the time to learn other classes mechanics you deserve to be schooled. If you're a healing scoundrel and dying to one marauder,.... you shouldn't be. You really shouldn't be.


Part of the problem is he DOESN'T know the class.


And most others complaining don't either.

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You said "it's the only class that destroys you" so yes, if you're worth anything as a "not bad" pvper, I would expect you to learn as much as you can to counter them. I don't personally know every build, skill or strategy in the game but if I get outplayed in some way I for damn sure figure out what I could have done differently to avoid it happening again and or weaknesses of that said class I can potentially use to my advantage. When you're not fighting scripted bosses or mindless npcs, this is what seperates you from the rest.


He pretty much states that he refuses to learn tactics, can't fix stupid.


I pay a Mara mainly now, I started with a sorc and was going to avoid pvp (uo left a sour taste in my mouth lol), then did a Mara as an alt and used pvp as a leveling tool, and I kind of just liked it.


My point is, I actually use to qq about gunslingers cus they would own me, especially the good ones.


They are still tough even now, but you know what I did. I throw myself at them and learn counters and when should be the appropriate times to fire off counters and practicing and refining it. Now when I get a not so good gunslinger, I can tear them apart, good ones still can be tough, usually I blow my wod on my damage and they heal up from it and whittle my Mara down so I have to either suicide and see if I can bloodthirst and undying rage them, usually ends in failure cus they don't stick around for that.

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My point is, I actually use to qq about gunslingers cus they would own me, especially the good ones.


They are still tough even now, but you know what I did. I throw myself at them and learn counters and when should be the appropriate times to fire off counters and practicing and refining it..


Right, the argument is about me NAMING the abilities. I understand by trial and error how to fight one, and I never said they're not possible to take on in another spec. I said they are the ONE class that destroys me. Note: I also said, I play a healer scoundrel.


So, explain to me how that's "stupid", and how that needs fixing. You want me to research the obvious abilities I'm seeing in game play right before my eyes, and somehow "magically" that's going to change my viewpoint that they're overpowered?


There are too many people here that will state the obvious: "You're wrong...and you play a Mara."


You've obviously come to the defense of another player (a sentinel player I might add) that agrees the class doesn't need a good nerf, but the truth of the matter is that you're both in denial that the class is far superior in many, many ways as outlined by players that can actually call the abilities by name.


EDIT: Sorry I don't take the time to learn the name of the ability that makes them stealth out on me, AoE CC me, or turn into a friggin tank that takes 9 hp ticks instead of 250 hp ticks for 30 seconds, or the ability that hits me for 5k that I can't use my interrupt on, but I can kick them in the groin to stop, or the follow up ability that hits me for 4k...sorry I can't name those.

Edited by Darkrite
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Ever since 1.2 ive been noticing Sentinals and marauders dps out ALOT of damage.


In the beginning I was like, w/e they are suppose to deal out alot of dps. I am very good a pvp I am well known in my server and tend to win almost every game even in pug matches. But this is just sad, I get torn up by sentinals and marauders. SERIOUSLY I GET DOWNED IN 10 SECONDS, ARE YOU KIDDING? how are you suppose to beat a class that can #1 jump on you, then constantly spam a slow aoe. #2 Has a sheild that lasts about 15-20 seconds a cool down of 1-2 minutes? that delfects shots? I kite my oponent but wait.... Whats the point of kiting? When i lose about 8k by the end of his damn sheild buff?


Oh and not to mention their most OP move, Spaming that 15 sec ground smash that does i believe 6k or so ever time. IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF BALANCED BW? NOT EVEN OPERATIVES OR SNIPES ARE AS ANNOYING AS THESE FU**** NEW CHANGES TO MARAUDERS, SENTINALS. GOOD JOB!


Im done with wz, im done being down in about 10 seconds maxed.

The good pvp was when killing someone took a good amount of time, not killing people in 10 seconds. What is this Cod? shoot someone in the foot insta kill? Lawl


And for all you guys going to flame me idc, cuz ur most likly a marauder or sent, im pretty sure most people would agree with me that these changes were blown out of proportion.

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Ever since 1.2 ive been noticing Sentinals and marauders dps out ALOT of damage.


In the beginning I was like, w/e they are suppose to deal out alot of dps. I am very good a pvp I am well known in my server and tend to win almost every game even in pug matches. But this is just sad, I get torn up by sentinals and marauders. SERIOUSLY I GET DOWNED IN 10 SECONDS, ARE YOU KIDDING? how are you suppose to beat a class that can #1 jump on you, then constantly spam a slow aoe. #2 Has a sheild that lasts about 15-20 seconds a cool down of 1-2 minutes? that delfects shots? I kite my oponent but wait.... Whats the point of kiting? When i lose about 8k by the end of his damn sheild buff?


Oh and not to mention their most OP move, Spaming that 15 sec ground smash that does i believe 6k or so ever time. IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF BALANCED BW? NOT EVEN OPERATIVES OR SNIPES ARE AS ANNOYING AS THESE FU**** NEW CHANGES TO MARAUDERS, SENTINALS. GOOD JOB!


Im done with wz, im done being down in about 10 seconds maxed.

The good pvp was when killing someone took a good amount of time, not killing people in 10 seconds. What is this Cod? shoot someone in the foot insta kill? Lawl


And for all you guys going to flame me idc, cuz ur most likly a marauder or sent, im pretty sure most people would agree with me that these changes were blown out of proportion.


You do realize you're combining things that aren't in the same spec right? Or combining 2 skills into 1 and then making ridiculous claims about the damage reflected back by Rebuke (if you do enough damage for it to reflect 8k, you should've killed the Sent.) And AoE snare isn't even a Sent skill bro. As for "im a good PvPer"....sure you are, just like every other QQer on this forum.


By the way, spell and grammar checks are your friends. Use them. Please.

Edited by nschlan
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Ever since 1.2 ive been noticing Sentinals and marauders dps out ALOT of damage.


In the beginning I was like, w/e they are suppose to deal out alot of dps. I am very good a pvp I am well known in my server and tend to win almost every game even in pug matches. But this is just sad, I get torn up by sentinals and marauders. SERIOUSLY I GET DOWNED IN 10 SECONDS, ARE YOU KIDDING? how are you suppose to beat a class that can #1 jump on you, then constantly spam a slow aoe. #2 Has a sheild that lasts about 15-20 seconds a cool down of 1-2 minutes? that delfects shots? I kite my oponent but wait.... Whats the point of kiting? When i lose about 8k by the end of his damn sheild buff?


Oh and not to mention their most OP move, Spaming that 15 sec ground smash that does i believe 6k or so ever time. IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF BALANCED BW? NOT EVEN OPERATIVES OR SNIPES ARE AS ANNOYING AS THESE FU**** NEW CHANGES TO MARAUDERS, SENTINALS. GOOD JOB!


Im done with wz, im done being down in about 10 seconds maxed.

The good pvp was when killing someone took a good amount of time, not killing people in 10 seconds. What is this Cod? shoot someone in the foot insta kill? Lawl


And for all you guys going to flame me idc, cuz ur most likly a marauder or sent, im pretty sure most people would agree with me that these changes were blown out of proportion.


Can't tell if serious

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You do realize you're combining things that aren't in the same spec right? Or combining 2 skills into 1 and then making ridiculous claims about the damage reflected back by Rebuke (if you do enough damage for it to reflect 8k, you should've killed the Sent.) And AoE snare isn't even a Sent skill bro. As for "im a good PvPer"....sure you are, just like every other QQer on this forum.


By the way, spell and grammar checks are your friends. Use them. Please.


Your a tard, for one I clearly stated both classes, and was talking about different things on both classes, Just talking about it as one whole thing. If you couldn't interpret what I was trying to say, your a tard. Congradulations.

Edited by Acusiad
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As a Lev 50 Sentinal with 68 valor, I really feel I need to move to the back of the bus. As I truly do not deserve all this power. Wait a minute I still die, I still get turned on and facerolled into the cage. I get premades spam stunning me to death in less than 5 secs. I am definately not invinceable. If you let me MS you and you do nothing you deserve to go down. But I've hit people full force with MS, and if I have CDs running and nothing is ready I can get spanked back to Tython. They really didn't make us the God class, everyone is dieing faster now.
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Please remove the Sentinal/Marauder class from the game. As lightsaber force users they have no place in this game. It is the OLD REPUBLIC is it not. You can replace it with the Light/Dark side Ewok class. They throw fruit and shoot tiny arrows. Their defence is there size so to hit them with any kind of crit your accuracy will need to be over 200. Although while they are throwing fruit and shooting little arrows at you you can: Hit them with huge bolts of lightning, shoot them with great big cannons, push-pull them like rag dolls and stun them till they split in half. On second thought lets keep the Sentinal/Marauder class, I actually like a good fight.

P.S. We are not really Uber! You just haven't adjusted your game!

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