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Annnnnyways. The thing is this, you need to know how to play against a marauder. Our 20% shield ability goes away in 6 seconds if you don't damage us, okay, so we become squishy again. No marauder is using their crazy 99% shield until the end where they have 2k or less lives. You know what you do when you get a marauder to 5-6k life, you STUN them. If you blow your stun later instead of at the beginning you can burst prevent us from getting our 99% shield ability up. I don't use force choke until the end so that I can gen some rage with it and finish with the Vicious Throw combo, which now comes at a whooping 30%.


Right, I have a Marauder but open to suggestions. So he pops CoP. I just stand there for 6 seconds? I can't attack, my slow is a DoT and he slows me. Do DoTs refresh it? I could stun, but have to save that for the end. Mez might work if no other DoTs procced or he breaks it. Meanwhile I get loaded up with DoTs. I can pop my shield, but then I'm down 2 defensive CDs to none. So I'm down a good 30-50% of my health and I haven't even hit him aside from my first attack. Shield goes down, Annihilate and stun.

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Right, I have a Marauder but open to suggestions. So he pops CoP. I just stand there for 6 seconds? I can't attack, my slow is a DoT and he slows me. Do DoTs refresh it? I could stun, but have to save that for the end. Mez might work if no other DoTs procced or he breaks it. Meanwhile I get loaded up with DoTs. I can pop my shield, but then I'm down 2 defensive CDs to none. So I'm down a good 30-50% of my health and I haven't even hit him aside from my first attack. Shield goes down, Annihilate and stun.


Yep, for 6 seconds you stay away from him, run run away. Use an ability that knocks him back and then wait for that shield to end. Then you can go to kite town.

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lol it is a casted attack. Learn to play.


Says the Mara who no doubt complained about Corruption Sorcs being overpowered because he couldn't just ignore the heals and didn't want to learn hwo to interrupt them and control the fight. Well, congratulations, now yuo don't have to.


BTW, a Mara telling people to "L2P...it's a casted ability...interrupt it" when that's what Sorcs have been telling all the whining baddies, including Maras, all this time...that's what's called chutzpah.

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Yep, for 6 seconds you stay away from him, run run away. Use an ability that knocks him back and then wait for that shield to end. Then you can go to kite town.


I wish I could, but PTs are kinda SOL in that situation. Will try carbonize and run.

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I suggest for most of you to read this. You might not agree with the specific examples, but the actual point is quite clear.


There's a huge discrepancy as to how people think the Marauder class was actually affected by the 1.2 changes. Let me sum it up. Annihilation and Rage received neutral changes. Annihilation gained a stronger vanish at the expense of losing speed on Predation (team utility). Rage gained some extra burst on Smash and Ravage at the expense of losing perma-Predation (team utility). Carnage (i.e. the tree that is least played and was considered underwhelming) got a straight buff by gaining Predation speed, some extra damage, and a wicked Ravage.


Their overall viability hasn't changed (they were always strong and are at the same general "power level" in 1.2). What HAS changed, however, is how much easier the class is to play and be effective with. Almost every other change applied to the class was a straight quality-of-life change (removal of rage costs on some moves, making Ravage uninterruptible, access to better fury generation in 2 trees, execute usable at 30% HP instead of 20%, blind being moved off the global cooldown, etc. etc.).


These changes haven't affected proficient Marauders much, as they've always managed their rage well to account for the extra costs, timed abilities accordingly and had knowledge of the classes they were fighting so that they were always strong and seemed borderline imbalanced already pre-1.2.


The real problem is now that with this overall toning down of any difficulty there was with playing the class, every terrible to above-average Marauder is doing significantly better in warzones and showcasing the the true strengths of the class (which were always there to begin with) as opposed to only a smaller amount of players that did so prior to 1.2. This has been my observations based on the players on my server. Marauders/Sentinels that I've known to be sub-par at the class are exclaiming at how much stronger they are now after 1.2.


Whether you think they are "overpowered" or whatever is not my personal concern (I'll do my best to make anything work and am not adverse to nerfs/buffs/changes, etc.). Just know that Marauders have always been as strong as you see them now. It's only a lot easier now for any player to play closer to what that "maximum power level" has always been. And as result there are a large quantity of Maras/Sents who used to play terribly/averagely, re-rolled from the class previously, or are FOTM rollers tearing a new one in every girl and boy and making people cry OP.


I always knew these types of changes were coming because of a BW post somewhere on the forums that stated they were headed this direction with the class (making it easier to play). Sadly for me, any changes going into this class in the future will probably nerf their overall strength but still keep the "easy-mode" changes in place. It'll eventually become like most other AC's in the game. I quite liked pre-1.2 Marauder, as it was mildly challenging (by SWTOR standards at least...) and rewarded that with obscene fighting power.

Edited by Swarna
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Exactly, Sents have never done to well in WZ's anyway the only thing my class is really useful for is wiping out fleshy sages/sorcerers.


Something Powertechs can and do a better job of, seriously people should try playing Sentinels before complaining and actually try understand the class.


We have like 1 ranged attack with a massive cool down until enemy hits 30 percent health. Any decent sage on my server could switch to DPS and do more damage then me in a Warzone without even having to learn the class.


Mostly because I get stunned half the entire WZ, Yet people playing sages want it all. They already move faster then me can heal can stun me easily. Can pull other players to them can out DPS because their hard to target or keep stunned. Can knock me of ledges so am useless for 15 seconds can throw me into flame pits. Can kill me at a distance, **** me in huttball.


Yet when they lose to me 1 vs 1 in close combat they complain am OP'ed...


^^^^^^^^^^^^ exactly.


I played as a carnage marauder 1-50, played carnage pvp for a few weeks, than switched to annhilation, never looked back. The class itself was great, huge dps, some survivability and mobility. At the same time, the pubs on my server instantly recognize me in warzones and I am (feels like it anyways), first to be stunned, knocked back, pulled into fire/acid, force pushed, Snared with a full resolve bar (stupidest **** ever for melee) etc...


Some warzones I really do feel like a rag doll, but I can still dish out extreme dps. Was the class 100% balanced? Probably not, but it sure felt pretty close.


Now when I first saw the patch notes come out, I thought we were getting a HUGE buff, but if you actually READ the changes, they pretty much just made other specs viable outside of annhilation/watchmen.


I see people QQ"ing about ravage.......and although it may hurt when used in the right rotation, it is probably one of the easiest moves to counter.


First off, the animation is such that anyone in the vicinity WILL know when you are casting ravage

Second, Very easy to tell when a ravage is coming, as Gore needs to be used before ravage in order to maximize the damage

Third, it is EXTREMELY EASY TO "INTERRUPT" ....I know ravage can't be interrupted by a standard interrupt, but any stun or knockback will completely negate the burst from a carnage marauder.


So if you see a marauder using gore, and you stun or knockback, guess what? BURST IS GONE FOR 30 SECONDS!!!!! SO until the next gore/ravage combo is up again, all a carnage marauder can do is massacre you (which hits like limp noodles), and they can use gore and force scream for a 2k-4k crit on force scream...ONCE.


The argument about what happens if cooldowns are down is totally ridiculous......as it is a two way street. IF I, as a marauder, don't have my CC break or force camo up when an operative/scoundrel opens on me, I'm pretty much dead before the stun wears off. Does that make operatives/scoundrels OP? I think not.....you just need to learn how to counter classes/abilities better.


Last I checked, overload ( knockback), for sage and sorc was 20 seconds. Even with just that ONE ability, they should be able to negate EVERY single gore+ravage combo with the knockback. ANd we all know sorc's have a closet full of CC.


On a side note, as soon as 1.2 hit, I went back to carnage to see the difference. Carnage did get a lot better, but definitely not OP, just viable.... I did pretty awesome damage against players not in full battlemaster, but whenever we played a decent team or a pub premade, my productivity definitely took a hit. Against the pub premade especially, I think I would get off maybe ONE or TWO gore + ravage combos in an entire round as they were constantly countering it with a nicely timed knockback or stun.


Now, Annhilation spec (which most marauders played pre 1.2), got a slight nerf in utility, but I believe is still the strongest spec. As soon as I went back to annhilation spec, my dps went up at least 100k... Carnage and Rage spec are very viable now, but I think they are more support classes. annhi seems to be the strongest single target dps still. Carnage came a long way, but still struggles against competent players as it is very easy to counter......


I really do think though that within a week or two things will calm down a bit. I believe that the 1.2 changes brought a totally different pace of play to pvp, which people need time to adapt to. Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of people getting facestomped and "oneshot" by marauders, as well as any other class, pretty much just has a big gear disadvantage. W/ the changes to expertise, I'm willing to bet a lot (not all) of the players who are QQ'ing have at least a few hundred expertise less. Maybe they changed the mods in the BM gear and didnt change it back before patch so the expertise bonuses didnt apply?


And lastly, MikeDee........your posts made me laugh...quite a bit. Instead of constantly QQ'ing in the forums, why don't you spend that time learning to get better at your class? The first 8 pages alone all i saw was gross exaggerations, and when someone makes a legit request and asks you to post SS'.......you reply in a way that just wrecks your credibility. GG

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More mar/sents running to defend their class. If you play on my server my credibility is far from wrecked.


Lol...seriously. Just look over the first 8 pages of this thread. Read your posts. Laugh at yourself.


And with your logic, you seem to be implying that sents/ mar shouldn't post on this thread? even though it is about.....SENT/MAR, and who better to know how the class works than.....THE PEOPLE WHO PLAY THEM! jesus....


And look at my post history. I dont post much but seems like I comment on marauders..omg! Even back in December/January when the topics were

"Does marauder get any better?"

"Marauders bad at pvp?"

"Should I even stick with this class?"

"Why jugg over mara"?


I think you get the point.


And if you are this passionate about mara/sent being OP....whats keeping you from rolling one?


I don't mind people who claim mara/sent are OP and than post RELEVANT facts or evidence, but pretty much th is entire thread I've seen nothing but crying and gross exaggeration from you, backed up by.....NO FACTS. screen shots, or hell, ANYTHING.


Think...out of the 40+ pages on t his thread....and countless people with the same opinion as you, why do I single YOU out? Just think about it.....it'll come to you, maybe.


And you replied to my post literally within 5 minutes. You really need to get off the forums and play this game or something. Seriously....you get better at the game by PLAYING, not constantly QQ'ing in forum posts.

Edited by Fobfather
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You are the one calling me a dolt here? Sorry but no.


If Cover Pulse has a knock back it will knock back the Sentinel and cancel the attack. If it isn't doing this then there is an issue with Cover Pulse not with Sentinels.


First, understand what cover pulse really does, then you can talk.

Cover pulse has cc attached, and if the target cannot be interrupted (this also goes for resolve), it does NOT execute the knockback, just the animation.

Agents might not like it, but it works as intended.


This isn't possible unless you are completely ungeared and they are fully geared and using Relics and Adrenals.


The numbers you posted are impossible. You are fabricating them.


You are telling me that the floating red numbers on my screen aren't real?

What's your next move? Calling me a noob? You sux? L2P?


I think it is much more likely that you know very well that this is possible.

You are just trying to discredit the truth, so your precious class doesn't get nerfed.



But again, my original point was that snipers have no escape, no mitigation, and no ability that even remotely compares in dps to ravage.

Hence, Marauders/Sentinels are seriously op with respect to snipers.

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Lol...seriously. Just look over the first 8 pages of this thread. Read your posts. Laugh at yourself.


And with your logic, you seem to be implying that sents/ mar shouldn't post on this thread? even though it is about.....SENT/MAR, and who better to know how the class works than.....THE PEOPLE WHO PLAY THEM! jesus....


And look at my post history. I dont post much but seems like I comment on marauders..omg! Even back in December/January when the topics were

"Does marauder get any better?"

"Marauders bad at pvp?"

"Should I even stick with this class?"

"Why jugg over mara"?


I think you get the point.


And if you are this passionate about mara/sent being OP....whats keeping you from rolling one?


I don't mind people who claim mara/sent are OP and than post RELEVANT facts or evidence, but pretty much th is entire thread I've seen nothing but crying and gross exaggeration from you, backed up by.....NO FACTS. screen shots, or hell, ANYTHING.


Think...out of the 40+ pages on t his thread....and countless people with the same opinion as you, why do I single YOU out? Just think about it.....it'll come to you, maybe.


And you replied to my post literally within 5 minutes. You really need to get off the forums and play this game or something. Seriously....you get better at the game by PLAYING, not constantly QQ'ing in forum posts.


Marauders aren't as great at low gear levels- like warriors in almost every game, they're gear dependant- while like casters in several games, sorcs scale poorly.


So, when gear is low- like for the first few months- marauders aren't as good, while sorcs can do better.


But, once the gear gets in- marauders turn into beasts, sorcs don't really get boosted up- add to that marauder buffs and nerfs to sorcs, mercs, ops and powertechs and an already great class is even more OP by comparison.


It's a fact that marauders are the most OP class in any mmo ever made- best defensive CDs, best mobility, best long term damage, great burst, great CC, best ability to stick to a target, even get the best no cast heals outside of heal specific ACs. There's nothing about this class that isn't extremely OP.

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I suggest for most of you to read this. You might not agree with the specific examples, but the actual point is quite clear.


There's a huge discrepancy as to how people think the Marauder class was actually affected by the 1.2 changes. Let me sum it up. Annihilation and Rage received neutral changes. Annihilation gained a stronger vanish at the expense of losing speed on Predation (team utility). Rage gained some extra burst on Smash and Ravage at the expense of losing perma-Predation (team utility). Carnage (i.e. the tree that is least played and was considered underwhelming) got a straight buff by gaining Predation speed, some extra damage, and a wicked Ravage.


Their overall viability hasn't changed (they were always strong and are at the same general "power level" in 1.2). What HAS changed, however, is how much easier the class is to play and be effective with. Almost every other change applied to the class was a straight quality-of-life change (removal of rage costs on some moves, making Ravage uninterruptible, access to better fury generation in 2 trees, execute usable at 30% HP instead of 20%, blind being moved off the global cooldown, etc. etc.).


These changes haven't affected proficient Marauders much, as they've always managed their rage well to account for the extra costs, timed abilities accordingly and had knowledge of the classes they were fighting so that they were always strong and seemed borderline imbalanced already pre-1.2.


The real problem is now that with this overall toning down of any difficulty there was with playing the class, every terrible to above-average Marauder is doing significantly better in warzones and showcasing the the true strengths of the class (which were always there to begin with) as opposed to only a smaller amount of players that did so prior to 1.2. This has been my observations based on the players on my server. Marauders/Sentinels that I've known to be sub-par at the class are exclaiming at how much stronger they are now after 1.2.


Whether you think they are "overpowered" or whatever is not my personal concern (I'll do my best to make anything work and am not adverse to nerfs/buffs/changes, etc.). Just know that Marauders have always been as strong as you see them now. It's only a lot easier now for any player to play closer to what that "maximum power level" has always been. And as result there are a large quantity of Maras/Sents who used to play terribly/averagely, re-rolled from the class previously, or are FOTM rollers tearing a new one in every girl and boy and making people cry OP.


I always knew these types of changes were coming because of a BW post somewhere on the forums that stated they were headed this direction with the class (making it easier to play). Sadly for me, any changes going into this class in the future will probably nerf their overall strength but still keep the "easy-mode" changes in place. It'll eventually become like most other AC's in the game. I quite liked pre-1.2 Marauder, as it was mildly challenging (by SWTOR standards at least...) and rewarded that with obscene fighting power.


This is a +5.


It's amazing how much of a huge change 1.2 brought. Apparently Marauders needed an EZ button and that's what happened.


Also, Bioware added alot of burst damage with the 1.2 expertise changes. That's why it seems that Marauders are wrecking people. I was getting wrecked hard by JKs and Smugglers via bursting, but then again I was up against seasoned PVPers.


I think it's still early to say exactly how 1.2 has impacted PVP, but I think it's definitely more bursty for many specs and healers have to work harder.


But remember all "MARAUDERS ARE **** OP'ED!" Because someone who gets their *** handed by Sentinels/Marauders is saying this. Roll the class, play the class, then decide. I can honestly say that the TOP 1% of PVPers in their respective WZs don't really care about how OP so and so is.


Try as I might I want to be able to destroy stealthed OPs and Smugglers, but if they jump me I'm probably gonna die unless I have all my CDs, and even then if they're really good I have less than 30% chance. Why? They have 2 stuns that they unload that drop me to 50% health. If I can't drop them in say 9 seconds I'm dead. That's just the mechanic of the class. If I jump them first, they stand very little chance. Again a class mechanic. Alot of this is situational but apparently everyone wants an EZ button.


"Ummm can I stand over there and spam forcelightning/sageability/GravRound/TM. HAHAHA I have killer DPS, oh wait there's a Marauder... I guess I die because they're OP and I can't spam my 1 ability."


It's kinda sad that now every Marauder/Sentinel will be EZ mode.

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Look, this is how its going to go when you try to fight a Sentinel 1 on 1 when your a Sage....


First of all am going to pop my power relic, then am going to pop my power adrenal then if my inspiration is off it's 5 minute CD am going to pop that too for another 15 percent damage.


Meaning I am going to keep critting you for 3/4k, thing is I have 15 seconds of god mode every 3/5 minutes.


Any Sage/Sorcerer who ain't just plain poor simply CC's me and dashes behind an object completely stopping me force leaping them. So am left slowed normally moving toward the object there behind as their healing. By this time I have normally lost 2/3rds of my god mode


In Warzones I normally stand on a node by myself, and when my CD's are all good I don't even call for help in 1 vs 1 because I always win. However if am caught without my CD's am just plain average. (An before you cry OP I did this pre-1.2)


Problem is the attitude Sages/Sorcerers have to PvP now, since everything is given to them on a spoon. You show me a screenshot of a WZ where sentinels are top of the leader board, be you can't because it doesn't happen.


Before 1.2 I had to play a perfect game to out DPS a sage/sorcerer, Now I do bout 70 percent of the time.


Look you have problems when a Sage in PvE gear can roll DPS and out damage a sentinel (Pure DPS class) in their first WZ as DPS....



Fact is Sentinels aren't overpowered, their just stronger then you 1 vs 1 like their intended to be. Problem with that? well stop playing a cheap *** class like a sage/sorcerer and excepting all your medals to be spoon feed you. To get all the M.V.P. votes because your top of the leader board every bloody WZ...


If a Sentinel facerolls your either,


A) a DPS sage leaching all the medals you can from a WZ screaming how awesome you are with your highest DPS/Medal count each game.


B) a Sage actually doing your job keeping the team alive that hasn't learnt to abuse the environment yet.


or C) A moron that excepts to out DPS a sentinel at 2 feet away...


Am guessing for most of you it's A an C

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Marauders aren't as great at low gear levels- like warriors in almost every game, they're gear dependant- while like casters in several games, sorcs scale poorly.


So, when gear is low- like for the first few months- marauders aren't as good, while sorcs can do better.


But, once the gear gets in- marauders turn into beasts, sorcs don't really get boosted up- add to that marauder buffs and nerfs to sorcs, mercs, ops and powertechs and an already great class is even more OP by comparison.


It's a fact that marauders are the most OP class in any mmo ever made- best defensive CDs, best mobility, best long term damage, great burst, great CC, best ability to stick to a target, even get the best no cast heals outside of heal specific ACs. There's nothing about this class that isn't extremely OP.


Say marauders are OP all you want....really. But when you start making wild claims like "THE MOST OP IN ANY MMO EVER" that is when I'm going to decide the person posting is just as ignorant as anyone on here. How many MMO's have you played exactly?


Now, say you do happen to be an MMO god and have played them all....surely you have played wow.


Ret pallys running around healing themselves, immunity bubble, plate armor, etc etc.

sound familiar?


Or in warhammer, the bright wizard......at least when i was playing they were able to pretty much destroy packs of enemy players solo. Also dropping group was more beneficial because of the ridiculous amount of damage they did.


I'm not saying we have anything in common with the two previous examples, just sayin....dont make outrageous claims such as the one you just made. Thats whats wrong w/ the internet. I understand you want to make your point, but no need to resort to making wild claims to get ur point across.


Ok, and Best no cast heals? last i checked sorc's also had an ability to give them back health on dot crits just like marauders. OOO, and the bubble counts towards healing done, omg!


Great CC? Last i checked we have one channeled force choke in a semi-long CD, and an aoe fear that breaks upon damage done to any target. Maybe if you are carnage spec you get an extra snare with talent points.


Everyone, do me a favor. Look back at the forum history from day 1. There is nothing but constant crying about other classes being OP. Operatives, than mercs, than sorcs, i swear i've seen posts about EVERY advanced class claiming they are OP.


Do I get annoyed and frustrated when I spend half a warzone stunned/snared/mezz'd/ knocked back/pushed/ grappled into fire, etc? Hell yeah i do, but that doesnt mean every *********** class that is CC'ing me is OP. Just the way the game is designed. Deal with it and play.


You guys are paying a subscription to PLAY the game, so stop spending all your time here and get better already.

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Look, this is how its going to go when you try to fight a Sentinel 1 on 1 when your a Sage....


First of all am going to pop my power relic, then am going to pop my power adrenal then if my inspiration is off it's 5 minute CD am going to pop that too for another 15 percent damage.


Meaning I am going to keep critting you for 3/4k, thing is I have 15 seconds of god mode every 3/5 minutes.


Any Sage/Sorcerer who ain't just plain poor simply CC's me and dashes behind an object completely stopping me force leaping them. So am left slowed normally moving toward the object there behind as their healing. By this time I have normally lost 2/3rds of my god mode


In Warzones I normally stand on a node by myself, and when my CD's are all good I don't even call for help in 1 vs 1 because I always win. However if am caught without my CD's am just plain average. (An before you cry OP I did this pre-1.2)


Problem is the attitude Sages/Sorcerers have to PvP now, since everything is given to them on a spoon. You show me a screenshot of a WZ where sentinels are top of the leader board, be you can't because it doesn't happen.


Before 1.2 I had to play a perfect game to out DPS a sage/sorcerer, Now I do bout 70 percent of the time.


Look you have problems when a Sage in PvE gear can roll DPS and out damage a sentinel (Pure DPS class) in their first WZ as DPS....



Fact is Sentinels aren't overpowered, their just stronger then you 1 vs 1 like their intended to be. Problem with that? well stop playing a cheap *** class like a sage/sorcerer and excepting all your medals to be spoon feed you. To get all the M.V.P. votes because your top of the leader board every bloody WZ...


If a Sentinel facerolls your either,


A) a DPS sage leaching all the medals you can from a WZ screaming how awesome you are with your highest DPS/Medal count each game.


B) a Sage actually doing your job keeping the team alive that hasn't learnt to abuse the environment yet.


or C) A moron that excepts to out DPS a sentinel at 2 feet away...


Am guessing for most of you it's A an C




/Standing Ovation

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i know some ppl over reacting about Mara's/Sents i did yday and i still do sometimes but after looking some logs of todays PVP i saw dmg wasnt that high as some ppl claims and i was playing againist full BM mara's.


here some logs im Rank 60 half BM half Champion Sage.




[@ll] [@Neryen] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2694 energy {836045448940874}) <2694>


[@ll] [@Neryen] [Vicious Slash {807827513802752}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2348* energy {836045448940874}) <2348>


[@ll] [@Neryen] [Annihilate {808123866546176}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (3740* energy {836045448940874}) <3740>


[@ll] [@Neryen] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2086 energy {836045448940874} (2086 absorbed {836045448945511})) <2086>


[@k] [@Neryen] [Vicious Throw {2145542322782208}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2219 energy {836045448940874}) <2219>


[@k] [@Neryen] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (940 energy {836045448940874}) <940>


[@k] [@Neryen] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (148 energy {836045448940874}) <148>


[k] [@Neryen] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (916 energy {836045448940874}) <916>


[@k] [@Neryen] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (199 energy {836045448940874}) <199>




for obvious reasons i changed the names from the logs.

If i manage to outlast em with my CC 's being full Balance spec they pretty much dead but that doesnt happen very often considering the cds they have and the double vanish they got.

Edited by Nerithiel
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This thread has become a tiresome joke..I've seen a handful of good mara/sent players in here bring some really great information/perspective/opinions into this thread and all the trolls, all the bads, all the whiners have nothing to say to them.


I havn't seen anyone quote them/offer up a coherent reply or argument..nothing. What does that tell you?


Last 12-15 pages are full of bads whining about how mara/sent are so OP now.


Yeah don't worry guys, from what you're all describing it seems only natural that BW will soon give you those 52 extra skill points just like us..."31/31/31 is unfair, nerf maras"...seriously? idiots.


Learn the difference between our class and yours before you start spouting stupid crap that implies 1.2 gave us an extra 52 skill points more than you...

Edited by TheAboDad
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Yeah read some stupid garbage in this thread, one sorcerer even said "I don't expect to win every time just have an even fight with Sentinels" Am guessing most of the people complaining in this thread is that sort of moron.


So for the game to be balanced a sorcerer should have a chance against a Sentinel one on one... You guys call that balance? really????


So a sorcerer should be faster then a Sentinel, be able to heal himself an allies, be able to insta pull allies out of danger or to the dam goal line in huttball. Be able to effectively damage at a range.


Be able to lock me of ledges abuse the environment, CC me to living hell, make me look like a douche bag as you run rings around me.... Be far more effective at ranged combat, be way better at farming medals, shield themselves and party members. Be an all around strength booster in a decent group.


And still have a decent go at me 1 on 1, that's balance to you people? honestly how dumb are you....


Ok fine, lets make a deal, Sentinels should be nerfed, removing the pure DPS classes ability to actually deal you know DPS?


An Sorcerers should be able to go one on one with us as long as, they get nerfed in some ways too.


1) Sorcerers can no longer heal, you wona out DPS a DPS class *** do you need heal for?


2) Sorcerers can no longer pull allies


3) Sorcerers no longer have 90000 CC's


4) Sorcerers can no longer move faster then sentinels


5) Sorcerers can no longer push me off a god dam cliff


Seems fair right? Nerf a DPS class for being good at DPS? Lets all get nerfed together!

Edited by MenechUK
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So I am full BM and yesterday with the release of 1.2 I get 1 shot now with master strike/ravage abilities. Mar/Sents were fine before the buffs. Now they are way better than any other class. They have more single target dps and with their defensive cd's they have more durability than any other class.


Thats all we got is single person dps, not to mention we gotta be right in ur face to do damage, unlike many of the other classes that can do just as good from afar. Im actually glad we got a buff, we actually get chances at killing ppl 1on 2 or more, not many times do we get to go 1 on 1, seeing as many ppl know how our class is. Also our defensive abilities arent that great compared to lets say a class that can smash u back and tracer missile u to death, then if ya get close again, rinse and repeat. im sorry u didnt get a buff but quit crying.


EDIT.. if ur full BM ur not getting 1 shot by a MARA, if so then ide quit pvp if i was u.

Edited by Kreznik
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Ravage is now uninterruptable so... yea


which doesn't prevent stuns, knockbacks, or, you know, walking away from the mara/sent.


I won't argue that maras/sents are op, but the change to ravage is only a tiny tiny part of it.

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This thread has become a tiresome joke..I've seen a handful of good mara/sent players in here bring some really great information/perspective/opinions into this thread and all the trolls, all the bads, all the whiners have nothing to say to them.


I havn't seen anyone quote them/offer up a coherent reply or argument..nothing. What does that tell you?


Last 12-15 pages are full of bads whining about how mara/sent are so OP now.


Yeah don't worry guys, from what you're all describing it seems only natural that BW will soon give you those 52 extra skill points just like us..."31/31/31 is unfair, nerf maras"...seriously? idiots.


Learn the difference between our class and yours before you start spouting stupid crap that implies 1.2 gave us an extra 52 skill points more than you...


The problem is the complainers are bringing in too much hyperbole.


When they start making ludicrous claims like, "That Sentinel hit me for 9,000 damage with Master Strike!"


We fire back by pointing out that Master Strike is an ability that delves at around 6,500 which is actually three separate hits each with a separate attack roll and each roll grants a chance for that strike to hit, meaning a critical hit on one of three would only cause the ability to do 7,650, on two of three 8,800, and in order to break the 9,000 (or 10,000) mark needs to critical on all three hits which has an astronomically low chance of occurring.


They don't respond.


Other claims like:

"Has a spammable attack that on critical hits inflicts 5,000 damage!"


Are also summarily dismissed because they simply aren't possible.


Some of the problem is that people don't know how PVP works in SWTOR and are trying to apply to SWTOR the same rules that existed in other games like WoW.


In SWTOR each class (and in some cases each spec) has a specific class that they are actually very good against.


With Sentinels these are as follows (and why):


Watchman - Death on legs against Sorcerers, Operatives, and Snipers. This class has burns which continue to deal damage even if you knock them back or stun them. This class can also heal themselves somewhat with Zen and critical burns. The ability to mitigate the impact of knockback/kiting and the ability to recover some health following a retaliatory alpha strike makes them very adept at killing Sorcerers and Snipers. Sorcerers are the most common class in the game and Watchmen are the most common Sentinel build meaning that their impact is felt more than other classes.


Combat - Combat is heavy single target burst damage and is specifically adept at killing heavily armored targets due to their ability to ignore mitigation from armor with Precision. Their ability to bypass armor tied with very high burst makes them the bane of Powertechs, Mercenaries, and Juggernauts. As of 1.2 this spec is more viable, especially with many Sorcerers re-rolling to Bounty Hunter.


Focus - AoE specs mostly. Striking a good balance between anti-kiting capabilities as well as anti-armor abilities from a plethora of Force attacks. Force attacks cannot be parried, this makes these guys much better at fighting avoidance tanks like Assassins and Operatives.

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